Be good like water: life management lessons from Park Geun-hye to women

Chapter 18 Be brave to take responsibility: Be the captain at the helm of Wang Yangzhong

Chapter 18 Be brave to take responsibility: Be the captain at the helm of Wang Yangzhong (2)
Many people will encounter bottlenecks in their daily life and work. It seems that there is a natural barrier in front of us, preventing us from making progress and achieving success.So some people began to complain, feeling that they were unlucky and always encountered unsolvable problems; People simply give up, because they can’t do well anyway, so it’s better to find other things to do well.At this time, we might as well ask ourselves one more question, have you really tried your best?

When facing challenges in life, people generally have three attitudes: one is to try casually, and stop immediately when encountering difficulties; After several efforts, if it is really impossible to overcome, then you have no choice but to give up; the third is to go all out, try to do your best, and have the ambition of "If you don't reach the Great Wall, you are not a hero", even if your head is broken, even if you sacrifice everything, To achieve your own inner perfection.The third attitude should be emulated by each of us. The reason why those successful people are better than us is because when others choose to give up, he took one step more than others, endured a little longer, and persisted more For a moment, go the extra mile.

In Germany, Paul Ludham is a household name, and he has made great achievements in more than a dozen occupations.He also likes to write in his spare time, and he wrote the famous novel "Night on the Rhine" in only 9 months.When summing up his successful experience, he said: "All along, I think that even if you are destined to be a street cleaner, you should go all out for your duties, just like Michelangelo painting, Beethoven composing or It's Shakespeare's poetry. The performance of the highest level of dedication, everyone stopped for me and said: This cleaner is really outstanding."

From this point of view, it is not difficult for a person to succeed. The key is whether he can really do his best.Park Geun-hye is also a person who goes all out for her goals. When she was very young, she showed hardworking qualities. When other children were playing outside, she always sat quietly in the classroom and studied hard.During the days when she replaced her mother as the "First Lady" of the country, although her ability was very limited, she was able to devote herself to her work and use all the time to enrich her experience. She did her best in what she should do and did her best to fulfill the responsibilities of the "First Lady", which gave her a very good reputation at the time.Today, although she has become the head of the country, she still does her best every day to enrich and improve herself. Perhaps this is the most important magic weapon for her to gain a successful foothold in the Korean political arena.

Life is short, and opportunities worth fighting for are few and far between.When opportunities for success appear in front of us, when we have found the right track of life, we must not give up easily.As the saying goes, "If you dare to cut yourself into pieces, you dare to pull the emperor off his horse."As long as you have a great desire for success, as long as you have great determination to win the battle of life, then you are not far from success.Do your best and fight to the death. This kind of momentum can scare away all difficulties and obstacles.You have to believe that as long as it is what you want, you will definitely get it.

A meaningful life is to do everything well. First of all, you must concentrate on doing things, only do one thing at a time, and don't care about one thing and lose the other. After all, human energy is limited.Secondly, you have to think carefully when doing things, and go all out not to do it blindly, not to use brute force, but to achieve your goals in a planned and step-by-step manner.Finally, you must have perseverance and determination. Many people can still work hard when things are going well, but they often give up easily when encountering difficulties.The more difficult the moment is, the more we should grit our teeth, stimulate our inner potential, challenge our limits, and burst out with more amazing strength.Only in this way can we do our best.

In short, no matter how difficult the things in front of us are and how hopeless we are, we must do our best and strive to do our best. This is the beginning of our success.

Real people are more trustworthy
Life is short and fleeting, maybe we can't accomplish earth-shattering feats, maybe we don't have the extraordinary talents to turn things around, but at least we can be a noble person, a pure person, and a person who is trusted by others .We should be real, not pretentious, not artificial, and treat our life, our family, our colleagues and friends with sincerity.

People in South Korea seem to be particularly happy to label Park Geun-hye with various labels, such as "manual princess", "upright girl", "ice princess" and so on.In their view, Park Geun-hye is upright and keeps her promises. She is so kind, just like their relatives or good friends.She never hides herself hypocritically, and is always a real person, so she has gained everyone's trust.

When Park Geun-hye gave a speech on TV for the first time, she shed tears unconsciously.The next day someone asked her why she was crying.Park Geun-hye replied: "I don't know why I was moved, and I didn't expect to cry for such a long time, and I don't know how the tears flowed down." What Park Geun-hye didn't expect was that when she visited the Meichuan agricultural product market in Daegu, At that time, she saw a businessman writing slogans such as "Don't cry, Jin-hye" and "When you see Jin-hye, you want to cry" on the cardboard box.

Park Geun-hye always expresses her heart unreservedly, and never deliberately pretends to be herself. Even on the TV screen, she is so sentimental and moving, just like an ordinary woman. Tears come.Truth is the most direct expression of a person's heart, and what she sheds tears expresses her truest inner voice.Perhaps in many people's minds, the leader should be an image of a tough man of steel, but Park Geun-hye's tears were not only not ridiculed and doubted, but were loved and supported by more people.

Another time, she went to the hospital to condolences to those sick children. She and the patients held each other's hands tightly, but always turned their backs to the media's camera.When a staff member asked her to turn around and face the camera, she said: "When we are condolences to others, should we look at each other's eyes, or should we look at the lens of the camera?" The real Park Geun-hye always In expressing herself truly, she rejects those political shows that are performed for people to see. What she wants to be is a real politician.

