Zi Zhi Tong Jian
Chapter 3 Zhou Ji's three divisions
Chapter 3 Zhou Ji's three divisions (2)
Marquis Wu of Fu went down the West River, and in the middle of the river Gu said to Wu Qi, "The beauty of the solidity of the mountains and rivers is the treasure of the Wei State!" He said to him: "There is no danger in virtue. In the past, there were three Miao families, Dongting on the left, and Peng Li on the right. Xiu, Yu destroyed it. The residence of Xia Jie, Heji on the left, Taihua on the right, Yique in the south, Yangchang in the north, Xiuzheng was unkind, Tang put it. The kingdom of Shang and Zhou, Mengmen on the left, Taihang on the right , Changshan is to the north, and the great river flows to the south. If the government is not virtuous, King Wu will kill it. From this point of view, there is no danger in virtue. If the king does not cultivate virtue, everyone in the boat will be the enemy of the country." Marquis Wu said: "Good .”
Wei Zhixiang, Xiangtian Wen.Wu Qi was displeased, and said to Tian Wen: "Please discuss meritorious service with me, is it okay?" Tian Wen said: "Yes." Qi said: "General the three armies, so that the soldiers will die happily, and the enemy will not dare to seek. Who will you say to Qi? "Wen said: "It's not as good as a son." Qi said: "Governing hundreds of officials, being close to all people, and serving the treasury, who is the son and Qi?" Wen said: "It's not as good as a son." Han and Zhao Bincong, which one is the son?" Wen said: "Not as good as the son." Qi said: "These three, the sons are all from my subordinates, but they are above me, why?" Wen said: "Master Shao The country is suspicious, the ministers are not attached, and the people don't believe it. The time is right, do you belong to the son, do you belong to me?" After a long silence, he said: "The son of the subordinate."
The 15th year of King Zhou An (387 BC)
Qin State attacked Shu State and captured Nanzheng.Wei Wenhou died, and the crown prince succeeded him as Wei Wuhou.
Marquis Wu of Wei took a boat down the Yellow River. When he was in the middle of the water, he said to Wu Qi, "It's so beautiful, the steep mountains and rivers! This is the treasure of Wei State!" Wu Qi replied: "The treasure of a country should be the ruler's benevolent government, not the mountains and rivers. Dangerous. At the beginning, the Sanmiao family had Dongting Lake on the left and Peng Lize on the right, but because he did not practice morality, he was eliminated by Xia Yu. The place where Xia Jie lived was the Yellow River and Jishui on the left, Taihua Mountain on the right, Yi Que Mountain is in the south, and Yangchangban is in the north. He was exiled by Shang Tang because he did not govern the country benevolently. In the land of Shang Zhou, Mengmen Mountain is on the left, Taihang Mountain is on the right, Chang Mountain is in the north, and the Yellow River passes in the south. Ren De was killed by King Wu of Zhou. From this, it can be seen that the national treasure lies in the virtuous government rather than the dangerous terrain. If the king does not implement virtuous government, I am afraid that these people on the ship will also become your enemies!" Wei Wuhou said: "You are too right Already!"
When the state of Wei set up the prime minister, Tian Wen was appointed as the prime minister.Wu Qi was very upset, so he talked with Tian Wen: "How about I talk about the merits with you?" Tian Wen said: "Yes." How?" Tian Wen said, "I'm not as good as you." Wu Qi asked again, "How are you better than Wu Qi?" Tian Wen said, "I'm not as good as you." Wu Qi then asked: "Guaranteed Xihe so that Qin soldiers would not dare to invade the east, and South Korea and Zhao Guo let it go, how are you better than Wu Qi?" Tian Wen still said, "I am not as good as you." Wu Qi asked: "You are inferior to me in these three things. But the position is higher than mine, why?" Tian Wen said: "Nowadays the monarch is young, the country is full of difficulties, the ministers can't agree with each other, and the people can't be convinced. Under such circumstances, the country is entrusted to you. Or entrust it to me?" Wu Qi thought for a long time silently, then replied: "I entrust it to you!"
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For a long time, Wei Xianggong's uncle favored the Lord and killed Wu Qi.The servant of the uncle said: "It's easy to go. He is a man of strength and he likes himself. The son first said to the king: "Wu Qi is a wise man, but the king's country is small, and the minister is afraid that he will not pay attention. The king will try to delay it. Daughter? If you don’t pay attention, you will have to resign.’ The son made the princess humiliate the son because of his resignation, and he must resign because he is a contemptible son of the princess. Then the son’s plan is right.” The uncle followed, Wu Qiguo resigned Princess.Wei Wuhou doubted it but did not believe it. He was afraid of being punished, so he fled to Chu.
