Be good like water: life management lessons from Park Geun-hye to women

Chapter 19 Be brave to take responsibility: Be the captain at the helm of Wang Yangzhong

Chapter 19 Be brave to take responsibility: Be the captain at the helm of Wang Yangzhong (3)
Later, she moved to live in the county with her parents, and did not arrange a job for a time.Inspired by the deeds of Paul Kochakin and Wu Yunduo, and inspired by Gao Yubao's experience in writing books, she decided to take the path of literary creation, using her pen to shape beautiful images and enlighten people's hearts.She has read many Chinese and foreign classics, wrote diaries, read novels, recited poems, copied epigrams, practiced sketching, learned sketching, copied famous paintings, learned to recognize numbered musical notation and stave notation, and can play accordion, lute, guitar Wait for the instrument to play the song.Now she is a professional creator of the Shandong Federation of Literary and Art Circles. Her work "Dream in a Wheelchair" came out and once again aroused strong repercussions in the society.

Once, an old comrade brought a bottle of imported medicine and asked her to help translate the description. Seeing the comrade leave disappointed, Zhang Haidi decided to learn English and master more knowledge.Since then, she has written English words on the walls, tables, lamps, mirrors, and even her hands and arms. She also made it a rule not to go to bed every night if she did not memorize 10 words.When guests come to the house, anyone who can speak English becomes her teacher.After seven or eight years of hard work, she was not only able to read newspapers and literary works in English, but also translated the English novel "Seaside Clinic". An old comrade over half a century old was moved to tears, and enthusiastically wrote a preface to the book: "The Road Stretches Under the Feet of a Paralyzed Girl".

Later, Zhang Haidi continued to forge ahead and learned Japanese, German and Esperanto.She also tried her best to help the young people around her, encouraged them to love life, cherish youth, study hard to serve the people, and contribute their own light and heat to the prosperity of the motherland.Under her guidance, many teenagers have passed the middle school, technical secondary school and university, and many lost people have been inspired and educated to become enriched and noble through contact with her.

When we do more for others, we also gain from it.Whether it is Park Geun-hye or Zhang Haidi, while they are bravely contributing to the country and the people, they also have the opportunity to fulfill their dreams, reap career success, and praise and applause from others. "There is no such thing as a free lunch", if we don't give, we won't get something in return.

There is such a public service advertisement, when a little girl riding a bicycle passes a dark alley, the uncle who set up a stall at the entrance of the alley holds up a lamp hanging high on the stall to illuminate her.What a heart-warming picture, the beauty of life is often reflected in this inadvertent moment.

If you want to get friendship, you must first be sincere to others; if you want to be recognized, you must first work hard regardless of pay; if you want society to give you more, you must first work hard for the happiness of more people.Ask yourself more about what we have done for others.

Loyalty to duty is the duty of man

To be loyal to one's duty means to be extremely loyal to one's position, to perform the duties of the position earnestly, and to complete one's own work conscientiously.Persist in being responsible for your own work and your own position. No matter what happens, you must regard completing your own work as the top priority, and you will never give up because of personal gains or losses, emotional ups and downs, or the environment. Affected by accidents, and even caused himself to be unable to perform due responsibilities.

For a long time, Park Geun-hye has never dared to slack off in the slightest. During her years as the "First Lady", she tried her best to replace her mother to complete a good job.She visits orphanages, condolences to disaster-stricken areas, and is busy with various heavy affairs every day.In her spare time, she also put all her energy on helping her father's political affairs.Even after her father passed away, she fought back her grief and was still busy with her work, because this is what the "first lady" should do.

Once, in order to understand the actual situation of coal mines and meet with patients with pneumoconiosis, Park Geun-hye visited areas where coal mines are concentrated.Because coal mining is a high-risk operation and accidents happen from time to time, many officials dare not go down the well to directly understand the situation, but just stay on the well and wait for the workers to report to themselves.However, Park Geun-hye decided to go down the mine herself, because only in this way can she truly experience the actual working conditions of coal miners.

Park Geun-hye's decision made people around her worry, even the workers in the mine were worried, for fear of any accidents.But she said firmly: "If you want to understand the actual situation in the coal mine area, if you only go to the entrance of the coal mine, how can you understand the real working environment of the miners? How can you know the pain of the pneumoconiosis patients?" In the end, she Put on a hard hat and a searchlight, put on miner's pants and boots and go deep into the mining field 3300 meters deep underground.

