Be good like water: life management lessons from Park Geun-hye to women

Chapter 17 Be brave to take responsibility: Be the captain at the helm of Wang Yangzhong

Chapter 17 Be brave to take responsibility: Be the captain at the helm of Wang Yangzhong (1)
Have the courage to challenge all difficulties

Members of the Korean National Assembly commented on Park Geun-hye: "I have seen the ups and downs of many politicians in the political arena, so I can understand how difficult the political journey is. It is definitely not an easy thing to gain the approval of the people through politics. As a leader, Park Geun-hye has a special appeal. From her, we can see the hope of South Korea's future development. In a political arena full of mistrust, betrayal and greed, she has always defended her principles and beliefs. Park Geun-hye is also unmoved in the face of death. , This is because she is willing to dedicate her life to the country and the people." It is such a difficult political road, but Park Geun-hye has walked so gloriously, it is precisely because of her firm and great faith that she dares to challenge all difficulties .

A person who dares to face life will not take those difficulties and ups and downs to heart. In Park Geun-hye's view, pain is a gift from God, and difficulties are friends who make her dream come true.Difficulties are only temporary, and they cannot defeat or frighten a strong person. If it weren't for those painful experiences, if it wasn't for her road to realize her dream full of thorns, how could Park Geun-hye become so strong today?How can ordinary people in South Korea rest assured to entrust the future and destiny of the country to such a woman?

After Roh Moo-hyun became president, he began to investigate the presidential election funds, and finally found that the Grand National Party illegally embezzled funds in the presidential election activities.The corruption scandal has brought the support of the Grand National Party to the bottom, so the position of the representative of the Grand National Party has become a hot potato, and no one dares to touch it.After all, no one is willing to push themselves to the forefront at this time, and it is probably the best choice to protect themselves wisely.

But Park Geun-hye resolutely decided to run for the party representative and succeeded. "Whoever sits in that position is going to have bad luck. Everyone knows that it is absolutely impossible to win. If you do this, you will probably end your political career." Such worries are naturally justified Yes, but in Park Geun-hye's view, the easiest thing in the world is to live only for yourself.When it is time to sacrifice, it should be sacrificed, and what should be discarded, even though the benefits have become great, it should also be discarded.When a big storm comes, no matter how big the ship is, if it wants to avoid the waves and turn around, the ship will be silent, but if the ship bravely faces the waves and goes forward, it will never be overturned.In order to be a future leader, she must choose to face difficulties head on.

Facing difficulties is not only to prove one's strength, but more importantly, when misfortune strikes everyone, there must be someone who can stand up bravely, and Park Geun-hye is that person.How much responsibility a person dares to take, how much challenge he dares to face, can make her have much ability.Some women always feel that their ability is limited and their character is weak. When facing difficulties, they can only choose to escape. They don’t know that many things can only be avoided and worse until we really capsize in the storm.Regardless of our abilities, we should at least have the courage to try. Even if we are defeated by difficulties in the end, we can leave with our heads held high.

Former US President Roosevelt had to sit in a wheelchair because of a sudden illness when he was 39 years old.As the condition worsened, his legs were completely useless, and the symptoms of paralysis were spreading to his upper body.His neck was stiff and his arms were numb.Eventually the bladder also temporarily lost control.Catheterization several times a day, each time is extremely painful.The pain in his back and legs was unbearable, as if toothache radiated to the whole body; the muscles were like nerves exposed by peeling off the skin, and the slightest touch could not bear it.But the most unbearable thing was the mental torture.It was painful that he went from a strong young man with a bright future to a cripple who was bedridden and looked after by others.

But Roosevelt never believed that disease could really knock him down.In order not to think about his illness, he desperately thought about problems, recalling the path he had traveled, which ones were right and which ones were wrong; A vile political liar.He also thought of the people, of the war-torn European peoples, of the hungry, cold, and precarious lower classes.He is thinking and exploring how he should live and behave in the future.In order to sum up his experience, he kept reading.He systematically read a large number of books on American history and politics, as well as biographies of many world celebrities and a large number of medical books.