The mourning king of Chu had heard of his virtuous people, so he appointed him as his prime minister.To set up the law trial order, to donate officials who are not in a hurry, to abolish those who are alienated from the public, to support the fighters, to strengthen the army, to break the words of lobbying and to follow the law.So Nanping Baiyue, the north conquered the Three Jins, and the west conquered Qin.
King Wei'an was 21 years old.Chu mourned the death of the king, and the nobles and ministers rebelled and attacked Wu Qi; the corpse of the king who got up and left fell down.The shooter kicked up and stabbed the king's corpse.After the burial, King Su came to the throne.He ordered Yin to punish those who were in chaos, and set up more than seventy families of Yizong.
After a long time, the uncle of Wei Guoguo married the princess and was jealous of Wu Qi.His servant suggested: "It's easy to get rid of Wu Qi. Wu Qi is stubborn and complacent. You can first say to the monarch: 'Wu Qi is an outstanding talent, but your country is small, and I am worried that he has no long-term intentions. Why don't you try to marry your daughter to him, if Wu Qi doesn't want to stay for a long time, he will definitely refuse." Master, you go back with Wu Qi and let the princess humiliate you. Wu Qi will definitely refuse the monarch's marriage when he sees the princess belittle you so much. , so that your plan will come true." The uncle acted according to the plan, and Wu Qi resigned from the marriage with the princess.Wei Wuhou became suspicious of Wu Qi, and dared not trust him any more.Wu Qi was afraid of being executed, so he defected to the state of Chu.
King Mourning of Chu had always heard that Wu Qi was a man of talent, and as soon as Wu Qi arrived in the state of Chu, he was appointed Prime Minister of the State of Chu.Wu Qi strictly enforced laws and regulations, cut unnecessary idle officials, abolished distant relatives in the royal family, used them to appease and reward soldiers, vigorously strengthened the military, and broke the rumors of vertical and horizontal alliances.So Chu State pacified Baiyue to the south, resisted the expansion of Han, Wei, and Zhao to the north, and conquered Qin State to the west. Many people resent Wu Qi.
The 21st year of King Zhou An (381 BC).Chu Mourning King died.The nobles and ministers of Chu made a rebellion and attacked Wu Qi. Wu Qi fled to the corpse of King Mourning and lay down on it.The thugs who attacked Wu Qi shot Wu Qi with arrows, and even shot at the body of King Mourning.After the burial of Queen Chu Mourning, King Chu Su came to the throne.He ordered the Chu State Ling Yi to wipe out all the rebels, and more than 70 people were exterminated because of the shooting of Wu Qi.
[Comment and Analysis]
Wu Qi was a very famous military strategist in the Warring States Period. He killed his wife and became a general of the Lu State, but he was not reused. He fled because of being excluded in the State of Wei. Use your talents.Unfortunately, after the death of King Chu Mourning, he was attacked by others. Even if he leaned over the body of King Chu Mourning, he did not escape the fate of being killed.
Shangyang Reform
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Zhou Xianwang eight years
Xiaogong ordered the middle school to say: "In the past, I, Mu Gong, practiced virtue and practiced martial arts between Qi and Yong. In the east, the Jin chaos was ruled by the river. Very bright and beautiful. Those who will go are fierce, impatient, simple, and restless. The country's internal worries, not foreign affairs. The three Jins captured my ancestor Hexi, and there is nothing ugly. Xiangong ascended the throne, pacified the border, and moved to rule Liyang, and want to conquer the east, restore the old land of Duke Mu, and revise the government orders of Duke Mu. The widow misses the meaning of the former emperor, and it often hurts my heart. If there are guests and ministers who can make strange plans to strengthen Qin, I will honor the officials and divide the land with them. ” So Wei Gongsun Yang heard that this was the order, and he entered Qin from the west.
Gongsun Martingale, the concubine grandson of Wei, loves the study of criminal names.Uncle Wei Xianggong, Cuo knew his virtuous, but he didn't make it in time.When he was ill, King Hui Hui of Wei asked, "If the uncle's illness is unavoidable, what will we do with the country?" It!" Wang Heiran.Uncle Gong said: "If you don't listen to martingale, you will kill him and leave the country without order." The king promised to leave.The uncle summoned Yang to thank him and said: "I am the king first and then the ministers, so I first plan for the king and then tell the son. The son must act quickly!" Yang said: "You cannot use the words of the son as a minister, and you can use the son safely. Do you kill your ministers with your words?" The pawn refused to go.Wang went out and said to the left and right: "My uncle is very sick, how sad! I want to make the widow listen to Wei Yang with the country! It is not against the law to persuade the widow to kill him!" In order to see Xiaogong, he said that he used the art of enriching the country and strengthening the army.The public is happy, and discusses state affairs.
