Be good like water: life management lessons from Park Geun-hye to women

Chapter 13 Keep Your True Colors: Be an "Ice Princess" Who Sticks to Yourself

Chapter 13 Keep Your True Colors: Be an "Ice Princess" Who Sticks to Yourself (3)
On the sixth day after her mother's funeral, Park Geun-hye had to suppress her inner grief and began her career as "First Lady".She inherited all the work of her mother during her lifetime. Every morning, she has to deal with hundreds of letters from the people. She also has to conduct field trips to various regions of the country and carry out various public welfare activities to find ways to help the poor people.She sleeps less than 5 hours a day, and sometimes she has to give up even the 5 hours of rest in order to receive foreign guests.

Park Geun-hye tried her best to do her job well. When other girls were still enjoying their lives leisurely, she had already shouldered an unimaginable burden.She didn't complain or complain, but worked hard conscientiously, not daring to be careless or slack.Because she knew that she couldn't evade, and couldn't escape, so she could only do her best to play the role of "First Lady" well.This is not only for the mother, but also for the thousands of Korean people who support her and trust her.

Fate is unpredictable. If we want to quickly integrate into a life and play our own roles well, we must give ourselves a clear positioning.With such a positioning, we have found our own life goals and are willing to work tirelessly for it.To be in one's position is to seek one's own affairs. When fate bestows us with a role, the only choice we can make is to play the role well.

To play one's own role well, you must put your heart into it, and perform it with your true feelings.We can't predict the future, and we can't determine our future life. All we can do is to do what we need to do right now, at least without leaving any regrets for ourselves.Only in this way can we have the right to continue to fight for our dreams.To play today's role well is to work hard for a better tomorrow.

Although many people have great ambitions, they always complain about the ordinary life, and always feel that the affairs in their lives are too trivial to be worth mentioning.Just imagine, if you can't do your own job well, how can you talk about your career development; if you turn a blind eye to housework, how can you talk about fulfilling your responsibilities for this family; if you even feel that you are delaying going home to visit your parents Time, then how can you be regarded as a noble person with cultivation and filial piety?

Most of us are part of the mass of beings, small but bright, because we have every reason to be able to live out our own value and splendor.Although we cannot shoulder the future and destiny of the country like a public figure like Park Geun-hye, at least we can do our part well with our own hands and hard work, which is also a kind of success.

For contemporary women, the roles given to women by society are richer and more diverse.In addition to being a wife, mother, or daughter, she may also be an employee of a company, a shopkeeper of a private shop, or a big shot among the elite.Different roles represent different missions, and also make the status and role of modern women in social life more prominent.In addition to caring for husbands and children, taking good care of their own families, and being filial to both parents, women should also play different roles more fully in society.In daily work, you should do your due diligence and always demand yourself as a qualified employee. Just because you are a woman, you should not act as if you are inferior to a man or have an excuse to do a bad job; when you are working hard for your ideals, Should show more firm confidence and determination, should be like a real dream chaser, never choose to shrink back in the face of any setbacks and blows; when taking on social responsibilities, women should use their unique wisdom, mind and character traits to become social leaders. Important decision makers and participants in management, as long as women can take on more responsibilities in social life, our lives will inevitably become more harmonious and full of love.

Therefore, in the face of various roles in life, we can only accept it calmly, treat it kindly, and cherish it.There is no distinction between high and low roles, only good or bad performances.Please do your best to play our own role, not only for ourselves, but also for our lives.

Always keep your promises

On the homepage of Park Geun-hye's social networking site, there is such a text: "As a politician, the most important value is to abide by the agreement with the people. As long as you forget for a moment, you will lose everyone's trust. To create a society worthy of the people's trust Compared with advanced countries that are recognized by other countries, the most basic thing is to be able to achieve several responsible agreements and make a lot of efforts to comply with the agreements."

Today's society is full of new opportunities and challenges, and there are also many disharmonious factors. Dishonest phenomena such as fraud, opportunism, and non-compliance with agreements are very common.Integrity plays a vital role in the rise and fall of a country, or in the success or failure of a career or a person.If a person can't keep his promise and keep the agreement, then he will definitely attract criticism and indifference from others, and those who once supported us will gradually leave us.He is like a walking dead, unable to gain a foothold in the world, let alone achieve anything.If a society breaks promises and fails to keep promises and trustworthiness becomes commonplace, it will lead to the deterioration of people's morals, the loss of popular support, the loss of morality, the loss of cohesion within the society, and the future and destiny of the nation is worrying.

