Thank you for making me so strong

Chapter 15 Workplace Horror, Unexpected Promotion

Chapter 15 Workplace Horror, Unexpected Promotion
One day, Xia Yu was sitting in the office chatting with Teacher Zhang when suddenly her cell phone rang and she picked it up.

"Mr. Xia Yu, please come to my office." A gentle baritone voice.

"It's me, who are you?" Xia Yu couldn't remember whose voice it was.

"I'm the office, please come to the office."

"Office? What are you doing?" Xia Yu's heart sank rapidly, her back felt cold, did I commit a crime again?

She suddenly remembered that her child's school had a parent-teacher meeting at noon yesterday, so she sneaked away while everyone was not paying attention.

At that time, Xia Yu felt that the clothes were perfect, without anyone noticing, but who might have reported it?Xia Yu didn't expect the incident to come out so soon.

Is there any possibility of dismissing me?After Xia Xue analyzed for a while, she didn't seem to have done anything illegal except for walking for a long time yesterday.But if the leader dislikes someone, it's not because someone made a mistake.

Mr. Wang, who was just dismissed yesterday, is very responsible and honest. He has a high score in the evaluation of teaching by students. He goes out to enroll students every year, but he was dismissed. He doesn't understand the reason, and the school didn't give him a proper answer. That's it. sent him away.

Before leaving, Mr. Wang still didn't understand, and everyone didn't understand. Even if he understood, it couldn't prevent him from being resigned.

Thinking of this, Xia Yu's heart sank again, directly to freezing point.Her spine also began to feel cold, her mood went up and down, she couldn't calm down, and she was suffering.The sense of insecurity in my heart began to emerge again.

"You said, is there a problem with the school office looking for me?" Xia Yu originally wanted to deal with this problem alone, but she found that the trouble this time was too big, and the office came to the door, and she couldn't resist it. , So I chatted with Mr. Zhang to relieve the pressure in my heart.

"What? The office is looking for you?" Teacher Zhang seemed taken aback. "Could it be that you..." The expression on her face made Xia Yu even more uneasy.

"Yeah, did Dean Li not like me and told the office to fire me?" Xia Yu seemed to be talking to herself, and also seemed to be discussing with Teacher Zhang.

"No way, if he fires you, he will tell you, and he will definitely not turn so many corners."

"That is how the matter."

"Don't worry, don't think too much, you will know when you go." Teacher Zhang comforted her.

The problem is I don't feel relieved.Xia Yu thought to herself, but she didn't dare to say it. Although she has a good relationship with Teacher Zhang, she is a colleague after all, so she can't say too much.Who knows if she will betray herself in the face of interests. In the previous unit, Xia Yu was betrayed by others more than once. She knows the consequences of misfortune. I dare not say anything.

"Now it seems that it's not entirely the director Li's notification. Sometimes, it's also the office notification." Li Xue who was next to him said.

"It's like this. During our winter vacation last year, a teacher in the office called out the names of a few colleagues at the meeting and asked them to come to the office after the meeting." Teacher Zhang remembered something.

"Yes, I also asked Teacher Li Ling next to me, what is the office calling you for? She said with a happy face that she didn't know. Because the holiday is coming soon, Li Ling is planning to buy new year's goods for her parents. After finishing speaking Afterwards, Li Ling happily went to the office. As a result, it was only after she went that she found out that what was waiting for them was the news of the termination of the contract, but there was no news in advance." Li Xue said bluntly, there is nothing to say.

"The school has done this very unreasonably. The holiday is about to come. Without any warning in advance, it suddenly gave someone a paper of divorce. It can be said to be a one-shot death. Can they ask people to celebrate the Spring Festival? It's a good name It is said that the overall situation of the school's work is the most important thing, and the teacher's life and death will not be considered at all." When mentioning this matter, Teacher Zhang is sad to death.

It's too bad, it's definitely not good to call me, so I'm also notified to go to the office now.Xia Yu felt her heart really jumping out.A kind of terror controlled her, but she pretended to be calm, and she couldn't let her colleagues see her guilty conscience. It would be very embarrassing, so she suppressed herself and didn't speak out.

"It doesn't matter. If it's a big deal, I won't do it. Anyway, I have a lot of opportunities. I don't keep people here. I have places to keep people." Xia Yu walked out with a dismissive expression.

Those who are close to red are red, and those who are close to ink are black. Xia Yu has recently learned from Teacher Zhang to pack herself. Fear is pressing deep inside.

Even if you have no food, you have to dress decently, even if you are fired, you have to pretend that you don't want to do it. This is face.

"Why do you want to go to my office? Could it be that you are giving money to leave?" Xia Yu thought.

