Be good like water: life management lessons from Park Geun-hye to women

Chapter 12 Keep Your True Colors: Be an "Ice Princess" Who Sticks to Yourself

Chapter 12 Keep Your True Colors: Be an "Ice Princess" Who Sticks to Yourself (2)
Whether it is Park Geun-hye or a disabled veteran, they know how to accept the fact of loss, and use "gratitude" to erase the troubles and pains in their lives from their memories.Regardless of the gains and losses in life, we must make our lives full of beauty and brilliance, stop crying for the past, and work hard to live out our own value.

Some people say that life is a mirror, when you smile, it also laughs; when you cry, it also cries.Since we can't change the reality, we might as well accept it, and use a grateful attitude to overcome difficulties and overcome ourselves.Sadness, complaining, or dwelling on those painful experiences all the time can only sink us further, only sinking us deeper and deeper into the mire of despair.Gratitude will help us get out of the predicament and feel the warm sunshine in life again. When we are grateful for everything in life, even those unbearable past events, you will definitely find that life is still so beautiful.

Gratitude is a beautiful personality trait, a noble moral cultivation, and a life attitude that embraces everything.In life, there are always some things or some people worthy of our gratitude. Always having a grateful heart will make people more harmonious and friendly, and life will become more warm and splendid.A grateful heart must be noble, sincere and kind. It will make us often do good deeds and be willing to contribute.A person's conscience will make us feel grateful for everything in life, be willing to lend a helping hand when others encounter difficulties, and be willing to share with others when we feel happy.Thanksgiving, let this world be full of warm love.Go give thanks!Thanks to our parents for giving us life, thanks to our lover for giving us a warm family, thanks to our children for bringing us endless joy, thanks to our friends for their generous and selfless help in times of difficulty, and thanks to life for making us live full of hope every day!
Those with self-control have a future
Self-control plays a vital role in a person's success.After encountering various blows, Park Geun-hye was able to get out of the predicament calmly and finally fulfilled the great ambition she set up in her early years. Especially after she was in a high position, she was still able to be strict with herself and not abuse power. She has a strong ability of self-discipline.

Self-control is the ability of people to control their thoughts, emotions, emotions and behaviors.It can motivate people to eliminate interference and firmly complete their goals, or it can actively suppress those desires, motives, emotions and behaviors that do not meet their established goals.Simply put, self-control is forcing ourselves to do what we should do, even things we don't like.

For example, weight loss has become the theme of life for women nowadays, but how many people can really stick to the cause of weight loss?Many people plan to reduce their calorie intake at night and go out for physical exercise such as long-distance running.But when delicious food appears in front of us, most of us can't stand the temptation; when we lie on the sofa and watch TV lazily, those plans related to physical exercise are all left behind.This is a lack of self-control, because we cannot force ourselves to make good decisions and suppress unproductive desires and behaviors.

In 1960, the famous psychologist Walter Michel conducted the famous "fudge experiment": he selected a group of 4-year-old children in the kindergarten attached to Stanford University.The teacher let these children enter a hall, put a piece of soft candy in front of each child, and said to the children: "The teacher will go out for a while, if you don't eat the soft candy in front of you before the teacher comes back, you will eat it when the teacher comes back." Reward him another piece. If anyone eats the fudge before the teacher comes back, then he can only get the piece in front of him.” During the ten-minute wait, some children couldn’t stand the temptation of the candy The candy was eaten, but some children persisted. They got their wish and got two pieces of candy.The study found that children have various ways to control themselves from not eating that piece of gummies: some put their heads on their arms, close their eyes, and try not to look at the piece of gummies; some sing, talk to themselves, to distract themselves; some struggled to fall asleep.

In the next ten years, the researchers conducted a long-term follow-up investigation on the children who received this experiment.Assessed when they were in middle school, children who were able to wait patiently and eat two gummies were still able to wait for opportunities as teenagers rather than rushing for success, were more adaptable, more confident, and had better relationships with others. They are not easy to shrink back under pressure and have optimistic qualities. They also have the ability to sacrifice immediate interests for a bigger and farther goal, that is, self-control ability; Stubbornness, hypocrisy, or indecision, easy to lose fighting spirit due to setbacks, unable to control oneself when desires arise, must satisfy one's desires immediately, otherwise one will not be in the mood to do the next thing.In other words, the success rate of children who can wait is much higher than that of children with poor self-control.