The eighth year of King Xian of Zhou Dynasty (361 BC)
Qin Xiaogong issued an order in the country: "At that time, Qin Mugong, the king of Qin, worked hard to rule in Qishan and Yongdi, put down the chaos of the Jin Dynasty in the east, delineated the country with the Yellow River, and dominated the Rongdi and other tribes in the west, covering an area of thousands of miles. He was entrusted with an important task by the king of Zhou, and all the princes came to congratulate him. What a great foundation he created! It was only after successive monarchs, Duke Li, Duke Cao, Duke Jian, and Chuzi, that they caused domestic turmoil and peace, so they were unable to take care of foreign affairs. .Wei, Zhao, and Han took away the territory west of the Yellow River created by the previous kings. This is an incomparable shame. After Xian Gong ascended the throne, he calmed down the border, moved the capital to Liyang, and went to govern in person, intending to conquer the east , Recover the old land of Duke Mu, and rebuild the policies and laws of Duke Mu. I often feel sad when I think of the unfulfilled ambitions of my predecessors. Now whoever among the guests and ministers can offer a wonderful plan to make the Qin State strong and prosperous, I will reward him as a high official, Seal his land." When Gongsun Yang of Wei State heard this order, he went west and defected to Qin State.
Gongsun Yang is a descendant of a side branch of the Wei State clan, and he likes the legalist theory of criminal names.When he served Gong Shucuo, Minister of the State of Wei, Gongshucuo knew that he was a talented person, but before he could recommend him to the king, he became seriously ill and was bedridden.King Wei Hui came to visit Gong Shucuo and asked, "If you have troubles, how should you deal with the affairs of the country?" The ruler entrusts him with the governance of the country and trusts him!" King Wei Hui remained silent.Gong Shucuo said again: "If you don't take my advice and use Gongsun Yang again, you must kill him and not let him leave the state of Wei." Wei Huiwang agreed and left.Uncle Gong summoned Gongsun Yang again, and said with deep apology: "I must be loyal to the monarch first, and then take care of my subordinates. Therefore, I will advise the monarch first, and then tell you the details. You run away!" Gongsun Yang replied: "The monarch If you don’t follow your advice and reuse me, how can you follow your advice and kill me?” He still didn’t escape in the end.After Wei Huiwang left Gongshucuo, he said to the left and right ministers: "Gongshucuo is terminally ill, it is so sad! He first asked me to hand over the country to Gongsun Yang to govern, and then persuaded me to kill him. Is there a contradiction?" When Gongsun Yang arrived in Qin State, relying on the recommendation of a favorite minister named Jing Jian, he met Qin Xiaogong and explained to Qin Xiaogong his method of enriching the country and strengthening the army. Xiaogong was very happy and discussed with him State affairs.
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Zhou Xianwang ten years.Wei Yang wanted to change the law, but the Qin people were not happy.Wei Yang said to Qin Xiaogong: "Husbands and people should not start with worry, but can succeed with happiness. Those who talk about the most virtuous are not in harmony with the vulgar, and those who achieve great success do not seek out the public. Therefore, the sage can strengthen the country without lawlessness. "Gan Long said: "No way. Those who govern by the law, the officials practice and the people are safe." Wei Yang said: "Ordinary people are content with the old customs, and scholars are addicted to what they hear. With these two, it is okay for officials to abide by the law, but not for them. The theory is beyond the law. The wise practice the law, and the fool controls it; the sage is more polite, and the unworthy is restrained." The Duke said: "Good." With Wei Yang as the head of Zuo Shu, he made an order to reform the law.
Let the people take over the division and sit together for the same reason. Those who accuse the adulterer will be rewarded with beheading the enemy, and those who do not accuse the adulterer will be punished with the same punishment as surrendering the enemy.Those who have military merits will be honored with their ranks.Those who are private fighters are punished according to their severity.Those who work hard on their own business, plowing and weaving to produce a lot of millet and silk will recover their bodies.Those who are inactive and poor at the end of the matter, think that they will accept their children.The clan cannot be a member unless it has the theory of military merit.The grades of Mingzun, Beijue, and Jue are different, and they are named fields, houses, concubines, and clothes.Those who are meritorious will show their glory, and those who have no merit will be rich but have nothing to do with prosperity.
