speak humor, be humorous

Chapter 43 Humorous talk

Chapter 43 Humorous talk (3)
The purpose of making revolution and building socialism is to improve and enrich the material and cultural life of the broad masses of the people.This passage reflects Comrade Xiaoping's consistent thinking.

blaze a trail
The idea of ​​establishing a special zone was put forward by Comrade Deng Xiaoping at the Central Work Conference in Beijing in April 1974.He said: "You can designate a place and call it a special zone. In the past, Shaanxi, Gansu and Ningxia were the special zones. The central government has no money, so you should do it yourself and fight your way!" The "you" in the speech refers to Guangdong Province, which came to the central government for a meeting. Xi Zhongxun, the person in charge of the committee, and his party.

This speech not only showed the profoundness of Deng Xiaoping's thinking, but also showed the charm of Deng Xiaoping's humor and eloquence.The phrase "blaze a trail of blood" is sonorous and forceful, throwing the ground like a golden sound.


On July 7, the central government and the State Council approved and forwarded the reports of the two provincial committees, and decided to set up pilot special zones in Shenzhen, Zhuhai, Shantou, and Xiamen.

On August 1980, 8, the first special zone among the first batch of special economic zones in China - the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone was born!Since then, the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone has become a banner of reform and opening up, realizing Deng Xiaoping's overall strategic conception, that is, the economic strategy of opening up to the outside world and invigorating the inside.

Inspired by Deng Xiaoping's thought of building socialism with Chinese characteristics and his ground-breaking eloquence of "blazing a trail of blood", the Chinese people embarked on a new long march in the period of reform and opening up, and developed vigorously.The blood trail started to come out! On January 1984, 1, Deng Xiaoping inspected the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone.He said passionately: "The special economic zone is my proposal and the central government's decision. It has been five years. I want to see how it is. " These few ordinary words are full of Deng Xiaoping's ardent expectations.

Deng Xiaoping said with emotion: "When I visited Shenzhen this time, I was impressed by a scene of prosperity and prosperity."

Deng Xiaoping went on to say: "When we establish a special zone and implement an open policy, there is a guiding ideology that must be clear, that is, it is not closed, but released."

In Deng Xiaoping's mind, the special zone is a window: "It is a window for technology, management, knowledge, and foreign policy. From the special zone, you can introduce technology, acquire knowledge, and learn management. Management is also knowledge."

"The special zone will become a base for opening up, which will not only benefit us economically and cultivate talents, but also expand our external influence."

Finally, the bloody path came out!A bloody road to the world's economic stage has emerged!
Can't hear the wind is the rain
On September 1975, 9, Deng Xiaoping said at a rural work symposium: "I always feel that there is a big problem now, that is, how to propagate Mao Zedong Thought. Comrade Luo Ronghuan first started Lin Biao's method of vulgarizing Mao Zedong Thought. He expressed his disapproval, saying that studying the works of Chairman Mao should learn the essence of spirit. At that time, the secretariat discussed and agreed with Comrade Luo Ronghuan's opinion. Lin Biao advocated studying the "old three articles", which was to split Mao Zedong Thought. Mao Zedong Thought has rich content and is a complete How can it be possible to just call the "old three articles" and "old five articles" Mao Zedong Thought, while leaving aside all other works of Comrade Mao Zedong? How can we grasp one or two sentences, one or two points of view, and What about one-sided propaganda?"

"The problem of splitting Mao Zedong Thought has not actually been resolved. For example, Comrade Mao Zedong said that the policy of literature and art should serve the present, make the foreign serve China, let a hundred flowers bloom, and bring forth the new. This is very complete. But now, there is no mention of letting a hundred flowers flourish. , This is the division. Now quite a lot of school students do not study, which is not in line with Mao Zedong Thought. What Comrade Mao Zedong opposes is that education should be separated from labor, not not to stop reading, but to read better. The inscription is 'study hard, make progress every day'."

"Also, Comrade Mao Zedong talked about the four modernizations, and also said that class struggle, production struggle, and scientific experiments are the three basic social practices, but now he separates scientific experiments, and he is afraid to talk about it. It is a crime to talk about it. How can this work? I am afraid that in quite a few fields, there are problems of how to comprehensively study, publicize, and implement Mao Zedong Thought. Mao Zedong Thought is closely related to the practice in various fields, and is closely related to the principles, policies and methods of various aspects of work. We must study, publicize and practice comprehensively, and we cannot hear that the wind is the rain.”

