learn to speak, learn etiquette

Chapter 9 Learning to Speak Humorously

Chapter 9 Learning to Speak Humorously (2)
On this day, he went to visit a well-known writer.He saw the writer's desk.Grabbing an article reviewing Balzac's novels, he said:
"Ah, sir, you are commenting on Balzac again. Indeed, over the years, there have been too few people who really understand Balzac's works. After counting, there are only two people."

The writer understood the publisher's intention as soon as he heard it, and let him continue. "One of these two is you. But what about the other? Who do you think he should be?"

The writer said: "Of course it is Balzac himself."

The publisher suddenly left like a deflated balloon.

The publisher wanted to get praise from a well-known writer, so he came to visit.As for the writer, if someone talks to him about his work, he can naturally accompany him patiently.After talking and talking, the publisher gradually narrowed the encirclement of the topic, and determined that there are only two people in the world who understand Balzac's works.One, he naturally gave it to the writer, and the other, he prepared it for himself.But saying it by yourself is too self-cultivating, and what you approve may not necessarily be approved by the writer in fact, so let's inspire the writer to speak out.Up to this point, the publisher has been preparing an emotion along his own design and thinking—he is expecting the writer's praise, asking the writer to point out that he is someone who understands Balzac's works.The writer is also very "interesting", he does not answer the other party's words, because it is too disappointing.However, he intentionally ignored the other party's "whispering", and a single answer made the other party's expectations stumble. The writer replied that the other person who understands Balzac is Balzac himself.So the two sides had no show to sing, so they had to leave.The publisher wanted to make a small fortune through the mouth of a famous artist, but the plan failed and he returned in defeat.The writer wins lightly and enjoys himself.

Unexpectedly, it is a kind of reverse thinking.There are many things that follow the forward thinking, and you will go into a dead end, and you will suffer if you don’t change your thinking when dealing with events.If you don't believe me, watch this:
On the express train bound for Geneva, the conductor is checking tickets.A gentleman was frantically looking for his ticket. He searched all his pockets and finally found it.He said to himself, "Thank God, I finally found it."

"It doesn't matter if you can't find it," said a gentleman next to him, "I have been to Geneva 20 times without buying a ticket."

His words were being overheard by the conductor standing by, so when the train arrived at Geneva station, the gentleman was taken to the detention center for severe interrogation.

"You said that you traveled to Geneva twenty times without a ticket?"

"Yes, I did."

"You know, it's illegal."

"No, I don't think so."

"So how do you explain to a judge that no-ticket rides are justified?"

"It's very simple, I came by car!"

This gentleman is unrestrained and unrestrained, but also very deep.You see, the conductor took him to the detention center and questioned him again, but he wasn't bothered.He's not playing with the depths; the depths with a stern face that is clouded all day long are fake depths.There is humor in the profundity, which is the essence of profundity.No matter how the other party asked, the gentleman would answer truthfully. Seeing that "the mountain is at the end of the river", we sweated for him.The opponent advances step by step, the gentleman retreats step by step, the encirclement shrinks and shrinks, and he is about to be on the verge of extinction. Suddenly, the road turns around, the will is dark and the flowers are bright, and he utters the last answer, so the "truth" is revealed to the world.

The wit of humor is brilliant in The Gentleman.When he was at the end of his life, he quickly thought, from taking a car, thought of driving a car, from the need to buy a ticket to take a train, thought that he didn't need to buy a ticket to drive a car; based on this association, he adjusted his thinking.Humor also plays an emergency role. Emergency response is the most prominent manifestation of human wisdom overcoming difficulties and getting rid of predicaments in a short period of time.An emergency requires not only tact, but quick wit.A gentleman can turn "dangerous" into "safe", which shows that he has a strong adaptability.The gentleman's quick associative ability and adaptability show the wit of humor.

5 pretending to understand
Confucius once said a famous saying, "Knowing what you know is knowing what you don't know, and knowing what you don't know is knowledge." Translated into modern vernacular, it means that knowing is knowing, not saying that you don't know, not knowing is not knowing, don't pretend to know.This is wisdom.This sentence is now known to all women and children, and it has become a creed that people abide by.In real life, people who don't know how to pretend to know are often hated by others, and no one wants to get close to him.The humor formed by the method of "pretending to understand if you don't understand" often has a certain amount of ironic power.

A leader in charge of cultural work went to a theater troupe to check the work.The head of the troupe accompanied him to the rehearsal field. The quartet was being rehearsed on the stage. He sat down and listened to it, and said angrily: "It's really playing the piano indiscriminately. Hundreds of people can sing neatly. The four of them are in four tunes. It’s all different, what song is this singing?”

