Be good like water: life management lessons from Park Geun-hye to women

Chapter 20 Igniting Hope: Facing the Storm, You Need to Confront

Chapter 20 Igniting Hope: Facing the Storm, You Need to Confront (1)
Suffering is our ladder to success
The tragedies of life are always around us, and so is Park Geun-hye's life. In her twenties, she has tasted the ups and downs of life, and has gone through various tests brought to her by fate.However, she overcame all the misfortunes in her life with her strong strength, and finally grew into a strong and great woman.The ordeal made her suffer, but also experienced her character, filled her with wisdom, and gave her a strong and calm heart.

The tragedy of life once made Park Geun-hye miserable, and she even felt hopeless.However, she told herself that she must come out of the pain, otherwise life is hopeless.In the struggle against the ordeal, she has gained growth, added wisdom, and her whole person has undergone earth-shaking changes.After experiencing all kinds of pain, she is no longer that little girl who knows nothing about the world, but has grown into a mature woman with strong spiritual strength and leadership qualities.

In the following life, no matter what she encounters again, she will be able to deal with it calmly, because what in the world makes her feel more hopeless than losing her family?Since that kind of pain can't make her feel timid, there is nothing in this world that can break her down.For the future, she is full of confidence. This confidence comes from the responsibilities she shoulders, and it also comes from the experience in the ordeal.

When we look back, do the experiences that once made us miserable seem insignificant now?Suffering is always everywhere, and its fatality lies in our inner timidity and hopeless view of life.In fact, as long as we handle it properly, suffering is not so terrible, and it may even become a ladder for us to succeed.The famous female scientist Marie Curie, after her husband died, she was poor and still insisted on scientific research.In order to extract radium from a ton of industrial waste, she boiled the waste one by one, stirred continuously, poured out bottle by bottle, and waited for crystallization bit by bit.Every day she stood in dusty and acid-stained work clothes by the cauldron, smoky, with watery eyes and a stinging throat.After nearly 30 years of hard work, she finally became a female scientist who will always be remembered by the people of the world.People commemorate her not only because of her achievements, but also because of her belief in moving forward bravely in the face of hardships.Therefore, like these great men who have written magnificent poems in human history, we should face the challenges of life with confidence and fearlessness, and turn setbacks and failures into the driving force that motivates us to move forward.

A young chick cannot fly high without being devastated by strong winds; a sapling cannot grow into a towering tree without being washed by rain; a person cannot become mature and full of wisdom without experiencing hardships.

On August 1850, 8, at Balzac’s funeral, Hugo’s eulogy contained these words: “Among the great ones, Balzac is the greatest one; Ke is the best of the best... Alas! This strong, never-ending struggle philosopher, thinker, poet, genius writer. Among us, he lived a life of ups and downs, met all the great men of any era All the fights and misfortunes we've had. Now, he's gone. He's come out of the trouble and the pain."

Balzac's life was full of ups and downs.The family did not give him any warmth when he was a child, and he seemed to be a superfluous person in the family.When Balzac later recalled this period of life, he said: "I experienced the most terrible childhood in human destiny."

When he grows up, he aspires to engage in poor literary creation and become a "king of the literary world".Beginning in the summer of 1819, he spent all day writing at his desk in an attic that was just a stone's throw away.His dwelling was simple and shabby, hot in summer and freezing cold in winter.For him there was no difference between day and night, he had hardly any entertainment, and was always writing.In the process of dealing with booksellers, he was constantly deceived, so that he was heavily in debt, with debts as high as 10 francs.In order to avoid debts, he moved six times.He said to his friends: "I often worry about a little bread, candles and paper. The creditors persecute me like a rabbit, and I often run around like a rabbit."

Balzac wrote diligently in the midst of hardships all his life, often working for 18 hours in a row.In less than 20 years, he created 91 novels, which had a wide influence in the world.He once summed up himself in one sentence: "I spend my whole life in pain and poverty, often incomprehensible."

Everyone hopes that their life can be happy and everything can be smooth sailing, but this is just a good wish.The reality is often cruel. We always experience many failures and setbacks on the journey of life. This is the reality that exists objectively, and none of us can change it. "Because you know that the world is wide, there is no wind and cloud anywhere. Because you know that mountains and rivers are far away, there are injustices everywhere." Therefore, whether you like it or not, setbacks and tribulations in life are always everywhere. We cannot choose the circumstances of life, but we can Choose your attitude toward suffering.

