learn to speak, learn etiquette

Chapter 3 Basic Training in Learning to Speak

Chapter 3 Basic training for learning to speak (2)
Ye Jianying said "The Central Guard Corps should be renamed..." in a strange and extraordinary way.He didn't directly explain the significance of the guard group, but used an ingenious metaphor to make the other party stunned, and then asked a few questions in succession, pressing hard at every step, and eradicating the knots in the soldiers' hearts all at once.

After the Marco Polo Bridge Incident, the whole country demanded to stop the civil war and unite to resist Japan.During this period, Comrade Chen Yi negotiated with local Kuomintang representatives in Dayu, Jiangxi.He fought stubbornly with his tongue and asked the Kuomintang army to make way for the southern guerrillas who went north to fight against Japan.But the other party said sarcastically that they had "too many soldiers".

Comrade Chen Yi ridiculed: "You soldiers don't want to go north to fight against Japan, do you still want to be accompanied by guerrillas?"

This remark was so surprising that the other party could not answer.

Surprises also include using fantastic analogies, rhetorical questions, and more.

In November 1936, the Kuomintang reactionaries arrested the "Seven Gentlemen" in order to suppress the democratic movement.When Mr. Shen Junru was "triald" in the court, there was a verbal battle like this:
The judge asked: "Isn't 'Resisting Japan and saving the nation' the slogan of the Communist Party?"

"The Communist Party eats, and we also eat. Could it be that the Communist Party resisted the Japanese, and we couldn't resist the Japanese?" Mr. Shen replied.

This passage, using "eating" as an analogy, refuted the other party's absurd claim that what the Communist Party has done, others can't do it, and the judge was speechless.

To use the surprise method, it is necessary to understand the opponent's wishes.The strategy of winning by surprise is not based on subjective assumptions, but a clever adaptation to objective laws.

[-]. The key to learning to speak is to practice

Tempering language is the basic skill training for eloquent masters.

If you want to be a famous eloquentist, you have to gather in the garden of life all day long like a bee makes honey; you have to dig out real gold in the sand like an old man digging for gold.The rich language treasure house of the past dynasties in China, the excellent language wealth from all over the world, the vivid and vivid folk language, and the carefully crafted written vocabulary are all "rich mines" that we should explore.

First of all, language can be learned directly from the people in daily life.Life is the most abundant source of language. To enrich one's own language, one must learn from life.A person who is blind and has no contact with the people cannot acquire knowledge.The same goes for learning a language, without life there is no language.Lao She said: "Find language from life, and language will have roots."

To learn a language, you must learn oral English.The great Russian critical realist writer Tolstoy praised the peasants as "everyone" of language.The "genius" of language does exist among the masses of people.For example, we often use the adverb of degree "very" in our speech, such as "very black", but in the spoken language of the people, we use a more precise, vivid and concise expression: "dark".

To learn a language, you need to read more, that is, to observe and experience diligently, to be really familiar with your target, to master his tone, timbre, etc., instead of copying it mechanically.

Second, read more Chinese and foreign classics. Everyone is familiar with the experience saying that "if you are familiar with three hundred Tang poems, if you don't know how to recite poems, you will be able to recite poems".It tells people that if they want to learn oral language and improve their eloquence skills, they should read more classics. "Thousands of poor books, often recited in secret" chanting them, if you understand them by heart, you will have a strong interest; if you get familiar with the subtleties of language, you can arouse sensitive feelings; if you are familiar with the wonderful pens of famous works, you can get rich vocabulary, then beautiful language in oratory and speaking will come naturally.It's not impossible.As long as you study hard, persevere, remember good thoughts, and apply them constantly, you will be able to do what Guo Moruo said in the long run: "Seek the law when you can't find it, and seek it when you have the law."

Thirdly, poor knowledge is an important reason for poor language, especially poor vocabulary.If the author of "Water Margin" didn't understand the affairs of the rivers and lakes, and all kinds of eloquence such as opening tea houses, pulling strings, accepting small children, talking about customs, being a horse boy, and taking advantage of the fire, he would not be able to write vividly and vividly about the pious man who has become a fine man. Mother-in-law and godmother.This is enough to show that mastering a wealth of knowledge and learning a language are closely integrated.

But in the final analysis, the most important part of learning eloquence is to use more and practice more.Japanese Prime Minister Kakuei Tanaka suffered from a stuttering problem when he was a teenager. In order to overcome his shortcomings, he often deliberately read Chinese slowly.For accurate pronunciation, correct the shape of the mouth and the base of the tongue in front of the mirror.On a rainy day, Kakuei Tanaka delivered an impassioned political speech at a meeting place in Japan, but due to rain and various reasons, there were only three audiences left: the old lady and her daughter-in-law ,grandson.Facing the three audiences, Kakuei Tanaka was not discouraged at all, but spoke solemnly and with full concentration.With his eloquent words, sonorous tone, fluent articulation, sincere emotion, and simple truths, he moved the three audiences, the old, the middle and the young, emotionally.In this way, Kakuei Tanaka never let go of every opportunity to exercise his eloquence, and finally became a speaker who shocked everyone around.

