How to deal with bosses and employees

Chapter 29 How to be a Competent and Good Employee - Career Development and Career

Chapter 29 How to be a Competent and Good Employee - Career Development and Career (12)

[-]. Don’t work with emotions
It's normal for everyone to have emotions, but for people at work, the boss doesn't want to see an emotionally unstable employee in front of him, and he can't always accommodate you because of your emotional changes. He pays you because he hopes you can create more value for him, not because he wants to see you frustrated.

Emotional performance:

① Lack of rationality and calmness when things happen.Normal human activities should be purposeful, planned, and conscious. However, the behavior of emotional people is often "following emotions".They often lack the spirit of independent thinking, so that such people are often called "temperamental people", which makes them easy to trust others, superficial and naive, so the boss dare not entrust them with important tasks.

② Situational awareness.Emotional people will always be swayed by changes in the external environment or conditions, and even be manipulated by interest-related stimuli.He is very happy when he is satisfied, and extremely angry when he is lost, and his emotions always go from one extreme to the other.Like characters in sitcoms, they have emotional ups and downs, and they are easily deceived by other people's pretentious scenarios.

③ Strong aggressiveness.Emotional people can't bear setbacks in life or work, otherwise they will easily express their anger caused by setbacks and transfer them to the people around them.He may vent with physical behavior, or he may vent with words or facial expressions.For example, sarcasm and sarcasm others, giving people an ugly look makes people feel overwhelmed, etc.

④Easily impulsive.Emotional people always appear to have poor self-control and are easily impulsive.As long as there is something unpleasant or unsatisfactory, it will immediately burst out without thinking.But after the impulsiveness is like a deflated ball, they feel regretful in their hearts, but it is too late, because they often cause some kind of destructive consequences to the people around them because of their impulsiveness, and even cause damage to interpersonal relationships. adverse effects.

⑤ changeable personality.The average person will have relatively stable personality traits, which is a normal psychological tendency.However, emotional people have a changeable personality and an unpredictable feeling.Emotions, anger, sorrow, joy, and change, don't know when and why he will make a 180-degree turn, which will make people unable to approach and affect normal work and life.

Case Story 1:

Xiaoyu is an employee of a convention and exhibition company. At the beginning, she was doing conference planning. Because Xiaoyu majored in business administration at university, and she has good computer skills and writing skills, so any plan assigned to her by the company boss She did a good job in all the cases and was appreciated by her boss.Because Xiaoyu has a job she likes and a boyfriend she likes, she has always been very happy, and she is also very satisfied.However, life made a joke with Xiaoyu. Just when Xiaoyu was approved by the boss in the company, she started to have conflicts with her boyfriend, which made her very unhappy. Friends are troubled, and the spirit is depressed during the day, so I can't complete the work assigned by the boss well.

Once, on the night when Xiao Yu officially broke up with her boyfriend, she cried all night.But the business of the company cannot be delayed because of your personal emotions. The next day is the day when the boss asks Xiao Yu to provide a plan for the exhibition event that will be held in a week, and Xiao Yu has no intention of doing this plan at all because of personal problems case.As soon as she arrived at the company, she seemed to have lost her soul. She didn't know what to do, and she was very depressed.When the boss asked her to plan a case, she unexpectedly quarreled with the boss for no reason.Although the boss sympathized with Xiaoyu's experience, Xiaoyu's work performance during this period was really disappointing to him. Xiaoyu's good impression in his heart was completely broken. Arguing with the boss, Xiao Yu was naturally out of the game and left the company.Xiaoyu's love and career are all in vain!
We will encounter a lot of things in our life outside of eight hours, and these things will bring about great changes in our emotions, some are happy and some are not happy, some are depressed and some are troubled. Normal mood swings that life throws at us.Some people are not good at controlling their emotions or do not know how to manage their emotions. They often bring the emotions in their lives to work, to the company, or even to the boss. This is very unwise, and it is also Insufficient training in the workplace.

A good employee should know how to separate work and life.Even if they encounter very unhappy things, they must restore their emotions to the state of work as soon as they go to work, so that the boss can't find any flaws; Take your bad mood to the office.

It can be seen that work is a very serious matter. The boss can understand that every employee has emotions, but he will never allow employees to bring emotions to work, because the boss always believes in a principle in his heart, he spends money to invite you to He works, he can't always accommodate your personal emotions.

Comments: Emotional in the final analysis is psychological immaturity.A mature person tends to have strong independence and little dependence on others.Because they have clear goals in life, they have a deeper understanding of life, they know what they want to do and can do, and they have the power to act.Mature people will actively face setbacks and difficulties in real life, can better control their emotions, are not easy to trust others, pay attention to practice, and can handle the relationship between themselves and the people around them well.In order to overcome emotionality, it is recommended to pay attention to the following points: First, don't take promises lightly, and be cautious in words and deeds.Mature people don't go back and forth, promise what they can't do, and don't promise others easily.What is said must be done, no matter how many difficulties and twists and turns.Second, don't talk too much.Don't talk casually in front of company or friends.Don't drink a little wine and just fill the table with your own little experiences and stories, and keep in your stomach what you shouldn't say, what you can't say, and what doesn't fit the occasion.Third, learn more and cultivate yourself more.Improve your self-cultivation by learning to accept new things and new information.Talented but unassuming, only show it at the right time, get rid of unnecessary vanity, and improve personal taste.Fourth, be open-minded and tolerant of the world, do not haggle over every detail at work, do not be greedy for petty gains, complain less about others, and do not hold yourself back because of trivial things.Fifth, get rid of egocentrism, the world will always belong to everyone, get used to respecting yourself and others.Often empathize, do not force others to accommodate themselves, and are good at cooperating with others.Sixth, dare to admit mistakes, do things without being stubborn, have the courage to accept different opinions, and be able to accept criticism from others.Have the courage to take responsibility, and don't make excuses to prevaricate.Seventh, be firm-willed, cultivate a psychological quality that is not chaotic, set up the goal of life struggle, encounter setbacks, do not retreat lightly, do one thing well, never give up halfway, and do it from the beginning to the end.

(End of this chapter)

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