Aura Compilation Manual

Chapter 17 Part3 The core of the aura: emotional intelligence determines the pattern

Chapter 17 Part3 The core of the aura: emotional intelligence determines the pattern (5)
After hearing this, the guard shed two lines of tears.Suddenly, he made an astonishing decision. He opened the cell door and quietly led Nelson to escape from the prison through the back path.He signaled Nelson to leave as soon as possible, then turned and left without saying a word.

Several years later, Nelson still recalled with great emotion that if it wasn't for that smile, he didn't know if he would be able to leave the prison alive.

You see, smiling saved his life!
Smiling is not difficult, as long as you keep the door of your heart wide open.Whether you are poor or rich, noble or poor, a smile is the most powerful weapon we have.You can release it at the right time if you want to.This does not require professional training and our earnest persuasion at all, as long as you activate your instinct, plant the seeds of kindness in your heart, and know how to show your friendly greetings to others!
Your smile is the best messenger of your emotional intelligence. A kind smile can illuminate all those who see it and make them reply to you with the same sincerity.I have already said that the real success is to let others approach you, not you to approach him.A smile can do this magic, no matter when, no matter what country you are in.

Those who frown all day, look sad, and turn a blind eye to smiles, please stop being indifferent now.Your smile will be like a sun passing through thick dark clouds, when it blooms, all sorrows will run away, you will attract all beneficial things to gather around you, and your fortune will be improved immediately.

Especially for those who are under pressure from bosses, clients, friends, parents or family, a simple smile can make them realize that they are not so incompetent, and that I can win others' attention and enjoy the joy I deserve.

The Carlin Company has an ad in which the smile is generously praised:

It costs nothing and creates a lot of results.It enriches those who receive it without impoverishing those who give it.It happens in an instant, but it gives people sweet memories forever.No one is so rich that he does not need it, and no one is so poor that his lot is not improved by it.It creates family joy, builds business goodwill, and is the best word among friends.It gives rest to the weary, hope to the depressed, sunshine to the sad, and it is nature's best medicine.So when you want everyone to like you, always follow this one rule: Smile, whenever and wherever.

Please do everything possible to train yourself to smile from the bottom of your heart, it can help you convey a lot of emotional information, and say to everyone you come into contact with: We are friends, there is nothing better than this!When the other party gives you a responsive smile, he is already telling you: "Thank you, you let me experience happiness."

Your smile makes the other person feel that he is a person worthy of other people's goodwill, thus reaping the happiness of being affirmed, so he will definitely smile at you happily.This is the reason why smiling is so easy to infect people, which is completely in line with the principle that a positive aura will form a positive radiation.

Research by Mikona, a professor of psychology at the University of Michigan in the United States, has shown that people with smiling faces are more likely to achieve success in business, sales and education than those with tight faces and rigid faces.The simplest smiling face also holds more intelligence than the most complex tense face, because it is more contagious and more likely to take the initiative in human interactions, forming your irresistible aura.

This is what I want to say and always emphasize: the simpler the expression, the more powerful it is.But the reality is that most people always have an indifferent expression, they always have a sullen face unconsciously, and never show a smile easily.The main reason is that they want to suppress their true feelings.Because they have received such an educational concept since childhood, or have self-summarized in the intense pace of life, and have been infected by others such a bad experience: "Disclosing one's true emotions to others is a kind of immaturity, and it is a thing that makes people feel uncomfortable. It's something that people feel ashamed and embarrassed about, so I might as well put on a mask."

Therefore, they try to hide their emotions deeply, so that no one can see their inner world.At the same time, his subconscious was pressed against a boulder, the source of his aura was blocked, he became a person who couldn't smile, and was an unwelcome person, with a bunch of blank eyes waiting everywhere he went with him.

A contagious smile should come from the heart
How to produce a contagious smile?That's what people care about most, and that's what our smile training is all about.