In order to walk again, he asked someone to set up two horizontal bars on the lawn, one higher and one lower.Every day, he kept moving his body between these two bars for hours on end.The first goal he set for himself was to walk to Post Street, a quarter of a mile from Springwood.Every day, he hobbled forward on the road with a cane, trying to walk a few more steps than the day before.He also had two rings installed in the ceiling directly above the bed, and used them to keep up his workouts.By the beginning of spring, he had improved day by day, and he was even able to go downstairs to play with the children on the floor, or receive guests on the sofa in the library.

In February 1922, doctors fitted him for the first time with a leather and steel frame, which he has been wearing ever since.The racks weigh 2 pounds each and run from arm to ankle.The frame was fixed at the knees so that his legs were like two sticks.With the help of a frame and a crutch, Roosevelt could not only "walk" with body and arm movements, but also stand up and speak.But it was not easy to achieve this step. He often fell down at the beginning, and the arms holding the crutches often ached from exhaustion. Despite this, he still insisted on exercising with tenacious perseverance and an optimistic attitude.

After strenuous exercise, Roosevelt's physical strength increased. In the fall of 1922, he returned to work at the Trust & Savings Company where he had worked before his illness.At first, he worked two days a week, gradually increased to three days, and finally four days a week.He has a packed schedule, starting his day at 8:5 a.m. in bed with his counselor, Louis Ho, and other visitors.He came to the office two hours later and worked until [-] p.m.Lunch is eaten in the office.He handles company affairs in the morning and personal affairs in the afternoon.After returning home, drink some tea, exercise your body, and then meet with the visitor again.Roosevelt, who was busy with work, seemed to be a healthy person. He showed superhuman courage and optimistic attitude in the face of illness. His vigorous light of life not only increased his personal self-confidence, but also won the respect and trust of others. .

Everyone will encounter difficulties of one kind or another in life, and some people choose to escape, so what awaits him will be eternal tragedy.Others choose to face it bravely, and even take the initiative to challenge difficulties. One day, his bravery will dispel all the haze. Only those who dare to challenge and overcome difficulties are eligible to enjoy the joy of success.

Mencius said: "Heaven will send a great mission to the people, and they must first suffer their minds and wills, exhaust their muscles and bones, starve their bodies, empty their bodies, and chaotic their actions." A person who is destined to achieve extraordinary achievements always He will go through a lot of tribulations and difficulties, and only after going through these tests can he get the chance to break out of the cocoon and become a butterfly.Challenging difficulties is an experience in itself, and it is a precious wealth in life. Success is naturally worth celebrating, and failure is no big deal. As long as you don’t lose your beliefs and fighting spirit, learn from failures and declare war on difficulties again.At least we have challenged bravely, at least we have a chance to win, it is much better than those who automatically shrink back and dare not move forward in the face of difficulties.

Challenging difficulties can exercise our will, no matter how fatal the pain, we can also survive strong; challenging difficulties can bring us wisdom, life is like looking for light in the dark, overcoming difficulties can point us to the direction ;Challenging difficulties can make our lives worthwhile. Whenever we fall and get up to face difficulties, in fact, the end of victory is not far away.

A sense of mission, let the world be better because of you

For Park Geun-hye, what is happiness?In her view, happiness is dedicating what one has to others, giving care, care and love to others.Park Geun-hye seems to understand the true meaning of happiness better than us. She is willing to dedicate her life to the country and the people. This is her happiness and her mission.

The so-called sense of mission is a person's search and realization of self-attributes.Some attributes are acquired. For example, we choose a certain occupation. Once you agree with this role, you should take completing the unique mission of this role as your lifelong goal.The mission of a mother is to take good care of her children so that they can live a happy life; the mission of a student is to work hard to gain knowledge and contribute to the country in the future; The project I am engaged in is a life-long struggle; the mission of a scientist is to make his scientific research results contribute to the development of science and the progress of society; the mission of a company employee is to complete his own job well and maintain the company at all times honor and interests.

There is such a story: On a heavy rainy day in Chicago, the wiper of a Toyota car on the road suddenly broke, and the driver stopped there, not knowing what to do.Suddenly an old man rushed out of the rain and lay down on the car to repair the wiper.The driver asked who he was, and he said that he was a retired worker from Toyota. Seeing that their company's product was broken here, he felt obliged to fix it!

This is a strong sense of mission. It is precisely because of this sense of mission that there are so many great commercial brands in our lives, and there are so many dedicated heroes of the times who move us and admire us. Many people are willing to work together for the same dream of making the world a better place.

