Aura Compilation Manual

Chapter 20 Part4: How to Make an Aura Star

Chapter 20 Part4: How to Make an Aura Star (1)
◎Three aura elements that make you radiant
Confidence: Let people explode their potential

In the late period of World War II, the powerful Soviet army approached the city of Berlin, and Germany's defeat was a foregone conclusion.Berlin was devastated by the war, and there were ruins everywhere. On the collapsed ruins, ordinary German people spontaneously pulled up a banner, which read: "Our walls are broken, but our hearts are not!"

In such a desperate situation, Germans are still full of hope for the future of the country, and they believe that one day Germany will rise again.It is this strong self-confidence that today's German industrial production capacity accounts for half of the entire European Union!Germany is still a powerful country in Europe and the world. In the manufacturing and high-tech industries, even the United States, which almost monopolizes the world, dare not underestimate Germany's status.

Confidence is the most important aura.A person's growth, and even success, often depends on this kind of confidence from the heart.Believe me, confidence will guide your judgment on things.Judging whether it is correct or not not only determines your success or failure in one thing, but more importantly, it is the dividing line for you to go in different directions.The same two people, they have the same conditions, are in the same environment, but one of them suddenly climbed up, while the other may never get to this level, the most important difference is what kind of actions they made judge.

In it, confidence is decisive.A person who is full of confidence in the future, compared with the guy who is full of inferiority, their paths are completely different, and there will never be any intersection.Ten years ago, you were on the same starting line. Ten years later, you will be surprised to find that the fate of the two people is very different.Around me, there are always a lot of people like this. They just think "I can or I can't", and everything is different in the end.

○Confidence is to help the subconscious mind get rid of its shackles.

○Confidence is the desire to overcome fear.

○Whether you are rich or poor, you are most afraid of being poor.

To the question "Are you confident?" almost all of our institution's training participants would answer in the affirmative.No one admits that they are not confident, which is in stark contrast to their [-]% denial of the question "are you smart?"

While they believe that they are very confident, they have experienced fear and tension without exception. They told me the real answer from the side.

Confidence does not guarantee success, on the contrary it may also bring failure.Let me tell you, self-confidence based on the desire to succeed is not solid.True self-confidence is based on a deep understanding of one's own value and trust in one's own aura, not driven by utilitarianism.Because no one can always succeed without failing, even if many people fail, they can still conquer others without losing their aura.

On this point, the last thing I want to say is that only those who are not self-confident have a strong desire to prove themselves with success, and whether they are successful and recognized by others is particularly important to him.So, please change an old concept now: truly confident people don’t care about certain accepted standards, such as whether they surpass others in a certain industry, you should care more about your own inner feelings.As long as your aura is confident, you are always a winner.

Honesty: Listen to your inner voice

Is frankness just a kind of telling the truth between people?Obviously not.What I'm saying is, are you being incredibly honest with yourself?How to listen to your inner voice is the greatest trick to discover yourself.Ignoring honesty is ignoring yourself. When you can listen to yourself carefully, you can accelerate your personal competitiveness and become a well-deserved star in the aura.

Through candid training and advancement, you'll have the opportunity to discover the secrets of what makes a man powerfully competitive, and what makes a syndicate unparalleled in their charisma.When you apply the honesty method in your life, everyone will experience the power of your "honesty", and you will also appreciate how it can change your life.

Ryan is my most important partner, and he continues to practice the theme of candor with his life.Since working with him, I found that he has put a lot of effort into the quality of honesty, not only to others, but more importantly to himself.I've watched and experienced his growth firsthand, and I've often been amazed at how quickly he's grown.As an important person in charge of the organization, it is his talent and honesty that have allowed him to upgrade from a professional trainer to an excellent thinker, helping people succeed in improving their aura from a higher level.

For candid training, we grasped two aspects:
First, be completely honest and exchange secrets unconditionally.

When a person can be completely honest with himself and with others, a new space opens up in his life, and the soul enters a deep level.There, you and others can respond to each other, and you will feel that it is not terrible to be seen through the heart by the other party.For a qualified leader, the most important characteristic is that he has full responsiveness, and he can respond [-]% to the needs of others.And to do this, the foundation is that he needs to be completely honest with himself and others, even if it is some secrets that may endanger himself, he also needs to be honest with you with confidence.

A person who cannot be honest with himself cannot be honest with others.When a person needs to cover up and escape, he does not have enough attention to respond to the needs of others.At this point, he is at odds with himself, split on a psychic level.At this point, his strength and energy are counterbalanced by his own inner conflict, which prevents him from focusing his scattered aura to achieve the desired goal.Such a person not only does not have the ability to become a protagonist, but also cannot take on the important task of a manager, because he cannot even control himself.This is why many people struggle and struggle with even a small problem.

Of course, not being honest does not mean that their material life will be bad. On the contrary, sometimes it looks good. Many people are rich people who live in the rich areas of New York, but his life is full of boredom and pain.He knew every day that he was wanting and insecure, and was never satisfied with his life.He's always playing a role, or wearing some false mask, and just having that feeling cancels out most of his happiness.So from a long-term perspective, a person who is not honest will not be able to truly enjoy the happiness brought by money and success, and will not be able to have an aura that stands out from the crowd. This is also the secret that I advocate for people to be honest and listen to each other in the charm course training s reason.

