Be good like water: life management lessons from Park Geun-hye to women

Chapter 22 Igniting Hope: Facing the Storm, You Need to Confront

Chapter 22 Igniting Hope: Facing the Storm, You Need to Confront (3)
Of course, there is nothing wrong with weighing left and right before doing something, but the time for weighing should be shortened as much as possible.This tests a person's experience in life, and at the same time confirms whether a person has the character of being decisive and daring to be responsible for the result.Today's society is developing rapidly, those opportunities for success are often fleeting, and crises always come unexpectedly.Constantly indecisive and indecisive, when everything is considered, the opportunity has been lost, and the opportunity to save the defeat may have been missed. "Opportunities must not be missed, and failures will never come again", "If you stop and stop, you will leave future troubles", these are all teaching us that once we see the right opportunity, we must act immediately, so that the problem may be solved.

During the Eastern Han Dynasty in China, Ban Chao helped his elder brother Ban Gu to write the "Book of Han", but he believed that a man's ambition should not only be on paper and pen, so he abandoned writing and took part in the battle against the Xiongnu.His resolute and resolute character has enabled him to make great achievements on the battlefield.Later, the Eastern Han Dynasty sent Ban Chao as an envoy to the Western Regions in order to unite the countries of the Western Regions to resist the invasion of the Huns.

Ban Chao first came to Shanshan. He said to the king of Shanshan: "Your Majesty, the emperor of the Han Dynasty sent me to unite your country to deal with the Xiongnu. We have suffered a lot from the Huns' invasion. We should join hands. Come, join the enemy, so the Xiongnu will not dare to rampant and rampant again!" King Shanshan knew that the Han Dynasty was a huge country with a strong national power and a large population, which should not be underestimated. Feng, who lived up to his reputation, nodded his head again and again, and asked Ban Chao to stay, and discuss the alliance in two days.

After Ban Chao settled down, King Shanshan treated them more and more indifferently, and never mentioned the joint fight against the Huns.After analysis, Ban Chao and others determined that the Huns must have sent someone to lobby King Shanshan.Later they sneaked into the palace, and they found that the king was drinking and laughing with the Huns' envoys, which seemed very speculative.In the next few days, Ban Chao managed to find out from others that the Huns not only sent envoys, but also brought more than 100 fully armed entourages and guards.He immediately realized that the situation had developed to a very serious level, so he immediately summoned the mission to study countermeasures.

Ban Chao said to everyone: "Sure enough, the Huns have sent envoys to convince the King of Shanshan. Now we are in extreme danger. If no effective measures are taken, when the King of Shanshan is persuaded, we will become the king of Shanshan and him. The victim of the alliance. At that time, it will be a trivial matter for us to protect ourselves, and the mission entrusted by the country will not be completed." Everyone nodded in agreement, and determined to obey Ban Chao's orders.Ban Chao slammed the table and said decisively: "If you don't enter the tiger's den, how can you catch tiger cubs! Now we can only complete our mission if we make up our minds to destroy the Huns!" That night, Ban Chao led his men into the camp where the Huns were stationed. Taking advantage of their unpreparedness, they defeated more with less, and finally wiped out more than 100 Huns.

The next day, Ban Chao went to see King Shanshan with the head of the Huns' envoy, and accused him of being fickle: "You are too shameful. You promised to form an alliance with us, but you also secretly contacted the Huns. Now all the Huns' envoys have been killed. We killed, you can figure it out." King Shanshan was surprised and frightened, and soon signed an alliance agreement with the Han Dynasty.Ban Chao's actions shocked the Western Regions, and other countries signed alliances with the Han Dynasty one after another, and many small countries also expressed permanent friendship with the Han Dynasty.Ban Chao finally successfully completed the mission.

In a critical situation, one should be as decisive as Ban Chao and dare to take risks in order to succeed.If you still hesitate and shrink back at this time, the consequences will be disastrous.There is never absolute right or wrong in the world, so even if you think carefully, the result is unpredictable.So the key is to make a decision at the right time.Even if you make a wrong decision, at least you still have the opportunity to learn from it and accumulate experience for the next success.But if you miss the opportunity, if you miss the opportunity, then even if your decision is correct, it has no meaning.