Probably not, the job hasn't been handed over yet.However, it's hard to say, isn't the work of those colleagues also not handed over?
Today's society lacks everything, and the most important thing is people.Four-legged grasshoppers are hard to find, but two-legged people are easy to find.

If the front foot is gone, the back foot unit will recruit many people to fill the gap.

what to do?What is it?Xia Yu was in great pain and anxiety, not knowing what was waiting for her?Hey, if I knew this earlier, why bother.There is no such thing as a free lunch in the world. If you leave so early, you will lose your job. Xia Yu feels that it is not worth it.

She regretted it too late, regretting that she shouldn't take advantage of it.

Everything is possible until things are figured out.

Xia Yu really wanted to get a proper pension and forget about retirement, but where is such a good thing?It is said that the age of retirement will be extended again, which means that the days of panic will continue for a long time, and I don't know when they will get rid of it.

Middle age is really scary, especially someone like Xia Yu who has no stable job and is a second-class citizen in society.If you are young, you still have the capital to start again. After you are old, you can do nothing and retire with peace of mind.

Fortunately, people are middle-aged, neither old nor young, and have no capital to change reality, nor capital for leisure and retirement.We can only maintain the status quo, live a day, be a monk for a day, and hit the clock for a day.

"Have you noticed? Teacher Xia's face is pale, and her hands are shaking all the time." Li Xue said sympathetically.

"Yeah, there might be something wrong with her. It must be that old man Li has lost his temper again." Teacher Zhang was thoughtful, and she was really worried about Xia Yu. sincere.

"What's the matter with her that requires the office to come forward in person?" Li Xue asked.

"Yeah, why did the office have to come forward?" Teacher Zhang, who claimed to know everything, couldn't figure it out.

Xia Yu walked into the dean's office with anxiety.

"Please sit down, Dean Wang will talk to you soon." Director Liu of the office brought her a glass of water very politely.

"Principal Wang wanted to talk to me?" Xia Yu was taken aback. If he wanted to deal with me, he wouldn't dispatch such a high-ranking leader. Could it be that I hit the point of a gun, and the school wanted to kill a chicken for the monkeys to see, and kill one to warn the whole school?God, where was my face at that time?
"Ms. Xia, Dean Wang is looking for you." While Xia Yu was thinking wildly, Director Liu came over politely and called her to stop.

"Thank you." Xia Yu followed Director Liu into the office, and the inside was very grand. Dean Wang sat behind a large desk, very young.

"Hello, Teacher Xia, please sit down, please sit down." Dean Wang was very polite, and Director Liu poured her a glass of water and brought it in front of her.

There is no need to be so grand in dismissing me, maybe it is not dismissing me?Xia Yu didn't know what kind of medicine was sold in Dean Wang's gourd.

"I heard that Teacher Xia has worked in the United States and is very familiar with the universities there."

"Know something." Xia Yu's heart was relieved, and it seemed that he was talking about other issues, whether he had a nervous breakdown recently, was overly sensitive to everything, and was suspicious. Rest there for a period of time.

"We have a cooperation project with the United States here, and we need a teacher to be in charge. The leader feels that you are very capable. The dean's office decided to appoint you as the director of foreign affairs of the school, responsible for all the foreign affairs of the school. I hope that Teacher Xia will be here. I don’t know what Teacher Xia thinks about giving full play to my strengths in the new job position,” Dean Wang said.

"Thank you. But I prefer teaching." Xia Yu opened her mouth and said this sentence. In her heart, she felt that she was really not suitable for administrative work. She walked around the leader all day like a grandson, saying involuntary words , it may not be a good thing for her.If you do administrative work in a public unit, you can still be promoted to an official position in the future, but in a private unit, you might offend the leader one day, and you will pack up and leave.

"You can teach while doing administrative work. Teacher Xia is very capable and experienced. I think he will do a very good job."

"This one……"

"Doing administrative work is really hard. Therefore, Teacher Xia's monthly salary will definitely increase. At the end of the year, he will also receive the allowance of middle-level cadres according to the evaluation. The more we work here, the more we will definitely get."

Salary increase, and year-end bonus?These few words moved Xia Yu, who wouldn't want to earn more money when they came out to play around?
"Thank you for the leadership's attention, I will work hard." I don't know how much the monthly increase will be?This sentence lingered on Xia Yu's lips for a long time, and she didn't have the nerve to ask. Compared with promotion, Xia Yu was more concerned about salary.

It turns out that luck can’t stop it. Xia Yu is in a good mood. At the end of the month, she was excited to find that the salary on the salary slip has increased by 5. If she works hard and is promoted to another level, the salary will definitely increase even more. Xia Yu is beautiful thought of.

A big chrysanthemum bloomed in her heart.

(End of this chapter)

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