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Chapter 34 Jinfen Ancient Architecture Preliminary Investigation Record

Chapter 34 Jinfen Ancient Architecture Preliminary Investigation Record (3)
The plane of the temple is deep and wide, with the main hall—Wahuang Hall—as the center, surrounded by gallery houses, with two gates in the middle of the south gallery house, and beyond the two gates, there are still gallery houses on the left and right, with a wall on the south and a mountain gate in the middle. In this way, the temple is divided into inner and outer courtyards.The main hall in the inner courtyard is in the middle, and there are stele pavilions facing each other in the outer courtyard, creating a grand impression.This is a relatively rare layout.

According to the monument in the sixth year of Kaibao in the Song Dynasty in the temple: "It was in the old capital of Pingyang, and the original temple of Nuwa was rebuilt... Hundreds of feet from north to south, nine feasts from east to west; mist covered eaves, fragrant flying households..." But "Zhi" said Tianbao was in the sixth year The reconstruction may have been a six-year mistake of Kaibao.The second most ancient monument was rebuilt in the 14th year of the Yuan Dynasty. In addition, there are countless steles rebuilt or sacrificed in the Ming and Qing dynasties.

There are five existing main halls, with double eaves and Xieshan, and the forehead is called Wahuang Palace.The column is tall and thin but the bucket is not very big.The upper eaves are double-raised, and each room is made of a tween shop; the lower eaves are single-raised, and there is no tween shop.As far as the upper eaves are concerned, the lower eaves of the pilgrimage are slightly wider than those of the tween shop. There are quite large beams protruding from it, which is slightly in the shape of a "peach tip". The lower eaves also have beams, but they are wider Small.From this point of view, the age of this hall may not be earlier than the end of Yuan Dynasty and the beginning of Ming Dynasty.Now under the truss of the main spine, there are still the words rebuilt during the reign of Chongzhen in the big book.

The bridge connecting the stigmas is very small, and it is supported by a generous Pupai Fang.The beam frame in the Xieshan part is also similar to that seen in the Guoning Temple in Fenyang. Buckets are used to support Caibu Jinliang on the Shunliang (or forehead). Because the Shunliang is only the same size as the forehead, it is quite fragile.The color paintings in this hall, especially those on the inner eaves, are still full of ancient style, which has the meaning of the color paintings of "Zao Fa Shi".The door cymbals and door nails are made of iron, and the casters are extremely fine and handsome.

Inside the two gates is the stone scripture building of the Eastern Song Dynasty. Although all the weights are not very beautiful, the reliefs of each part are exquisite, such as the picture of Buddha traces on the top of Xumizuo, and the city gate is carved in the middle, which is very similar to the Dunhuang murals. The picture on the left and right is "Prince" see.The middle section is overlaid, with lions carved on each of the eight sides.The upper part is on the lotus seat, each petal has exquisite patterns, and the stamens are carved on it.Apart from the statue of Tianbao in Daxiang Village, this scripture building is considered to be the most exquisite among the stone carvings seen on this trip.

Lower Temple of Guangsheng Temple, Zhaocheng County

More than a year ago, the discovery of the Song Edition in Zhaocheng caused a sensation in the academic world, and the name of Guangsheng Temple has spread throughout the country.Chinese people only know the preciousness of Tibetan scriptures, but not the rareness of Guangsheng Temple architecture.

Guangsheng Temple is about forty miles southeast of Zhaocheng County, at the southern end of Huoshan Mountain.The temple is divided into upper and lower houses, commonly known as "upper temple" and "lower temple".The upper temple is on the mountain, and the lower temple is at the foot of the mountain, about a mile apart (but according to the local villagers, it is five miles up the mountain and one mile down the mountain).

Starting from Zhaocheng County, we pass through the plain for about [-] miles, and the terrain begins to get higher. Although the [-] miles is a plain, there are many clay flat-headed hills, and the road is sunk in the red soil valley. Mai millet, with a line of blue sky above his head, and the scorching sun, is extremely boring.

In the last twenty miles, the slope gradually slopes, straight up to the high hill, and coiled up and down. You can look forward to the mountains and peaks, overlook the Tianlong farmhouses, and walk through several mountain villages. It has a picturesque meaning: the trees are growing more and more lush, and the ancient trunks are encircled, and the tree gods must be worshiped underneath, leaving traces of incense.The sweet spring in the mountains has turned into a stream so far, and in the areas where it passes, women and children mostly wash vegetables and wash clothes, making use of nature.The spring is as clear as glass, and the bottom can often be seen. Seeing it makes one feel cool, and the scenery becomes more charming and lovely as one goes forward.

