Chapter 96 Index 2 Topics
Chapter 96 Index Two Topics (7) (3)
χειν κα ρξομαι to rule and to be ruled command and obey To be a "leader", first learn "obedience" and "subordination" to others 77a29, b8, 29a14, 33a2.
(58) Intermediate methods: mining, metallurgy and forest mining 27b33-2. ([-])
γαμικóν,òthe maritial relation夫妇关系家庭三伦(三纲)之一52a27,53b6,59a37—b17,77a7(参看“社会”名词“婚姻”条)。
δεσπóη κα δολοthe masterslave relation One of the three family relationships 53b6, 59a37.
διαγωγdiagogue,cultivation of mind理性培养,心灵陶冶培养理性兼重闲暇和勤劳,和平和战争之际34a11—28;为人生高尚目的34b16,39a30;儿童不须教以培养心灵39a30;音乐有益于陶冶心灵39a35,41b40。
Justice does not harm the city-state81a19; subjugation of others by force is unjust24a35—25a15; common sense of justice, the basis for people to claim political rights (either by free status, or by popularity, or by wealth, or by virtue , or depending on merit) each has its own bias 78a17, 80a7-34, 81a8, 83a34, b30, 90a1, b13, 96a18, 0a14, 1a25-36, 17b3, 39, 18a1, 11-28, 24b33.
λευθεραliberty See "political" term for freedom.
λευθεροηliberality is magnanimous, and Boji is generous and austere when about being simple and temperate 65a33, 26b31;
In a society where everything is communal, there is no virtue of generosity63b11.
σχαα,the extremes极端极端各趋向常引起祸患96a22—b2,b34—97a13,20a2—17。
εδαιμονα μακáριονhappiness,felicity快乐,幸福人生幸福不赖于外物各善23b21,32a25;人人各臻幸福而后能成幸福之邦55b9,64b17,29a23;德盛者常快乐23b21,28a37,b35,29a22,32a7;神性至乐23b21,25b28;人生幸福同于城邦幸福24a5—25b32;城邦幸福不在于地广人多或服属他人24b32—25a7,26a8—b7;和平、闲暇并操修善德才能得真正幸福25a16—34,37b33—38a13,39b11—42。
ζν,òthe life人生,生活人类生活和动物生活相异56a19—b7,18b9,19a20;生产所以维持人生(生存),人生的目的则主要在于修善,生产事业当从属于修养功夫54a7;人生的怡悦(生存的乐趣)78b29;人生宜隐避,还是应当入世?24a25—25b32。
ζη θεωρηικòthe life of contemplation玄想生活玄想境界和情欲境界34b17—28;玄想(隐避)生活和世务(实践)生活对论24a5—25a15,32b12—34a10。
δον pleasure快乐,怡悦有生之乐78b29;快乐的观念人各不同38a7;快乐和幸福23b1;人生莫不在欢乐58a3,67a5;情欲和名利的暂时欢乐引人入于烦恼和罪辜67a3—8;谛听音乐所得的怡悦39b20,40a2、14,b16,41a14。
μερηgentleness Docile, mild 38b17.
θλυ,οthe female女性,雌性雌雄(男女)的结合基于天性52a28;女性从属男性54b13,59a39,60a9;家庭中的夫妇结合53b8,59a38;在非野蛮民族中,妇女地位遵循自然而异于奴隶52b1—19。
μεγαλοψυχαmagnanimity Kuanren 27b38—28a16.
μσον, ò, μεσóηο,) the mean, mediocritas adheres to the middle, and the golden mean should be adopted for politics 95a25—96b12, 9b18, 13a19, 20a3; education also advocates the golden mean 41a9, 42b34.
For μοιχεαadultery, see the term "law".
μλια,ο ρεναmalelove男子同性恋爱同性恋爱为失德62a37;好战民族多染此陋俗69b29;克里特盛行此风72a24。
σονnatural piety Renlun, Shenlun 62a27, 35b25.
παρ κα κνα, εκνοποιηικthe father and children, paternal relation Father and son are one of the three family relationships, and "paternal authority" is like Wangzhi 52a28, 53b7, 59a37—b17;
Parents provide food for their children 56b10, 58a35.
πρκειν, ò(πραξ) action, activeness operation, behavior, practice, the business of being a slave lies in labor 54a1-17, b20; practice 25a33, b14; to achieve the goal, you must practice 31b27-37; conduct has high and low points 33a24 —b3; happiness consists in "good deeds" 23b33, 25a22.
πρεσβερον πρò ò νεερον, ò the elderyounger relation 52b20, 59a37—b17; the elders command and govern, the younger obey and follow 29a6—17, 32b35.
σχολ, schole, leisure and "peace" should be developed simultaneously, and the important task of legislators is to enable citizens to have "leisure", 69a34, 73a32—b7, 28b33, 29a18; For example, citizens should know how to treat their leisure for good, and learn from public affairs 29a1—33a33, 34b10—37b23, 38a8.
συφροσνη temperance节制,温厚,克己复礼节制(有礼)为希腊四德之一59b24,23a31;男女对于节制之德相异60a21,77b22;妇孺和财产归公则人间不再有“节制”这一品德63b8;就经济生活而言节制(朴素)应同自由(宽裕)相结合65a28—36;城邦有如个人,也须修习自制功夫34a19。
A general discussion of the differences between masters and slaves, men and women, elders and children, officials and people, and the three virtues of propriety, righteousness, and courage 59b22—60b20.
