How to deal with bosses and employees

Chapter 19 How to be a Competent and Good Employee - Career Development and Career

Chapter 19 How to be a Competent and Good Employee - Career Development and Career (2)

[-]. You are actually working for yourself

Any company's human resources director knows that it is very important to recruit excellent employees to have good salary and benefits, but they are also most disgusted with people who ask the company to provide a certain amount of salary, because in fact everyone Part-time jobs are all working for themselves, not for the boss. It is not a pure labor trading relationship, otherwise he will not work well.

To put it bluntly, the relationship between migrant workers and their bosses is just a cooperative contractual relationship. With a contract and a platform provided by their bosses, migrant workers are managing their own future and their own lives, rather than the so-called labor force that some people think. business relationship.If an employee simply thinks that he is working for the boss, then he will only do things very passively and unwillingly according to the remuneration given by the boss. Such employees must be the lowest-level employees, because employees who work like this are everywhere It can be found, so there is no such thing as excellent.

1. Career development is the process of a person's experience, ability, contacts, and wealth accumulation in the workplace
Career development is an issue that everyone in the workplace is very concerned about. Whether the career development is smooth or not directly affects whether a person's life value is reflected.But career development is not a natural development process, but a process of a person's experience, ability, network and wealth accumulation in the workplace.When I first entered the workplace, I had almost nothing, everything started from scratch, and all aspects needed to be continuously accumulated. This process is arduous and requires patience, and this process is unavoidable for most people.Only after a long period of accumulation, with sufficient experience, ability, contacts and wealth, will the leapfrog development of life be realized.Because this is strength, this is capital, and this is the condition for being able to seize good opportunities.

2. Working for the boss is temporary, working for yourself is long-term
Many people always think that they are machines that work hard for their bosses. The relationship between themselves and their bosses is that of hiring and being hired. They will contribute as much as the boss pays them.In fact, this kind of thinking is very fatal. If a person leaves his choice of life and his own destiny to others to decide, he will lose his true personal freedom and will always be in a passive position.If you don't have the courage and right to decide your own future destiny, you will lose the hope of realizing your self-worth.If you believe that you are working for your boss, it is really difficult to get a career promotion.It is impossible for a person to work for the boss forever, but to work for himself forever.The salary is not given by the boss, but earned by myself.

3. Part-time job is not to do a job on the spot, but to consciously prepare for your future success

The life of part-time job is just a process on the road to success. Some people think that working for the boss for the sake of livelihood is a way of life. In fact, this is very short-sighted.If you do your best work in an ordinary position, the boss will never dare to underestimate you, just like Conrad, the world's hotel industry king?Like Hilton, when he was a hotel waiter, the first thing he did when he arrived at the post was to wash the toilet, but he scooped a glass of water from the toilet and drank it into his stomach immediately after washing the toilet.Any attitude of compromising will not be able to do a good job. Only by perfecting the work can one find happiness and real value in the work, and lay the foundation for future success.The future is the daily accumulation of reality starting from today. Only by burning each day's work as a good brick and continuously accumulating, a successful building will be built one day.

Case Story 1:

China in the 20s was an era full of opportunities, but opportunities cannot favor everyone.Mr. Liu just graduated from high school at that time, and his family was poor without being admitted to university, so he followed the wave of migrant workers in China and went to work in a city on the southern coast. Once there, he entered a garment factory Became an operator on an assembly line.Like everyone else, he receives a salary of several hundred yuan a month, and lives a wandering life like thousands of migrant workers. He has the same dream, earning more money and sending it back home, so as to make a better life in the future. Prepare.Mr. Liu saw that some employees of the company didn't have to work hard beside the machines like them, but fiddled with something in front of the computer, so he used part of the meager wages he earned to learn computer technology after work.In this way, he insisted on studying in his spare time while working hard, and spent three or four years.

At the beginning of the 21st century, he also had a preliminary understanding of the clothing industry and computer operations.And dream of becoming a fashion designer one day too.Because of his good work performance and career development ideals, in 2002, the boss of the original company supported him to leave the factory and go back to school to study fashion design. After two years of hard work, he mastered the art of fashion design proficiently. Various professional skills, he returned to the company to work for the boss when he graduated, but this time he no longer came back as a worker, but came back as a fashion designer. Since then, he has his own independent In the office, with the work he likes to do, and the continuous affirmation and support from his boss and colleagues around him, he has now become a key employee and an excellent leader of the company, and his boss has gradually increased his monthly salary to more than [-] yuan , and also got a part of the company shares presented to him by the boss.These were all unimaginable by the young man with neither culture nor background ten years ago, but this kind of result was in front of him. In fact, the reason is very simple, because he has always been working for himself, and Not working for someone else.

Case Story 2:

Wang Yan is an innocent girl born in the 80s. After graduating from technical secondary school in 2001, she went to work in a sales company in Shenzhen. At the beginning, she was just a clerk, doing some service work for the company's salesmen.A year later, as she grew older and had more contact with business people, she gradually fell in love with business work.So she asked her boss to be a salesman.The boss is also considering developing a business team and is eager to find excellent talents, so the boss sees her sincerity and lets her become a salesperson.And Wang Yan did not live up to the expectations of her boss. She always works from dawn to dusk every day and visits customers constantly. Her work enthusiasm and workload have reached several times that of others. Through her unremitting efforts, she has made the business in full swing. The clients here have also accumulated a lot, and at the same time, her ideas are becoming bolder and bolder.Therefore, she sincerely bid farewell to her boss in October 2006, and successfully started her own company based on the old customer relationship she had mastered. Now, although her company is not big, she also has her own career, living the life of a small boss, and achieved personal financial freedom in his 10s.Although he is a part-time worker, a person who wants to be a boss and finally achieve a career will not be satisfied with the current part-time job life. He should fully consider the future in three or five years during the part-time job. What kind of preparations can you make for your future goals by working part-time now? Only by working part-time with your own ideals in life can you not be complacent about the status quo, not just simply working for the boss, but for yourself. Work part-time, work for your life ideal in three to five years.

Comments: No matter what the academic qualifications, an excellent employee will know that he is working for himself. He will continue to prove that his work is excellent and that he is qualified for higher positions through his work performance and eagerness to learn. The boss had to use him, promote him, give him a higher salary to keep him, and give him a wider space to display his talents.It can be said that all these "promoting and getting rich" treatments are not given by the boss, but by a good employee himself, because they are really working for themselves, and the boss has to provide a high position and high salary to serve him.

(End of this chapter)

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