Suffering can make us stronger. "Since ancient times, there have been many hardships for heroes." The reason why a person can become a hero is precisely the experience of suffering that gives him the characteristics of being a hero.After experiencing the baptism of suffering, people will face the gains and losses, joys and sorrows in life with a braver spirit and a more open-minded attitude.If you can get out of the nightmare of the past, then there will be no power to hinder you on the trajectory of your future life.

Tribulations can show us the way.Just like Park Geun-hye, after experiencing the pain of losing her parents, she realized more clearly that her life value is to dedicate her life to the country and people she loves deeply.The darkness is not terrible, the terrible thing is that we can't find our way in the dark.We should learn to look for light in darkness, hope in despair, and the sunny avenue to success in setbacks and failures.

Suffering can give us infinite strength.Maybe hardships will make us feel temporary sadness, and setbacks will temporarily hinder our progress, but it can also become an inexhaustible and inexhaustible driving force for a person to move forward.Tasting the bitterness in life will make us more eager for the sweetness brought by happiness; tasting the tears shed from pain will make us look forward to smiling faces full of hope.Only when you know bitterness can you know sweetness more, and only after experiencing ups and downs can you cherish the blue sky more.

No matter what, I won't run away
Park Geun-hye wrote in her diary: "I think, the river of life always has to be crossed. So, who is the person standing by the river? Although this river is your own life, it is How many things in your life can go as you wish? In front of life, people are actually weak and helpless. However, the most important thing is what attitude you have to look at this kind of life or how to accept this kind of life , and only with the right posture can we gain great strength, and when faced with difficulties, we will not be weak or helpless.”

I once saw such an unfortunate story: a girl studied very well since she was a child, and her parents loved her even more. Her teenage years were smooth sailing.After she gradually grew up and officially entered the society, problems appeared one after another.Less than a year after graduating from university, her boyfriend in college proposed to break up, which was a fatal blow to her.She began to close herself off, always locked herself in the room and refused to go out, and she refused to reply to all kinds of messages sent by her friends because they cared about her.She threw everything related to her boyfriend into the trash can, and she was in a trance every day at work in the company, unwilling to talk to her colleagues, and unable to raise her spirits about work.The leader talked to her several times, but to no avail, and finally had to choose to fire her.She, who had always regarded herself as noble, suffered another big blow in her life, and at this time, she had lost all hope.Because her parents were worried about her condition, they suggested that she go on a trip to relax, or simply change to another city to forget everything here, but she had a big fight with her parents, and since then she just sat in front of the computer in a daze every day.Until one day, she actually planned to end her life with sleeping pills, but fortunately she was rescued by her family in time...

This girl's experience is unfortunate, and we feel sympathy for what happened to her. Most women have more or less similar experiences to her.But who should be blamed when things have developed to such an extent?In fact, all the disasters were caused by herself.

It is unfortunate that her boyfriend proposed to break up, but she should be brave enough to face the problem instead of choosing to escape. She can have a serious conversation with him, find out the reason for the breakup, and see if there is any possibility of salvation.If it is really irreversible, then you should not escape the doomed result, but cheer up and live again, at least you can work hard to realize other values ​​in your life.After being dismissed by the company, she still has other choices. She can learn her lesson and find a new job, or, as her parents said, live in another city, forget the past, and start over. Didn't do it, but foolishly tried to go to a dead end.

The occurrence of tragedies often stems from the fact that we have been avoiding facing problems.People always hope to pursue happiness, but the movement of happiness often begins with the prelude of pain.If we only seek happiness and avoid pain, our lives will only become more miserable.

If you compare Park Geun-hye's experience with this girl, the pain the girl has experienced is really nothing.After learning the news of her father's assassination and death, Park Geun-hye seemed to have experienced a nightmare and couldn't believe what happened before her eyes, but she finally accepted the cruel reality silently.Reality is inherently full of hardships and difficulties, so we cannot have pure and beautiful hopes for reality, and it is futile to complain about the injustice of fate.Therefore, Park Geun-hye neither complained nor escaped in her life.Facing the painful blow, she didn't close herself up like most women, staying in the room every day and not going out, unwilling to meet anyone.Instead, after her father's funeral, she shouldered the responsibility of taking care of her younger siblings and encouraged herself to start a new life.

For those sudden changes in life, no matter whether we have the ability to reverse the situation, the first thing we need to do is to accept it calmly.Dare to look directly at the reality is the beginning of our new life, because what should come will always come, and escape is doomed.The problem is right in front of you, pretending not to see or hear is just deceiving yourself and others.Therefore, instead of racking your brains and racking your brains to find ways to escape and be an ostrich in the desert like deceiving your ears and stealing your bell, it is better to face the problem bravely and then find a way to solve it.