An excellent speech should have a strong appeal and appeal, so that the audience applauds when they praise; when they are uplifted, they wave their arms and shout;Such a speech is "magnetic", and an excellent speech resonates with the audience with its "magnetism".Imagery words and unique examples are like seasonings for cooking, and speech and speech cannot be done without "seasoning".How to make good use of "condiments"?

Contain reason in things and empathy in things.Sun Yat-sen once told a true story in a speech.One day, an overseas Chinese rich man in Nanyang with a property of more than ten million yuan was a guest at a friend's place. He was unable to return at night because he did not bring a night notice card and a night light.Because the law at that time stipulated that if Chinese go out at night without a notice card and night lights, they will be seized by the Dutch patrol, and they will be fined if they are light, or jailed if they are serious.Out of helplessness, he had to pay a Japanese prostitute to accompany him home.After Sun Yat-sen told this shocking story, he said: "The Japanese prostitute is very poor, but her motherland is strong, so her status is high, and her actions are free. I am a Chinese who is rich, but my motherland is not strong, so my status It’s not as good as a prostitute in Japan. If the country perishes, we will be angry everywhere, and our children and grandchildren will be angry.” This example has great penetrating power and aroused the patriotic enthusiasm of the audience.

Clever use of metaphors, lifelike.In his speech, Lu Xun compared new trends of thought and old ideas to "new mandarin jacket" and "old mandarin jacket". Zhili can be said to be vivid.In the speeches of Ma Xiangbo, known as "China's No. [-] orator", there are many figurative metaphors.When the Japanese invaded China, he said in the third national calamity theory: "Everyone, wake up, there is gunpowder next to the pillow, can we sleep? There are burglars in the house, can we sleep?" It is like the gunpowder next to the pillow and the thief in the room, which vividly shows the danger of the situation and contains a sense of urgency to resist Japan and save the country.

Seven, the experience of predecessors is often used for reference
Argumentative story

(1) Yan Zi envoy Chu

Yanzi, named Ying, was born in the state of Qi in the Spring and Autumn Period, and was once the prime minister of the state of Qi.He is smart, quick-witted, and eloquent.

Once, the king of Qi sent him to the state of Chu.The people of Chu State saw that he was short, so they closed the gate of the palace and left a small door beside it to let him in, so as to humiliate him.

Yan Zi understood immediately.He said to the Chu people: "This is the dog gate. If you go to the dog country, you should naturally go through the dog gate. I am coming to Chu country now, so I shouldn't go through the dog gate?"

The people of Chu had no choice but to open the gate and let Yanzi in grandly.

(2) Chunyu Kun pleaded guilty
The king of Qi enthusiastically asked Chunyu Kun to go to the state of Chu to present a swan.He didn't go far, and accidentally let Hufei go away.

Chunyu Kun still went to the state of Chu, and said to the king of Chu: "The king of Qi asked me to present the swan enthusiastically. When I got to the river, I saw that the swan was very thirsty, so I let it out to drink, but it flew away. I am very sad because of this, I want to commit suicide, and I am afraid that the world will talk about the king of Qi, saying that the state of Qi killed a courtier because of a bird! I want to buy another swan, but I think it is a lie, I can’t Dry; I want to simply escape to another country, but then there will be no envoys between the Qi and Chu countries to communicate, and there may be misunderstandings. After thinking about it, I still came empty-handed and apologized to the king."

After hearing this, the king of Chu not only didn't blame him, but praised him instead.

(3) Youzhan pleads for the paint city

During Qin II, Youzhan was still in the palace.One day, Qin Ershi suddenly had a whim and wanted to paint the city walls.

This is a waste of time and money, but no one dares to dissuade it.Youzhan went to see the Second King and said, "It is a good idea to paint the city. After painting the city, the surface will be smooth and smooth. If the enemy comes to attack the city, they will not be able to climb it; even if someone wants to lean on the city wall, because it is painted, no one will be able to climb it." Don’t dare to go up.”

Hearing this, the second generation seemed to be reasonable, but actually objected, so he smiled and waved his hand: "Forget it, don't paint!"

(4) Drink Immortal Wine

The monks of Junshan Temple dedicated the longevity wine made to Emperor Wu.Dongfang Shuo took it first, and said to Emperor Wu: "I have seen this kind of wine before, please allow me to taste it first to see if it is real or not."

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty nodded and praised his loyal act of tasting wine on behalf of the emperor.Unexpectedly, Dongfang Shuo threw up his neck and drank all the wine.Emperor Wu was furious and wanted to execute him.

Dongfang Shuo said: "Your Majesty, calm down! If Your Majesty can kill me, it means that the wine is fake and cannot make people live forever; if the wine is real, Your Majesty will not be able to kill me!"

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty really calmed down.

(5) Wear old clothes
General Huan Chong of the Eastern Jin Dynasty did not like to wear new clothes.

