How to deal with bosses and employees

Chapter 13 How to be a Competent Boss - Basic Common Sense and Elements of Management

Chapter 13 How to be a Competent Boss - Basic Common Sense and Elements of Management (13)

[-]. Be a learning boss
The previous section talked about how bosses should pay attention to the training of employees. This section discusses the issue of bosses strengthening their own learning.

1. Why does the boss need to keep learning
Regarding the issue of learning, there will be four situations within the enterprise, corresponding to four different results:

In the first case, both bosses and employees value learning.Under such circumstances, the boss constantly recharges himself, learns various knowledge and skills related to business management, and then applies and tests what he has learned in entrepreneurial practice.Then learn and practice again.At the same time, the boss attaches great importance to the training of employees, is willing to invest in capital, and creates conditions for employees to learn.After employees master the skills, they can better create value for customers and create wealth for the company.As the employees grow up, the boss becomes more and more relaxed.

In the second situation, the boss pays attention to his own learning but the employees do not get training.In this case, on the one hand, employees cannot grow and even keep depreciating; on the other hand, the boss becomes more and more proficient in the business, and at the same time, he is afraid that the employees will mess up things, so he has to drive himself again and again , charge into battle.Many bosses die young, or suffer from various diseases, which are actually related to being too worried and too tired.

In the third situation, employees get training or constantly recharge and improve themselves, but the boss does not learn.In this case, due to the boss's complacency and unwillingness to make progress, he will soon be unable to keep up with the requirements of the development of the market and competition.As a result, the boss continues to play the role of an outsider directing an insider, and even if employees can discover something, they can't change the boss's decision (often wrong and fatal decision).In this way, the enthusiasm of employees will be hit. As the company's operating conditions deteriorate, employees will inevitably become scapegoats and be blamed by the boss.At this time, it happened that the competitor's company was recruiting, and the result can be imagined.

In the last case, neither the boss nor the employees value learning.What are such bosses and employees waiting for?Waiting for the day when competitors come and destroy themselves.

After analyzing the above four situations, as a boss, do you want to keep charging yourself?

2. What kind of knowledge do you need to supplement as a boss?

(1) Legal knowledge

The "Labor Law of the People's Republic of China" and the "Labor Contract Law of the People's Republic of China" relate to the relationship between the boss and the employee. The "Labor Contract Law of the People's Republic of China" has been officially implemented since January 2008, 1.In this law, there are clear explanations and regulations on the practices of many enterprises that are not quite standardized now, which will be very helpful in guiding modern enterprises to deal with practical problems in labor relations in the future.

Case story:

Ma Chen is the boss of an architectural design firm and has been in business for five years.Since excellent architectural design mainly depends on the designer's personal expertise, experience, imagination and creativity, skilled designers are scarce and difficult to cultivate.In order to prevent employees from quitting, Ma Chen signed labor contracts with all employees for 10 years, and many breach clauses were stipulated in the contracts.

Hearing that the "Labor Contract Law of the People's Republic of China" that will be implemented soon may not support some of his current practices, Ma Chen hurriedly found a lawyer to find out.According to the provisions of the "Labor Contract Law of the People's Republic of China", the lawyer told Ma Chen that the liquidated damages for resignation stipulated in the labor contract is actually illegal, and employees do not need to pay liquidated damages to him when they resign. Accident.The lawyer explained: The "Labor Contract Law of the People's Republic of China" regulates liquidated damages, stipulating that only under two circumstances can the employer agree with the laborer that the laborer shall bear the liquidated damages: first, the employer is the laborer For the cost of providing special training, if the employee proposes to terminate the contract during the service period, he needs to pay liquidated damages; If an employee violates the non-competition agreement, he shall pay the employer a liquidated damages as agreed.In addition, in all cases, including the employee changing jobs, the employee no longer needs to pay liquidated damages to the employer.

In addition, due to the increasingly frequent economic exchanges, the "Contract Law of the People's Republic of China" is also a must-learn content for bosses.Many bosses suffered losses and were deceived in business dealings, in fact, because they did not strictly abide by the relevant provisions of the "Contract Law of the People's Republic of China".

(2) Various knowledge and skills related to operation and management

The business management knowledge that the boss needs to learn and continuously improve includes the following aspects:
Corporate strategy design, marketing and sales, product development, management knowledge (including leadership, communication, public speaking and presentation skills, coordination, innovation, time management, etc.).

The way the boss learns is as follows:
① For bosses who are financially capable and can guarantee their study time, it is a good choice to take MBA or EMBA courses (classes are generally held on several weekends every month, and the courses last at least one and a half years).Through this kind of learning, the boss can comprehensively and systematically improve his management level.

②For bosses with average economic strength or who cannot guarantee long-term off-the-job study, they can take part in entrepreneurial guidance courses and various short-term training courses (generally about 2 days) based on the principle of learning first and making up for what is lacking.

③ Read specialized management books.

④ With the help of the media.According to needs or economic strength, subscribe to a certain amount of financial newspapers and magazines and industry newspapers and magazines.In addition, financial programs on TV should also be watched frequently, where there are often special reports and analysis.

⑤Finally, the current Internet technology is very developed, and there are many financial news and forums in the online world, which help the boss understand the current financial hotspots, discover and grasp business opportunities.


As the saying goes: Live to be old, learn to be old.Indeed, running a business is like sailing against the current, if you do not advance, you will retreat.Facing all the "predecessors" in the industry, the newly established enterprises must desperately strive to survive in the cracks, and the original competitors in the industry are also fighting for the limited market, sometimes even cruelly. To the point of life and death.At the same time, customers are changing, competitors are changing, and the policy environment is also changing.In a word: the market is changing, everything is changing, how can we grasp the pulse of market changes without learning?

(End of this chapter)

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