speak humor, be humorous

Chapter 47 Humor Training

Chapter 47 Humor Training (1)
It has been said that a sense of humor is the measure of the wisdom and temperament of a great nation.

Humor is discourse, which has the functions of pleasure, beauty, criticism and education, and irony.Lenin once said: "Humor is a beautiful and healthy quality." The cultivation of eloquence is not only about eloquence, but to enhance the vividness and intimacy of communication with humorous conversation, which has been regarded as a person's advantage .In foreign countries, whether "has a sense of humor" is regarded as one of the criteria for evaluating the quality of university teaching.It can be seen how important it is for language to have a sense of humor.

Some people say that humor is indeed important, but I am born with a stupid mouth, and it is impossible to have a humorous conversation.Is humor really innate?This is not the case.Humor is trainable.

Good cultural literacy and expressive skills
A person's humorous conversation is closely connected with his intelligence.Therefore, this requires us to have good cultural accomplishment and rich cultural knowledge.If a person has an understanding and mastery of all kinds of things such as ancient and modern, Chinese and foreign, historical allusions, customs, customs, etc., coupled with a strong ability to control language, it is easy to speak vividly, lively, harmonious and interesting.The famous masters of humor at all times and in all over the world are often masters of language.Humor is not artificial, but spontaneous.Someone said very insightfully and deeply: "I didn't intend to tell jokes, and the jokes came out of my mouth." The truth in it just illustrates this point.

There are many accounts of humorous language in the vast sea of ​​books, especially satirical novels, comedy scripts, joke collections and fables. We can be inspired by reading more of these works.In addition, you can also enjoy more cultural programs such as farces and cross talks, so as to broaden your horizons and enrich your knowledge.Because humor is a language that emerges from wonderful associations on the basis of extensive knowledge, and sometimes only a few words can explain a lot of problems.It is difficult for a person who knows little about practical things and historical knowledge, an ignorant and isolated person, to speak humorously, and certainly not to have a sense of humor.

Our country has a long history of humorous tradition.For example, the four major Chinese classic novels "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", "Journey to the West", "Water Margin", and "A Dream of Red Mansions", or the whole novel is full of humor and humor, or many of them have vivid characters and humorous plots.Reading more Chinese and foreign classics is of great benefit to improving one's cultural quality and enhancing one's ability to express, so that one can gradually develop one's sense of humor.

In addition, it is also beneficial to read more short humorous works.The three volumes of "Laughing Forest" written by Handan Chun of the Wei Dynasty in the Three Kingdoms period are the oldest collection of jokes in my country. It is hilarious to read, such as one of them:
There was a man in the state of Lu who entered the city gate with a long bamboo pole. At first he held it upright and couldn't enter, but later he held it horizontally and couldn't enter.After a while, an old man came and said, "I'm not a sage, but I have seen a lot. Why don't you cut it with a saw and enter the city gate?" So the man cut off the bamboo pole as the old man said.

The story satirizes those who are stupid and think they are smart, and the humor is contained in it. It will be beneficial to read more similar works.

In addition to having rich knowledge and good cultural accomplishment, you must also have good eloquence in order to make your speech full of humor.

The famous doctor Zhou Lirong said in a speech about his visit to Africa: "African friends are amazed by the high-quality microscopes we have produced by ourselves." Then he changed the subject and introduced the performance of this microscope to everyone. At that time, he suddenly used the language of TV advertisements humorously: "The microscope produced by Shanghai Optical Instrument Factory is comparable to that of German microscope. , the atmosphere is lively and relaxed.Without knowledge, without life, without eloquence, it is absolutely impossible to speak so vividly and vividly.

Keen observation, rich imagination

Quick response is one of the characteristics of humorous conversation, which requires the speaker to be quick in thinking and eloquent.However, these are the results of profound experience of life and careful observation of things.Keen observation is not only a necessary condition in scientific research, but also an important factor for humorous conversation.