But when he was about to reach Guangsheng Temple, he came to a plain again. This vast plain is a dry riverbed at the foot of the highest mountain. The ground is covered with stone flakes, almost barren. Cheerful and magnificent, showing the character of the northern scenery.

Because we are facing the east, just facing the Guangsheng Temple, we can see the upper and lower temples, as well as the pagoda, attached to the side of the mountain, shining in the sunset until the sunset.Although the temple is near from the bottom of the mountain, we traveled together in the twilight for about an hour, until we were exhausted and we rushed to the gate of the lower temple.

The lower temple is located on the hillside, the front is low and the rear is high, and the scale is not very large.There are three gates in front of the mountain, which can be accessed by the steep corridor.Inside the mountain gate is the front yard, and then up to the front hall.There are five front halls, and there are bell and drum towers on the left and right, which are close to the gable wall.Behind the front hall is the backyard, the seven main halls are located in the middle of the back, and there are east and west side halls on the left and right.

Shanmen Shanmen has a strange appearance and is the most ancient and interesting.The roof is built on a mountain, with high columns and far-reaching eaves. Under the main eaves, there are "hanging flower rain towers" at the front and back, hanging out of the eaves columns, so the front and back are double eaves, and the sides are single eaves.The main eaves and buckets were built upright with a single copy of the list, with five pavements and two jumps outside.Xia Ang does not provoke.But on the side column, double copy is used.On top of the heavy mud road, only a layer of stigma fangs is applied, and there is no pressure groove fangs on it.The first jump outside is heavy, and the second jump requires the top to replace the wood to support the overhanging eaves.The head is shaped like a grasshopper's head, with a slight slope, as seen in various temples in Datong.

The rain tower is protruded from the eaves pillars, and on the hanging pillars, the forehead is applied, and the squares are generally clad, and the upper buckets are copied and four shops are made as a single construction.The lower ends of the hanging columns are cut neatly without carvings.

The eaves and pillars of the hall are very high, the forehead is slender, and the Pupai Fang is wide, and the head protruding from the forehead is cut into the shape of a grasshopper's head.Pu Pai Fang is oblique.

The internal central column is supported by buckets, under the six rafters, under the front and rear flat rafters, between Shiti wood and loops.The ridge and the upper level are directly erected on the four rafters with Shuzhu.There is only one layer of eaves and rafters, and no flying rafters are used.

It is the first time we have seen such an appearance as the mountain gate; it is rare to see three Shu columns standing side by side on four rafters, which can save a flat beam.

There are five halls in front of the front hall, and the top of the hall is suspended from a mountain; the east and west of the hall are bell and drum towers.The base of the steps is about three meters higher than the front yard, and there is a platform in front; the left and right sides of the platform are corridors, leading to the bell and drum towers.

Except for the south side of the center of the front hall, there are only stigma pavement, but no intermediary pavement.Dou Zhengxin uses the mud path to weigh, single-handedly hops, four paves, jumps the head to give orders to replace the wood, and tweens the pavement, which is more concise.

On the plane, the gold pillars on the second left and right seams on the south side do not use pillars (see Figure [-] on the previous page), but use a huge inner forehead, which spans from the inner flat pillars to the mountain pillars, and the front and rear eaves of the left and right second seams The tail of the "Ruyan" on the column is particularly elongated, protruded obliquely upwards, the middle part is placed on the above-mentioned inner forehead, and the upper end is connected under the flat beam, supporting the middle part of the flat beam. In principle, it is the same, and it can be said to be a huge ang.The upper and lower courtyards of Guangsheng Temple both use a similar structure method.This structure is the first among the many relics we have seen in various parts of the country over the years.It is especially important because the ancient buildings in Japan, especially the early relics such as the Asuka Lingle, all use extremely high costs. The structural method is similar to this. This example can prove the problem that architects have long doubted. , the problem is that Japan's structural law is directly inherited from China's pre-Song building regulations, not self-invented, and this kind of regulation has been lost or rare in Chinese descendants.At the same time, it makes us believe that the importance of the various structures of Guangsheng Temple in the example of architectural relics is far beyond what we originally imagined.

The two mountain beams are made of extremely light and elegant materials, which are rarely seen in ordinary large buildings.The front and rear eaves are extremely short, and the Bofeng version is narrow and long.Both the vertical ridge and the kissing beast are richly carved.There is a statue of a monk in the north door of the hall, which is obviously Egyptian, which is really strange.

Outside the two gables is the Bell and Drum Tower, with brick terraces underneath.The doorway for issuing coupons is accessible below.The steps are based on the small square pavilion.Dou Danang, the cross ridge rests on the top of the mountain.As far as the location of the Bell and Drum Tower is concerned, this is not a common arrangement.

