speak humor, be humorous

Chapter 48 Humor Training

Chapter 48 Humor Training (2)
A well-conceived humor is not necessarily humorous when it is said-it all depends on whether the humorist is good at expressing it.This is by no means a mystery, but a common fact in life.Different expressions of the same humorous story have very different effects.

So, where is the secret of success?Here are a few brief points:
(1) Don't laugh yourself before telling humor, and don't make exaggerated promises or excessive modesty.As mentioned above, "It will definitely make all of you laugh your teeth out and make your stomach hurt from laughing", etc., but you should get straight to the point.

(2) In humor, the plot is the most important, while the characters are very secondary. Therefore, the introduction of characters should be as simple as possible.For example, the humorous story "Whose Painting" introduces the characters in a short sentence, and the description of the plot is also very concise:
The great American painter Whistler went to visit a certain millionaire in London one day with his friends.Upon entering the gorgeous living room.He found a painting he had painted on the wall.He looked at it carefully, and was very dissatisfied with this work that was made many years ago.

So, I took out my paintbrush and paints, and modified it with a quick pen on that painting.

"What are you doing?" the master said in shock when he saw it, "who are you to scribble on my painting!"

"Your painting," Whistler replied flatly, "do you think that paying for it is yours?"

(3) Do not speak in a straightforward manner, and cannot use the same speed and tone to express. When speaking key words and paragraphs, such as the above "Do you think it will be yours after you pay?" the speed should be slowed down, and the tone should be emphasized.

(4) Neither listless nor artificial.Even with a little humor like a sentence or two, show your interest by doing lots of quick moves.

In addition to the above points, there are many methods, such as the eyes should always keep in touch with the listening eyes; the words, especially the words expressing actions should be as simple as possible, etc., all of which should be paid attention to.

create your own sense of humor

If you want to become a humorist yourself, you must change the humorous personality of others into your own humorous personality.Humor does not fall from the sky, nor can it be bought with money. The key is that before we use humor, we must first strive to create and gradually develop our own sense of humor.

One day, Heine, a famous German writer and poet, received a very heavy postage-owed letter from a friend.When he took the letter, he paid a certain amount of money.When I opened the cover, it turned out to be a large bundle of wrapping paper. After peeling off the wrapping paper layer by layer, there was a small note inside:

"I'm fine, don't worry, your N."

Heine's friend soon received a postage-delinquent package. The package was very heavy. He thought there must be something valuable in it. He had to pay a large amount of cash to pick up the package.It turned out that the package contained a large stone, and there was a note under the stone:
"When I knew you were fine, the stone in my heart fell to the ground."

After reading the above-mentioned "this stone will fall to the ground" humor, we can't help laughing, the poet Heine can be so humorous.Through this funny story, we see Heine's humorous personality.He is meaningful in dealing with people, giving people a sense of relaxed laughter, giving people a sense of humor in language, and inspiring people in enhancing their sense of humor.

In daily life and work, we should also strengthen our own fun and game spirit, and express ourselves with fun and interesting emotions: "I am also interesting! We laugh together and trust each other. I can make fun of myself, and never make fun of others!"

You are full of fun yourself, and once discovered by those around you, they will like you, trust you, and more importantly, be happy to socialize and talk to you.Others will feel that they have found someone to confide in.They tell you about their troubles and frustrations consciously or unconsciously, and they don't worry about being ridiculed.When you give humor as a "gift" to others, you will inevitably get a lot of useful things from others and learn humor.When others trust you, are willing to be with you, and work with you, then at the same time, you will have upward power, like a tiger with wings added, leading to success.

All in all, although everyone's success is different, many people have achieved success by turning the spirit of fun and fun into humor.As long as we persevere in our efforts and learn to use humor to help others, they will come to help us. We can definitely strengthen our sense of humor and turn humor into our own personality.

1 minute of little humor and great wisdom
◎ Sarcastic

Poulsen has profound attainments in the study of ancient Greek literature and has become an authority in the academic circle.

A young academic interested in this area had the audacity to suggest collaborating with Poulsen.Poulsen listened to his analysis patiently, and was very dissatisfied with his overreach and arrogance, so he said to him: "Your suggestion is extremely valuable, add what I know and what you don't know , that is a great book."

■I haven't read all the books in the world, so I can't be credible.

◎ Wonderful congratulations

Eddie Cantor is a popular American comedian.His collaborator, producer Erwin Thalberg is his good friend.

One day, he heard that Thalberg had given birth to a son, so he hurriedly sent a congratulatory telegram, which read: "Congratulations on the launch of your latest product, it will definitely look better after being edited."

■Everyone is a new product when they are born, and they are all hopeful and uncertain. If they are well educated and "edited" well, this new product will successfully burst out its own energy.Otherwise, the only thing waiting for it is the fate of being eliminated.