Huxley, a British biologist who is known for his sharp language and sharp edge, bravely criticized the society's extremely unfair attitude towards science at that time in a speech. Clean the room, prepare the meals; and in the end, people pay her by calling her a slut, saying that she is only worthy of caring about low-level material interests." At the age of 60, he had a heavy and sad heart Resigned as President of the Royal Society.He said in a speech: "My reason and conscience have pointed out to me that I have been unable to complete the major tasks of this chairmanship, so I can't do it for a minute." After speaking the above words, he said to his friends humorously: "I just finished reading the official obituary of my death."

With anthropomorphic metaphors, Huxley vividly reveals the ferocious face of the church and the forces of habit that destroy and kill science, so it has the power to shake people's hearts.He humorously referred to his resignation speech as an "official obituary", which is a reflection of his own complicated and painful heart.If a scientist does not have the penetrating power to observe things, he will not be able to speak such expressive words anyway.

To speak humorously, to achieve "unexpected and reasonable", it is difficult to be effective without rich imagination.You must be able to see an ordinary thing from the inside to the outside, from the outside to the inside, and bring out the hidden things in a sentence or two, create humor with rich imagination, and create humor from phenomena that people turn a blind eye to. Find something that no one else cares about.Everyone has imagination and creativity, don't limit yourself.

There are many examples of imaginative humor, here is one:
The host invites the guests to have dinner at home.The guests are drunk and full and still don't want to say goodbye.Finally the host couldn't help it, and pointed to a bird on the tree outside the window and said to the guests: "The last dish is arranged like this: cut down the tree, catch the bird, add some wine, cook and eat now, you What do you think?"

The guest replied: "I'm afraid the bird would have flown long ago if the tree hadn't been cut down."

"No, no!" said the master, "that's a stupid bird. It doesn't know when to go."

From the above example, we can see that the host does have a rich imagination, so the humorous language can be blurted out.

In addition, a person's sense of humor is closely related to his social activities.To make your language humorous, the best way is to learn from life and society.Countless great statesmen, great thinkers, and great writers at home and abroad are all people with a great sense of humor, and there are also people with a good sense of humor around us.When chatting with people from all walks of life, you will often unexpectedly find that they use language wonderfully and their expressions are witty enough to fascinate people.In the process of coming into contact with a variety of people, you will strengthen your language inventory and conversation skills.Humor is also a kind of yeast. If you stay with humorous people for a long time, you will be "infected".We need to consciously approach people with a good sense of humor.Enhance your sense of humor through contact and conversation.

Pay attention to the health and novelty of speech

Speak in a humorous and witty manner, and avoid grimaces, glib or vulgar tastes.

Although we cannot strictly require that humorous language must have profound ideological meaning, because it is a humorous language, it must be healthy and must not be vulgar, frivolous, or confused with boring jokes.

For example, some people laugh at other people's physical defects, such as stuttering, lameness, etc., which is very immoral.Another example is that some people talk about the topics between men and women with great interest and vividness, so as to please the public and make them laugh.In this way, instead of showing your humor, it can only reveal your own vulgarity and shallowness.The starting point of humor should be goodwill, conducive to unity and physical and mental health.

The expression of the speaker's concealment will increase the effect of humor. Therefore, the conversation should be concealed rather than revealing, and should be light rather than thick.Each of us has this experience. Before a person tells a joke, if he has already laughed so hard that he can't breathe, it is difficult to make others feel a sense of humor.

In addition, humor should not be too esoteric, but should be easy to understand, otherwise, it will be like guessing a riddle, which is puzzling and will not achieve the effect of making people laugh.

Finally, again, people are most interested in new things.Therefore, even if it is very humorous, it will become tiresome if it is repeated many times.Therefore, the words should strive to be novel, the speaker has not spoken, and the speaker has not spoken.

necessary qualities

The Norwegian explorer Thor Heyerdahl wrote with deep emotion after he and his companions rafted across the ocean alone: ​​Under the harsh conditions of adventurous voyages, it is very important for an expedition group to make jokes and tell jokes. Sex is nothing less than a lifebuoy.

Haiyardal made a very humorous description of the importance of humor.Yes, whether it is a leader with a heavy responsibility or an ordinary civilian, a sense of humor is an essential quality.

At all times and in all over the world, there are endless examples of "turning defeat into victory" with the power of humor.