The goal that Park Geun-hye pursues is to become a real person, and we ordinary people should also stick to the noble qualities of integrity and authenticity.Be a real human being and life becomes easy and simple.He does not add any embellishments to his life, but completely obeys his own heart, and his simple and natural style is more likely to be welcomed by others.On the contrary, those dazzling modifications will make people feel hypocritical, exaggerated, artificial, and will even make people feel a sense of distrust.

Why is it easier for a real person to gain the trust of others?

First, real people must have a strong sense of responsibility.It is precisely because they are responsible for themselves, their family, the people around them, and the country and society that they have the courage to express themselves truly.They have a clear conscience and dare to take responsibility. No matter what kind of situation they encounter, whether they are happy or sad, crying or laughing, they will always express all the changes in their hearts, which will make those who care and support him feel more at ease and more A sense of security.

Second, real people must have strong self-control.They know what to do and what not to do, so they don't pretend to deceive others, and they don't hurt others to get their way.They abide by principles, stick to the bottom line, and respect the rules. What they say and do are always worthy of others' trust.

Finally, real people must have the spirit of dedication.Why does a person go to great lengths to conceal himself?Because he must have an ulterior selfish purpose, while those who dare to express themselves truly are open-minded and have no ambitions. They are willing to dedicate more of their efforts to life and ideals, and are willing to share their emotions Share your mood changes with more people.So they don't need to cover up, even if there are some discordant voices, it will not hinder their life pursuits: they just want to do more for others, what is there to hide?
How can such a real person not be trusted by people?
Ask yourself more, what have you done for others

Some people say that people must obtain the right to survive by asking for it, so human nature is so greedy.However, when people live in this world, they always have various intersections with many people, and they always have to take on many responsibilities that must be fulfilled because of their roles, even if we have to ask the society to protect ourselves. In order to survive, we must first pay a little more for others before we can gain something for ourselves.

We always think, what can I get?But I seldom think about whether I can do more for others.Confucius said: "Don't do to others what you don't want yourself to do to yourself." If you are not willing to pay for others, what qualifications do you have to ask for others' return?Many people always complain that God is not fair enough, that they always give a lot to others and give themselves very little.At this time, we might as well ask ourselves: When the work of the colleagues around us cannot be completed, have you helped him?When a friend suddenly changed and was in distress, did you help him with all your money?When passers-by on the street accidentally fell due to physical discomfort, did you take the initiative to lend a helping hand?When this society and this country need someone to stand up, have you stood up without hesitation?If you have none, why do you ask others to give you more?

"If someone has to sacrifice, then I will sacrifice." This is Park Geun-hye's most authentic cry when a crisis arises.She is willing to pay for others, willing to take risks for her own political party, and even more willing to give her all for her country and people.

When South Korea's economy was in a downturn, Park Geun-hye witnessed long lines of people sleeping on the streets waiting to receive free rationed dinners.For a long time after that, she was tossing and turning, unable to sleep, and had no appetite to eat.When she saw that no official was willing to stand up and take responsibility for this, her heart was even more painful.She began to realize that it seemed that she should stand up and do something for the country, even if it was a small thing, she should do something.However, her past experience made her hesitate. She had personally experienced how painful it is when a person is on the cusp of the storm, not to mention that she has suffered so many heavy blows and suffered so many unfair treatments. After coming out of the haze of her life, should she really stand up again?
But everything in front of her can no longer allow her to think too much, the country is already crumbling, and she can't live a peaceful and comfortable life alone.Otherwise, she would not be able to face herself calmly, and she would be even more ashamed of her dead parents.Therefore, she finally made a decision to dedicate the rest of her life to the future of the Republic of Korea. No matter how dangerous and steep the mountains to be crossed in the future, she would never hesitate again.

Park Geun-hye was able to let go of her psychological burden and stand up resolutely because she was always thinking about what she could do for others and what she could do for this country.This reflects a person's open-minded and philanthropic mind, willingness to contribute, the spirit of taking the overall situation into account, and the courage and belief to sacrifice without hesitation for one's own beliefs.

Zhang Haidi was born in an intellectual family in Wendeng County, Shandong Peninsula. When he was 5 years old, he completely lost consciousness below the chest and couldn't take care of himself.Doctors agree that it is generally difficult for such high paraplegia patients to live beyond the age of 27.Under the threat of death, Zhang Haidi realized that her life might not be long. She was sad that she did not have more time to work, and she cherished every second of her life, and prolonged her life with diligent study and work.She wrote in her diary: "I can't live a mediocre life. I have to learn and do more for the masses. Since I am a shooting star, I have to leave light to the world and dedicate everything to the people." 1970 In 1, she accompanied her parents, who led educated youths to the countryside, to the Shanglou Brigade in Shen County to join the team and settle down. Seeing the pain caused by the lack of medical care and medicine for the local people, she came up with the idea of ​​learning medical skills to relieve the pain of the people.She used her pocket money to buy medical books, thermometers, stethoscopes, mannequins, and medicines, and worked hard to study books such as Acupuncture and Moxibustion, Human Anatomy, Internal Medicine, and Practical Pediatrics.In order to recognize the internal organs, she cut open the hearts, lungs, liver and kidneys of small animals for observation; in order to familiarize herself with the acupuncture points, she painted red, blue and blue dots on her body, and practiced acupuncture on her body to experience the acupuncture sensation.The hard work paid off, and she finally mastered certain medical skills, able to treat some common diseases and frequently-occurring diseases. In more than ten years, she has treated more than [-] people.

(End of this chapter)

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