Aura Compilation Manual

Chapter 14 Part3 The core of the aura: emotional intelligence determines the pattern

Chapter 14 Part3 The core of the aura: emotional intelligence determines the pattern (2)
The point of the training was not to let her get in touch with passers-by on the street, but to use a new stimulus to force her to forget the unpleasant past and cleanse her bad aura.The most important change should be her heart. From then on, she needs to use a new value to think about her life.For example, she has to set work goals for herself, whether it is a promotion or an increase in salary, she must muster a stronger fighting spirit; she also has to establish a longer-term plan for herself, which must include becoming the leader of a department. The number one leader, not just follow the manager's ass to follow what others say.

Lena stayed with us for two months, and she came over almost every week to share her inner changes with me.At the beginning, she was frowning, kept talking about old topics, and always mentioned the sad things that happened not long ago; later, she was in a much better mood because she was busy accomplishing the goal we set for her: getting to know each other every day. Less than 10 strangers, leave their business cards and get their contact numbers.She started talking more about how to impress strangers and gain their trust.She sighed: "Mr. Paul, this is not an easy task, it is very difficult! You can't succeed by just saying a few good words. It needs to show sincere content, release the most beautiful smile in your life, and have the most humble gesture.” Eventually, Lena stopped talking to me about it because she knew exactly what she needed to do.

She put down the burden of her heart and moved towards a new life.Lena standing in front of us again is the new Lena Butz who has returned to work in San Francisco Bank. She is about to embark on a journey to East Asia and assume the very important position entrusted to her by the company-although this time she is As an ordinary employee, this is the company's punishment for her.Without those two months of working out, I think it would have been hard for her to find the key qualities to make it all happen.She'll struggle with her haunted past for a long time, and she'll still sneer at the burden of leading a team and show little interest in improving her aura.

Each of us can directly learn from Lena Butz's experience and adjustment process, because she is so representative, like today's "homeboys and homegirls" who don't know how to capture opportunities and take on team responsibilities.If you find Lena's shadow in yourself, why hesitate?Grab a pen now and jot down our advice for Lena!It must be you who will make a good change next!
The Secret to Conquering Employees: Giving Up
The CEO of Deloitte in China, Mr. Peter Bowie, a Canadian, is neat and prudent. He controls a team of more than 6000 accountants and consultants.As an excellent manager who is like "God's wings" in the eyes of his employees, he told us that his only secret to retaining employees is to learn to give up.

“You know, my people are all top talent recruited from all over the world. They are highly mobile and difficult to lead. But in the past 3 years, I have managed to reduce the turnover rate of the company from close to From 60% down to less than 20%, I'm proud of myself for doing that."

Why do employees like to stay with Bowie and enjoy the joy of working with him, even if the salary he offers is not as good as those envied competitors?Because Bowie provides a platform for all without the burden of the past.He is good at sorting out the burden of the company's past, and never harms the interests of employees for an outdated strategy.

This is important, but it also requires a lot of courage and a good balance between the interests of the company and the employees.

He will never formulate a layoff plan, even if the company has reached the stage of sounding a sharp financial alarm, he even planned to pay employees year-end bonuses out of his own pocket, giving up his legitimate interests.

He is good at following the suggestions of his employees.When someone tells him: "Sir, I think there is a big problem with the company's consulting program for the past two years, and only I discovered it." He will immediately stare and study.Maybe in the second week, he announced his decision to abandon that plan, if he thought there was something wrong with it.

Bowie's achievement can give us a deeper enlightenment: When you have to face a single choice between short-term benefits and long-term goals, which one would you choose to give up?
Undoubtedly, those who dare to throw away their burdens, that is, those who can bravely abandon short-term interests, can laugh longer, and laugh until the end.

When changes must be made to meet the needs of reality and the future, we should stop taking a second look at the so-called traditions of the past and throw them away. That's no big deal!

For a person who can only live in the past, his steps will become heavier and heavier, and he will always be surrounded by his own shadow in a small area until he is trapped in it to death.He has no chance of climbing to the top of the mountain, and following such a leader is hopeless.

If you have to give up something in order to travel light, let me remind you: You need to calmly weigh which part is most important to you.

Only by overcoming the past can we have the future

The only person who can get you back up when you fall is you, because no one can predict your future, figure out when you're going to be unlucky, and stand there loyally ready to help you .Our lives are always oriented toward the future, not the present.

Taking the past and present as the starting point to make your own life strategy decisions will be the biggest crisis our aura itself faces, because it makes you completely ignorant of changes in future conditions.Unaware of the important changes that may occur in the future, they still face the present and the past in the way of thinking.

Relying on past thought patterns will lead you to a serious life crisis, or even a miserable and ignorant tortoise at the mouth of the new age hunters.When you meet a strong opponent and you don't know how to let go of the heavy yesterday and the invalid information in your mind, the end must be like this.

You don't have the courage to overcome the past, and you can't pave a broad and smooth road for the future.If you can't be like Bowie, how can you be more popular than him?Employees always like innovative managers, who can listen to suggestions and persist enough. This is an unparalleled excellent emotional intelligence!

If there is a whole new world that has melted into a vast ocean beyond the ice wall, and you still don't know it, it is difficult to escape the doom of failure and death.I don’t know how many promising start-up companies have fallen in this state, and of course there are countless careerists who fell halfway because they couldn’t let go of the weight of the past.

All people must have this vision: what kind of ice age am I in?Is my golden age coming to an end?How should I make changes?If the wall of ice is blocking my view, what can I do to find out what's going on over there?
Ms. Ole, a middle-level manager of Apple, even in a world-class company, she always tells herself: If I can’t find the joy of working here for a long time, then I should decisively adjust my direction and follow the so-called past Glory says goodbye.