The environment in the mining field is very harsh, and the air is full of dust, which makes people feel suffocated.In less than 10 minutes, Park Geun-hye's entire face turned black, and her clothes were soaked in sweat.The workers working underground were stunned. They would never have imagined that a high-level politician would risk his condolences in such a harsh environment. Everyone present was moved by Park Geun-hye's behavior.

Park Geun-hye stayed in the mine for a full two hours. Some miners advised her to go to the mine to listen to the report. She must be very uncomfortable here.But she said: "I have already come to the mine, how can I have been here if I don't come down? I need to understand how difficult the working environment is so that I can know how to help you."

In Park Geun-hye's view, as a politician, it is her sacred duty to understand the working environment and practical difficulties of ordinary workers. She must go down the well to experience it herself. loyalty.Park Geun-hye's devotion to duty made everyone see her powerful side and be deeply infected by her strength.For an ordinary person, loyalty to one's own career is our duty. No matter how ambitious your ideals are, no matter how great the difficulties in front of you, there is no reason for you not to do your job well.Loyalty is not to show others, but to prove yourself, to prove how fearless you are in the face of challenges.

Hu Peilan, a 1916-year-old benevolent doctor who was once rated as a moving figure in China, is also a model of dedication and dedication to his job.In the eyes of many people, the elderly who are nearly a hundred years old should enjoy the happiness at home, but the elderly Hu Peilan did not do so. In 1938, Hu Peilan was born in Beiguan, the county seat of Runan County, Zhumadian City, Henan Province. In 1944, she was admitted to the Medical Department of Henan University with excellent grades. After graduating in 1986, she began her career as a doctor who treated diseases and saved lives.After decades of practicing medicine, in 70, 6-year-old Hu Peilan retired from the post of director of obstetrics and gynecology at Zhengzhou Railway Central Hospital.After retirement, family and friends advised her to take a good rest, but she was still reluctant to leave the clinic and insisted on attending consultations 20 days a week.This sitting is another 2013 years.Long-term consultations caused her to suffer from severe lumbar disc herniation, and she had to sit on a small push chair to get in and out. However, because there were too many patients who came to the clinic for consultation, Hu Peilan insisted on seeing all the patients every day before leaving get off work.As she grew older, Hu Peilan's memory and hearing were not as good as before, but she remembered the patient's condition clearly.She has a hearing aid in her ear, and when she can't hear clearly, the student next to her will explain. In 98, 2014-year-old Hu Peilan suffered a heart attack. After rescue, she still went to the hospital on time the next day.She said: "As long as I can be active for one day, I have to serve the patients for one day. The country has trained me, and I will serve the people well." On January 1, 22, the 98-year-old Hu Peilan passed away. What she still misses is her patient, and the last sentence she left to the world is "the patient is finished reading, go home".

This nearly [-]-year-old man has dedicated his life to his career and has set up a monument of life in society.For ordinary people like us, it is to learn these great spirits of devotion to duty.

To be loyal to one's duty, one must first be responsible for one's own post.Although for many women, the family is the main battlefield, after all, you still play a certain social role in society.It is a basic moral quality of modern people to complete one's own job well. If you lack enough respect and reverence for your profession, then it will be difficult for you to get good development opportunities.

If a person is loyal to his duty, he must learn restraint and obedience.Nowadays, many leaders in the workplace always have a headache for female employees. Women tend to be emotional, and they will cry when they are slightly criticized or have differences and conflicts at work, and they look very wronged.For some tasks assigned, they often fail to complete well, and there are always reasons and excuses of one kind or another. It seems that women are born with many insurmountable gaps in completing a good job.Therefore, women should calm down at work and neither feel superior nor inferior. They must learn to restrain their emotions, follow the instructions of the leaders, and obey the interests of the collective. This is also the basic quality of modern workplace people.

