Be good like water: life management lessons from Park Geun-hye to women

Chapter 29 Learning Tolerance: The Most Beautiful Gift Age Gives to Women

Chapter 29 Learning Tolerance: The Most Beautiful Gift Age Gives to Women (1)
face adversity with equanimity
No matter under what circumstances, we should not have irrational behavior, which is related to a person's character and personality cultivation.As Park Geun-hye said, if we have no mistakes, but others are disrespectful, it can only show that the person has low character.If the other party's nature or self-cultivation is like this, then we have no choice but to continue to care about it will only damage our character.

Those who have worked around Park Geun-hye have never seen her lose her temper in public, and she is able to take everything with equanimity.Even when he is really angry, he will not be too emotional or have a high voice, at most there is no smile, and he looks more serious.

Park Geun-hye's equanimity stems from her high moral cultivation and life wisdom.In life, when two people have a dispute, they always refuse to give in to each other. They either lose their temper, complain to each other, or even fight.In particular, when women face some unexpected situations, they always lose control of their emotions and lose their minds, often yelling, crying and making trouble.But no matter what gaffe we ​​make, it's like shaking our fists at the sky, and it doesn't help.Therefore, the more embarrassing the state, the more important it is to maintain a peaceful mind.After all, human power is insignificant, and it is impossible to interfere and control the destiny. Sometimes even if you put in more efforts, things may not develop as you hoped.As Park Geun-hye said: "No matter how the world changes, no matter when and where we are, the only thing we can do is to learn the truth of being a human being and practice it physically and mentally. Only in this way can we reach the end of victory. Regardless of No matter how fate changes, we have been silently persisting and doing our best to do what we should do. For such a person, no fate will affect him.”

In addition to having strong emotional self-control, Park Geun-hye has always been calm and decisive when dealing with crises.For example, when Park Geun-hye was attacked, everyone present was in a mess, some panicked, some were dumbfounded, but Park Geun-hye remained calm and even planned to continue the speech by covering her wound.A South Korean congressman commented: "Park Geun-hye is a very rational and calm person. As the saying goes: No matter how critical the juncture, the coach cannot be affected by the anxiety of the soldiers and lose his mind. Park Geun-hye is such a rational and calm person." 'Boss', no matter what the situation, she can maintain her usual calm and serenity."

The reason why Park Geun-hye will not lose her mind in the face of crisis is because she always has the belief that what people can do in this world is actually very limited.Just like the occurrence of a crisis, it will always come unexpectedly.But even so, we should have a reason to be the best at what we want to do, and to do our best.Even if the final result is not as we wish, there is nothing to regret, and we can face the final result calmly.

During the Western Han Dynasty in China, Li Guang saw thousands of Hun cavalry from a distance when he led his troops on a trip.The Xiongnu cavalry thought they were trying to lure the soldiers, and ran up the mountain in panic to form a formation.At this time, Li Guang's more than a hundred cavalrymen were also frightened and wanted to drive their horses back.

Li Guang said: "We are far away from the main force. The situation in front of us is that we are outnumbered. If we have 100 men and horses rushing back, and the Huns chase after them and shoot with arrows, we will suffer heavy losses. Now we stop and don't go. The Xiongnu soldiers must think that we are the vanguard of the large army, so they must not dare to act rashly." So he ordered the cavalry to move forward, and when they came very close to the Huns' position, he ordered them to stop and let everyone dismount and take off their saddles .

Many soldiers worry that they are too close to the enemy. If they take off the saddle again, what should they do if the enemy rushes up?But Li Guang said: "Removing the saddle means that we will not retreat, so the enemy will not charge up." Sure enough, the Huns suspected that Li Guang and the others had an ambush, so they dared not attack rashly, and they were worried that they would be attacked after dark. So I retreated in the dark.Of course, Li Guang also resolved such a crisis by relying on his courage to deal with chaos.

To be calm means not to panic when in crisis, not to get carried away when excited, not to be overwhelmed with pain when sad; not to be arrogant or impetuous when facing success, not to be sad and not to give up when facing failure; to be in ordinary times Enjoy yourself in the middle of the day, and be calm and relaxed when the landslides and the ground crack.To be indifferent to one's ambitions and not to be surprised by favor or disgrace is the highest state one should reach in life, and it is the sublimation of the soul in the wind and rain.

See through fame and fortune, see through success or failure, and look down on honor and disgrace, and don't be too demanding in everything.Take it lightly, look open, and our life will suddenly become clear.If you really have a strong desire for success, then you should take fame, fortune and money lightly, and you should be calm and calm in the face of difficulties and calm in the face of adversity.Because a person's strength and potential can be brought into full play only when he puts down all worldly thoughts, and a mind that embraces all rivers and rivers will surely enable you to ride the wind and waves and go further and further on the journey of life.

