Chapter 16
After Xia Yu came home from get off work, she picked up the child from the small dining table and found that Zhang Jie hadn't come home. After she finished cooking for the child, she put the child to sleep again. The bones all over her body seemed to be loose. At this time, Zhang Jie Long overdue.

He is tall, and because of his occupation, he pays more attention to appearance. He often wears suits and leather shoes, and he feels elegant.

Zhang Jie walked into the house with a smile. He was in a good mood, as if he had some happy event.

Recently, Zhang Jie is proud of the spring breeze, and his life is quite good. This semester, he doesn't have many classes at school, so he spends a lot of time in the company, responsible for a big project in the company, and often earns extra money.Xia Yu found that he had more and more calls and socializing more and more.

"Come back so late? Where did you go crazy?" Xia Yu was very dissatisfied when she came back so late.

"Why can't I talk? Am I going out crazy? Tell you, a man should be busy with work outside. The longer a man spends outside, the more capable he is. If a man stays at home with his wife all day, it only means This man is a wimp." Zhang Jie said triumphantly.

He was in a good mood and didn't care about Xia Yu's attitude.

"It's a good thing to be busy with work, but you seem to have a strange smell on your body. Could it be the smell of perfume?" Xia Yu sniffed hard a few times, and there was indeed a smell of perfume. The perfume was faintly visible, like a net. Xia Yu's heart was entangled.

"You're out of your mind, thinking wildly. My recent project is progressing very smoothly, and the number of bankbooks in our family will increase again." Zhang Jie changed the topic to Xia Yu's interested angle.

"I'm bragging again, who knows what you're doing outside when you come home so late." Xia Yu knocked on the mountain, her excitement was still on the perfume, and she was not tempted by Zhang Jie.Earning money is a small matter, but stealing personnel is a big matter. Xia Yu is not a three-year-old child, but a woman with a high IQ. Which is more important, she knows to grasp the key points.

"It's not just to make more money for the family. Look at Director Liu. He is busy outside all day. By the end of the year, he has received a commission of millions of yuan. If he stays at home all day, how can he have so much money?" ? If you don’t work hard, money won’t come to you.” Zhang Jie cleverly changed the subject again.

"When I didn't know, Director Liu and his wife divorced, his mistress succeeded in the revolution, and even his daughter didn't recognize him as a father. Such a person doesn't even have the most basic morals. Even if he is rich, he has What a big deal. In the future, you should avoid dealing with such people. Do you know the truth that those who are close to red are red, and those who are close to ink are black?" Xia Yu really followed Zhang Jie's train of thought, but she was even more angry.

Xia Yu hated Director Liu very much. Every time Zhang Jie mentioned it, she would show contempt.I can't wait to go to Director Liu and remind him that you are a morally corrupt guy, don't ask our Zhang Jie to follow you, stay away from our family Zhang Jie.

"That's someone's private matter, and no one else has the right to interfere. Besides, maybe he has found a fate."

"What the hell fate, that's an excuse for you bastards to like the new and dislike the old, so do you want to find fate too?" Xia Yu pressed on every step of the way like a detonated firecracker.

"Other people's affairs, why do you do all you can?" Zhang Jie saw that the situation was not good, and quickly put out the fire. He knew that Xia Yu hated Director Liu's divorce and remarriage. Whenever he was mentioned, Xia Yu would be filled with righteous indignation and furious. , He regretted how he had led the topic into a minefield.

Director Liu is actually a nice person, and he is very low-key in his daily life.Their family has a good relationship with Zhang Jie's family. They often see each other without looking up, and they will say hello politely when they meet.

When Zhang Jie was studying in university, Director Liu also taught him, logically speaking, Director Liu is Zhang Jie's teacher.From the outside, this family was very nice, but suddenly it was wiped out.

The reason is Director Liu's extramarital affair. When Director Liu was 50 years old, he encountered passion and had a relationship with the students. Seeing Director Liu taking care of the students like this, Mrs. Liu was just a little uncomfortable at first, but she didn't think much about it. When she found out that something was wrong At that time, things were out of control, Director Liu and his students were already inseparable.

Mrs. Liu was so angry that she made a big fuss in the work unit and turned the troubled people on their backs, but Director Liu was determined to let you make trouble, I was the old idea.In the end, the two went to court. In order to marry the graduate student admitted from the countryside, Director Liu didn't want his wife, children, house or car, and left the house without leaving the house.

At first, none of the neighbors believed that such bloody plots existed in real life. They believed that extramarital affairs and teacher-student romances were all made up by the director to deceive the audience. Unexpectedly, reality is more dramatic than drama. The director can't do it.The old and the young really came together under great pressure. It is said that the young life is not bad, and Director Liu is going to be a father again.

"The more shameless a person is, the better he will live. The current world is really bad." Many people said so, and Xia Yu naturally thought so too.

"You can't say that. Now those who are capable will work harder. As long as they have the ability, they will have the opportunity to display it."

"Hmph, now is also a society where shameless men gain power. I just despise such people. They are still teachers, and they really tarnish this sacred profession. No wonder the social atmosphere has taken a turn for the worse. It is such despicable people who have mixed into the teaching team and made the students go to school. The belt is broken." When Director Liu was mentioned, Xia Yu was furious.She didn't want Zhang Jie to associate with Director Liu. She felt that if Zhang Jie associates with such people too much, her marriage would be threatened.