In fact, just as she expected, Apple was not the environment she wanted the most. She made a wrong calculation when she chose this job. She was conquered by the shining halo of a big company at the beginning, and only after she came in did she find that it was not as beautiful as she imagined.She wanted to leave, but was reluctant to part with it for a while.The excellent environment of the multinational company has given her too much aura, and she sometimes even likes this feeling: "Everyone is eager to get my business card and looks at me with envious eyes, as if I have the best job in the world .”

Is that true?Ole knew it wasn't.She rated the job as "boring" and "terrible"!Not everyone likes to follow a fixed procedure step by step, such as Ao Lei.She is eager to innovate, to have her own glory, to dominate the environment, and to lead a team to create extraordinary achievements.

Later, she resigned and went to Canada, founded a technology company by herself, and worked hard.When she returned to the United States three years later, I heard about her and called her to find out how she was doing.Her laugh told me that everything was going well and that she was happy despite not having the international corporate scene.Small companies are always struggling, but if you are doing a career that makes you happy and fighting for your own future, you will be full of motivation every day.

When I visited, I found that at her own company, she was rated as a pioneering leader by employees, and none of the employees wanted to leave her.Her leadership aura is astonishing, and she is no longer the old Ao Lei.

Giving up the past is not only a kind of courage, but also a kind of extremely broad aura.

How can we establish a new strategic way of thinking?

The most important thing is to gain knowledge about how the future will change.This requires you to have the courage to take the initiative to break out of the outdated concepts, to actively innovate with an open mind, and even to subvert the business and its operating model that seem to be still developing smoothly, that is, to achieve what we often call disruptive innovation.When the old aura and pattern are no longer suitable for our needs today, do you have such an open mind and long-term vision to break decisively and rebuild?
Only by taking the initiative to give up the past can we have a better future. I suggest that people from all walks of life who are interested in improving their aura should start their life strategy with future orientation.

◎Only do the right thing, and maximize the advantages

Don't imagine that you can do too many things at the same time, it will never be possible-if you conduct your life in this way, you will not only fail to succeed, but will make too much desire become a heavy burden on your spirit.

You just need to do the thing that you hope to be the most at the moment, and concentrate all your energy to make it the best.In your favorite field, you strive to be one of the best.When we desire the strongest aura, this is often the best way, but few people can understand this truth.

What is the ultimate expectation of the company for its employees?If you understand this, you know how to gather your aura.There is one most important responsibility that your boss and colleagues will probably never make clear to you.

But, in their place, I tell you that you should always keep in mind this: always do what you need to do most, and don't wait for others to ask you to do it.Believe me, no matter when, what company you are in, or what you do, this is the most correct choice for you!

An American company sends a welcome letter to each of its new employees, which says:
My dear, the reason why the company hires you is because you can meet some urgent needs of us.If the company could run smoothly and well without you, you wouldn't be here.We believe this team needs someone like you and know that you are the perfect person to help us achieve our goals.So we have come together and first of all thank you.

During your tenure, you will be asked to do many things, such as general duties, special assignments, team and your personal projects.Believe us, you will have a steady stream of opportunities to stand out from others and demonstrate your excellence to prove to the company how wise the decision to hire you was.

However, there is one most important responsibility, which your boss may never say clearly to you, but you must keep in mind during your tenure. This is the ultimate expectation of your company: please do your best. What needs to be done, don't let others ask or even rush you!
We've made the decision to hire you in the best interest of the company, and we expect you to think for yourself and use your judgment whenever and wherever you want to decide how to act.

Even if no one ever mentions this principle to you, don't make the mistake of thinking it's not important. On the contrary, it's the only principle that makes our team work well.Everyone must always do his "rightest thing", whether it is for the present or for the future.We work on this principle day in and day out.Therefore, as long as your employment relationship with us lasts for a day, it will always be the company's requirement for you, and it will also be a bright light for you to work proactively, constantly motivating your thinking and actions.

As long as you are our employee and a member of the team, you automatically have our sincere expectation for you: act proactively for our common pursuit of the best interests!
If at any time you feel we are doing something wrong - not doing what is best for all of us, then please speak up.By joining this team, you have our collective license: you have the right to speak your mind openly when necessary, to speak up with your suggestions, or to express your doubts about an action or decision.

We're always willing to listen, though that doesn't mean we necessarily agree with you, or necessarily change our current practices.As long as there is anything in your opinion that will help the company better achieve the goals pursued by the company and create more successful experiences, please speak up boldly.

In conclusion, we will say that if you want to make positive changes to the existing work process in the company, you must first try to understand how the existing work process works and its historical and practical reasons.You should first try to work within the existing system as best you can, and don't make destructive attempts without understanding.However, if you still feel that these systems need to be changed after you have tried it, please speak up without hesitation.

This letter reveals the true meaning of a manager's employment: the value of employees is always unique, and you cannot expect them to become all-round warriors.Whether in the tight-knit, interdependent teams of Silicon Valley or when dealing with our own personal affairs, abandoning general goals and finding the most correct goals is an inevitable choice for us.Like many other principles, this is simply common sense.However, it often sounds simple, but it is difficult to do.

I can only advise you to keep this principle I offer in mind at all times and apply it effectively in your life.Once you understand and practice this principle, your aura will shine brightest.Nothing could be more important than taking on this challenge to help you succeed in your job, career, and life.

Make the most of the advantages and ignore the disadvantages

(End of this chapter)

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