Be good like water: life management lessons from Park Geun-hye to women

Chapter 14 Thank You for Solitude: 18 Years of Recluse Wasn’t Misery

Chapter 14 Thank You for Solitude: 18 Years of Recluse Wasn’t Misery (1)
Away from the hustle and bustle, I'm always enjoying the solitude

After all, life is a process of experiencing loneliness, and no one is accompanied by applause and laughter every day.When you are away from the hustle and bustle, you should know how to enjoy solitude.Just like Park Geun-hye, she stayed away from politics for 18 years. The long years not only did not make her depressed, but gave her a new life.

After her father died, Park Geun-hye moved out of the Blue House.Faced with various betrayals, although she tried to fight against them, she finally chose to remain silent and to disappear from the public eye.After experiencing a period of painful years, she also resigned from the Yuying Consortium, and she lived a lonely life ever since.

But this kind of life did not make her feel tormented, and when she looked back on the ups and downs she had experienced, she felt extremely relieved.Because these are really valuable experiences and lessons for her life. 18 years of living in seclusion gave Park Geun-hye the opportunity to live her beloved life, which was ordinary and fulfilling.She lives peacefully every day, sorting out her chaotic thoughts by reading books and writing diaries.Sometimes she also writes poems to soothe her soul.During that time, she discovered that living in the right way is a truly valuable life. What is important in life is not money, fame or power, which are just mirages that will disappear in an instant.

Living alone away from the hustle and bustle of the world, although it looks lonely, actually gives us a rare opportunity for self-growth.Loneliness allows us to re-understand ourselves and re-examine the right and wrong that happen around us.It can make us regain our gratitude to those who have helped us but have been forgotten, and it can also let us let go of the hatred and troubles in our hearts, use a new attitude, go into battle easily, and start again.

Lonely life, desires become simple, warm afternoons, green grass, dark and warm desk lamps, star-studded night sky, a cup of tea, a book, may already be the whole of life.This kind of life will make us practical and open-minded, let us forget the troubles and sentiments of the past, and taste the most essential taste of life at this moment.

An excellent writer must learn to stay away from the utilitarian temptation of the world, restore the mind to its original state, constantly observe the surrounding environment, and then speak with words.Once a soulful narrator becomes a so-called social hotspot, it will undoubtedly be a disaster. He will abandon the quiet characteristics of literature and gradually lose himself in the bustle and noise.For a real writer, quietness is an indispensable quality, and only in this way can the words he writes be worthy of his conscience.

For a person who has just come out of pain and despair, the lively atmosphere cannot give him valuable inspiration. Only when he is alone can he have the opportunity to reorganize his thoughts and plan his life.He may wander around the city alone with nothing to do every day, get on a bus casually, enjoy the scenery on the side of the road, and then go to the library to stay all day, and he can also buy it on the busy street with tactful hawking. what you want.

A person who bears too much heavy pressure can empty himself in the quiet time and regain the direction of his life in loneliness.Staying away from the hustle and bustle and enjoying solitude are qualities that everyone should have.But many women can't enjoy solitude, they can only prove their existence with the company of others, and paralyze their empty souls with exaggerated noise.Loneliness is not terrible, we might as well try hard.Only when we stay away from the hustle and bustle, can we truly understand the mystery of solitude, enrich our hearts in solitude, and inevitably have new insights into life and the future.

After Park Geun-hye returned to politics, she was determined to carry out political reforms in order to make the government more clean and transparent.A seemingly weak woman, but she is uncompromising on issues related to party reform and principles. She uses struggle to implement her political principles, and fights to the end for her beliefs and the people.The reason why Park Geun-hye can have such strength comes from 18 years of lonely life. Loneliness gave her firm strength and gave her the courage to move forward in the dark and stand up in adversity, even if everyone around her opposed it, even if everyone People don't understand her thoughts and leave her, and she will go on for her beliefs and convictions without hesitation.

Enjoying solitude is not only a kind of ability, but also a rare quality.It is in solitude that countless philosophers began to explore the future; it is in solitude that the spark of wisdom bursts out with dazzling light.Rejecting loneliness means rejecting quiet observation and thinking, and rejecting the power that peace brings us.A mature and wise person mostly grows up in solitude. A woman is busy with work, housework, and family care every day. Only when she is alone can she have the opportunity to face and examine her own heart.Loneliness does not keep us away from social life, it does not mean that we are in a peaceful corner, but it allows us to learn to find a quiet place in the noisy life, and to find a quiet time and space for our soul in the hustle and bustle of life.It is no exaggeration to say that loneliness can achieve life, because you need to experience the valuable insights and truths of life alone.To enjoy solitude is to savor life, why reject it?

silence can make you more powerful
There is a proverb in the West: "Silence is gold, eloquence is silver." No matter how much a person speaks, he may not be as powerful as silence.Park Geun-hye is not an eloquent leader, but everyone has to be impressed by her charm and the power she conveys in her silence.