Master Yancan, who was very popular on the Internet, said: "All the inspirations of life are to let people see through the turmoil of life, live a calm and calm life, have the warmth of being in the world, and have the indifference of being out of the world, and resolve those things. Life is a matter of gain and loss, no matter how many ups and downs you experience, only by experiencing all kinds of tastes in life can you live out the tranquility and equanimity of life.”

"There is nothing in the world, and nothing is disturbed by mediocrity." People live in the world, always have to face many things, good things and bad things, happy things and sad things, including many predicaments that we don't want to encounter.The so-called successful life is nothing more than being able to handle these big things and small things well.But if a person is either pessimistic or frustrated when facing adversity, then his life is destined to be bleak and bitter.

Face up to life and accept the gifts of the years
Life, sometimes calm as water, sometimes stormy.Only when a woman maintains a calm and natural state of mind can her life gradually become comfortable and calm.Just like Park Geun-hye, after experiencing the turbulent waves of life, she can finally return to her real life, and finally have the opportunity to let her find the direction of life again. This is the most precious gift of time to her.

When Park Geun-hye moved out of the Blue House with her younger siblings and sat in the car back to her hometown, her heart was full of melancholy. She didn't even believe that what happened before her eyes was real.Those warm and touching life pictures of cuddling with their parents seem to be still in front of them, but now this originally harmonious and perfect family has been torn apart.For Park Geun-hye at that time, life was a nightmare.She could only suppress her grief and choose to leave silently.

During the 18 years of silence, Park Geun-hye also experienced a period of suffering at first. She still could not accept the fact that her parents passed away, and she could not accept the ruthless betrayal of them by some people.But with the passage of time, Park Geun-hye finally calmed down, began to reflect on her own life, and gradually returned to stability and peace in her heart.She did not let herself waste time, but was always accompanied by books and words. She discovered the joy of life from ordinary and boring every day, and published many literary works during this period.

She found that life at that time was real and easy. She could imagine wildly, think calmly and objectively, take a leisurely walk in the pine forest, read her favorite books according to her interests, and express her thoughts and feelings. Record it in a notebook anytime, anywhere.For her, this is true happiness.

Time flies, and Park Geun-hye, who is over the age of [-], has become more tolerant in her heart, and her vision of looking at the world has softened a lot.She is very satisfied with this kind of peace every day, although she still endures loneliness and cannot find a person she loves to marry and walk on the street hand in hand like women of the same age, but she never regrets it.Because fate bestowed on her different situations and responsibilities, she could only accept it calmly.

Although she left the political arena at that time, Park Geun-hye still insisted on studying every day, reading newspapers and TV news every day, and never stopped caring and worrying about the country.It was also during this time that she strengthened her determination to dedicate everything to the country, "No matter how painful and exhausting I am, I will complete my life in my country and sleep in this land forever."

Perhaps, what women are most afraid of is the marks left on the face by the years.The years are merciless, the girl who was like a flower and jade yesterday is now a woman full of vicissitudes.In addition to lamenting the ruthlessness of the years, we have no way to stop time from moving forward.Therefore, smart women will never complain about the ruthlessness of the years, will not cover up the brand of time with false decorations, and will not be willing to degenerate and give up on themselves in the baptism of the years.In the polishing of the years, women will become stronger, have the courage to face ups and downs alone, and make themselves more wise and elegant.

Years can take away the appearance of youth, but it can't cover up the belief that the heart is full of sunshine.Enjoying the ordinary in the years and filling life in the time, we can grow old, but we also have loved ones to accompany us; we can enjoy loneliness, but we will also fight silently for our ideals.Every experience in life is a kind of harvest, and every setback is a kind of insight.Enjoying the gifts of the years peacefully, women will mature in tranquility and serenity.

Not long ago, the famous Korean film and television star Lee Young-ae took a set of family pictorials for a certain magazine, and took the whole family on the photo.Although she is already a mother of two children, 44-year-old Lee Young-ae is as beautiful as ever.In the photo, she is intellectual and elegant, and when playing with her children, she shows a more affectionate side. She is full of happiness, and everyone is envious.Known as the national representative of South Korea, Lee Young-ae is well-known to Chinese audiences because of the hit TV series "Dae Jang Geum".She graduated from Hanyang University majoring in Drama and Film with a Ph.D. She is known as the "Oxygen Beauty" because of her high education, few scandals, and good image.She has many halos on her head and has many identities: actor, wife, mother.But Lee Young-ae said that she prefers the title "mother of two" to "best actress".Because she likes to grow vegetables in the vegetable garden with the children, prepare meals for the family with them, and accompany the children to grow up slowly.Perhaps, this is the best destination for the goddess.