This scientific research has fully demonstrated the truth that people's self-control ability can determine success or failure, and having a high degree of self-control is the most prominent will quality of all successful people, while lack of self-control is a common feature of losers in life.

Abstinence, cautious independence, patience, calmness, and perseverance are all standards that can measure self-control, and the important role of self-control in a person's success is at least reflected in the following aspects:

First, self-control can make people not be swayed by emotions.After the death of Park Geun-hye's mother, the whole family fell into great grief.Although Park Geun-hye was heartbroken, she was the first to realize that she could no longer be sad.In order for the whole family to recover from the grief, she had to hold back tears and cheer up again, because her younger siblings were still young and they could not stand any setbacks and blows, and her father had a deep relationship with his mother. , the pain of losing his wife must have made him miserable.She can only choose to be strong, cheer up, infect everyone with a positive emotion, and tell herself to live well.In this way, she reinvigorated the Blue House, which was shrouded in a sad atmosphere, and took over from her mother to perform her due duties.

Negative emotions are often a stumbling block to our success. If we fail to control our emotions in time and allow them to spread unchecked, it will not only make us depressed and listless, but even bring a lot of negative effects to the people around us.Therefore, a person with strong self-control must know how to control his emotions.

Second, self-control can allow people to maintain a high degree of self-discipline.Once, Park Geun-hye went to the United States to attend a speech. When passing through the security checker at the airport, the alarm kept ringing, so the security personnel stopped Park Geun-hye and took her to the house for questioning.Many people in the entourage protested that the behavior of the security guards was an offense to Park Geun-hye, a head of state and public figure like Park Geun-hye.However, Park Geun-hye did not show any anger at all. She actively cooperated with the inspection by the security personnel and calmly said to the entourage: "This is the rule, and we must respect it." A small hairpin.

It is not difficult for a person to be strict with himself when he is not being noticed by others. What is difficult is that when you already have money, power and status, you can still restrain yourself everywhere with the standards of an ordinary person, so that you can control yourself under any circumstances. Without enjoying all kinds of privileges, they can abide by all kinds of orders and show noble morals at all times.A person who is always self-disciplined can win the respect of others.

Third, self-control allows us to resist all kinds of temptations.When Park Geun-hye acted as the "first lady" as an agent, she had already deeply felt the terrifying side of power. Power can make people vicious and defiant.Some people will do anything to gain power, and once they have a certain amount of power, they are even more greedy to get more.They use power to seek personal gain for themselves, put aside the interests of the country and the people, intrigue and intrigue all day long, for fear that the staff of power will slip from their hands.But in Park Geun-hye's view, there should be no such greedy extravagant expectations for power. Even if you have power, you should always maintain a modest and prudent style, and you should use the power in your hands to do more beneficial things for the people.

There are many temptations in the world, which may be money and achievements, or power and status. Only those with strong self-control and good moral cultivation can resist all kinds of temptations, let themselves always be alone, maintain their original self, and Persist in doing what you think is right under all kinds of temptations.

Temptation is a powerful enemy of success. A person's initial good vision is often wiped out in front of temptation.In daily life, temptation may be a beautiful dress, a luxurious sports car, or a moment of laziness and indulgence.If we cannot resist these temptations through self-control, we may gradually get lost in the materialistic society, and we may gradually drift away from the road to success.

Therefore, we must consciously cultivate our own self-control. When we plan to let ourselves go or face various temptations, we may wish to remind ourselves that we must make the right decision and do the right thing!
play your part

For a 22-year-old girl, playing the role of the "first lady" of a country is indeed a very difficult task.At that time, Park Geun-hye was not only young, but also had insufficient experience and thinking about the world.But because of fate, she must inherit her mother's inheritance and do her best to help her father who is still in grief. Only in this way can she truly shoulder the important task of "First Lady".

Life is like a drama, and drama is like life. Each of us has to play a different role in this wonderful drama of life.Although the roles are different, it is inevitable that there will be a distinction between primary and secondary, but in front of life, whether it is sorrow or joy, beauty or ugliness, we only have to work hard to play our own roles well, and life can give us rich rewards. Our lives can be interpreted more wonderfully.

(End of this chapter)

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