Silence is a special power, it can make people think seriously and deeply, and recognize the direction of their next step.It calms the mind and reorganizes one's thoughts and emotions.In silence, we can pay more attention to our inner feelings and begin to see the real world as it is.The noise makes us unable to see the reality clearly, but the silence gives us time for introspection.

Park Geun-hye is a quiet person, some people even think she is not good at communication.But that's not the case, and every time she has to speak in public or argue with her political opponents, she doesn't back down.The reason why Park Geun-hye chooses silence most of the time is precisely because she feels that she has to be responsible for every word she says. It is better to speak less than to speak more, and it is better to be silent than to speak less.Park Geun-hye's speech has never been redundant and redundant, and it is always to the point.

In real life, many women chatter non-stop every day, not only tired of themselves, but also boring to others.Because in her language, there is no useful information, no sign of wisdom, except for the same worldly opinions, which are all grumbling and complaining.Instead of upsetting others, why not silence yourself?
After learning about Park Geun-hye's experience, many people can't help asking, how did she regain her life from despair, and how did she always control her own life in misfortune?In fact, in the face of a series of blows in life, Park Geun-hye chose to bear it silently, without complaining or complaining, and all the tears were swallowed in her heart.Even in the face of various misunderstandings and accusations, she also chooses to remain silent. It is this kind of experience that makes her more mature and wise.She uses busyness to make herself forget the pain, and reads to soothe the wounded heart. After meals, she often walks on the tree-lined road to think about life quietly, or packs her luggage and walks wherever she wants to go.She closed her mouth and chose silence in the experience of life, and found the home for her heart.

Silence does not mean speechless, it is a kind of power accumulation and brewing.It can make people full of wisdom and become stronger.There are many things in life that we can't solve for the time being. In this case, we might as well keep ourselves silent for a while.Because silence is also an expression, it can say something that language cannot express clearly.

Liao Yimei is a screenwriter and writer who has attracted much attention in China in recent years, but she has only written three plays in 11 years. As a writer, Liao Yimei is comfortable with her low production.She is a person who is particularly disgusted with talking nonsense, "I am not a technical writer, and every play must have the author's current state. My thoughts, my sense of touch, my sense of smell, and my physical state are like the imprint of the body. Same. I feel like the world is full of bullshit and useless information, so if I don't have to say something, I try to keep silent."But as long as Liao Yimei speaks out, it will definitely be a thunder in the heart.

In this world, the more intelligent people tend to speak less, the more they understand the power of silence.In life, we often encounter various obstacles or experience many failures. Some people will complain about bad luck, and some people will complain that the people around them cannot give them strong support.But those wise people often choose to be silent at this time, let themselves be quiet, reflect and review themselves quietly, and avoid making the same mistakes next time.If a person talks nonsense without fully understanding the situation, it can only expose your ignorance and impetuousness.Especially when facing your competitors, the more you talk, the more hidden dangers you will have, and you will expose your weaknesses and flaws to others unintentionally. There is no reason not to fail.

Silence is a magic weapon to resolve conflicts.When we are arguing with others, when the quarrel between the two sides becomes more intense, we might as well choose to remain silent. On the one hand, we can calm down our emotions and prevent the situation from getting out of control further.On the other hand, silence allows us to look at ourselves more objectively, consider whether the views we insist are really problematic, and also carefully examine whether the views held by the other party are really that worthless.After experiencing a period of silence, perhaps the previous arguments and contradictions no longer exist.

Silence is the most powerful eloquence.When we encounter some misunderstanding and slander, no rebuttal can turn the situation around, and words are so pale and powerless in the face of misunderstanding.Crazy shouting, endless abuse or crying of grievances can only make us more passive.So you might as well choose silence at this time and use time to prove everything.Bear the burden of humiliation, endure hardships and taste courage, and when one day finally breaks out in silence, all misunderstandings and slanders will naturally be wiped out.Those who had been hostile had to admit the fact that they were wrong.