The Buddha statues in the hall are rather clumsy, and there is nothing particularly exciting about them.

The seven rooms of the main hall are at the end.There are three doors in the middle, and there are tall mullioned windows on the left and right sides of the door.The top of the hall is also made of hanging mountains.

Douwupu is made, heavy, with two jumps, single-copy sheet and lower-raised, which is a common fake raised in Ming and Qing Dynasties.The bucket is only applied to the stigma without tweening.Order Shangshi to replace the wood to support the eaves.On top of the heavy mud road, only a layer of stigma squares is applied, and the upper part is quite far apart, and the pressure grooves are placed squarely.When it comes to the simplicity of using buckets, these two ancient buildings are the most we have seen.Although compared with the weight of the building itself, the bucket is not particularly large, and the details of the Angzui and Pupaifang seem to be of a later age, but in general, the buildings of this temple are not particularly large. Gu Jie is indeed superior to all existing Chinese ancient buildings.It is hard to say whether the descendants inherited the earlier legacy, or whether the original ancient structure already contained several characteristics of the descendants.

The beam frame structure of the main hall is roughly the same as that of the front hall.On the plane, the inner columns of the left and right seams are not aligned with the eaves columns, so the rear tails of the eaves columns on the first and second slits on the left and right are raised to rest on the big inner forehead, but the scorpion (or Ang) tails are only pressed on Under the four rafters, unlike the front hall, which intersects in the middle under the flat beam.The dwarf columns and flat beams above the four rafters are as light and elegant as the front hall. Although the economy of materials used in these two halls has not been carefully measured, it is only observed with the naked eye, which is even better than the Liao Dynasty buildings we have seen before.If compared with the official beams of the Qing Dynasty, they can really be regarded as the two extremes of the weight of the beams in Chinese buildings. Calculated in proportion, the cross-sectional area of ​​​​the temple beams may be less than one-third of the cross-section of the Qing-style beams. .

There are five Buddha statues in the main hall, and the sculptors are exquisite. Although they have undergone many times of heavy makeup, they are still somewhat similar to the statues in the Bojiajiao Hall of Huayan Temple in Datong.The Bodhisattvas standing beside them are particularly pretty and divine, with Tang style, Buddha-like clothes and belts, Zhuangzhe Zhuang, Yizheyi, and the shaping skills are really top-notch (see Figure [-] on the previous page).The eighteen arhats under the east and west gables have no special skills and should not be original.

On the eye wall of the tip of the east gable wall, there is still a small piece of murals, and the images are beautiful in color and luster.It is said that the monks of Minliu Temple sold the murals of the two mountains to antique dealers and used the money to repair the temple. Although this is an extremely unfortunate thing, it is said that the temple collapsed at that time. It is true that the palace survived because of this, and although the murals were exiled in a foreign country, both of them deserved their place.Lest such schemes remain a motive for the piracy of antiquities for profit.An exquisite mural called "Tang" displayed in the Museum of Pengzhou University in the United States is very similar to this.Recently, I heard that the Ganthas Provincial Museum in the United States has recently acquired murals, and the seller told me the source, which means this temple.

There are three Duo halls in the east and west of the main hall of Duo hall.The Duo hall is also built on a hanging mountain, with tall and thin columns, a thin forehead, and a very wide square.The Dou Si shop is set up as a single order.Be careful to use a tween shop to make two flowers, with one flower slightly in between.All are roughly similar to the front hall of the main hall, and should be of the same age.

Shang Temple of Guangsheng Temple, Zhaocheng County

The upper temple is on the southernmost low hill of Huoshan Mountain.The "glass pagoda" in front of the temple stands on the top of the mountain, and it is very clear when viewed from forty or fifty miles away.

The road from the lower temple to the upper temple is quite steep, and the rocks are huge, but the stone skin is extremely smooth, and the slope is dotted with mountain pines. The scenery is like the common layout of landscapes in Chinese paintings, but the top of the mountain is a small plateau. Looking down from this point, you can see the lower temple and have a bird's-eye view of the panorama; the south end of the plateau is where the gate of the upper temple is located.Inside the mountain gate is the empty courtyard, and to the north of the empty courtyard, the vertical flower gate is opposite to the mountain gate.Inside the vertical flower gate, on the center line, stands the "Glass Pagoda".Behind the pagoda is the front hall, where the famous Song edition Tibetan scriptures are hidden.Behind the front hall is an empty front yard, with wing rooms on the left and right, and the main hall on the north.Behind the main hall is the apse, and there are hatchbacks on the left and right.In addition, there are two or three attached small houses on the hillside.