From these excerpts, we can see that Deng Xiaoping explained how to understand Mao Zedong Thought from the perspective of seeking truth from facts.Deng Xiaoping has always been very clear about how to study and propagate Mao Zedong Thought.

My way of grasping is to scratch the head
On September 1977, 9, when Deng Xiaoping talked with the main person in charge of the Ministry of Education, he talked about the issue of "putting order on the education front".He said: "The Ministry of Education needs to take the initiative. If you haven't taken the initiative yet, at least it shows that you are timid and afraid of making 'mistakes' with me. I know that science and education are difficult to do, but I volunteered to catch them. I don't want to catch science. , education, there is no hope for the four modernizations, and it becomes empty talk. To grasp, there must be specific policies and measures to solve specific ideological and practical problems. Take a look, look around. Find out the problem, and do what you can. If you need to solve the problem, you should solve it yourself; When the masses are motivated, the Ministry of Education should not become a resistance. The Ministry of Education’s primary issue is to have the same thinking. Those who agree with the central government’s policy should do it; those who disagree with it should change their careers.”

"How many key universities are established, who will control? How will the system be determined? In my opinion, the Ministry of Education of key universities should manage them. Demonstration. The amount of study time per week, the amount of time for political activities, etc., must be specified, and the Ministry of Education must intervene. Renmin University must be established, mainly to train financial, trade, economic management cadres and Marxist-Leninist theory workers. Normal universities need to be run well, and the Ministry of Education must often send people to inspect the normal colleges and universities managed by provinces and cities. If teacher education is not run well, teachers will have no source. The undergraduate degree is generally set as four years, and the understanding on this issue is basically the same. Yes. Medicine is different, it can be longer. Some majors can also be longer. The so-called four years, the basic courses may take two or three years. If the foundation is not well laid, it will be difficult to do scientific research. I read the foreign textbooks you compiled. Situation briefing. It seems that teaching materials must be taken from primary and secondary schools, and teaching must teach the most advanced content. Of course, it cannot be divorced from the actual situation of our country."

"Education must be firmly grasped, and it has been grasped for ten or eight years. I will continue to grasp it. My grasping method is to grasp the leaders and grasp the principles. Important policies and measures are also policy-oriented things. It needs to be managed. There are many problems in education, but in the final analysis, it is necessary to produce talents and produce results.”

"In short, the Ministry of Education must emancipate the mind and strive for the initiative. If it was wrong in the past, it should be corrected by saying it again. Make things right, and the language must be clear. Vague words can't solve the problem. Do things quickly and don't procrastinate."

In this talk, Deng Xiaoping publicly raised the major theme of bringing order out of chaos, starting from the educational field.Education is the foundation.Education has always been something that any country should attach great importance to.Only when education improves can the quality of the people and the construction of the country improve.This shows Deng Xiaoping's wisdom and his painstaking efforts to save the country and the people.

Weakness of either hand will not work

On June 1979, 6, when Deng Xiaoping received the eighth visit to China of the Japanese Komeito Party headed by Chairman Yoshikatsu Taketo, he said:
"Democracy and the rule of law, both of which should be strengthened. In the past, we were insufficient. To strengthen democracy, we must strengthen the rule of law. Without extensive democracy, we cannot do without a sound legal system. We have suffered enough from turmoil. Some time ago, the attack on the leadership in Shanghai was unacceptable. This actually belongs to the ideological system of the 'Gang of Four' who smashed, looted, and fought by force."

“We have had no laws for many years, nothing to follow. This time, the National People’s Congress enacted seven laws. Some actually partially amended our constitution, such as abolishing the revolutionary committee and restoring the original administrative system. This It is a necessary guarantee for the establishment of a stable and united political situation. Without a stable, united and lively political situation, the four modernizations will not work.”