Zhou Xianwang ten years (359 BC).Shang Yang wanted to carry out reforms, but many people in Qin State did not agree.He said to Qin Xiaogong: "With your subjects, you can't consider starting a business, you can only share the success of your business. The most noble people don't have to follow the world's ideas, and those who want to make great achievements don't need to discuss with the people. Therefore, sages, As long as the country can be strengthened, there is no need to stick to the old traditions." The doctor Qian Long retorted: "No. According to the regulations of the past, the officials can be proficient and the people can be stable." Shang Yang said: "Ordinary people only know how to be content with the tradition. , and scholars are often limited by the knowledge they have learned. For these two types of people, it is okay to let them be officials and abide by the law, but it is not good to discuss with them to start new businesses outside the old law. Smart people formulate regulations and policies, and stupid people People can only follow the rules; the virtuous people adapt to the times, and the incompetent stick to the rules." Qin Xiaogong said: "Well said." So he appointed Shang Yang as Zuo Shuzhang, and formulated laws and regulations for reform.
Shang Yang ordered the people to be organized into five families and one army, and ten families and one tenure, to supervise each other, and to break the law and sit together.Those who report treachery will receive the same rewards as those who kill the enemy and make meritorious deeds; Those who devote themselves to farming and weaving will be exempted from taxes and labor if they produce more food and cloth; those who are idle and poor due to laziness, the whole family will be regarded as slaves of the state; Then enjoy the status of nobility; establish the official ranks from low to high, and allocate their fields, houses, servants and maids, and clothing and utensils respectively.Honor and honor those who have meritorious deeds, and disgrace those who do not have merit even if they are rich.
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The decree has been issued but has not been promulgated, fearing that the people will not believe it, a three-foot-long tree is erected at the south gate of the city, and ten gold coins will be given to the people who can move to the north gate.People blame it, don't dare to move.Fu said: "Fifty gold will be given to those who can migrate!" One person who migrated will be given fifty gold.But ordered.In the year when the order was implemented, Qin Minzhi said that thousands of people were inconvenient by the new order.So the prince broke the law.Wei Yang said: "If the law does not work, you will commit the crime yourself. The crown prince, the heir of the emperor, cannot be punished. Punish his Fu Gongziqian, and tattoo his teacher Gongsun Jia." Tomorrow, the people of Qin will all follow orders.After ten years of traveling, the roads of Qin State did not pick up relics, there were no bandits in the mountains, the people were brave in public wars, and timid in private battles, and the villages and towns were in great order.At the beginning of the Qin Dynasty, those who were inconvenient to speak, came to speak.Wei Yang said: "These are all people who violated the law!" They all moved to the border.After that, the people dared not discuss orders.
King Zhou Xian was 29 years old.Wei Yang said to Qin Xiaogong: "Qin and Wei are like people who have a heart disease. If Wei does not merge with Qin, Qin will merge with Wei. What? The benefits of Shandong. The advantage is to invade Qin in the west, and the disease is to reclaim the land in the east. Today, the country depends on the sage of the king; but in the past, Wei was defeated by Qi, and the princes were on the side. Move to the east. After that, Qin will occupy the solidity of the rivers and mountains, and Dongxiang will control the feudal lords.The Wei envoy, the son of the prince, will control him.
The decree was drawn up in detail, but not immediately published.Shang Yang was worried that the people would not believe it, so he erected a three-foot-long wooden pole at the south gate of the capital, and ordered that anyone who could move the wooden pole to the north gate would be rewarded ten gold.The common people thought it was very strange, and no one dared to move it.Shang Yang sent another order: "Anyone who can move it will be rewarded fifty gold!" Later, a man moved the wooden pole there in doubt, and Shang Yang immediately rewarded fifty gold.Then Shang Yang promulgated the decree.During the year when the decree was implemented, thousands of people from the state of Qin came to the country to complain about the inconvenience of the new law.At this time, the prince violated the law. Shang Yang said: "The reason why the new law is not implemented smoothly is that the upper class took the lead in violating it! Tattoos on your face." The next day, everyone in Qin knew about it, so everyone carefully obeyed the order.Ten years after the implementation of the new law, the state of Qin was governed so that there were no relics on the road and no bandits on the mountains.At this time, some of those who said that the new law was inconvenient changed their words and praised the new law as good.Shang Yang said: "These are troublemakers who violate the law!" So they all moved to the frontier to live.From then on, the people never dared to discuss the rights and wrongs of laws and regulations.