A person's life is always full of bumps and bumps, don't try to escape, but face it bravely.Evasion is a sign of cowardice and ignorance that digs its own grave. The real strong will always face challenges and create a chance for themselves to turn adversity into victory with the courage to fight to the last ditch and the courage to sink the boat.

My life is a life of struggle

In order to make the party more democratic and transparent, Park Geun-hye put forward many proposals for reform.But these propositions did not get the support of the majority of people, and instead she was labeled as "non-mainstream".However, Park Geun-hye still insists on her own principles and beliefs, advocating that everything should be based on the interests of the country and the people, and should not only covet the interests of herself and the party.In the struggle against opposition, Park Geun-hye was uncompromising. She would rather quit the party than do anything to deceive the people.

Life cannot always be sunny, and many times we have to face storms and pain.It's not that we like to ask for trouble, but fate makes us have to face reality.Even if there is an abyss in front of us, we must have the courage to leap in anger for our beliefs; even if we are in a sea of ​​​​purgatory, we must have the determination to struggle to the death for our ideals.Life is inherently a difficult journey, and it is because of this that our lives are more meaningful and allow us to live with passion every day.No matter how difficult the road ahead is, we must continue to move towards our goals. Just like Park Geun-hye said, the pain caused by failing to fulfill the responsibilities and missions entrusted by fate is far greater than the hardships we have to pay.

After Park Geun-hye withdrew from the Grand National Party, in order to realize her political ambitions, she co-founded a new political party with many non-political figures.As the presidential election is approaching, many people suggested that she should work together with Roh Moo-hyun and Chung Mong-joon.However, she feels that her political ideas are completely different from theirs, so she prefers to choose a difficult path and continue to fight for her ideals.

The reason why Park Geun-hye returned to politics was not to live a comfortable life, but to open up her own political path.If she wants to get into politics easily, she doesn't have to put herself in a situation of isolation and helplessness. She can completely protect herself when all politicians generally perform poorly.However, she chose to fight, for her own beliefs, for her own conscience, even if the road is full of difficulties and obstacles, she will not give up.

Some people say that life is easy, work is easy, and life is not easy.We can't be obsessed with the colorful flowers in our life, because behind those brilliance and applause is our arduous journey of not being afraid of hardships and fighting bravely.The right way in the world is the vicissitudes of life. If you want to enjoy the moving beauty of "a glimpse of all the mountains and small mountains", you must work hard, climb through difficulties and dangers, and move forward in adversity.Our life is destined to be a life of struggle. From the time we fall to the ground to the graying of our temples, every day of our life is fighting against the sky, fighting with people, dancing with difficulties, and accompanied by setbacks.

Many people always sigh, I have no background, no diploma, and I am not beautiful, what should I use to fight against fate?In fact, the truly weak are those who have accepted the arrangement of fate, while the strong will never yield to life.When we were teenagers, even if we were not smart enough, we could study hard and study hard. The ancients had a model of "hanging the head and stabbing the buttocks". We can also use diligence to make up for the lack of talent; when we enter the workplace, maybe Our work is too ordinary and far from our lofty ambitions, but we can start from small things, keep our feet on the ground, accumulate bit by bit, and wait for the opportunity to realize our ideals in ordinary training; when we have After their own families, many women will face the double pressure of family and career, but we can still look at life with a peaceful and positive attitude, learn elegance from the heaviness, cultivate temperament from the trivial, and make ourselves look forever A woman who has not been conquered by the years, isn't this a kind of struggle?

The ancients said: "A gentleman strives constantly for self-improvement." The meaning of life is struggle, and as long as life lasts, this kind of struggle will never end.The American female writer Helen Keller was blind, deaf and slurred in speech.Even in the case of physical disabilities, she still insists on reading and writing.In order to be able to pronounce clearly, tie a small rope to a metal rod, hold it in your mouth, and hold the other end in your hand to practice writing and making sounds.In order to make the written characters look better, she also made a wooden frame and assembled a pulley to practice writing.After unremitting efforts, she finally became "one of the top ten American idols in the 20th century".

A person with physical defects is unwilling to bow his head in front of fate. For those of us who are healthy, what reason do we have to choose to give up in the face of difficulties and setbacks?On, on, on; fight, fight, fight.Even if there is a desperate situation ahead, we must use our courage and determination to forge a way. Only a life of struggle is meaningful and a life of struggle is valuable.In the struggle with fate, we can gain far more than we lose.

(End of this chapter)

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