Silence is the bridge of spiritual communication.When people close to us tell us their thoughts, we should be patient and listen carefully.This is not only a kind of respect, but also a skill of communicating with people.If you often interrupt each other, even before the other person has finished speaking, you start to express your own opinions unscrupulously or blindly accuse the other party of various deficiencies in the words, it will only make the other party's heart full of disappointment, and have a negative impact on you. feeling of disgust.If someone is willing to share their thoughts with you, it means that the other party has enough trust in you. In this case, you might as well calm yourself down and let your heart fluctuate together in the other party's mood story.

Silence is a kind of experience, a kind of thorough understanding, a kind of tolerance and detachment from life.Mastering the power of silence can help us adapt to the unpredictable life, let us learn to protect ourselves in a complex environment, and realize true self-transcendence in a silent world.

Wait, your chance will come eventually
After Park Geun-hye joined the Grand National Party and returned to the political arena, many people laughed and said: "The former president's poor daughter is back again." Park Geun-hye just laughed off such ridicule.It was such a miserable woman who didn't even raise the basic campaign funds, but eventually became the first female president in Korean history.From this point of view, Park Geun-hye's 18-year long wait was worth it.

The Asian financial crisis broke out in 1997, and South Korea's economy was hit hard.A large number of Korean companies went bankrupt, a large number of workers lost their jobs, the economy declined, and national income plummeted.At that time, ordinary people in South Korea even sold their hair in exchange for some food, but even so they still lived a life without food.

The people living in despair began to miss the era of Park Chung-hee with rapid economic growth. How much they hoped that a leader like Park Chung-hee would reappear in South Korea at that time to lead the country out of the predicament and let them live at least enough to eat. .Park Geun-hye, who was still a commoner at the time, saw all this in her eyes, and she suddenly felt that the dream that had been dormant in her heart for a long time could be realized, and she had the opportunity to help her dead father complete his unfinished business coming.She is determined to lead South Korea to a prosperous and prosperous nation, and she is willing to dedicate her life to this belief.So, she came out of her secluded life and embarked on the journey again.Although the road ahead is full of difficulties and dangers, at this time she has experienced a long wait and is ready to deal with it calmly and decisively.

In fact, we wait almost every day in our lives: the crying children are waiting for their parents to come home and play with them; Young people who dream of living and sleeping all day long without enough to eat are waiting for the opportunity to soar into the sky to realize their dreams; the great piece of music.Waiting is a major theme of our life, if you don't wait, you can't live.

Many people around us can't bear to wait, they are always too impetuous in the face of setbacks, and they are always eager to achieve success on the long journey, which only helps to grow. "If you don't go through a bit of cold, how can you get the fragrance of plum blossoms", without a painful wait, how can you reap the joy of success.After all, opportunities are always reserved for those who are prepared, for those who are patient enough to wait.Learn to be silent, absorb strength little by little in silence, and always wait for the opportunity to come. This is the only way for a successful person.

Those who know how to wait must have enough endurance, because none of us can predict when the opportunity will come, all we can do is to be patient and patient; those who know how to wait must have a broad mind, because when others get When a little achievement becomes the focus of the world's attention and shows off with great fanfare, we can only turn a blind eye and laugh it off; those who know how to wait must have full self-confidence, "Is the golden scales a thing in the pool, it will turn into a dragon when it encounters a storm" .If you really have extraordinary abilities, wait a minute, what is there to worry about?

After graduating from middle school, an American boy determined to be an excellent businessman.Later, he was admitted to the famous Massachusetts Institute of Technology, but he did not study trade directly, but chose the most basic major in engineering—mechanical.His move is not bad, because doing business requires certain professional knowledge.After graduating from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, he did not immediately join the business world, but was admitted to the University of Chicago to study for a master's degree in economics.After three years of study, he is fully equipped to be a businessman in knowledge.

Surprisingly, after obtaining a master's degree, he still did not engage in any business activities, but went on to obtain a civil servant and worked in a government department.Because he knows that doing business requires strong social skills, and interpersonal relationships are extremely important in business activities.After working in the government for five years, he decided to quit his job and went to work in a commercial job at General Motors, which his father had introduced him to.After another two years, he has proficiently mastered business conditions and business skills, and has achieved outstanding results.At this time, he resolutely declined the high salary offered by General Motors to retain him. Instead, he started his own company, Laffe Trading Company, and started his dream business career.

(End of this chapter)

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