(End of this chapter)
Marquis Wu of Fu went down the West River, and in the middle of the river Gu said to Wu Qi, "The beauty of the solidity of the mountains and rivers is the treasure of the Wei State!" He said to him: "There is no danger in virtue. In the past, there were three Miao families, Dongting on the left, and Peng Li on the right. Xiu, Yu destroyed it. The residence of Xia Jie, Heji on the left, Taihua on the right, Yique in the south, Yangchang in the north, Xiuzheng was unkind, Tang put it. The kingdom of Shang and Zhou, Mengmen on the left, Taihang on the right , Changshan is to the north, and the great river flows to the south. If the government is not virtuous, King Wu will kill it. From this point of view, there is no danger in virtue. If the king does not cultivate virtue, everyone in the boat will be the enemy of the country." Marquis Wu said: "Good .”
Wei Zhixiang, Xiangtian Wen.Wu Qi was displeased, and said to Tian Wen: "Please discuss meritorious service with me, is it okay?" Tian Wen said: "Yes." Qi said: "General the three armies, so that the soldiers will die happily, and the enemy will not dare to seek. Who will you say to Qi? "Wen said: "It's not as good as a son." Qi said: "Governing hundreds of officials, being close to all people, and serving the treasury, who is the son and Qi?" Wen said: "It's not as good as a son." Han and Zhao Bincong, which one is the son?" Wen said: "Not as good as the son." Qi said: "These three, the sons are all from my subordinates, but they are above me, why?" Wen said: "Master Shao The country is suspicious, the ministers are not attached, and the people don't believe it. The time is right, do you belong to the son, do you belong to me?" After a long silence, he said: "The son of the subordinate."
The 15th year of King Zhou An (387 BC)
Qin State attacked Shu State and captured Nanzheng.Wei Wenhou died, and the crown prince succeeded him as Wei Wuhou.
Marquis Wu of Wei took a boat down the Yellow River. When he was in the middle of the water, he said to Wu Qi, "It's so beautiful, the steep mountains and rivers! This is the treasure of Wei State!" Wu Qi replied: "The treasure of a country should be the ruler's benevolent government, not the mountains and rivers. Dangerous. At the beginning, the Sanmiao family had Dongting Lake on the left and Peng Lize on the right, but because he did not practice morality, he was eliminated by Xia Yu. The place where Xia Jie lived was the Yellow River and Jishui on the left, Taihua Mountain on the right, Yi Que Mountain is in the south, and Yangchangban is in the north. He was exiled by Shang Tang because he did not govern the country benevolently. In the land of Shang Zhou, Mengmen Mountain is on the left, Taihang Mountain is on the right, Chang Mountain is in the north, and the Yellow River passes in the south. Ren De was killed by King Wu of Zhou. From this, it can be seen that the national treasure lies in the virtuous government rather than the dangerous terrain. If the king does not implement virtuous government, I am afraid that these people on the ship will also become your enemies!" Wei Wuhou said: "You are too right Already!"
When the state of Wei set up the prime minister, Tian Wen was appointed as the prime minister.Wu Qi was very upset, so he talked with Tian Wen: "How about I talk about the merits with you?" Tian Wen said: "Yes." How?" Tian Wen said, "I'm not as good as you." Wu Qi asked again, "How are you better than Wu Qi?" Tian Wen said, "I'm not as good as you." Wu Qi then asked: "Guaranteed Xihe so that Qin soldiers would not dare to invade the east, and South Korea and Zhao Guo let it go, how are you better than Wu Qi?" Tian Wen still said, "I am not as good as you." Wu Qi asked: "You are inferior to me in these three things. But the position is higher than mine, why?" Tian Wen said: "Nowadays the monarch is young, the country is full of difficulties, the ministers can't agree with each other, and the people can't be convinced. Under such circumstances, the country is entrusted to you. Or entrust it to me?" Wu Qi thought for a long time silently, then replied: "I entrust it to you!"
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For a long time, Wei Xianggong's uncle favored the Lord and killed Wu Qi.The servant of the uncle said: "It's easy to go. He is a man of strength and he likes himself. The son first said to the king: "Wu Qi is a wise man, but the king's country is small, and the minister is afraid that he will not pay attention. The king will try to delay it. Daughter? If you don’t pay attention, you will have to resign.’ The son made the princess humiliate the son because of his resignation, and he must resign because he is a contemptible son of the princess. Then the son’s plan is right.” The uncle followed, Wu Qiguo resigned Princess.Wei Wuhou doubted it but did not believe it. He was afraid of being punished, so he fled to Chu.