Park Geun-hye once said: "I think people can't live completely for themselves, we have to care about the lives of others. For the country and the people, in order to create a prosperous and safe country, we have to dedicate everything we have." In her opinion, a The mission of a politician is to enable more people to live a happy life. She said so, and she did so.During her time as a party representative, she visited more than 155 people's livelihood sites. She personally visited labor markets, single-parent families, facilities for the disabled, fishing villages, schools, etc.She always closely links her career with the fate of the people, so she must go among the people, see with her own eyes, listen with her own ears, and help them solve the problems that need to be solved urgently. This is what a politician should do. What to do is the sacred mission given to a politician by God.

Marx once said: "As a definite person, a realistic person, you have regulations, missions, and tasks. It doesn't matter whether you realize this or not. This task is due to your needs and its tasks. It arises from the connection with the existing world." So, the mission is objective, whether it is for your family, or for the society and the country, or just for yourself, but no matter what, there is always something meaningful. Things are what you have to do.

We've always wondered why some women look bland and lethargic, while others look radiant and gracious.Some people may say that the material life of the latter may be more abundant.Such an answer is definitely wrong, because a person's inner passion and motivation come more from a sense of mission.A person with a sense of mission will cherish life, cherish life, cherish work, and cherish life.Some women may complain that she has neither the political status of Park Geun-hye, nor the great ambition to dedicate herself to the country, nor even worked in a decent company. How can we talk about mission?

So, is it a mission to be a qualified and loving mother, to infect her children with optimism and kindness, so that they will be fearless in their future lives?

To be a wise and warm wife, when your lover is depressed because of a career crisis, can give him valuable advice or loving care and consideration, and help him out of the predicament, is it a responsibility? Woolen cloth?

Even if there is no decent job, even if it is just selling breakfast under a high-end office building, it can provide those hungry office workers with a delicious sandwich and a glass of warm milk, so that they can devote themselves to a busy day at work. , Is this a kind of value?

No matter how ordinary a person is, there will be a mission that others cannot replace, but many people do not realize this problem.A person must know what kind of mission he wants to fulfill and what kind of responsibility he must fulfill when he is alive. Only in this way can our life be more valuable, and we will have the opportunity to use our hands to create happiness for more people and put our Life is better dressed up!
do our best

Park Geun-hye believes that one should not have any fear of death before one feels that life is worth living. The real thing to be afraid of is not living one's life to the fullest.Park Geun-hye is not considered a genius. The reason why she can achieve today's achievements is entirely due to her efforts to do her best in everything.

In a famous church in Seattle, USA, there is a highly respected pastor——Dale Taylor.One day, he first told the following story to a class of missionary school students: That winter, the hunter went hunting with his hounds.A hunter shot a rabbit in the hind leg. The injured rabbit desperately escaped, and the hounds chased after it.But after chasing for a while, the rabbit ran farther and farther.The hound knew that it was impossible to catch up, so it had to go back to the hunter angrily.The hunter said angrily: "You are so useless, you can't even chase a wounded rabbit!" The hunting dog was very unconvinced and argued: "I have tried my best!" After escaping and returning home, all the brothers gathered around and asked it in surprise: "That hunting dog is very fierce. You were injured again. How did you get rid of it?" The rabbit said, "It did its best. Do your best! If it doesn't catch up to me, it will be scolded at most, but if I don't run with all my strength, I will die!"

After telling the story, Pastor Taylor made a solemn promise to the class: whoever can recite all the content from Chapter 5 to Chapter 7 in the "Bible Matthew" will be invited to the "Space Needle" in Seattle Attend a free potluck at Tower Restaurant.

The entire content of Chapter 5 to Chapter 7 in the "Bible Matthew" has tens of thousands of words, and it does not rhyme. It is undoubtedly quite difficult to recite the full text.While attending a free dinner party is the dream of many students, almost everyone ditch it.

A few days later, an 11-year-old boy in the class stood in front of Pastor Taylor confidently and recited it as required from beginning to end. And Mao's recitation.Pastor Taylor knows better than others that even among adult believers, those who can recite these passages are rare, let alone a child.While admiring the boy's amazing memory, Pastor Taylor couldn't help asking curiously, "Why can you memorize such a long text?"

The boy replied without thinking: "I do my best." 16 years later, the boy became the boss of a world-renowned software company.He is Bill Gates.

(End of this chapter)

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