Some people say that 40-year-old women are the most beautiful. They know how to apply a little powder makeup just right, with simple yet elegant dresses, coupled with timely smiles, making people fresh and pleasing to the eye, and revealing a noble temperament with their gestures.This kind of beauty is the connotation and heritage emanating from the bone marrow. They know how to live, cherish life, cherish others, and cherish themselves even more.They are not arrogant or noisy, always maintain a confident and optimistic smile, and are always full of hope for the future.

Maybe one day, when we are no longer young, with white hair and bloated body, but wise and elegant temperament, loving and peaceful eyes, humorous and decent conversation, we will still show the vitality of women to the world with a young heart.This is the best gift of the years, making women beautiful once and forever.

It is your opponent who makes you stronger
Some people say that the people who really know you, except your friends, are your opponents.Therefore, pay attention to your opponent, because he is the first to discover your mistakes; thank your opponent, because he makes you stronger.For Park Geun-hye, the reason why she can achieve today is also due to her opponent.This opponent is her political opponent, and it is the tribulation and test of life.

There is a very famous "eel effect" in social psychology: the eel in Hokkaido, Japan, has very delicious meat and is sought after by diners from all over the world.But this kind of fish is very difficult to keep fresh. Many live fish die soon after being caught, and the dead fish not only tastes bad, but the price is several times lower than that of live fish.A local fisherman thought of a way to put some pike in the water where the eels were kept.The pike is the deadly enemy of the eel. They drilled among the eels, disturbing the eels, swimming around, and had to keep vigilant all the time. The eels survived like this.

It is their rivals that keep the eels alive, and it is our opponents that keep people alive and passionate and become stronger in the struggle.

The by-election for South Korean parliamentarians on April 1998, 4 was a life-and-death battle for the Grand National Party. If it fails again, the Grand National Party will face an inevitable crisis of collapse.At that time, several constituencies that had a relationship with Park Geun-hye's father had publicly expressed their support for Park Geun-hye's by-election. If Park Geun-hye ran in these areas, the chances of winning would be very high.

However, the sky fails to fulfill people's wishes.The GNP’s original vote base—the election situation in Daegu’s Daegu area has deteriorated sharply. If the Daegu area loses the election, even if other areas win the election, the GNP’s defeat will still be irreversible.So Park Geun-hye changed her mind and decided to run in the Daegu area, which she was not familiar with.Some people questioned her, why would she take the dangerous road instead of the easy one?But at this time, Park Geun-hye can't take care of so much anymore. She has to go to the most difficult place to defeat the opponent who is the least easy to win. Only this is the most helpful way for the party.

Her opponents were indeed more difficult to deal with than imagined. Not only were they locals from their own township, but they also managed the local grassroots very solidly. They also had sufficient funds and strong organizational skills.They sent calendars and cards to each voter, and ordered a whole row of tour buses to let people go sightseeing in Panmunjom for free.

In contrast, Park Geun-hye is at a disadvantage in almost every way.First of all, she is not a native of Daegu, and she doesn’t know much about the local situation; second, she had almost no funds when she ran for the election, and even borrowed the office temporarily. All her property at that time was only this office and tens of millions of won; In the end, there were only three people with her in the election campaign. There were too few people, and almost no one was willing to help because they were afraid of offending the opponent. Some people even said that as long as the people who wore ties were from the opponent's side.

But the strength of the opponent did not make Park Geun-hye back down in the slightest. On the contrary, she was very disdainful of the way of buying votes with money.She believes that as long as she is more sincere and hardworking, victory must belong to her.

The first thing Park Geun-hye did was to establish a public image of integrity.Because they had no money, they couldn't go to restaurants to eat, so they cooked their own meals.Unexpectedly, this move aroused the goodwill of the public. They sent all kinds of food to Park Geun-hye and expressed their support to her.In order to ask for votes, she traveled to almost every corner of Daegu, and she didn't even want to miss the backcountry where her opponents didn't bother to go.She wears a pedometer around her waist when she goes out in the morning until evening, and usually walks about 10 steps a day.During the election period, she did not know how many pairs of leather shoes were broken, and she always fell asleep with red and swollen legs every night.

After unremitting efforts, Park Geun-hye finally won with an absolute advantage.At that moment, the most thoughtful thing in her mind was the painful period of 18 years of seclusion and the arduous fighting scenes in the past few months.

Once, a reporter interviewed Liu Xiang, the Chinese Olympic hurdler champion. When he asked him the secret of his good results, Liu Xiang said: "Take the former Olympic champions as my opponents, and regard them as my targets. I keep telling I have to catch up with them and surpass them.”

Life needs hardships, and life needs opponents.The opponent is our help to success and the source of strength that forces us to progress.We must always try our best to do our best, otherwise we will be surpassed and defeated.

(End of this chapter)

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