The mourning king of Chu had heard of his virtuous people, so he appointed him as his prime minister.To set up the law trial order, to donate officials who are not in a hurry, to abolish those who are alienated from the public, to support the fighters, to strengthen the army, to break the words of lobbying and to follow the law.So Nanping Baiyue, the north conquered the Three Jins, and the west conquered Qin.
King Wei'an was 21 years old.Chu mourned the death of the king, and the nobles and ministers rebelled and attacked Wu Qi; the corpse of the king who got up and left fell down.The shooter kicked up and stabbed the king's corpse.After the burial, King Su came to the throne.He ordered Yin to punish those who were in chaos, and set up more than seventy families of Yizong.
After a long time, the uncle of Wei Guoguo married the princess and was jealous of Wu Qi.His servant suggested: "It's easy to get rid of Wu Qi. Wu Qi is stubborn and complacent. You can first say to the monarch: 'Wu Qi is an outstanding talent, but your country is small, and I am worried that he has no long-term intentions. Why don't you try to marry your daughter to him, if Wu Qi doesn't want to stay for a long time, he will definitely refuse." Master, you go back with Wu Qi and let the princess humiliate you. Wu Qi will definitely refuse the monarch's marriage when he sees the princess belittle you so much. , so that your plan will come true." The uncle acted according to the plan, and Wu Qi resigned from the marriage with the princess.Wei Wuhou became suspicious of Wu Qi, and dared not trust him any more.Wu Qi was afraid of being executed, so he defected to the state of Chu.
King Mourning of Chu had always heard that Wu Qi was a man of talent, and as soon as Wu Qi arrived in the state of Chu, he was appointed Prime Minister of the State of Chu.Wu Qi strictly enforced laws and regulations, cut unnecessary idle officials, abolished distant relatives in the royal family, used them to appease and reward soldiers, vigorously strengthened the military, and broke the rumors of vertical and horizontal alliances.So Chu State pacified Baiyue to the south, resisted the expansion of Han, Wei, and Zhao to the north, and conquered Qin State to the west. Many people resent Wu Qi.
The 21st year of King Zhou An (381 BC).Chu Mourning King died.The nobles and ministers of Chu made a rebellion and attacked Wu Qi. Wu Qi fled to the corpse of King Mourning and lay down on it.The thugs who attacked Wu Qi shot Wu Qi with arrows, and even shot at the body of King Mourning.After the burial of Queen Chu Mourning, King Chu Su came to the throne.He ordered the Chu State Ling Yi to wipe out all the rebels, and more than 70 people were exterminated because of the shooting of Wu Qi.
[Comment and Analysis]
Wu Qi was a very famous military strategist in the Warring States Period. He killed his wife and became a general of the Lu State, but he was not reused. He fled because of being excluded in the State of Wei. Use your talents.Unfortunately, after the death of King Chu Mourning, he was attacked by others. Even if he leaned over the body of King Chu Mourning, he did not escape the fate of being killed.
Shangyang Reform
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Zhou Xianwang eight years
Xiaogong ordered the middle school to say: "In the past, I, Mu Gong, practiced virtue and practiced martial arts between Qi and Yong. In the east, the Jin chaos was ruled by the river. Very bright and beautiful. Those who will go are fierce, impatient, simple, and restless. The country's internal worries, not foreign affairs. The three Jins captured my ancestor Hexi, and there is nothing ugly. Xiangong ascended the throne, pacified the border, and moved to rule Liyang, and want to conquer the east, restore the old land of Duke Mu, and revise the government orders of Duke Mu. The widow misses the meaning of the former emperor, and it often hurts my heart. If there are guests and ministers who can make strange plans to strengthen Qin, I will honor the officials and divide the land with them. ” So Wei Gongsun Yang heard that this was the order, and he entered Qin from the west.
Gongsun Martingale, the concubine grandson of Wei, loves the study of criminal names.Uncle Wei Xianggong, Cuo knew his virtuous, but he didn't make it in time.When he was ill, King Hui Hui of Wei asked, "If the uncle's illness is unavoidable, what will we do with the country?" It!" Wang Heiran.Uncle Gong said: "If you don't listen to martingale, you will kill him and leave the country without order." The king promised to leave.The uncle summoned Yang to thank him and said: "I am the king first and then the ministers, so I first plan for the king and then tell the son. The son must act quickly!" Yang said: "You cannot use the words of the son as a minister, and you can use the son safely. Do you kill your ministers with your words?" The pawn refused to go.Wang went out and said to the left and right: "My uncle is very sick, how sad! I want to make the widow listen to Wei Yang with the country! It is not against the law to persuade the widow to kill him!" In order to see Xiaogong, he said that he used the art of enriching the country and strengthening the army.The public is happy, and discusses state affairs.