"After this meeting, a series of legal systems will be enacted. Our civil law has not yet been formulated, and many economic legal systems, such as the factory law, etc., will also be enacted. Our laws are too few, there are hundreds of them. There must be laws, and there is a lot of work to be done in this area, and this is just the beginning. Democracy must be upheld, and the legal system must be upheld. This is like two hands, and neither hand can be weakened."

When talking about the two important issues of democracy and the rule of law, Deng Xiaoping made a very vivid metaphor: "It's like two hands, and neither hand can be weakened." Indeed, the words are as ingenious as pearls.From Deng Xiaoping's humorous eloquence, we can see the extraordinary in the ordinary.This is exactly the charm of Deng Xiaoping's humorous eloquence.

Blurring Out: Humorous Talks by Foreign Celebrities

Westerners are better at expressing their feelings and regard humor as a sign of a good mood.They regard wit as the key point of humor, which can be said to have accurately grasped the true meaning of humor.

Westerners have a leisurely attitude towards life, so humorous words can often be blurted out, and these humorous words have virtually become a lubricant for social life.

Hemingway, written from left to right
I write standing up
The famous American writer Ernest Hemingway's articles are known for their brevity and novelty.Once, a reporter asked him the secret of succinct articles, and Hemingway replied humorously:

"I write standing up, and on one foot. I take this posture and put myself in a state of tension that forces me to express my thoughts as briefly as possible."

write from left to right
At a banquet, the famous American writer Hemingway sat next to a capitalist.The capitalist tried every means to strike up a conversation with Hemingway.

"What's the best way to write?" asked the capitalist.

"Write from left to right," Hemingway replied.

Take the land with you

After the American writer Hemingway moved to Havana, Cuba, a wealthy New York businessman paid a visit and insisted that Hemingway sign his diary as a souvenir.

Hemingway knew that this visitor had made his fortune from real estate sales.With an idea, he immediately drew a signature on the sand with his cane and said, "Please take it, and you might as well take the land back to New York."

Don't eat soft, don't eat hard, don't eat immediate losses
Someone ridiculed Hemingway and said: "literati have such a good appetite, you can eat everything in your writing: endure hardship, labor, jealousy, lawsuits, weeping, drinking hatred, breaking promises, gnawing books, drinking northwest wind, biting words, chewing words... What else is there not to eat?"

Hemingway replied coldly: "Don't take the soft, don't take the hard, don't take the immediate loss."


There was a person who was jealous of Hemingway and wrote a letter to Hemingway: "I know that your current worth is one dollar per word, and now I attach one dollar. Please send a sample to see."

Hemingway accepted the money and replied "Thank you".

Getting Started with Writing
Someone asked Hemingway: "How can I get started with writing?"

Hemingway replied: "You must have sound observation, a heartfelt attitude, the piety of a priest, the courage of a pirate, and the conscience of a writer. With these, you are on your way."

in the dictionary
A money-grubbing man asked Hemingway, "Can you tell me where I'm guaranteed to find gold?"



"In the dictionary!"

try to survive
A self-proclaimed "talented man" who didn't know the heights of the sky and the earth expressed his wish to Hemingway. He said: "Sir, I have long wanted to write a biography for you. I hope that after you die, I can get the opportunity to write a biography for you." Patent and glory."

Hemingway smiled lightly: "Oh, sir, I know you want to write my biography, so I have to try my best to survive."

duel conditions

During his time at the military academy, Hemingway was outspoken in his criticism of some officers.Therefore, five officers successively prepared to challenge him to a duel.

Hemingway gladly accepted the duelist's challenge, and he said: "Since you proposed a duel first, I have the right to propose the conditions of the duel: within ten steps, use a grenade..."

When the officers who asked for a duel heard this, they all clicked their tongues and refused.

Chaplin, I'm poorer than a dog

just imitating

Once, Hollywood held a birthday party for Charlie Chaplin.Before the banquet ended, Chaplin sang an Italian opera interlude with his lyrical high notes.

All the friends present were amazed: "Charlie, we have been together for many years, and I didn't know you could sing so well!"

Chaplin replied modestly: "I can't sing at all. This is just imitating Enrico Caruso."

Who should be the master of language

A friend asked Chaplin: "Who do you think is the most famous language master in the world?"

Chaplin shrugged and replied humorously: "I'm afraid it should be regarded as God. You haven't seen that people can pray to him in various languages."

you can only write when you are famous
A fledgling writer asked Chaplin to read a screenplay he had written and asked for his opinion.