Xia Yu pondered, Zhang Jie is now 40 years old, if the relationship with Director Liu is too close, he will also find a female student to marry when he is 50 years old. Only when people like Director Liu are put in prison will society be stable.

"You women are really sensitive. You never think of others better. No matter how problematic Director Liu's character is, it's his privacy. Others have no right to interfere." After Zhang Jie finished speaking, he walked into the room, turned on the computer, and buried his head in the room. Work hard...don't bother with Xia Yu anymore.

Xia Yu watched helplessly as Zhang Jie turned on the computer and left herself alone.

Xia Yu stared at Zhang Jie, not knowing whether to continue the fight or just let it go.

At this moment, Zhang Jie's cell phone rang.

"Mr. Zhang, your phone." Xia Yu wanted to pick it up to see who was calling, but she didn't expect that Zhang Jie, who was smarter than a rabbit, had already appeared behind her, so he immediately took the phone away and went to another room to answer it. The phone went.

Xia Yu pretended not to care, but her ears were pricked up, paying close attention to Zhang Jie's every move. Zhang Jie talked on the phone for a long time before coming out.

"How did I hear a woman's voice on the phone?" Xia Yu said.

"Why are your ears so sharp? Did you even hear this? Could it be that your new job is special forces?" Zhang Jie asked.

"It doesn't matter if I'm a special soldier or not. The key is that what you do is shameful."

"This is my colleague. Anyway, I didn't hide your back. It's all about work."

"Hmph, if you don't want people to know you have to do nothing, tell me honestly, who is it, and what did you do when you came home so late tonight?"

"Today is the unit entertaining customers. As the person in charge, of course I have to come out to accompany me."

"It seems to be true."

"It's true. You see, my salary card and personal account are all with you. You control the family's financial power. You should be satisfied, right?"

"But why is your phone set up with a password? What does it mean? Why don't you dare to put your phone aside openly and disclose all your calls?" Xia Yu said eloquently.

"There is space between everyone, even between husband and wife. Why do you have to report everything? Women have such small minds that they have nothing to do."

"Setting a password proves that you have a guilty conscience." Xia Yu started to dig into the horns, and she was very dissatisfied with Zhang Jie's password setting.

"I am aboveboard and upright." Zhang Jie is like a revolutionary party who has been upright all his life.

"It's interesting to have space between husband and wife, so why do you need marriage?"

"You're here again, so long-winded." Zhang Jie's head hurts when he heard this. Based on his many years of experience, this is the harbinger of Xia Yu's new round of chicken or egg.Zhang Jie had been busy outside for a day, and didn't want to face a new battlefield after returning home, so he quickly got into the house, lay down on the computer and started to get busy.

Xia Yu was left out in the cold and felt very helpless. She was still excited about this topic and really wanted to discuss the issue thoroughly, but seeing Zhang Jie concentrating and fighting with all his strength on the sacred cause of the computer, she was very helpless.

Xia Yu wished she could go over immediately, turn off the computer for him, and then discuss the issue of setting a password on the mobile phone in depth, explain why Zhang Jie was justified, obediently remove the password, and then allow herself to randomly check his mobile phone anytime, anywhere .

However, rationality tells Xia Yu that if Zhang Jie's computer is turned off, there are two possible outcomes. The first one is that Zhang Jie doesn't say a word and slams the door out angrily. However, since he came back very late today, this possibility will not happen. .It is very likely that he didn't say a word, then covered the quilt and fell asleep, and then the two started a new round of cold war.

The second possibility is that Zhang Jie was so angry that he slapped the table, and then the two of them had the most intense quarrel, and even started their hands, waking up the child. The child cried out in terror, and maybe the neighbors around would listen.This has happened many times in previous years.

Thinking about the earth-shattering event that was about to happen, Xia Yu restrained her urge to go forward and turn off the phone in time. It seemed that a strong attack would not work, and she could only resort to outsmarting.Xia Yu has no good solution at present, she can only sulk with resentment, and her mind is full of thinking about finding a suitable opportunity to decipher Zhang Jie's computer password.

Also, there is a scent on Zhang Jie, is it the smell of perfume?If it smells like perfume, where does it come from?

This question made Xia Yu very entangled. She tossed and turned on the bed and thought about it for a long time, but she still couldn't figure it out.The more confused she was, the more Xia Yu wanted to know what to do.

Xia Yu's mood began to turn bad.

It is said that if you are proud in love, you will be frustrated in the workplace. Now that you are proud in the workplace, it seems that you will be frustrated in love.

For Xia Yu's age, life is hard for anyone who is frustrated in love or work.

When she was young, Xia Yu was beautiful and capable, she was not the cowardly person she is now.When she didn't know Zhang Jie, there was no shortage of opposite sex around her, and she was in a dilemma to choose.I was unsatisfactory in the unit, and then I resigned, and soon there will be a new unit, young and full of capital.

But now, Xia Yu knows the reason why a person who understands current affairs is a hero, and also understands the value of the market.Her current task is no longer to conquer the world, but to keep the fruits of victory in her marriage for many years, so that her position in the family will not be replaced by outsiders.

When she was young, Xia Yu looked down on such a woman, as if she couldn't live without a man, but the older she got, the more her ambitions weakened, and she became more realistic.

Zhang Jie's body actually smelled of a delicate perfume.This fragrant smell caused huge waves in Xia Yu's heart, but she restrained herself and wanted to find a time to interrogate her clearly.

Therefore, Xia Yu kept an eye out, thinking about observing Zhang Jie's every move more in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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