The eighth year of King Xian of Zhou Dynasty (361 BC)
Qin Xiaogong issued an order in the country: "At that time, Qin Mugong, the king of Qin, worked hard to rule in Qishan and Yongdi, put down the chaos of the Jin Dynasty in the east, delineated the country with the Yellow River, and dominated the Rongdi and other tribes in the west, covering an area of thousands of miles. He was entrusted with an important task by the king of Zhou, and all the princes came to congratulate him. What a great foundation he created! It was only after successive monarchs, Duke Li, Duke Cao, Duke Jian, and Chuzi, that they caused domestic turmoil and peace, so they were unable to take care of foreign affairs. .Wei, Zhao, and Han took away the territory west of the Yellow River created by the previous kings. This is an incomparable shame. After Xian Gong ascended the throne, he calmed down the border, moved the capital to Liyang, and went to govern in person, intending to conquer the east , Recover the old land of Duke Mu, and rebuild the policies and laws of Duke Mu. I often feel sad when I think of the unfulfilled ambitions of my predecessors. Now whoever among the guests and ministers can offer a wonderful plan to make the Qin State strong and prosperous, I will reward him as a high official, Seal his land." When Gongsun Yang of Wei State heard this order, he went west and defected to Qin State.
Gongsun Yang is a descendant of a side branch of the Wei State clan, and he likes the legalist theory of criminal names.When he served Gong Shucuo, Minister of the State of Wei, Gongshucuo knew that he was a talented person, but before he could recommend him to the king, he became seriously ill and was bedridden.King Wei Hui came to visit Gong Shucuo and asked, "If you have troubles, how should you deal with the affairs of the country?" The ruler entrusts him with the governance of the country and trusts him!" King Wei Hui remained silent.Gong Shucuo said again: "If you don't take my advice and use Gongsun Yang again, you must kill him and not let him leave the state of Wei." Wei Huiwang agreed and left.Uncle Gong summoned Gongsun Yang again, and said with deep apology: "I must be loyal to the monarch first, and then take care of my subordinates. Therefore, I will advise the monarch first, and then tell you the details. You run away!" Gongsun Yang replied: "The monarch If you don’t follow your advice and reuse me, how can you follow your advice and kill me?” He still didn’t escape in the end.After Wei Huiwang left Gongshucuo, he said to the left and right ministers: "Gongshucuo is terminally ill, it is so sad! He first asked me to hand over the country to Gongsun Yang to govern, and then persuaded me to kill him. Is there a contradiction?" When Gongsun Yang arrived in Qin State, relying on the recommendation of a favorite minister named Jing Jian, he met Qin Xiaogong and explained to Qin Xiaogong his method of enriching the country and strengthening the army. Xiaogong was very happy and discussed with him State affairs.
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Zhou Xianwang ten years.Wei Yang wanted to change the law, but the Qin people were not happy.Wei Yang said to Qin Xiaogong: "Husbands and people should not start with worry, but can succeed with happiness. Those who talk about the most virtuous are not in harmony with the vulgar, and those who achieve great success do not seek out the public. Therefore, the sage can strengthen the country without lawlessness. "Gan Long said: "No way. Those who govern by the law, the officials practice and the people are safe." Wei Yang said: "Ordinary people are content with the old customs, and scholars are addicted to what they hear. With these two, it is okay for officials to abide by the law, but not for them. The theory is beyond the law. The wise practice the law, and the fool controls it; the sage is more polite, and the unworthy is restrained." The Duke said: "Good." With Wei Yang as the head of Zuo Shu, he made an order to reform the law.
Let the people take over the division and sit together for the same reason. Those who accuse the adulterer will be rewarded with beheading the enemy, and those who do not accuse the adulterer will be punished with the same punishment as surrendering the enemy.Those who have military merits will be honored with their ranks.Those who are private fighters are punished according to their severity.Those who work hard on their own business, plowing and weaving to produce a lot of millet and silk will recover their bodies.Those who are inactive and poor at the end of the matter, think that they will accept their children.The clan cannot be a member unless it has the theory of military merit.The grades of Mingzun, Beijue, and Jue are different, and they are named fields, houses, concubines, and clothes.Those who are meritorious will show their glory, and those who have no merit will be rich but have nothing to do with prosperity.
