How to deal with bosses and employees

Chapter 11 How to be a Competent Boss - Basic Common Sense and Elements of Management

Chapter 11 How to be a Competent Boss - Basic Common Sense and Elements of Management (11)

[-]. Establish a unique corporate culture and a healthy corporate atmosphere
Now everyone is talking about corporate culture, especially when some successful companies introduce their own successful experiences, they must more or less mention a key element, that is, the company has its own Unique corporate culture.

1. What is corporate culture
What is corporate culture?Corporate culture is the cognitive system and behavior based on the same core value system.With a clear corporate culture, the boss and employees of the company can reach a consensus, and the employees can know what the company is advocating and what it is against, so that they can consciously work towards a common direction in action.

For example, the corporate culture of Qingdao Haier Company is sincerity, that is, to serve customers sincerely, think what customers think, and be anxious about what customers are anxious about.When the pursuit of sincerity expressed in the slogan "Haier, be sincere forever!" was recognized by all Haier employees, a conscious service awareness was formed in the minds of the employees, and then transformed into super-class service actions.Haier was the first to install the machine within 24 hours after purchase, the first to open 800 customer free calls, and the first to promote ten-year free door-to-door service...

Nowadays, many home appliance companies make a big fuss about the functions of their products, such as boasting that their products have many excellent functions, such as quietness, power saving, stylish design, etc., but they still cannot establish a firm and powerful brand in the minds of consumers. The brand image cannot form a strong sense of pride and cohesion in the hearts of employees, which is caused by the lack of corporate culture.

Personalized and distinctive corporate culture is difficult for competitors to imitate, so it has strong vitality and competitiveness.Practice has proved that the future development direction of enterprise management is cultural management, because it is the highest state of enterprise management.

2. Don't let the unhealthy corporate atmosphere pollute the air that employees breathe
What echoes with the corporate culture is the corporate atmosphere.A healthy and uplifting corporate atmosphere not only helps to harmonize the relationship between people within the company, such as the atmosphere of mutual love and mutual help (the corresponding one is to fight each other), but also helps to improve the overall operating efficiency of the company , such as a proactive ethos (as opposed to buck-passing).

What unhealthy business atmosphere should modern enterprises resist?
The subordinates please the superiors, and the superiors gladly accept it.

This is the most disgusting bad atmosphere.However, the trouble is that human nature prefers to listen to good words such as praise and compliments. Otherwise, where in the world will there be a place for flatterers?
Bosses like to listen to good words and to be complimented. As a result, subordinates will report good news but not bad ones. They only pick up what the boss or superiors like to hear, so the truth is concealed until something happens. In the process, the boss becomes blinded by his subordinates. happy blind and deaf man.As the Western proverb goes: "The last one to get the bad news is the king."

Extravagance and showing off.

Some bosses are very happy, and like to lay the groundwork and talk about ostentation. Even if the company has not yet passed the difficult period, they must first purchase all kinds of hardware to support their "face", thinking that in this way, consumers will trust their own. Enterprises have strength.

Moreover, once this kind of enterprise has made money, it is easy to immediately turn to luxury and show off excessively.So eating, drinking, and spending money lavishly have become commonplace.

Form cliques.

The so-called "forming cliques" refers to gathering people who have common interests with oneself to form a small interest group.It is not a good thing that there are too many such small interest groups in the enterprise. They will erode the efficiency and even profits of the enterprise just like the cancer cells in the human body that can grow rapidly by swallowing healthy cells.For example, some problems in business connection between departments of enterprises are actually caused by conflicts of interests among small groups.

Self-deceiving bragging.

"My company will become a century-old store", "Our company will soon defeat our competitors", "We will defend our national industry"... In this regard, many bosses nowadays have more imagination than those in Journey to the West. The author Wu Chengen does not know how many times stronger.But my feeling is that these bosses are pitiful, and their bragging is not so much to cheer up the employees, but to comfort themselves.

Case story:

After I graduated, I worked in a private enterprise, but behind the shining aura of this enterprise was an extremely unhealthy corporate atmosphere.

The boss of this company has serious deviations in the selection and appointment of personnel. The vice president and senior managers are all his alumni, and graduates from other schools have to stand aside no matter how capable they are.But what he didn't expect was that the managers under him also formed gangs and tried their best to protect the interests of their own small circle.As a result, complaints behind the scenes and mutual dismantling happened one after another.It's really "what's good at the top, what happens at the bottom".

It has become a compulsory course for department employees to play mahjong with their managers after get off work, and of course they can only lose more and win less; managers have no excuses for the special products or gifts that salesmen "honor" to themselves after business trips. Accept all the orders, and in return, the managers swiped a pen on the salesman's business trip reimbursement, and opened the floodgates under a clever name.All these kinds are too numerous to enumerate.This is what we often call internal friction. Those who have not seen it with their own eyes cannot count it all.


An unhealthy atmosphere is like a cold virus in a confined space, who can not be infected in it?Although it is said that the clear will be clear and the turbid will be turbid, but how many people can really get out of the mud without staining?After all, employees work in a small circle, which is too different and different. How can you get along with others and survive?

Like corporate culture, the founder and advocate of corporate culture is also the boss of the company himself. The process of forming corporate culture is relatively long, and it takes a process for employees to accept it. However, the change of corporate culture often lies in the determination of the boss.

(End of this chapter)

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