If a person is loyal to his duty, he must respect the facts.If Park Geun-hye was only listening to the report at the mouth of the well, it could only be regarded as hearsay. If you want to know the facts, you must go down the well to experience it for yourself.Many women think that it is a man's business to look at problems rationally, but it is not.If people want to do their jobs well, they must know and understand the truth and true colors of things as much as possible, and then they can do what they can to promote the improvement of things.On this point, there is no difference between men and women.

All in all, being loyal to our duties is actually responsible to ourselves, because only when we do our own job well can we be recognized and valued by others.If you always treat your job as a trifle, look down on your ordinary work, or always perfunctory and deal with it casually, then you must be the one who suffers in the end.

Don't seek small gains and lead to big harm
From a sociological point of view, seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages is a natural attribute of human beings, because only in this way can human beings survive in society.But the problem is that behind some small profits, there are actually huge harms hidden. If we don’t recognize this point, we still blindly chase those small profits or don’t pay attention to some small details around us, which will often make us Get caught in the fire and fall into a situation beyond redemption.

Park Geun-hye often said that in order to obtain small benefits, big benefits are often harmed, and small cleverness will cover up great wisdom.Therefore, she always believes that trust and principles are the life of her personal politics, and she will use this unwavering principles and beliefs to build the country.In order to achieve this goal, she will work together with the people.

Park Geun-hye believes that a country that abides by principles and trust is an advanced country, and only when politicians earnestly fulfill their promises to the people and apply them to state affairs can they build a peaceful society.She said: "If our country wants to grow into an advanced country, we must first abide by principles and agreements and create a social atmosphere of mutual trust. Rather than formulating new policies and systems, the most urgent thing is to establish a political system that values ​​commitment to the people. Culture. I think it's very important."

But unfortunately, many politicians pay no attention to the observance of principles for the sake of power, reputation, image, or votes of voters. the back of the head.So that for a long time, the people of South Korea did not have any good opinion of the country's leaders. How could the people be willing to follow an untrustworthy leader?How could it be possible to put the fate of the entire country in his hands?Where is the future of this country when suspicion and distrust are rife?It is based on this that Park Geun-hye proposed that politicians must abide by their commitments to the people, and this belief has always been run through in their actions.In her opinion, she would never do such stupid things as losing the trust and support of the people for small profits like votes, and then being abandoned by this country.

"Pick up the sesame seeds, but lose the watermelon", "a dike of a thousand miles, is destroyed by an ant's nest", just chasing small profits in front of the eyes or not paying enough attention to small problems will often cause great harm.In order to make Bomei laugh, King You of Zhou did ridiculous things like playing with the princes, and finally could not escape the fate of the country; King Charles III, in order to ride his beloved horse out of the station to meet the enemy as soon as possible, regardless of the fact that the horseshoe was not installed, finally fought defeat.In modern society, many merchants sell counterfeit goods for temporary profit, and finally send themselves to court; The "face project" destroys a large number of landscaping, which greatly loses popular support; some people are vain because of their good face, and they commit illegal acts of stealing in order to obtain wealth, and finally have to accept legal trials.These frequent cases fully demonstrate that if a person does everything he can for the small favors and small profits in front of him, then sooner or later a greater disaster will befall him.

First of all, we need to figure out what is more important between "benefit" and "harm".For a business, which one is more beneficial, temporary profit or long-term development?For a government, which one is more valuable, the exaggerated political achievements or the people's living and working in peace and contentment?For a person, money, power, reputation and other extraneous things, which one should we admire more than being an upright and frank person?

Now that we understand the relationship between "small profit" and "big harm", we should take the initiative to put an end to the temptation of "small profit" and refrain from doing stupid things that only care about "small profit" and lead to "big harm" .In our life, we must always pay attention to those inconspicuous subtleties, don't let desire control our thoughts, and don't lose the big because of the small.

The details often show a person's moral cultivation, "If you don't consider the small things, you will become a big trouble; if you don't guard against the small things, you will eventually lose your virtue."Don't make a mistake that will cause eternal hatred. If you fail to protect the small details, you will cause serious troubles.Therefore, when all kinds of temptations appear in front of you, you must always remind yourself that there are unforeseen dangers hidden behind the sugar-coated bullets. You must hold back your impulses, and you must not do things that violate principles, let alone break morals and laws. bottom line.Otherwise, once you make a big mistake, you can only regret it.

(End of this chapter)

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