In fact, it is not difficult to be decisive. When making choices for our own lives, we only need to think about the path we want to take.All kinds of temptations in life and those gossips from others should not be our considerations.We have to dominate our own lives and make choices for our own future, only in this way we will not make wrong decisions.

Let go of the pain and warm the world with a smile
We always hope that everything in the world can be as we wish, and we always hope that the people and things around us can make ourselves happy.We have a hard time making choices about the situations in our lives.No one can choose their parents, choose their origin, choose their own destiny.

After her father was assassinated, Park Geun-hye left the Blue House with her young brother and sister and moved back to the old house where she had lived before.But the reality did not show them any kindness because of the tragic fate of this family. During the Korean democratization movement at that time, their late father was criticized, and the three siblings, Park Geun-hye, dared not show up in public on their parents' memorial day.

In the eyes of many people at the time, it was impossible for the weak Park Geun-hye to come out of the shadows. She could only choose to escape, stay away from the public eye, and then gradually be forgotten by everyone.Unable to bear the blow of his parents' death, Park Geun-hye's younger brother changed from a once cheerful and lively boy to a troubled teenager who gave up on himself and was sued for taking methamphetamine.However, Park Geun-hye is different from her younger brother, she did not sink down, she felt that since the reality could not be changed, she had to choose to be strong.In addition to pulling and caring for her younger siblings, she turned her attention to literature, music, travel and sports.In the dead of night, she would sit quietly at the desk, record her perception of life with words, and soothe her wounded soul.

She is also actively involved in public welfare undertakings, and has created many popular literary works, which have made many people see her strong side.On a visit abroad, she also played the piano impromptu and sang "Arirang" while playing. Her beautiful smiling face is enough to be remembered by everyone.

Goethe once said: "The greatest happiness is that we can let go of the pain of not being able to obtain happiness." The Russian writer Turgenev also said: "Do you want to be a happy person? First of all, you must learn to bear hardships "The enemy of happiness is pain. If we cannot let go of pain, we will never be able to get out of the past experience, and we will never be able to experience happiness again.Only by letting go of the pain, can we examine life from a new perspective and find the truth contained in life; only by letting go of the pain, can we no longer be entangled in the past, make full use of the short life, and use all our energy to find our own happiness; Only by letting go of the pain, can we look to the future, devote ourselves to a greater cause, and realize the greater value of our life after experiencing pain.

When misfortune happens, we resent, complain, or suffer great mental pain.But can this change the status quo?Is reality less cruel because we feel pain?The answer is of course no.Each of us has experienced pain, but each of us chooses to face it in a different way. Those who are addicted are devastated, those who are radical are in danger, and only those who are peaceful can make their minds mature after suffering.That's because, since we can't change anything in the face of the test of life, it's better to let go of the pain and warm our world with a smile.

Pain is actually a gift given to us by God, it will become a kind of practice in life, and it can make us realize the beauty of life more deeply.When we look at pain with a positive attitude, we will not be addicted to it and cannot extricate ourselves, but can get nourishment for the soul and sublimation of the soul from it.

So, when pain strikes, we have many ways to get rid of it so that we can pick ourselves up again.For example, you can go shopping in the mall and buy a few items you like; you can go to the gym to exercise to relieve your bad mood; you can invite your girlfriends to drink tea, and forget the unfortunate situation in the happy conversation with your friends; You can participate in some meaningful public welfare activities, re-examine your life in the love and warm dedication; you can boldly pursue your dreams, those so-called pains are insignificant in front of the pride and sense of accomplishment of success.No matter what, we must live positively and optimistically.Let go of the pain, let yourself live, and welcome every day with a smile!

Dreaming is everyone's right

To a certain extent, Park Geun-hye was lucky.Because she has the opportunity to do what she really wants to do.She clearly knows what all she has endured is for, and she can plan carefully and thoughtfully, and realize her dream step by step.Dreams can give us endless motivation and make life full of passion and hope forever.

Former U.S. President Wilson once said: "We are great because of our dreams. All successful people are big dreamers: beside the fire on a winter night, in the cloudy rain and fog, dreaming of the future. Some people let their dreams die quietly. It will perish, and some will nurture and maintain it until it has weathered the storm and ushered in the light and hope that always come to those who truly believe that their dreams must come true."

