Be good like water: life management lessons from Park Geun-hye to women

Chapter 11 Keep Your True Colors: Be an "Ice Princess" Who Sticks to Yourself

Chapter 11 Keep Your True Colors: Be an "Ice Princess" Who Sticks to Yourself (1)
stay true to yourself

In Park Geun-hye's diary, there is such a passage: "Life is a drama. Before the actors appear on the stage, the content, chapters, order of appearance of the actors, appearance time, etc. of the script have been determined and planned. The actors You only need to perform your own role well, appear when it is time to appear on stage, speak when it is time to speak your lines, and leave the stage after the performance is over. As for the quality of your acting skills, it depends on your own efforts. However, on the stage of life, people do not The right to change supporting roles or change the script. Because everything is predestined.” Since everything is preordained on the stage of life, we should try our best to play our roles well and always perform in our true colors.

Everyone in the world has their own personality and outlook on life, and naturally they all have their own colors.Facing the dazzling world full of temptations, some people choose to change themselves, while others choose to disguise themselves.However, successful people will never lose themselves in the ever-changing world. They stick to their beliefs and maintain their true colors. No matter how the external environment changes, they just be themselves.

Although Park Geun-hye is the president's daughter, in the eyes of her parents and herself, she is almost the same as other girls of the same age.When she first entered Sacred Heart Women's High School, she did not enjoy any privileges, but lived in the dormitory like other students.Later, after the school abolished the dormitory due to its expansion, Park Geun-hye took the tram to school with her classmates every day.During school, the bento she brought to school at noon every day was almost the same as that of her classmates. They were all home-cooked meals in Korea. disappointment.

In the eyes of many people at that time, Park Geun-hye was so ordinary and kind, and it was completely impossible to see her special background and identity from her body.Once, several of her classmates wanted to see what the president's daughter's home looked like.So, Park Geun-hye happily invited them to visit her home.When the students came to her study, they said with a sigh: "I thought your house would be decorated like a palace, but I didn't expect it to be no different from mine."

Park Geun-hye has always had a normal heart towards herself. She has never looked up to herself because she is the president's daughter, or made various excessive demands on her parents and people around her.Even after she returned to the top political arena, she still maintained her own style, living a simple and simple life, and even liked to chat with young people on the Internet.Because of this, she can devote more energy to her ideals and career.

In the United States, there was such a story: There was a very famous circus. The pillars of the circus were two contrasting actors and actresses. Beastmen.

The two actors, one beautiful and one ugly, attracted tens of thousands of spectators, making the circus business booming day by day.Because the actress is so beautiful, there are always a large number of suitors behind her, some of them are handsome and wealthy, but she falls in love with the ugly clown, and discusses with the clown to hold a wedding.Good things happened from the sky, and the clown was so happy that he couldn't believe it was true.One month before the wedding, the clown secretly found a plastic surgeon with extraordinary medical skills and spent a lot of money on his own plastic surgery. The clown wanted to surprise his fiancée.The clown after careful plastic surgery is a completely different person than before.Looking at the handsome face in the mirror, the young man smiled gratifiedly.

When he confidently came to his fiancée and wanted to tell her everything, the fiancée looked at him in amazement, and then said to him in great pain: "Let's break up!" Why?" His fiancée told him: "Your facial features, which are considered ugly by others, are so beautiful in my eyes and fascinate me that way. They are your innate personal characteristics that others cannot have. That was the true color of your life, and you lost it, and now you are unrecognizable to me, you are a stranger to me, go away!" Because he lost his true color, the boy lost his beautiful Love, and for many people in life, if they can't stick to their true colors, they may lose their dignity or even lose the bottom line of being a human being.

Many of us are originally full of a sense of justice in our hearts, and we are unwilling to play with the wind and follow the trend, but once our own interests are touched, once we want to cater to the so-called authority, we immediately learn to flatter and follow the wind; and Some people can still be approachable, modest and prudent when they are poor, but once they have a little achievement, once they get a little fame, they will immediately become domineering and defiant, really looking like a villain.Such people are always echoing what others say, intrigues, and following others. They have lost their true colors, their personality, and those excellent qualities that were originally recognized by others have also been lost by them.On the contrary, those people who are always the same on the outside and inside, and start well and end well, will not make any changes due to changes in the external environment, whether good or bad. They always stick to their goals, pursuits, beliefs, and basic principles of life, even if they get hurt. Liu, even if they walk on their own road is more difficult, they always stick to their true colors. Only such talents are more worthy of our admiration.