◎ Honored
A newly promoted colonel went to the front to inspect the unit he was about to take over. When he walked up to a shy soldier in the queue, he stopped and said, "Young man, hold your head high, stand up even in front of big men." Chest up. Let's shake hands, and you can write to your family that you shook hands with the Colonel, and they'll be proud of it, boy, what does your father do?"

The soldier said, "Report sir, my father is a general."

■Don't look down on others because of their temporary low status. Even if they don't have a prominent family background, they may surpass you in the near future.

◎ God's Car

The eloquent salesman offered Mrs. Ball the Children's Encyclopedia, which he said would answer any question the children might ask.At this time, Mrs. Pole's youngest son, Henry, happened to come.The salesman patted little Henry on the head and said, "Son, just ask me a question, let me show your mother how I can find the answer you want to know from the book."

Little Henry: "What brand of car does God ride?"

■Many adults feel that children's thinking is simple and easy to grasp, so they often make the mistake of acting as an encyclopedia in front of children.In fact children's imaginations are far beyond the answers.

◎ Too complicated!

One day, a man brought a dog to a record company, saying that he was the dog's manager, and that the dog could sing and dance. The boss didn't believe it, so he asked the dog to perform.As soon as the music is played, the puppy will sing and dance to the music,

The boss looked at the puppy dumbfounded, thinking that he had picked up a cash cow this time, so he quickly took out the contract and hoped to sign a contract with the dog, but unexpectedly a big dog rushed out and took the puppy away.

The boss asked: "What's going on?"

The agent said helplessly: "Oh! That's his mother. His mother wants his son to become a doctor. The entertainment industry is too complicated!"

■All parents want their children to grow and develop in a safe environment, which even kills the talents of many children.However, the lack of seriousness of some industries is also an important reason.After all, safety is more important than money.

◎ Ask questions
Little Tom likes to ask questions.One day, he asked his father another question. His father didn't know how to answer, so he said, "Don't ask me so many questions. Today you asked almost a hundred questions. The questions I asked my father when I was a child add up to about [-]." Not half of what you asked today."

"Oh, yes, Daddy, if you had asked more questions, you might have been able to answer more of my questions," said little Tom.

■We are often unable to answer the questions our children ask, but this is not a reason for us to reject our children.For children's curiosity, it is better for children's development to encourage it than to deny it.Many times, we should encourage children to find the answers themselves.

◎ Lamb's wool

A little boy went to the pasture for the first time and met the lamb.He plucked up the courage to stroke one, and then exclaimed, "Its fur is made of blankets!"

■For children's education, both natural science and humanities education are very important. They guarantee children's all-round development and cultivate their ability to adapt to the environment.

◎ The color of the school uniform

A New Yorker came to Las Vegas for a meeting and took his nine-year-old son to see a show.There were only a few pieces of blue and gray cloth on the girls on the stage. The nine-year-old son exclaimed: "Wow! Wow! That's great!" Said: "They are wearing clothes of the same color as our school uniform!"

■The world in children's eyes is far purer than ours.Childlike innocence is one of the most precious things in this world. It is our responsibility to try our best to give children a pure growth environment and keep them childlike innocence.

◎ Who burned the Old Summer Palace

In the history class, the teacher was teaching the lesson "Burning the Old Summer Palace", and Xiao Ming was dozing off all the time, so the teacher asked a class question: "Xiao Ming, who burned the Old Summer Palace?" I burned it."

During the home visit the next day, the teacher mentioned this matter: "I asked Xiao Ming, who burned the Old Summer Palace? He actually said he didn't burn it." At this time, Xiao Ming's mother hurriedly replied: "My family Xiao Ming has always been honest. It must not be him who burned it." Xiao Ming's father stood up and said with an unhappy face: "If it is burned, it will be burned. How much is it? Just pay for it."

■Let's not make the mistake of thinking that money is the solution to all problems.When children should be pampered, they should be pampered, and when they should be educated, they must be educated strictly, because "history is a mirror."


At the graduation ceremony, the principal announced that the No.1 student in the whole grade would come to the stage to receive the award, but after calling several times in a row, that student slowly walked onto the stage.

Later, the teacher asked the student, "What's the matter? Are you sick? Or didn't you hear clearly?"

The student replied: "No, I am afraid that other students may not hear clearly."

■How many people are bound by fame and fortune?We have been taught to strive for success and stand out, but those who strive for success are only a minority, and the silent masses are still the majority after all.Think about it, isn't it a relief that there are so many people like you and me?
◎ Male and female white mice
The manager of a construction company suddenly received a bill for the purchase of two mice, and he couldn't help being very surprised.It turned out that the two mice were bought by one of his subordinates.He called the subordinate and asked him why he bought two mice.

(End of this chapter)

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