The Liuli Pagoda is also known as the Feihong Pagoda.As far as the plane position is concerned, the tower stands inside the vertical flower gate, on the center line before the front hall, which was originally made in Tang Dynasty.The plane of the tower is octagonal, thirteen steps high, the body of the tower is built of bricks, decorated with corner columns of glazed tiles, Buddha statues with bucket eaves and tiles, etc.There is a wooden corridor on the bottom floor.This approach is the same as the relic pagoda of Yongxiu Temple in Rehe and the glazed pagoda of Jingyi Garden in Xiangshan, Beiping.But above the corridor of the tower, there is still a small building in the south, which is handed over to the cross ridge.

From the point of view of the overall balance, the collection of points for this tower is particularly rapid. Compared with the brick eaves of the lowest floor, the size of the uppermost eaves is only one third of the size of the lower ones.Moreover, the contours of the tower eaves on the upper and lower floors are in a straight line, without the smell of entagis.The corners of the eaves of each floor are not raised, and all of them are rigid straight lines, which are far from the soft lines of ordinary Chinese architecture.

The lowest floor of the pagoda houses a huge sitting statue of Sakyamuni, just like the wooden pagoda of Fogong Temple in Ying County.The ceiling of the lower floor is domed and decorated with extremely thin glazed buckets.There are levels to climb in the tower, and its structure is so peculiar that we are still seeing it for the first time.Most of the interiors of ordinary brick towers are impenetrable, and few of them can be climbed.This tower is a rare exception.Each step in the tower is about [-] to [-] centimeters high and more than ten centimeters wide, forming a steep slope of about [-] degrees.Each of these very high and very narrow steps reaches the end, usually with a "half floor"

At the Lanaing place, Lanaing was not used, but it stopped suddenly. From the top step of this section, Lanaing, who turned around but could jump through the air, climbed to the bottom step of another step on the back wall (see Figure [-] on the next page); Small brick holes are left on the walls on both sides of the ladder, which can hold two hands and hold candles.Those who walk up this steep ladder without a shred of light, while trembling, can't help admiring the ingenuity of the designer.

Regarding the age of this tower, it is said that it was built in the Northern Zhou Dynasty. In addition to its shape and structure, we can conclude that it is the scale of the Ming and Qing Dynasties. On many colored glazes, we can see the year name of the tenth year of Zhengde, so the existing tower body is rarely formed. Suspicious point.Under the main purlin of the wooden corridor on the ground floor, there is also the words "founded in the second year of Tianqi", which means that the corridor is too large and out of proportion. From the perspective of balance, we can almost conclude that the original tower of Zhengde did not have such a corridor.

Although from the perspective of the whole building, all kinds of glazed tile decorations are complicated and inappropriate, such as the heads of each bucket are shaped into grimaces, which is particularly funny; Boutique.

The front hall is to the north of the tower: the front of the hall and the small yard in front of the hall are completely blocked by the tall tower.The hall is five rooms wide and four rooms deep, and the roof is built with single eaves.The bucket is rebuilt, and the double bottom is raised; the front is careful to use the tween shop to make two flowers, and the second one is not used for a while; this kind of arrangement is really sparse, but because of the narrow opening and the high column, it is quite dense. The crowded shape suddenly looks like the arrangement method of the late generation.But on the mountain surface, there is no need for intermediary paving, and this kind of completely different layout on the front and side is something he has never seen before.The connection between the stigma and the stigma is that the appendix is ​​small and the Pupai Fang is wide. At the top of the corner column, the appendix is ​​used as the head and the Pupai Fang is obliquely oblique.In the past, we have seen that the two common squares are placed at the joint of the column head (that is, the so-called "joint between common squares" in "Zao Fa Shi"), and they are placed on top of each other. Perhaps we have neglected the practice of "hooking one's head and clapping one's hands together" before, so it has been a long time since we opened our eyes for the first time.

The beam frame of the front hall has one point in common with the beam frames of the lower temple halls, which is the application of Da Ang.Except for the Daang between the front and rear eaves, the Daang under the two mountains (see Figure [-] on the previous page) is particularly ingenious.It's a pity that the photography failed, leaving only this inaccurate sketched cross-sectional view.The lower end of this big angling is supported on the head of the bucket, the middle part is placed on the "Caibu Jin" beam, and the rear tail is raised high to lift the middle section of the flat beam. This method is the same as that seen in the lower temple. principle, and it is especially appropriate to use it.

The statues in the front hall are quite good. Although they have been remodeled many times, they still retain their original elegance.The standing statues on both sides of the Buddha statues are full of Song style, while the ones on the back are slightly inferior.