The head of the group quickly said: "This is a re-sing."

After hearing this, the leader agreed and said, "Yes, it should be sung again. It's too shameful."

The theme of the story is serious, but it is expressed in the form of humor art, so it appears absurd and somewhat humorous, but the humor effect of this story on different people is not the same.For those who have suffered from the style of blind command under the extreme "left" line, although it has a bit of humor, it may be difficult to be humorous.Because when they read this story, they are always connected with that unpleasant era, and they feel heavy psychologically.But for others, on the contrary, they don't have that kind of bitter memory in their hearts, so they can "detach" from the story itself and appreciate the joy that the art of humor brings to people.

Humor is different from realistic novels and documentary reports. The more fictional, the stronger the sense of humor. Humor should make people "detached" from reality.The following story may be more interesting:
In geography class, the teacher asked: "Which mountain is the highest mountain in our country?"

Xiao Ming said without hesitation: "Erlang Mountain."

The teacher said: "I said in class that Mount Everest in our country is 8848 meters high and is the highest peak in the world. Didn't you hear it?"

Xiao Ming replied: "Yes, I heard it, but I learned a song two days ago. There is such a line: 'Er ah, Erlang Mountain, so high, so tall'. I calculated that it would take more than 3 feet to reach [-] feet." meters, that's much higher than Mount Everest."

The reason why this story has a stronger sense of humor is because it has more fictional elements.After reading it, people will not think of an unpleasant background. Even those students who usually have poor academic performance, fail to answer questions in class, and are often criticized by teachers will smile happily after reading it. There is a very prominent sense of humor. Its characteristic is "naivety", that is, the naivety of logic.Xiao Ming used exaggerated lyrics about Mount Erlang being so high, and "naively" thought it was realism. In one discount, Mount Erlang is higher than the highest peak in the world that the teacher said. According to this "statistical data", Mount Erlang is obviously going to dominate the world. The crown of the mountain.The childishness of thinking logic shows the ridiculousness of reasoning.

Although pretending to understand is not a "classic" humor theory, and pretending to understand is a taboo in scientific research, in terms of using humor, pretending to understand can often create a stronger comedy effect.

The inspector inspected the school and asked casually while talking with the students: "Do you know who burned the Efang Palace?" The students looked terrified and said repeatedly: "I didn't burn it, I didn't burn it!"

The inspector couldn't help laughing, and accused the principal: "The students in your school have a low level of Chinese, and they actually said that he didn't burn the Efang Palace."

The principal said calmly: "The students in this school have always been honest. Since he said he didn't burn it, he must not have burned it."

In a rage, the inspector wrote a letter to the director of the Education Bureau, explaining the whole story.Soon, I received a letter from the bureau chief saying: "Just burn it, and allocate funds to rebuild Efang Palace."

In this story, there are two people who don't know how to pretend to know, one is the principal and the other is the director of the Education Bureau. The two set off each other and form a "fun".Of course, any humor is not just for laughing and bringing people lightheartedness, it is not about the disappearance and restraint of thought; after reading this story, don’t we feel the irony of some dull scholars?This humor is comical. It is ugly to be ignorant, but one has to pretend to understand and strive to be beautiful, so that the ugliness is exposed more strongly.Due to the artistic laws of humor itself, its attack on "ugliness" may not be sharp, but it is by no means mediocre.

6 reverse order method
"Logic" is contrary to the norm, so fallacies are produced, and humorous material grows out of "fallacies".There is a cross talk that tells such a story: A and B meet each other, they hit it off, shake hands and talk happily, and ask each other how they are.After the two were very intimate, they suddenly realized that the other party was a stranger, so they asked in unison, "Excuse me, what is your name?"

As the material in cross talk, this story is full of humor.So how did its sense of humor come about?It obviously changed the normal order of things, which violated common sense.In daily life, people always get to know each other first and then make out with each other. In the story, A and B are too busy greeting each other before they know each other's name and name. This reverses the general law of people's acquaintance. People's normal logic is dissonant, so a sense of humor comes into play.

Dreams cannot be continued, but in humor they can:

A man had a dream in which a friend invited him to drink and watch a theater.Everyone had just entered the table, the wine was filled, the dishes were served, and the play started, but he was awakened by his wife.So he scolded his wife a lot.

The wife said: "Stop scolding, you should go to bed early! Maybe the play is only halfway through now!"