Every morning when you get up and wash your face, you have to practice in front of a clean mirror.You need to tell yourself: "Forget about yesterday's unhappiness, I want to think about more pleasant things or good things that give me a sense of accomplishment, and I have to learn to show this feeling on my face!"

It's like a seed, planted in the soil of the aura at the beginning of the day, and then with a happy mood, you tighten your jaw, take a deep breath, walk out of the house with your head up, and welcome the day's work.When you meet a friend, greet him with a smile, shake his hand firmly, and radiate your aura confidently and powerfully.

You don't have to worry about being misunderstood and ridiculed by him (if so, he should be ashamed, not you), just repeat the happy belief in your heart.When you do these things repeatedly and develop a good habit, you will find that the people or things around you are as smooth as you expected.

Everything will be different when you smile from the heart.The source of happiness you think of should be those things that are really worth being happy, the happy moments in life, the light of life that God has given you.You are grateful and content from the bottom of your heart, not a phony show created by muscular changes.In this way, you can change the emotions and reactions of others.This is a very simple method. Just stand in front of the mirror every morning and practice smiling, and in a short time your personality will change-stretching towards the positive and beautiful.You will find that you, who didn't even know how to fake a smile before, have gradually been able to convey your emotions and influence others, and have established a friendly cooperative relationship with others without making a sound.

What's more, smiling can improve the aura internally. It can produce a relaxed physical state, and a relaxed physical state is incompatible with a tense emotional state.So when you smile, happy emotions have followed, and a conscious universe has been recreated in your heart, and the next life will be brand new.

The famous American psychologist and philosopher William James once said: "Actions and emotions go hand in hand. Actions can be directly controlled by the will, but emotions cannot. You must first adjust your actions before you can indirectly adjust your emotions. We are Scared because of running, happy to laugh..."

That's right, when you learn to smile, the basis of our behavior will change. The moment we smile sincerely, we have stepped into another behavior mode.It will be fun and productive, and the rewards will be incredible even to you.

Praise is the window to the aura
Smiles and compliments are like a pair of inseparable sisters. If you can properly send compliments or compliments from the heart while smiling sincerely to others, the benefits to your aura will be even more immeasurable .Almost all successful people are proficient in the art of praise, which is not utilitarian, nor is it a means of communication set up to achieve a specific purpose, but to help us open our eyes, cleanse our hearts, and treat the world with the greatest kindness.Praise is not only a virtue, but also a kind of noble and generous cultivation.

There are 6 basic principles to follow when we master the general technique of complimenting others:
1. It must come from sincerity, because sincerity is priceless.

2. The premise of praise is to know the target and match it wisely.

3. The goal of praise is to lead him to be good, not to use and grab him, to give him a good reputation and receive a positive response.

4. Every detail deserves your most beautiful words.

5. Be good at grasping the opportunity, please don't hesitate or rush.

6. Compliments should be innovative, clichés will only damage your aura.

Leighton once asked me how to properly compliment his boss, the chameleon who always pulls his face.That's right, when people think of using the technique of compliments, the first target is usually a leader or an important client.

It's clear that having a good working relationship with your boss can do our jobs more than hurt it.As Bacon said, it is a matter of mutual trust, and praise builds that trust.Look at this question from another perspective, if you know that others are praising you behind your back, you must be inclined to like him and appreciate him more, because it clearly shows that he really likes you, although it may be a clever A disguise, but he managed to make you feel his kind aura.

This is my first big piece of advice for you about compliments: the compliments are the most valuable!
On the contrary, if you know that someone criticizes or satirizes you behind your back, you must be very disgusted with him, and even want to challenge him to a duel or fight back in person, because you must feel that he hates you very much in his heart.

Anyone likes those who give themselves the impression of "I like you", and hate the unscrupulous people who attack themselves behind their backs.Please note that there are very few bosses who don't like to be complimented by their subordinates, especially the incomparable praise behind their backs. A strong psychological need for support.

So I told Leighton: "Stop telling your boss how perfect his plans are, and tell your colleagues what you think when he's not in the office."