Ronald Reagan is the oldest president in the history of the United States. Needless to say, this is a headache for the United States that advocates youth and vitality. No wonder his opponent Mundell always wants to make a fuss about his age. On the night of October 1984, 10, Reagan held a crucial public debate with Mondale in order to be re-elected as president.The AFP reporter described it in the cable of the day: "He made the audience in the Municipal Auditorium laugh when he answered the question of whether he thought he was too old to be president, and was well received. Reagan said: 'I'm not going to make age a campaign issue. I'm not going to take advantage of my opponent's youth and ignorance.'”

Humor enabled Reagan to "turn defeat into victory" and survive the embarrassing situation where it was difficult to step down.Of course, humor is not the exclusive weapon of a few big men in modern society. There is such a humorous story in "Notes of Nanting":
Peng Yulin once passed a remote alley.A woman was drying clothes with a bamboo pole, and the bamboo pole fell down and hit Peng on the head.Peng was furious and scolded sharply.When the woman saw that it was Peng Yulin, she was very frightened.But she got wise in her panic, and quickly said: "Your tone is like a member of the army, so you are so arrogant and unreasonable. Do you know that Peng Gongbao is here! He is honest and upright. If I go to tell him the old man, I'm afraid I will kill him." Where's your head!" Hearing this, Peng Yulin immediately turned his anger into joy, and left calmly.

A low-status woman accidentally injured the powerful and powerful Mr. Peng Gongbao. Even if she repeatedly apologized and pleaded guilty, she still couldn't get rid of her embarrassment and difficulty.This extremely clever woman, using humorous language and indirect praise, pretended not to know Peng Yulin, and dealt with this "man in the army" with "the honest and upright Peng Gongbao". It was more humorous, and Peng Yulin felt that it was a "sincere" compliment, not a "compliment", so he calmed down and left.

Many enterprises, companies, and schools list a sense of humor as one of the necessary conditions for selecting staff, because eloquence with a sense of humor is an important indicator of a person's social ability.As a leader representing society, of course, he should have the necessary quality of humor.A person with witty talk and humorous eloquence is easy to win the favor of the masses; he also often has the ability to adapt to the situation, can bluntly put out difficult questions, and can make the group he leads friendly and harmonious, and become a well-received leader. leader.

To cultivate your own humor ability, you must pay attention to the sense of proportion from the very beginning.Especially for a leader in a certain position, every word and every word is very important. If you go too far, not only will it not work, but it may be counterproductive and even cause serious consequences.

A thousand miles begins with a single step

It is necessary to know what humor is, how to be humorous, and understand the various skills of humor, but having the ability to be humorous is our goal.As Chairman Mao said, "The purpose of learning is all about application."

Many people say that "knowledge is easier than doing", but we don't know where to start, where to start, there is a certain truth in this statement.The ancients said that "a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step".Start now and learn from your actual work and life.

Learning is the premise of creation. Someone said it well: "In life, pay attention to humor everywhere." Therefore, we should prick up our ears, listen to other people's funny stories, listen to colleagues humorously talk about work, and listen to the laughter of family members.

There is a man who claims to be very good at chess.One day, he played chess with others and lost three games in a row.

Someone asked him: "Today you played chess with others, how many games in a row did you play?"

He replied: "Three sets."

Ask him again: "How many wins and losses?"

He said: "I never won the first set, he never lost the second set, and I wanted to draw the third set, but he refused."

Others said: "Then you have lost all?"

He said unconvinced: "How can I lose to him, I just let him play a few games."

Listen carefully to other people's conversations, and you will find many witty words and humorous stories, which will benefit you and bring you great benefits.It is common in life to be like the person in this story who does not admit defeat when he loses.

There is a young doctor with poor medical skills in a certain hospital.One day, a patient begged him for treatment.After the patient told his illness, the young doctor examined the patient.However, after checking and checking, they couldn't tell what disease the patient was suffering from.He thought for a while, and suddenly asked the patient seriously: "Excuse me, sir, have you ever been sick before?"

"It's fine, doctor."

"Well, that's right! You are relapsed now."

Here's another "Don't Forget Yourself" humor:

Job seeker: "Application for opening a store, please go through the formalities."

