Be good like water: life management lessons from Park Geun-hye to women

Chapter 9 Believe in yourself: "Women are not just supporting actors"

Chapter 9 Believe in yourself: "Women are not just supporting actors" (2)
If we want to reap happiness in life and success in career, we must have our own independent thinking, have our own opinions, and dare to express our opinions amid doubts.Repeating the work of others, or following their advice, does not make our lives worthwhile.We don't need to be replicas or repeaters of others. We must firmly believe that our own life must have a special meaning. As long as we persist in working hard, we will be able to realize our own value, and even perform better than others.

To dominate our own lives, we must have our own opinions, and we can directly express what we think in our hearts. Covering up our true thoughts can only accomplish nothing.In fact, each of us has unique creativity and great potential to surpass ourselves. The key is that we dare to have our own ideas, dare to do what we want to do, dare to insist on being yourself at any time, and Don't always watch what other people say and do.

Don't repeat what others say, go with the flow, don't wrong yourself to accommodate others.Be an independent person and live out the splendor we should have!

To show oneself is to achieve oneself
In 2004, the Grand National Party fell into a political crisis. Park Geun-hye took the lead in leading the party members to move out of the office building and start working in tents.Some people say that her behavior is just a show, but it is precisely her controversial performance that not only helped the GNP out of the crisis, but also deeply infected many people: no matter how critical the juncture, as long as Park Geun-hye takes the lead, it will definitely turn around. heaven and earth.

Park Geun-hye has a completely different personality and temperament from the previous leaders of South Korea. That kind of flexible leadership can easily make people feel friendly, and even her political opponents will be subtly affected.Her gentle and loving temperament and her toughness and determination not inferior to male leaders are impressive, and it seems that the distance between the Korean political circle and ordinary people has narrowed a lot.This unique influence is definitely an advantage for Park Geun-hye. Only by showing this advantage in a timely manner can she win applause and recognition for herself.Therefore, to show yourself is to achieve yourself.

Many people have many advantages inside, but only by showing this advantage can they add points to themselves.If a person doesn't know how to package and show himself, then your talent is likely to be buried, and the chance of success is doomed to pass you by.After all, if we don't even know how to show our strengths and advantages, how can we expect others to understand and recognize us?

Today's world is a diverse world, in which everyone plays their own unique role.We need to truly show ourselves and lighten ourselves in order to make this world more dazzling and colorful.If our society is always the same and everyone agrees, then life will become boring. How can human society progress?Some people are always used to submerging themselves in the vast crowd. This so-called sense of security will only make people do nothing and live in vain. Such a life is really meaningless.

It was a coincidence that Park Geun-hye got to know social networking sites. She found that through social networking sites, she could not only understand many current Korean people's views on politics, but also narrow her relationship with ordinary people.After constantly asking others for advice, she finally established her own homepage on social networking sites, so she couldn't wait to post her early childhood photos, photos during the Qingwatai period, and picture explanations of many schedule events on the homepage .

It's hard to imagine that a high-level political figure can share the details of her life with everyone like a neighbor's big sister, so that the number of visits to her homepage increases every day.At first, Park Geun-hye also had some scruples, and it did make people feel a little uneasy to reveal all her secrets to the public.In particular, she also published some true inner thoughts and some articles with unique viewpoints on the homepage. She also worried whether such words would have any bad influence on young people.

But then she gradually discovered that as long as she communicates sincerely and shows herself without embellishment, more and more people are willing to approach her and accept her.Every day after she logs on to the homepage, she always receives many comforting notes, applications for adding friends and daily teasing letters.All of these made her feel extremely warm, and more importantly, it also laid a good mass foundation for her future political career.

Park Geun-hye has infected many people with her gentle and friendly power, maybe you also have one or another specialty and advantage like her.But the difference is that we always hide it or are ashamed to show it, just like you have a good voice, but if you don't sing it out, how will others know you and understand you?How can you improve yourself in the various opinions of others?

In fact, it is not as difficult as we imagined to successfully present ourselves. Through the experience of Park Geun-hye, it is not difficult to see that as long as we do the following, we can present an outstanding self in front of others.

Show yourself or be contrived.We must try our best to show our true colors in front of others, and don't give up our original characteristics at will because of changes in the external environment, and blindly cater to others.Honesty and frankness are the best way to show yourself, and everyone likes to get along with straightforward people.

To show yourself is to be honest with those around you.Do what you can do, and admit what you can't do or don't understand.Such a person must have a clear and accurate understanding of himself, be able to see his strengths and weaknesses, and will not make people feel exaggerated or hypocritical.

Show yourself Don't shy away from your flaws.There are no perfect people in this world, and flaws are part of our personality traits.In many cases, it is precisely because of defects that we appear more real and have a more incomplete charm.Bite the bullet, those who refuse to accept their account will not win the favor of others.On the contrary, a person who has the courage to admit his mistakes and corrects them will definitely give himself points in many ways.

Margaret Thatcher, who is also an iron lady in international politics like Park Geun-hye, when she was young, her father often said to her: "My child, when you attend a rally, remember to always sit in the first row." She accepted Her father's opinion always sits in the most prominent position to show herself, until one day she becomes the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom.

In short, to achieve extraordinary life value, we must be brave to show ourselves; to achieve a great cause, we must use every opportunity to light up ourselves, so that everyone can see our brilliance!
Don't let the man's mind, focus on the world and the future
When Park Geun-hye was a child, her mother often taught her that the times are changing, and the stage for women is no longer the family and the kitchen. Women should set foot on the international stage and invest more time and energy in broadening their careers , Inspire your own thinking.Park Geun-hye has always kept her mother's teachings in mind, and has had a strong international vision and world awareness since she was a child.

A person with a broad mind often has amazing achievements. He has everything in mind and has the world in mind. The achievements he can achieve are often difficult for ordinary people to achieve.As the saying goes, "a soldier who doesn't want to be a general is not a good soldier".If a person does not have great ambitions and lofty aspirations, it is naturally difficult to achieve anything.

A mind with the world in mind must allow us to have clear and firm goals and ideals, and thus generate a huge spiritual force that supports us never to shrink back and be timid in the face of any challenge.This invincible courage and extraordinary perseverance can help us overcome any difficulties and reap a brilliant life.

Before the election battle with Lee Myung-bak, someone persuaded Park Geun-hye to withdraw from the election, because it is a common perception in South Korea that "men are superior to women", and it is only natural for a country to be ruled by men.But Park Geun-hye categorically rejected such a proposal, and declared in a high-profile manner that today's women have begun to appear on the international stage.Someone described Park Geun-hye at that time like this: She was like a tall and upright tree, and the men who ruled the Korean political arena began to look up to her.

(End of this chapter)

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