One day, after taking a bath, his wife brought him new clothes.Just as Huan Chong was about to lose his temper, his wife said, "Think about it, where do you get old clothes if you don't wear new ones?"

Huan Chong thought it made sense, so he had to put it on.

(6) Reconstruction of Liangshan Park
When Wang Anshi was prime minister, he made great efforts in water conservancy.This is a good thing, but he often ignores the actual situation and wastes money and people.One day, Liu Gongfu went to visit him, just in time for a guest to present his suggestions on water conservancy.

The guest said: "Liangshan Pond has a large area. If the water is drained, we can get tens of thousands of hectares of fertile land, but we can't find a suitable place to store water." Wang Anshi bowed his head and pondered his thoughts.

At this time, Liu Gongfu said loudly: "What's so difficult about this? If we dig another depression as big as Liangshan Po, wouldn't there be a place to store water?"

Wang Anshi laughed and said, "Let's not discuss the matter of Liangshanpo!"

(7) Many children and few children

In the Qing Dynasty, there was a chief executive who made a tour of the Qing Dynasty to eat wine.This inspector has only one son, and he is sad for his own childlessness.There was a small official in the chief envoy's yamen who was serving at the banquet. At this time, he comforted the inspector and said, "There are so many children."

The chief envoy heard this and said to the junior officer, "I have too many sons, what do you say?"

The little official said, "You don't have to worry too much."

(8) People from Chongming
The Jiangsu area is a place where literati gather.People think that the culture of Chongming, which is close to the sea, is backward. Therefore, Chongming people are looked down upon.

There was a man surnamed Chen who was originally from Chongming and lived in Taicang.Those who lived with him were all local literati, and these people slandered Chongming people in front of him many times.

Once, these people were making fun of Chongming people again.The man surnamed Chen said seriously: "Chongming people are talented, but that's not me; Taicang people are talented, but that's not you, why should you show off like this?" These people are speechless.

(9) Interesting Explanation of the "Three Cardinal Guidelines"

During a quiz competition, the host asked what the "three cardinal principles" refer to?A female student replied: "The minister is the ruler, the son is the father, and the wife is the husband."

Her answer elicited roars of laughter.The female student immediately added: "What are you laughing at? I'm talking about the new 'Three Outlines'."

The host asked suspiciously: "How to explain?"

The female student said: "Now, the people are the masters of the country and are the masters, while the leaders are the public servants of the people. Isn't it 'the minister is the ruler'? Currently, a couple only has one child, and this child becomes the little emperor. Isn't it 'the son guides the father'? Nowadays, in many families, the power of the wife exceeds that of the husband. 'Strict control of the wife' and 'model husband' are popular. Isn't it 'the wife guides the husband'?"

Everyone applauded for the female classmate's ingenious argument.

(10) After the crash

One day, when someone was riding home by bicycle, he accidentally rode to the left side of the road and collided with a young man who was riding on his bicycle.

The young man said, "What did you do? Do you understand the traffic rules?"

"Understand, understand a little bit."

"Then why don't you keep to the right?" the other party said angrily.

He knew he was wrong, and in order to ease the atmosphere, he "borrowed" a sentence from Han Fuqu, saying: "If everyone walks on the right, then the road on the left will be empty!"

The joke helped him, and the lad rode away.

(11) One word laugh
Chen Quan, a native of the Ming Dynasty, was a good joker.Once he strayed into the forbidden area of ​​the royal family and was caught by a very powerful eunuch.

The eunuch had heard of Chen Quan's name a long time ago, so he said, "I often hear that you can tell jokes, if you tell me a word that makes me laugh, I will let you go."

Chen Quan said the word "fart", and the eunuch asked, "What does that mean?" Chen Quan said, "It's up to the father-in-law to let it go, and it's up to the father-in-law not to let it go." The eunuch couldn't stop laughing, and even said: "Let it go! Let it go!" It turned out that Chen Quan added an explanation to a single word, saying "fart" and "let people go" at the same time.

(12) Promising
Jingui, a Dantu student in the Ming Dynasty, was a Jinshi of Hongzhi. He had a gentle temperament, lived diligently at home, and educated his descendants with this.

But his son is nothing, mediocre.Fortunately, Sun Tzu was very competitive and passed the Jinshi examination.

Jingui often scolds his son.At first, the son didn't say a word, and said more times, the son said to his father: "Your boss said that I am worthless, in fact, you can compare: my father is more capable than your father, and my son is more capable than your son. Is it worthless?"

Jingui didn't realize it for a while, but when he understood it, he laughed loudly, and never said that his son was worthless.

(13) No size

During the Daoguang period of the Qing Dynasty, most of the tailors in Beijing were from Ningbo, and they were very shrewd.

Some people take cloth to cut, and the tailor only asks the owner's temperament, age and figure, while the official asks what kind of academic background, which year he passed the exam, and where he is now in the official position.So the man was surprised and asked, "Why don't you ask about the size?"

(End of this chapter)

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