After reading through his plays carefully, Chaplin shook his head and said: "You can write such things when you are as famous as I am. You have to write better at this time."

interesting reply

Einstein greatly admired Charlie Chaplin.Once, he wrote to Chaplin and said: "Everyone in the world can understand your movie "Modern Times", and you will definitely become a great man. Einstein." I admire you. Few people in the world can understand your theory of relativity, but you have become a great man. Chaplin"

Medal for the first time
In October 1921, artist Charlie Chaplin came to Paris, France, and was warmly welcomed by the people of Paris.In view of his great contribution in the field of world art, the French government decided to honor him.

Before the award, an American reporter revealed to Chaplin: "The French government is playing tricks on you, and the medal is awarded to school teachers."

"No, sir, you are wrong." Chaplin replied with a smile: "Teachers are people respected by all human beings. I can get the medal of the school teacher. That is the greatest joy in my life."

This medal was the first medal Chaplin received in his life.

i am poorer than a dog

Chaplin wrote and directed a comedy film.The content is that Western countries want to open up the road between the universe, and decided to buy a dog and launch it to other planets for experimentation.

After the protagonist in the play heard the news, he hurriedly went to the launch station and asked: "I am willing to do the experiment instead of the dog." When someone asked him why, he said: "Because I am cheaper than a dog, and at the same time I am poorer than a dog." ah!"

true and false chaplin

A certain company held a unique selection meeting, allowing all those who performed and imitated Chaplin to compete, and invited experts to select the rankings.

After Chaplin heard this interesting news, he also rushed to participate with great enthusiasm.Unexpectedly, No.1 was snatched away by others, and I was ranked second instead!
After the competition, the boss of the company specially invited Debbie Lin to speak a few words for everyone in order to celebrate the selection.Chaplin said humorously: "About Chaplin, of course there is only one person in the world, and that is me. Since I was ranked second, I should respect everyone's opinions and let Chaplin who won No.1 speak Bar!"

hitler stole my beard

In 1937, Chaplin solemnly accused Hitler of stealing in an American newspaper.The reason was that Hitler's beard "was the first one I invented!" "I want to sue Hitler for stealing my beard."

Chaplin's humorous accusation was widely circulated all over the world.When the fascist dictator Hitler found out, his whole body trembled with anger, smoke came out of his orifices, he gritted his teeth, and yelled, "Chaplin, you...you are a Jew who deserves to be shot!"

Aesop, damn stone
damn stone

The ancient Greek fable writer Aesop was once a slave.One day, Aesop's owner was going to take a bath in the bathroom. He called Aesop and said, "Go to the public bathroom and see if there are many people taking a bath today."

Aesop walked to the door of the public bathroom and saw a lot of people walking into the bathroom.He was just about to turn around and go back to tell the master, when he suddenly found a stone at the door of the bathroom, which was in the way, and he didn't know who put the stone there.People who go in and out of the bathroom will trip over this stone as long as they are a little careless.But the person who was tripped always cursed the person who put the stone here, then got up and walked away, and no one ever moved the stone away.

Aesop was standing there secretly feeling funny when suddenly another person tripped over a stone.The man also cursed: "Who the hell put the stone here!"

After the man got up, he moved the stone away with his hands before going into the bathroom.

Aesop went back and said to the master: "Today there is only one person in the bathroom."

The master was overjoyed and said, "Is there only one person? That's a great opportunity! You can take a bath in comfort." He told Aesop to pack up his clothes and go with him.When he got to the bathroom, Aesop's owner found that it was full of people, so he blamed Aesop and said: "There are so many people in there, why did you tell me that there is only one person?"

So Aesop told the master what he saw at the bathroom door, and said: "After a person trips over a stone, he only knows how to curse, and never wants to move the stone away. Only one person thinks of removing the stone after tripping over it." Moved away, so as not to stumble others, so I think he is the only one who can be called a person, and I have not lied at all."

do not know

Although Aesop was born a poor slave, he became a famous writer of ancient Greek fables.His works have been translated into various languages ​​and are widely circulated all over the world and loved by people.

(End of this chapter)

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