Zhou Xianwang ten years (359 BC).Shang Yang wanted to carry out reforms, but many people in Qin State did not agree.He said to Qin Xiaogong: "With your subjects, you can't consider starting a business, you can only share the success of your business. The most noble people don't have to follow the world's ideas, and those who want to make great achievements don't need to discuss with the people. Therefore, sages, As long as the country can be strengthened, there is no need to stick to the old traditions." The doctor Qian Long retorted: "No. According to the regulations of the past, the officials can be proficient and the people can be stable." Shang Yang said: "Ordinary people only know how to be content with the tradition. , and scholars are often limited by the knowledge they have learned. For these two types of people, it is okay to let them be officials and abide by the law, but it is not good to discuss with them to start new businesses outside the old law. Smart people formulate regulations and policies, and stupid people People can only follow the rules; the virtuous people adapt to the times, and the incompetent stick to the rules." Qin Xiaogong said: "Well said." So he appointed Shang Yang as Zuo Shuzhang, and formulated laws and regulations for reform.
Shang Yang ordered the people to be organized into five families and one army, and ten families and one tenure, to supervise each other, and to break the law and sit together.Those who report treachery will receive the same rewards as those who kill the enemy and make meritorious deeds; Those who devote themselves to farming and weaving will be exempted from taxes and labor if they produce more food and cloth; those who are idle and poor due to laziness, the whole family will be regarded as slaves of the state; Then enjoy the status of nobility; establish the official ranks from low to high, and allocate their fields, houses, servants and maids, and clothing and utensils respectively.Honor and honor those who have meritorious deeds, and disgrace those who do not have merit even if they are rich.
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The decree has been issued but has not been promulgated, fearing that the people will not believe it, a three-foot-long tree is erected at the south gate of the city, and ten gold coins will be given to the people who can move to the north gate.People blame it, don't dare to move.Fu said: "Fifty gold will be given to those who can migrate!" One person who migrated will be given fifty gold.But ordered.In the year when the order was implemented, Qin Minzhi said that thousands of people were inconvenient by the new order.So the prince broke the law.Wei Yang said: "If the law does not work, you will commit the crime yourself. The crown prince, the heir of the emperor, cannot be punished. Punish his Fu Gongziqian, and tattoo his teacher Gongsun Jia." Tomorrow, the people of Qin will all follow orders.After ten years of traveling, the roads of Qin State did not pick up relics, there were no bandits in the mountains, the people were brave in public wars, and timid in private battles, and the villages and towns were in great order.At the beginning of the Qin Dynasty, those who were inconvenient to speak, came to speak.Wei Yang said: "These are all people who violated the law!" They all moved to the border.After that, the people dared not discuss orders.
King Zhou Xian was 29 years old.Wei Yang said to Qin Xiaogong: "Qin and Wei are like people who have a heart disease. If Wei does not merge with Qin, Qin will merge with Wei. What? The benefits of Shandong. The advantage is to invade Qin in the west, and the disease is to reclaim the land in the east. Today, the country depends on the sage of the king; but in the past, Wei was defeated by Qi, and the princes were on the side. Move to the east. After that, Qin will occupy the solidity of the rivers and mountains, and Dongxiang will control the feudal lords.The Wei envoy, the son of the prince, will control him.
The decree was drawn up in detail, but not immediately published.Shang Yang was worried that the people would not believe it, so he erected a three-foot-long wooden pole at the south gate of the capital, and ordered that anyone who could move the wooden pole to the north gate would be rewarded ten gold.The common people thought it was very strange, and no one dared to move it.Shang Yang sent another order: "Anyone who can move it will be rewarded fifty gold!" Later, a man moved the wooden pole there in doubt, and Shang Yang immediately rewarded fifty gold.Then Shang Yang promulgated the decree.During the year when the decree was implemented, thousands of people from the state of Qin came to the country to complain about the inconvenience of the new law.At this time, the prince violated the law. Shang Yang said: "The reason why the new law is not implemented smoothly is that the upper class took the lead in violating it! Tattoos on your face." The next day, everyone in Qin knew about it, so everyone carefully obeyed the order.Ten years after the implementation of the new law, the state of Qin was governed so that there were no relics on the road and no bandits on the mountains.At this time, some of those who said that the new law was inconvenient changed their words and praised the new law as good.Shang Yang said: "These are troublemakers who violate the law!" So they all moved to the frontier to live.From then on, the people never dared to discuss the rights and wrongs of laws and regulations.
(End of this chapter)
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