Clerk: "Everyone knows, there will be bargains in the store in the future, don't forget my humble servant."

job seeker:"……"

Clerk: "What kind of business do you run?"

Job Seeker: "Refine all kinds of wreaths and urns."

In these two humorous stories, the doctor is a quack and the clerk is a moth.People tend to welcome the latter type of stories more, because people hate social injustice, and satirize with humor, which makes people feel happy.Another example:
Dad: Who is the older of the four and the three?

Child: Of course four to three.

Child: Why is three yuan bigger than four corners?

Dad: It's a different unit.

Kid: Why are three apples bigger than four walnuts?
Dad: This is a different concept.

Child: Then why is the third aunt older than the fourth aunt?

Children are very naive, children's words are more elegant and interesting, and children can often give us a lot of humorous inspiration.As long as we observe carefully, people around us often have many interesting words and behaviors worth imitating and learning from.It must be noted that you should not reveal other people's privacy, and you would rather praise others than yourself during the conversation, and never hurt others to make people laugh. This is an immoral behavior.

In the big world, everyone has their own story, and everyone has their own humor.Discovering your own story is a shortcut to winning with your humor.Taiwanese writer Sanmao's humor, like happiness, is readily available, here are a few excerpts.

Get up early in the morning, drink a cup of cold tea, practice Taijiquan slowly for a few minutes, halfway through the exercise, forget how to continue the exercise, start from the beginning, but still can’t continue, simply stop, take a few dozen deep breaths, and then say to yourself: "Fight it! "Have another cup of tea, the morning class is over, what a joy!"
Writing brush characters in the quiet room, grinding the ink too attentively, the ink is in a tank, but I haven't written a single word, and my back is sore.Stare at the copybook for 10 minutes, and say to yourself: "I have already written it!" Walk around the room several times, wipe the pen and collect the paper, what a joy!

After shopping for a whole day, I bought less than half a piece of clothes and returned empty-handed. When I saw the old clothes when I got home, I felt that every piece was hard-won, but the thief didn't even steal one. I was very happy and happy! ...

Going out in a hurry, I tied my shoelaces hard, but the shoelaces broke and were thrown in the corner.When I came home, I found that the shoelaces could be used to tie the braids, so I broke the other one and got a new pair of hair ties. What a joy!


During the two-hour class, the students did not ask any questions, but asked once, second, and third, and the room was filled with awe.Peeking at his watch, he saw that get out of class would be over in just one minute, so he smiled and said to the students: "In college, students often skip boring classes. Now it's the other way around. Teachers also want to skip classes for students who don't ask questions. Now The teacher has escaped, goodbye." Packing up the books, striding out of the classroom, just when the bell rang for the end of get out of class, what a joy!


The deadline for submission of manuscripts has passed, and I still watch "Dream of Red Mansions" late at night.Thinking of the motto "today's work is finished today", and looking at the alarm clock on the desk, it is already [-]:[-] in the morning, and realize that today has just started, and the manuscript delivery will take a long time to come, so I feel comfortable and happy!

Sanmao is indeed a humorist.For ordinary things, he creates humor with the meaning of creating happiness.From it, we can also experience: humor is not unfathomable, life is the source of humor!There are endless materials for humor, and as long as we use them skillfully, we can get good results in social situations.

"A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step", start from now, start from absorbing humorous materials around you.Let us remember together: treat life with humor, think about problems humorously, and dig out your own humor from life every moment!
May you be a humorist!
more training in practice
Humor is inseparable from language. In order to have more humorous qualities, everyone must carry out language training.

Lu You, a famous patriotic poet in the Song Dynasty, once said this sentence to his son: "If you want to learn poetry, you should work harder than poetry." Although he is talking about poetry, the same applies to humor.

Humor is the spark of wisdom that flashes between words, but to achieve witty words, it is necessary to strengthen various qualities and basic skills in practice.

To make a speech attractive, of course, the words "lively and interesting" are indispensable, and humor must be used to be lively and interesting, so a speech needs humor.

In addition, humor also requires speech, or talking.Although humor is a product of people's thinking, it must be expressed by people before it can play its inherent role.Such as entertaining others, enlightening others, self-justification, etc.

(End of this chapter)

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