When they were young, many little girls dreamed of becoming a painter and using their own paintbrush to paint the great rivers and mountains of the motherland; Professional women who call the wind and rain in the workplace; as they grow older, their dreams seem to become more specific and realistic. They just hope that their families will be healthy and everything goes well, their children can be admitted to college, and the elderly can spend their old age peacefully...

Everyone has their own dreams, and different ages may have different dreams.Regardless of whether the dream is big or small, whether it is lofty or insignificant, as long as the dream remains in our hearts, we will have a goal to pursue throughout our life, and we will have a kind of power to motivate ourselves all the time.We are like a small boat sailing in the river of human growth, not afraid of the turbulent waves ahead, not afraid of the lightning and thunder overhead, because we always know the direction we are sailing, and always know that the end is success and happiness the other side.It is dreams that point out the direction for us, so that we will never feel dark and lost in the long river of life.

Park Geun-hye has a dream to connect the Korean peninsula with the mainland, and the most specific plan is the railway ferry.When visiting North Korea in 2002, North Korean leaders were also more interested in this idea, but with the outbreak of the North Korean nuclear issue, this plan had to be shelved.But this does not deprive Park Geun-hye of the right to "dream", because all regions of the world are undergoing a logistics revolution, dividing and connecting regions into one, and South Korea has obviously lagged behind in this regard.

In 2006, Park Geun-hye visited Yantai, China, and she saw the railway ferry between Yantai and Dalian with her own eyes.The railway ferry Bohai No. 50 can carry 20 trucks, 50 20-ton trucks, 480 cars, and can accommodate 600 passengers.The round trip between Yantai and Dalian has shortened the distance of 1000-[-] kilometers for railway transportation in the past.However, in just a few minutes, the train carrying the goods completely entered the ship, which made Park Geun-hye amazed.She believes that South Korea will have no problem running rail ferries.

A beautiful and happy picture appeared in Park Geun-hye's mind: heavy equipment and export items made in South Korea were transported to China on the railway ferry, and the timber and cement raw materials produced in China were also transported on the railway ferry. , running to South Korean ports.She is very excited about such a beautiful dream. If it can be realized, the exchanges between China and South Korea will be more intense, and South Korea has taken another solid step in its great journey to the world.

What is a dream?That is, no matter whether it can become a reality, at least we have the right to be brave enough to imagine it. If we dare not even think about it, how can those great pioneering works be realized?Life must be pursued, and dreams are the indicator light of this pursuit. If you lose your dreams, you will lose your courage in life.Dreamers are always smiling because they are optimistic and hopeful.No matter how many obstacles and difficulties they encounter, they will climb up hard and never back down.Those who have no dreams are always expressionless, like an empty shell. What they see is the dark side of life, and they become puppets of life in confusion and triviality, escaping from reality and doing nothing.

The famous fairy tale writer Andersen dreamed of becoming a playwright and acting in the Royal Theater when he was a child.But he was born in poverty, and after his father died, his mother had to remarry in order to make a living.Everyone thinks his dream is just a dream. Even the prince of his own country once met him and said: "Being able to recite scripts does not mean that you can write scripts. They are two different things. You might as well learn a craft to support your family. .”

However, other people's doubts did not stop him from pursuing his dream. When Andersen was 14 years old, he broke his piggy bank and bid farewell to his family, and started his dream journey.He believes that as long as he works hard, his dream will become a reality.

In Copenhagen, he rang the doorbells from house to house, almost all the doorbells of dignitaries, but no one appreciated him.He was ragged, hungry and cold, but the enthusiasm in his heart remained undiminished.Finally, in 1835, the fairy tales he published attracted the attention of children and opened the era of Andersen's fairy tales.Some people say that apart from the "Bible", no book can achieve the same achievement as "Andersen's Fairy Tales".

Dreams are not whimsical, not childishly letting oneself live in fairy tales.As a philosopher said, I walked a lot in my dream, but I woke up in bed.Therefore, the greatness of the dream is more reflected in our continuous efforts to pursue it.Realizing dreams is a long process, and it is inevitable that we will encounter some obstacles. At this time, not only should we not choose to give up, but our desire to realize our dreams should become more urgent.We should start from doing the small things around us well, starting from solving the difficulties of each smile, and step by step to turn the beautiful pictures in our dreams into reality.

In conclusion, we should believe in the power of dreams.Dare to dream is the right of each of us, and it is our first step towards success!
(End of this chapter)

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