A month later, Layton was promoted. The fact is that simple, but there are always people who like to make it complicated.

Like to hear good things, and hate all bad things. This is a major weakness of human beings that is difficult to get rid of. Why can't you take advantage of it?There are always various defects in people's aura, and sweet words are just a sharp weapon.I advise people to be wary of other people's good words, but to be proficient in advanced flattery.Intelligent people can always analyze and reason as calmly as possible in the face of other people's friendly gestures, but they are also superb flatterers at the same time, possessing the best flattery skills.

My second big piece of advice for you is this: people want compliments that are just right.

In compliments, you want to let the other party know which are the advantages that should be maintained, and which are the shortcomings that need to be overcome.But at the same time, don't keep your compliments on hold for too long.You know, the glory of hearing too much is no longer a reputation, but the greatest irony.While praising the other party, sending some less harsh criticism from time to time will have a better effect!
Psychologists believe that this is a "gain-loss effect."People like people who seem to like themselves more and more, and dislike people who seem to like them less and less.Trivial compliments that don't add value quickly depreciate.

Now, we have come to the most valuable conclusion: when a person is in a disadvantaged situation, lacks self-confidence, or is in a situation where he is not accepted and approved by others, what he needs most is affirmative evaluation and support.At this time, your appropriate encouraging praise is like sending charcoal in the snow, giving him spiritual support.However, when he gets compliments, your addition may not make him like it, it may just be superfluous.

The following is my third suggestion: Well-timed compliments will bring the greatest shock to the other party.

Many people must have heard the allusion of the Russian "Potemkin Village". This village is all built with hard cardboard.Some people believe that Potemkin built these villages along the Volga River in order to leave a good impression on the noble Empress Catherine II and her dignified foreign guests when they passed by here by boat. The fake is not a clever forgery.But contemporary historians say that Potemkin's purpose in doing this is not entirely the case. He often arranges some spectacular scenes and constructs some image projects in order to make the face of the "boss" shine.

Potemkin simply did what intelligent subordinates should do, and others did it in a less dramatic way than he did.He was well versed in the art of genuine compliments, even when they seemed to be flattering, but he was able to put a pat on the face of his superiors and gain the Queen's favor.It has to be said that this is a well-recognized good strategy.

The most important goal is to make the person being praised appear wise and wise, which is the purpose of the praiser.I told Leighton: "You must not go to the meeting room to announce your new plans and business ideas. You should write them down in writing and let your boss read them at the meeting."

It's all about making him feel radiant, happy, and grateful for you—a sign that you want him to share in your talents and credit.Layton took my advice, and he did a great job at Goldman Sachs.Then we found, not surprisingly, that he developed a very strong relationship with his boss, and the two became allies at Goldman Sachs.

In conclusion, dear reader, I give you a saying of the astute Englishman: "A man can do many things in the world, if he will let others be rewarded for him." Here are some helpful hints:
1. Don't rush to express yourself, complete the work in a way that the other party likes and is accepted by you, seize the opportunity to send your appreciation to him anytime and anywhere, and always stand on the side of your allies.

2. State a fact with your attitude: I am your good friend, and I will do my best to support you.When you try to show sincerity, even a fool can sense your kindness and grow fond of you.

3. If you hear any rumors or rumors that are unfavorable to him, you might as well tell them quietly, not only to eliminate your suspicion, but also to express your support for him.

4. Pay attention to wording and expression. When speaking, you need to be concise and direct. Don't go round the corners, let alone guess riddles.

5. We must get rid of prejudice against anyone, and consider each other in everything.Believe me, when you take the initiative to think of others, your gains will be multiplied, because it is the best compliment.

6. Finally, please keep in mind: the way of thinking centered on "I" will gradually alienate you from others, because you lack the ability to think from the standpoint of others.Your aura is extremely repulsive to the outside world, like a magnet that always releases its thrust, making people shy away.This is bad.

◎How to punish yourself for mistakes

(End of this chapter)

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