Be good like water: life management lessons from Park Geun-hye to women

Chapter 15 Thank You for Solitude: 18 Years of Recluse Wasn’t Misery

Chapter 15 Thank You for Solitude: 18 Years of Recluse Wasn’t Misery (2)
Because he has learned everything a businessman should learn, and has fully possessed all the qualities that an excellent businessman should possess, so his business is progressing extremely smoothly, and Lafleur's company is growing surprisingly fast. 20 years later, the assets of Raffo's company have grown from the initial US$20 to US$2 million.Bill Raffo himself has become a legend in the American business world.

On the road of life, it is impossible to be smooth sailing.We should accumulate strength while waiting, adjust our mentality, and look for opportunities to overcome difficulties and realize our dreams while waiting. "Ten years of sharpening a sword", waiting can give us hope and comfort, can help me dispel the haze on the way forward, and allow us to regain confidence and accept the challenge of fate again with a new look.

A man should never pick up a gun until he is ready with ammunition. To succeed, one must be fully prepared and must be able to withstand a long wait.Waiting is not laziness, idleness, or whimsical daydreaming.Waiting is to let us find hope again in failure, continue to strengthen our faith in silence, and continue to accumulate strength before taking off.The painful journey is for waiting to harvest the joy of success, for the ray of happiness and warm sunshine after the rain has passed.So when you are in despair, don't let it sink in, because there are always some good things in this world that are worth waiting for.

Just like Park Geun-hye, although she experienced many heavy blows, she did not slump in the waiting, did not forget her ideals, and did not change her original intention.While waiting, she gradually became mature and full of wisdom, brave and resolute, until the opportunity came, she seized the opportunity without hesitation, and became a hero with high hopes in the hearts of the Korean people and a model to emulate .The days of waiting are boring and boring, and even painful and hesitant, but as long as there is hope, all difficulties are not worth mentioning.

Waiting is accumulation, it is recharging energy, it is keeping a low profile, it is the precipitation of years, and it is the sublimation of the soul.Nothing in life can be accomplished overnight. Only by persevering while waiting can we see the most beautiful scenery in the course of life.

What people lack is a normal heart
Park Geun-hye always looks at everything around her with a normal heart. Even after being hit, she can still enjoy life with a peaceful and peaceful attitude.It's like walking in high heels and suddenly changing into a pair of lightweight sneakers.In her opinion, being able to walk in the pine forest surrounded by greenery under the warm sunshine is the most peaceful happiness in life.

Boggs, who is only 1.60 meters tall, is the shortest star in NBA history.Even for an ordinary man, a height of 1.60 meters is a regret in life.However, Boggs accepted the unchangeable fact that he was short in stature, and worked hard to make up for his congenital insufficiency. He won a place for himself on the "tall people like a forest" basketball court, and became a famous NBA star. list.

Boggs said: "It is true that I am too short, and it is not easy to break out in a high-level professional basketball game, but I believe that basketball is not just for tall people, but for those who have basketball talent. In order to realize his dream, Boggs has been practicing his skills hard. Although he is not as tall as other players, his short stature can give full play to his advantages in speed and agility than big ones. Finally, he became a An excellent assist player has become an important force in the team's backcourt.

As a player, Boggs was successful.He can ride the NBA arena with a figure of 1.60 meters, not only because of luck, but also because he has a normal heart to face reality calmly, can accept the fact that he is short in height, and thus make more efforts for his dream .In reality, there are many things that we cannot change, such as height, appearance, etc. For these facts that we cannot avoid or have no ability to change, even troubles and pains will not help, and the facts can never be transferred by our will.All worries, remorse, and regrets are useless except to add trouble to yourself.That being the case, it is better to face the reality calmly, accept it, and then give yourself a good mood, adjust yourself to the best state, and actively deal with the next challenges.

An ordinary heart is a peaceful and calm state of mind, which does not take pleasure in things, does not feel sad for oneself, is not influenced by feelings, and is not bound by the world.To look at the world plainly, ordinaryly, and calmly requires a mind, courage, and wisdom in life.Once a person has a normal heart, he will not worry about gains and losses, look left and right, worry about nothing, and feel sorry for himself.Putting aside gains and losses, ignoring honor and disgrace, life becomes richer and life becomes more open.