When discussing a resolution, Park Geun-hye's Grand National Party had a lot of internal differences, and the opinions of the two sides were tit-for-tat. In the end, they had to vote to make the final decision.The voting result was 46:37, with more votes in favor, but also a lot of votes against.Although the results of the vote came out, the situation did not calm down. Those members who opposed it continued to protest, claiming to re-vote or delay the processing time of the bill.Some members even said that if this resolution is finally passed, they will resign as members of Congress.

As a party representative, Park Geun-hye saw the further deterioration of the situation. She resolutely decided that, as an open political party, the party's resolution cannot be changed after the voting results have been announced.In the end, the bill was formally passed in the plenary session of Congress.But the struggle against it has intensified. Some congressmen started a hunger strike, and some strongly scolded the party leadership. The close comrades who once fought side by side with Park Geun-hye also decided to resign because of this, which made Park Geun-hye very sad.

Faced with numerous resistances, Park Geun-hye unswervingly abided by the party's resolution.Although she respects the decisions made by those who oppose her according to her beliefs, she still sticks to her beliefs.Many people in the party said that after the passage of this bill, the Grand National Party's power will make the administrative center complex city useless, but Park Geun-hye will never do such a thing as breaking the contract, because the contract exists for compliance.

There is an old saying that goes, "One word from a gentleman is hard to follow."Many women think that they are not gentlemen, so they don't have to keep their promises when they speak and do things.It is not.Keeping a promise is to faithfully abide by what has been promised and allowed. Keeping a promise is the embodiment of being honest and trustworthy and abiding by the agreement. It is the basic code of conduct that everyone should abide by.Therefore, whether it is a man or a woman, whether or not they can keep their promises is the criterion for judging whether a person is honest or hypocritical. A kind person should keep his promises as a matter of course.

"There is no trust among the people." Whether it is a country's political system, or a contract agreement for a transaction, or an oral agreement between friends, as long as it has been clearly stipulated, as long as it is generally accepted by the majority of people , As long as we have nodded and agreed, we must abide by it unconditionally. This is the basic bottom line of human morality.Keeping promises and keeping promises are the concrete manifestation of noble personality.Especially when encountering all kinds of resistance and difficulties, if he can abide by the agreement without interference, keep his promise without hesitation, and still stick to his beliefs and principles in the face of all kinds of criticism and blows, then such a person is worthy of our trust. Those who support and support are worthy of our respect.

Park Geun-hye not only abides by the agreement in politics, but also keeps her promise when interacting with others.When Park Geun-hye was in the third year of the Department of Electronic Engineering at Sogang University, she made an appointment with a classmate to go to the laboratory to do homework at 7 o'clock in the evening.She arrived at the laboratory on time, and after waiting for more than an hour, the other party still did not show up.She thought that the classmate must have something urgent, so she decided to wait a little longer.At that time, there were no advanced communication tools such as mobile phones, and there was no way to call the other party to inquire about the situation, so there was no other choice but to wait.Fortunately, the classmate finally showed up three hours later. When the late classmate saw that Park Geun-hye was still waiting in the laboratory, he immediately apologized to her and explained that she forgot the time because she was busy with other things. He also asked Park Geun-hye why she didn't go home.Park Geun-hye replied: "Because we made an appointment, we cannot break the agreement."

To be a person who keeps promises, one must first be loyal to one's own career, never do things that are self-interested or detrimental to others, and seek truth from facts, and treat one's own career in a down-to-earth manner.Secondly, it is necessary to do what you say, to keep what you say, to do what you say, and to do what you say.For the responsibilities that you should bear, you must consciously take on the responsibility, keep your feet on the ground, and don't say those useless big words and empty words.Again, we must be consistent with our words and deeds, and the outside and the inside are the same.Finally, we must be strict with ourselves and practice what we do. Although there are many phenomena of dishonesty in society, we should not only not follow blindly, but also start from ourselves, resolutely resist such behaviors, and do our part for a good social atmosphere.In short, keeping promises at all times is the basic principle of our life, men are like this, and so are women.

(End of this chapter)

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