This person is probably a fan of the theater, he is greedy for the good show in his sleep; he may also be a glutton, he is reluctant to part with the banquet in his dream.But the dream was broken by his wife before it came true, how could he not be annoyed?This person is also stupid enough, how can the dream be taken seriously?Even if the dream continues, what he appreciates is nothing more than the moon in the water and the flowers in the mirror, and what he tastes is nothing more than a picture cake that cannot satisfy his hunger.But the story has developed so far that there is not much humor, and the general ridicule of idiots is the loss of morality.His wife's answer played a finishing touch for this story.She took the dream as reality and asked her husband to continue to dream, to find the lost happiness in the dream, which seemed very absurd, and the sense of humor came.

7 clever uses of coincidence
There is a saying that "No coincidence makes a book", which means that artistic creation is inseparable from the method of coincidence.We can also say that there is no humor without coincidence, and that coincidence can produce the most dramatic results. The reason why it can make people laugh is because it often creates a comedy situation that is "both unexpected and reasonable".

"Unexpected" can cause thrills in the plot and arouse readers' surprise, but this is not a pretentious surprise, so that readers' cognition will be "derailed" and the expected humorous effect cannot be achieved.For this reason, it is necessary to transform the humorous plot from "unexpected" to "reasonable", the so-called "reasonable" is the general law of the development of things, if the strangeness of humor is based on this general law , That is to say, humor makers use new and original artistic concepts to reveal the universal laws of things, then humorous contradictions and conflicts can be strange and true.Therefore, the relationship between "unexpected" and "reasonable" is the unity of humorous ingenuity and general laws of things, the unity of novelty and originality of conflicts and reasonable objectivity.Only by organically unifying the two can the audience laugh heartily.

One day, a Yemeni who lives in a rural area received a letter from his brother in the United States, telling him that the United States earned a lot of money and asked him to come to the United States.

The Yemeni sold his land and came to the United States to meet his brother. When they met for the first time, he asked his brother, "I don't speak English. What should I do if someone talks to me?" He said: "Just answer Yes." He then went on a tour and entered a club. At this time, a boxer came up to him and said in English: "Do you want to compete with me?" Answered: "Yes." So the boxer beat him hard.

The next day, my brother said to him: "If anyone talks to you again, you just say No to him."He went to the boxer again, and when the boxer saw him, he asked: "Did you fight enough yesterday?" He replied: "No".So Boxer beat him again.

Since then, the Yemeni no longer wanted to stay in the United States, and soon returned to his home in Yemen.He went home and said to his wife: "I was beaten there because I said yes and no."

It is really miserable that a Yemeni came to the United States from a long distance and was treated like this.This story is built entirely on the element of coincidence. "Yes." (Yes) is not a panacea, but the elder brother teaches it to the younger brother as a panacea, so that he can say "Yes" no matter what the situation is, of course, there may not be any trouble in this way.The coincidence of the matter is that the Yemenis used "Yes" to the question that could not be answered with "Yes" at all, so unpleasant things happened.After the elder brother knew what happened, he overcorrected and went to the other extreme, so the tragedy inevitably repeated itself.

8 jokes

There is a distinction between humor, some refined, some implied; some highbrow, some low.Low-level humor is like sarcasm, and often a common sarcasm will make people lose face on the spot and turn them off, so humor should be noble and elegant.In recent years, with the revival of the teasing culture, jokes and jokes have suddenly become popular.Jokes and jokes are originally folk things, and there is no shortage of such works when looking through the joke works of the past dynasties in China.This method is also often used in some contemporary folk art.Although these works do not have too much philosophical meaning, they always give people a relaxed and pleasant feeling when reading.

Of course, everything has a certain limit, blindly making wisecracks and playing tricks without limit, the result is not humorous.

Jokes and jokes are an effective means of artistic creation, examples of which can be found in both Chinese and foreign works.

A man went to tell a fortune, and the fortune teller wrote a note to him, and then said to him: "Your fate is rich and powerful, there is no catastrophe, so be careful! ... After hearing that, the man left happily...

A few days later, he was hit by a car on the road and broke his leg. After recovering, he angrily went to the fortune teller to reason:

"Didn't you tell me a few days ago that I am rich and powerful, and my life is prosperous without a catastrophe? Why did I get hit by a car and broke my leg!"

In the end, the fortune teller picked up a note, and said to him slowly: "Sir, you probably didn't pay attention to it, but what I mean is... your fate is 'whether you are rich or not, and be careful in disasters!'"

9 Splitting and transforming method
It is the unique charm of Chinese characters to deduce and misinterpret by dismantling words. The so-called method of dismantling words is to dismantle an original word into several words that have a certain relationship with it in shape, sound, and meaning, and to deduce and misinterpret it and change the meaning of the word. , resulting in a sense of humor.Add or subtract a certain part of a word to make another interpretation.

(End of this chapter)

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