Some women are outspoken and dare to speak and act before marriage, but after marriage, because of concern for face and the reputation of relatives and neighbors, and to imitate other good wives and mothers, they clearly feel that there are problems in family life, but they are unwilling to talk to their own. The husband talks directly, and it is even less likely to find a way to solve the problem.Let the situation develop, and finally lead to an irreversible tragedy, I have to lament the cruelty of life.In fact, if she can maintain her original personality before and after marriage, if she has problems and speaks directly to her family, there may be some differences temporarily, but it is better to face and solve problems actively and effectively than to ruin her own happiness by herself much.

The American thinker Emerson once said: "A person will one day understand that envy is useless, and imitating others is tantamount to suicide. Because no matter good or bad, only oneself can help oneself, and only by cultivating one's own field can one Harvest your own corn. You have a unique ability that God has given you, and you will only know what it is when you try it and use it yourself."

In this cruel real life, if you can always maintain your true colors like Park Geun-hye, maybe everything will become simpler again.Only when we remain true to ourselves and be brave enough to be ourselves can we finally know what we will be in the future and what power we have to change our lives.Even if we are not perfect, at least we are unique, insist on being yourself, let everything in life become easy in your hands!
don't show off, don't show off
When studying, Park Geun-hye wore a school uniform every day and took the tram to school like other students.The tram driver knew that there was an unusual girl studying in this school, so he took the initiative to exchange pleasantries with Park Geun-hye and asked about this important person: "Student, I heard that there is a president's daughter in your school. Is it true?"

In ancient times, Laozi once said: "Those who see themselves do not know, those who are self-sufficient do not show, those who attack themselves have no merit, and those who boast do not grow." , and those who show off their power and show off their teeth and claws all day long, in fact, the more they accomplish nothing.Those prominent and powerful people are always restrained and unassuming in their lives, and even make people feel a little lonely and out of place, because they know very well that what they think is worth showing off is exactly what you lack.

Once, when Park Geun-hye was going to school, it was raining heavily outside, and her umbrella was damaged by the strong wind not long after she went out, so she had to go home and ask her mother for a new umbrella.At that time, a government worker suggested that Park Geun-hye's mother could agree to let Park Geun-hye go to school in a car today, but Park Geun-hye did not accept such a proposal. She just said loudly: "I'm going to school", and strode with an umbrella. Into the storm.At that time, ordinary Korean families could not afford a car.According to Park Geun-hye at the time, riding a car to school showed her difference from other students, which she did not want to see.

If the daughter of a president is like this, what do we ordinary people have to show off, what capital do we have to show off?We often want to show our superiority in a certain aspect too much, and we often want to get the support and appreciation of others too much. We flaunt ourselves regardless of the situation and show off our personality regardless of the occasion. Backfired.

Each of us has more or less strengths that others cannot match, such as intelligence, outstanding athletic ability, or prominent family background.Even so, we don't have the capital to show off. If we are proud of our talents and show off, we will only lose our charm, lose our reputation, and may arouse the envy and hatred of others.What's more serious is that behind the show off, there is an inferior and fragile heart hidden, and he has to use the untrue praise of others to force his soul to get temporary comfort.A false and bright appearance can only make people more lost in the spotlight, forgetting who they are and the meaning of life.Some people like to talk about ostentation. If there are any big or small things in the family, they always have to set up many banquet tables to show their courage; ;Some people are impetuous in doing things, and before they make any progress, they start talking big and empty words in a high-profile way, for fear that others will not see his show performance, and they have no intention of doing things down-to-earth.This is just like what a certain philosopher said: "Although people who like to cock their tails can gain temporary fame and benefits for a while, they often don't climb high and travel far."

In the report commemorating the 40th anniversary of man's first landing on the moon, we noticed the fact that, as the American astronaut Armstrong who first stepped on the moon 40 years ago and achieved "one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind", he turned out to be A very low-key person.In the past 30 years, he has never appeared in a TV commercial, and he has never poured out any political opinions or personal likes and dislikes to anyone. If he hadn't been introduced, some of his neighbors would not even know that he was once a Aviation hero.Whenever he talked about his "moon landing" trip, he never forgot to mention that it was possible for him to set foot on the moon because of the tireless efforts of a total of 40 people.