The main hall is five rooms wide and built on a hanging mountain, and the open courtyard of the front hall faces the front hall across the courtyard.Seeing the porch eaves in front of the hall suddenly, it is easy to mistake it for the structure of modern times, but inside the porch eaves, on the beams holding the head, you can still see the original state of Shan Angdou.Like the main hall of Xiasi, this hall does not need intermediaries, and its structure is extremely simple.The internal beams are not visible because of the roof, but there must be great and unique methods.

There are three statues in the main hall, Sakyamuni and Manjusri Puxian, the sculptors are extremely fine and full of Song style; among them, Bodhisattva is the most beautiful.The relief carvings on the Buddhist tent are exquisitely carved with geometric patterns of flowers, plants, dragons and animals, which are the best among wood carvings.Below the two gables sit eighteen iron statues of Arhats, probably cast in the Ming Dynasty.

The back hall is at the end of the temple.Five rooms wide, four rooms deep, and four tops.Because the ratio of the width of the face to the depth of five is four, the length of the main ridge is only as wide as the center of the heart, which is extremely short, which has not been seen elsewhere.The inner columns are far apart and are not juxtaposed with the eaves columns.The bucket is double lowered for the five shops.Be careful to use a tween shop to make two flowers, and use one flower each for the second room and the two mountains.The stigma is laid up two times and placed under the beam, and the tween shop is used to raise the tail of the second floor.The column is thin and tall, the forehead is slender, and the common square is slightly wider than the forehead.At the head of the corner column, the forehead is cut out as the head, and the square is used to wipe the corners, which is exactly the same as that of the front hall.The beams in the hall are made of light materials, which can be matched with the front hall.On the middle line of the mountain, there is a big tail hanging up and down.There is no inner forehead on the inner column, and Si Ah does not push the mountain.Some of the colored paintings on the beam frame, such as the white and green baoxianghua on the lower red ground, and the ancient brocade inscriptions on the buckets, all seem to be in their original colors.

Except for the gate in the south, the hall has thick walls all around.The portraits on the wall are not necessarily very old, nor are they all very good.Beware of the grid fan, the flower center is engraved and inlaid with extremely fine circular intersecting patterns, which is slightly like the "picking white ball wen grid eye" seen in volume 32 of "Zao Fa Shi", but it is more refined.The grid eyes of this fan are inlaid with many shuttle-shaped or arrow-shaped carvings, which is a very high achievement in workmanship.On the horizontal drape, the pattern of the grid fan is slightly different from that on the bottom, but it is closer to the pattern of the Qing style "linghua grid fan".

There are five Buddha statues in the apse. The sculptors are very poor, the appearance is fat and vulgar, the arms are boneless, the folds of the clothes are round but not drooping, the backlight is extremely complicated, and the Buddha's crown and hair are all made by Tantra.The standing Bodhisattvas are more beautiful, but they are not far behind the statues in the main hall.

The main halls of the upper and lower courtyards of Guangsheng Temple, except for the glazed pagoda, probably belong to the same period, and their structure and style are consistent.

There are quite a lot of inlaid stones between the walls of the upper and lower temples, and there are also many steles. Among them, the one describing the origin of the temple is Guo Ziyi's tablet re-engraved in the first year of Zhiping.The font and lace are very quaint.The text is as follows:

Thirty miles southeast of Zhaocheng County, Jinzhou, at the southern foot of Huoshan Mountain, there is a pagoda courtyard of King Yu.

Youhedong Observation Envoy Situ Jianzhong Shuling, Fenyang County King Guo Ziyi played; according to Shuofang Zuoxiang soldiers and horse envoys, Kaifu Yitong Sansi, tried Taichang Qing, Wuyuan County King Li Guangzan said: the front tower meets the mountain Bring water, the historic sites can be preserved, it can be placed in a garden, and it can be established voluntarily.Fuqizuo set up a temple to worship and benefit the country, and please still use Ashoka as the forehead.The minister's quasi-certificate issued the prefectural survey and responsibility, and received the senior citizen Chen Xiantong and other certificates, and at the request of Guang Zan, set up the temple as Guangsheng.Because of begging for God's grace, he fulfilled his sincere wish, and as a gift from Monte, please still choose monks and abbots from various temples in Dangzhou to sweep.Zhongshu's disciple issued an ultimatum to Hedong Observation Envoy, who received an ultimatum.The ultimatum on May 27th in the fourth year of the Dali calendar.The monk who lived in the temple saw that the stone stone in the temple had been old for a long time, and it had been bad for a long time. Now he wants to renovate it and remark it.Zhiping first year, November 29th.

(End of this chapter)

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