Normal heart, although it is easy to say, but most people can't get past this hurdle.If you live a normal life, you will feel quiet at first, but after a long time, you will start to complain and feel that life is boring.Such people don't know what a normal mind is, let alone how to maintain a normal mind.

Some women feel an inexplicable loss in their hearts when they see those dazzling stars on TV.Indeed, compared with those glamorous stars, we are indeed too ordinary, and our lives are too simple.As a result, they began to complain all day long, seeing that people and things around them were not pleasing to the eye.Some even gave up their original life and changed their original self for the so-called "success".They are exhausted, have everything they want, and even betray their feelings, just to make themselves look unusual.But after a narrow escape, when fame and money were all in one, she suddenly found that all of this didn't seem to be what she really wanted, and those once seemingly ordinary lives were the beauty that she could never forget.

There are also women who have worked hard for the happiness of their families and the success of their careers, but in the end they did not achieve the results they wanted.So they feel wronged, unfair, and feel that the whole world has failed their efforts.Since then, they have begun to give up on themselves and degenerate, and the simple life around them is also regarded as a kind of ridicule by them.Their hearts are full of resentment and pain, and their relatives, friends, and the originally happy and peaceful life are gradually far away from them.In their vision, life is only gray, and troubles have become the only main theme in their lives.

Also as a woman, Park Geun-hye can treat her life with a peaceful attitude.In those unfortunate days, she was full of gratitude for life.She would get up very early every day, then put on casual clothes and go to the store near her home to buy goods.Then learn to cook by yourself, practice yoga, read and write, or simply hang out with neighbors and friends.She has no time to take care of those painful past events, and the bustle and noise of the outside world will not stir up any waves in her heart.She believes that as long as she cherishes what she has now, life is happy.

Park Geun-hye commented on her past life in this way: "Just like the four seasons of spring, summer, autumn and winter conform to the changes of nature, we must also live in accordance with the slowly unfolding road of life. Today, no, this moment, is extremely precious to me. .Just like a bird, when the sun rises, it goes to forage, build a nest and raise its young, and when the sun sets, it returns to the nest to rest. In this way, I spent day after day. Every day, every moment solved Things contain meaning in life and are worthy of our best endeavors. Where can we find this joy?"

Compared with Park Geun-hye, what many of us lack is a sense of normalcy. We always feel that what we don’t have is the best. But the most cherished people or things around us are often ignored, and we don't regret it until we lose it.

Master Huineng wrote a poem: "There is no tree for Bodhi, and the mirror is not a stand. There is nothing in the first place, where can there be dust." Seeing extraordinary things with an ordinary heart, everything is ordinary, and there is always joy No worries.So to maintain a normal mind is to maintain a good attitude.

Maintaining a normal mind can increase our wisdom in dealing with the world.Today's society is ever-changing, with all kinds of opportunities and temptations everywhere. Facing challenges from life, if we can't treat them with a peaceful attitude, we will become emotionally impetuous, difficult to control ourselves well, and difficult to Under the pressure of many aspects, it is difficult to examine the reality of the situation calmly and objectively.

Keeping a normal mind helps to make an objective self-evaluation.Everyone has their own strengths and weaknesses. Only when we are in a state of peace of mind can we objectively evaluate ourselves and fully explore our own strengths and advantages, so that we will not be overly pessimistic because of our shortcomings. Find the path that really suits us in the chaotic and complicated environment.

Keeping a normal mind can make us contented and happy.The things we currently have are actually the things that should be cherished the most, and there is no need for us to be jealous of other people's lives.While we envy others, others may also envy us.So it is unwise to lose what you should cherish in order to fight for what you don't have.If we really decide to work hard for a certain goal, we must also maintain a calm mind. A success always hides countless failures. Don’t be discouraged even if you fail. Just pass it.

Life is full of mixed flavors, and plainness is the essence of life. Only with an ordinary heart can we truly appreciate life.Let nature take its course, be happy and straightforward, and only then can you live out your true self.

(End of this chapter)

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