In our honesty training, they learned to be honest with themselves, and many problems in their lives disappeared immediately.Immediately he can experience things and relationships in the external world that are completely different from what he has been used to.And the speed of this change can sometimes be described as a miracle.When we emphasized again that "honesty is the foundation of all progress", they already smiled and fully agreed with this point of view.

Second, the training of frank skills and communication methods.

Even the most well-meaning candor takes skill, or you'll get the lip of the donkey.In a public relations training, a man tried to approach the beautiful girls opposite with his honest "ambition", but his "sincere image" made him quickly eliminated by the opposite ladies.They were not interested in him at all, what a PR failure.Because he didn't pay attention to the skills of showing himself and the way of communicating with others. When a lady chose him because of his outstanding first impression, he took the initiative to tell the other party her private and home phone numbers, and asked her very directly if she was married and had children. How old is this year.The right way is more important than honesty itself, because honesty does not mean that you can express it at will so that others will misunderstand you, hate you or be stabbed by you.

Tolerance: the most conquering personality charm
Tolerance is always the hardest thing to achieve, but it is precisely because of this that its charm is the greatest.

During the American Civil War, a cavalryman fled the battlefield halfway. When he was about to be executed, Lincoln forgave him. In the end, he became a brave warrior who killed the enemy and died on the battlefield.His name was Roswell McIntyre, and he was killed in a pitched battle in Virginia.People found a letter in his close pocket, and he expressed his gratitude and great respect to Lincoln.Because of Lincoln's tolerance, he became a truly fearless warrior.If Lincoln killed him, he would be a deserter forever; but forgiveness brought his life to a turning point and gave him a chance of redemption.

Halpes once said: "Tolerance is the only test of human civilization." Personally, tolerance occupies an extremely important position in our interpersonal communication, so everyone should treat others with a tolerant aura.Unless that man wants to kill you, we'd better put our teeth away.It does us no harm to forgive each other for a few mistakes.

Even in companies in Europe and the United States, I often hear people introduce their workplace experience: "Don't offend your boss, otherwise you will have no good fruit!" "For those who are against you, you must resolutely Get rid of them..." Ah, this is really a war without gunpowder, everyone is looking for opponents with wide-eyed eyes and knives.Disputes and hostility filled the office, mistrust between superiors and subordinates, and intrigue among colleagues.All of them have lost their broad mind and superior aura.

A person who wants to be a good leader, if you don't have the quality of tolerance, how can you be worthy of your protagonist status?If you think about how to repay grievances with grievances every day, and retaliate with an eye for an eye, then it is not the style of a general, and the establishment of prestige is wishful thinking.Only when you can listen to different opinions, including harsh words, and tolerate all kinds of people, can you gradually lead an excellent team.

◎The Law of "First Sight"

First impressions are our best branding because you may never get a second chance to create a new image for yourself.This is true for both individuals and companies.

During the Aichi World Expo in Japan, an American journalist went there with great enthusiasm, but came back with regrets.The Japanese prepared very carefully. There are many robots who are good at singing and cleaning, and there is a high-tech atmosphere everywhere.However, the robot that can speak foreign languages ​​is not yet mature. The organizer has set up a program for it to answer simple questions from guests in multiple languages ​​such as Japanese and English, hoping to reduce language difficulties for tourists.However, those robots were unable to cope with the ever-changing situations in reality and there were many language barriers.At the same time, there are not many signs marked in English in the venue, and there are even fewer on-site staff who can speak English.Therefore, the elaborate design of the organizer was overshadowed and did not leave a satisfactory first impression on the American reporter.

Although there are still many wonderful places in this World Expo, the American journalist has no interest in appreciating it.He chose to return to China early and wrote a critical article, thinking that it was not a place worth visiting.It has to be said that the law of first sight works.Most of a brand's information will be given out at the first glance, rather than through the long-term understanding afterward.Even for a well-known electrical appliance brand, the impression it gives consumers is often its initial products rather than the later professional services.

Believe me, whether it is a business or you personally, this must be the case.

The Unavoidable Primacy Effect: The First Test of Aura

We know that the impression left on the other party in the first communication between people occupies a dominant position after it is formed in the other party's mind. This effect is the primacy effect.It is also known as the first effect, priority effect or "first impression" effect.Under normal circumstances, a person's posture, posture, conversation, clothing, etc. will reflect the person's inner quality and other personality characteristics to a certain extent, and leave us a long-term habitual impression.

When you see a person, his life experience and life situation will be clearly written on his face.We can say that this is the aura, and it can also be called the image of fate.The reason why those excellent successful people can attract everyone is that he has a strong aura and a strong primacy effect. He can often show you his deep-rooted charm at the first sight, making you feel Involuntarily falling for it.Many mediocre people with rough fate often reveal to us the inevitable development curve of his life when they meet for the first time.

(End of this chapter)

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