Armstrong's low profile does not mean that he likes to "recluse".He lived a normal life, he was divorced and remarried, and he made some money.If he was having dinner at a restaurant, the person sitting across from him probably wouldn't recognize him as the famous Armstrong.This is the life he wants to pursue.

A hero who has made immortal contributions in the history of human aviation can still enjoy a low-key life, what capital do we ordinary people have to show off? "Whether to stay or not, watch the flowers bloom and fall in front of the court; don't be surprised by favor or disgrace, look at the clouds rolling and relaxing in the sky." This is a detached state of life, a noble character that will not be complacent and complacent just for a little achievement, and even more so. A kind of self-control, down-to-earth spiritual motivation to move forward towards the goal.

Being low-key, modest and prudent, and not expressing yourself deliberately is a profound attitude towards life, and it is also a kind of "hidden clumsy" wisdom and personality charm.A person can do not show off or make public, which only shows that he is extremely confident and strong in his heart, because he does not need to seek compliments from others through performances, and he is convinced that all problems can be easily solved with his own ability.

Of course, not showing off or showing off does not mean that you are weak and incompetent, or conservative and depressed.Therefore, the real low-key still requires us to practice hard.We should make full use of all time and all opportunities to accumulate knowledge, enrich experience, and improve self-cultivation. Only when the accumulation of life is rich enough can we look at our life with a plain and natural attitude and mature and open-minded wisdom.

Treat everyone around you with gratitude
Every time Park Geun-hye visits abroad, there is a principle that must be followed, which is to express her gratitude to those who have helped South Korea.

Due to the love and affection of ordinary people, Park Geun-hye often receives some special gifts, such as watermelon, cucumber, potato, dried pollack, candy, flowers and so on.Although these gifts are not expensive gifts, they are worth a thousand dollars in Park Geun-hye's view.These gifts are often accompanied by some cards: "This is the organic crops in our field, please eat more to gain energy. Please work hard!" "Today is White Valentine's Day, you don't seem to have a boyfriend, so I will send you candy "" "During the flood, you came to our village to take good care of me, thank you." A simple sentence of greetings and thanks made Park Geun-hye feel extremely warm, and those troubles at work were also left behind.

Once, a member of the public brought watermelon, and Park Geun-hye told the staff not to eat it by phone.It wasn't until she came back from the outside and saw the three watermelons with her own eyes that she allowed the staff to enjoy them to their heart's content.In Park Geun-hye's view, only seeing the gift with her own eyes can be regarded as respect for the giver. She expressed her deep gratitude in this special way.

During the 2006 local elections, Park Geun-hye was hospitalized after being attacked.During her hospitalization, she often received gifts of various blessings.A 6-year-old boy wrote her a note in crooked characters: "Please eat more, so that you can leave the hospital soon." Beside this sentence, there is an Ultraman Superman drawn by the boy himself.These blessings made Park Geun-hye feel the warmth between people. Faced with these gifts, she deeply felt that no matter what kind of blows she encountered, she was the happiest person in the Republic of Korea.

How to make a woman more beautiful?The first is to know how to be grateful.Thank you for everything that life has given us, and for the little things in life, which will make us feel more comfort and happiness in ordinary life.However, in life, there will always be some unsatisfactory things, worrying all day long, or obsessing over hatred, which can only make our lives hopeless and boring.But if we can have a grateful heart, everything will be different.We will find more beauty in despair, and experience more beauty in plainness. An open mind and a cheerful mind will allow us to calmly deal with the ups and downs in life, and let us find life again in a boring life. The direction and meaning it should have.

Just like Park Geun-hye, although she suffered a heavy blow from the accidental death of her parents, she finally came out of the pain. After a period of hesitation and depression, her younger brother can finally be an upright person , and strive towards a happy life.In the face of a series of changes, she has long forgotten the pain and hatred, and only gratitude remains in her heart, "I feel very satisfied seeing these, I think my parents must have blessed us in heaven... I should thank them, I Sincerely thank you, thank you."

According to legend, in a remote town in France, there is a spring with particularly efficacious, often there will be miracles, which can cure various diseases.One day, a veteran with a cane and one leg missing was limping across the road in the town. The townspeople next to him said in a sympathetic tone: "This poor guy, does he want to ask God for help?" Pray for another leg?" This sentence was heard by the veterans, and he turned to them and said, "I'm not asking God to have a new leg, but I'm asking God to help me so that I don't have a leg." After one leg, I also know how to live."

(End of this chapter)

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