φιλα,friendship,love友谊,情爱(一)友爱和平等87b33;人类相友爱而社会得以团结62b7,95b24;朋友有通财之谊63a29—37; 20b9,30a1:僭主不愿公民互相友好而团结13a41。
(62) Everyone loves and values what he owns. In a society where everything belongs to the public, everyone has nothing, and love will be weak 3b24-[-].
φρóνησιphronesis,prudence(moral wisdom)明哲端谨,智虑四德之一53a35,23b35,29a8;明哲端谨为政治家的主要品德77a15,b25;明哲的人役物而不役于物23b19;同其他三德并举77b16—29,23a32。
χερον κα ò βελον, òthe inferior and the superior The inferior and the superior are subordinate to the superior 33a21 (see "Master-slave relationship").
11 Physiological and psychological
Aσθησιsensation sense, sensory sense 40a28-38.
(End of this chapter)
χειν κα ρξομαι to rule and to be ruled command and obey To be a "leader", first learn "obedience" and "subordination" to others 77a29, b8, 29a14, 33a2.
(58) Intermediate methods: mining, metallurgy and forest mining 27b33-2. ([-])
γαμικóν,òthe maritial relation夫妇关系家庭三伦(三纲)之一52a27,53b6,59a37—b17,77a7(参看“社会”名词“婚姻”条)。
δεσπóη κα δολοthe masterslave relation One of the three family relationships 53b6, 59a37.
διαγωγdiagogue,cultivation of mind理性培养,心灵陶冶培养理性兼重闲暇和勤劳,和平和战争之际34a11—28;为人生高尚目的34b16,39a30;儿童不须教以培养心灵39a30;音乐有益于陶冶心灵39a35,41b40。
Justice does not harm the city-state81a19; subjugation of others by force is unjust24a35—25a15; common sense of justice, the basis for people to claim political rights (either by free status, or by popularity, or by wealth, or by virtue , or depending on merit) each has its own bias 78a17, 80a7-34, 81a8, 83a34, b30, 90a1, b13, 96a18, 0a14, 1a25-36, 17b3, 39, 18a1, 11-28, 24b33.
λευθεραliberty See "political" term for freedom.
λευθεροηliberality is magnanimous, and Boji is generous and austere when about being simple and temperate 65a33, 26b31;
In a society where everything is communal, there is no virtue of generosity63b11.
σχαα,the extremes极端极端各趋向常引起祸患96a22—b2,b34—97a13,20a2—17。
εδαιμονα μακáριονhappiness,felicity快乐,幸福人生幸福不赖于外物各善23b21,32a25;人人各臻幸福而后能成幸福之邦55b9,64b17,29a23;德盛者常快乐23b21,28a37,b35,29a22,32a7;神性至乐23b21,25b28;人生幸福同于城邦幸福24a5—25b32;城邦幸福不在于地广人多或服属他人24b32—25a7,26a8—b7;和平、闲暇并操修善德才能得真正幸福25a16—34,37b33—38a13,39b11—42。
ζν,òthe life人生,生活人类生活和动物生活相异56a19—b7,18b9,19a20;生产所以维持人生(生存),人生的目的则主要在于修善,生产事业当从属于修养功夫54a7;人生的怡悦(生存的乐趣)78b29;人生宜隐避,还是应当入世?24a25—25b32。
ζη θεωρηικòthe life of contemplation玄想生活玄想境界和情欲境界34b17—28;玄想(隐避)生活和世务(实践)生活对论24a5—25a15,32b12—34a10。
δον pleasure快乐,怡悦有生之乐78b29;快乐的观念人各不同38a7;快乐和幸福23b1;人生莫不在欢乐58a3,67a5;情欲和名利的暂时欢乐引人入于烦恼和罪辜67a3—8;谛听音乐所得的怡悦39b20,40a2、14,b16,41a14。
μερηgentleness Docile, mild 38b17.
θλυ,οthe female女性,雌性雌雄(男女)的结合基于天性52a28;女性从属男性54b13,59a39,60a9;家庭中的夫妇结合53b8,59a38;在非野蛮民族中,妇女地位遵循自然而异于奴隶52b1—19。
μεγαλοψυχαmagnanimity Kuanren 27b38—28a16.
μσον, ò, μεσóηο,) the mean, mediocritas adheres to the middle, and the golden mean should be adopted for politics 95a25—96b12, 9b18, 13a19, 20a3; education also advocates the golden mean 41a9, 42b34.
For μοιχεαadultery, see the term "law".
μλια,ο ρεναmalelove男子同性恋爱同性恋爱为失德62a37;好战民族多染此陋俗69b29;克里特盛行此风72a24。
σονnatural piety Renlun, Shenlun 62a27, 35b25.
παρ κα κνα, εκνοποιηικthe father and children, paternal relation Father and son are one of the three family relationships, and "paternal authority" is like Wangzhi 52a28, 53b7, 59a37—b17;
Parents provide food for their children 56b10, 58a35.
πρκειν, ò(πραξ) action, activeness operation, behavior, practice, the business of being a slave lies in labor 54a1-17, b20; practice 25a33, b14; to achieve the goal, you must practice 31b27-37; conduct has high and low points 33a24 —b3; happiness consists in "good deeds" 23b33, 25a22.
πρεσβερον πρò ò νεερον, ò the elderyounger relation 52b20, 59a37—b17; the elders command and govern, the younger obey and follow 29a6—17, 32b35.
σχολ, schole, leisure and "peace" should be developed simultaneously, and the important task of legislators is to enable citizens to have "leisure", 69a34, 73a32—b7, 28b33, 29a18; For example, citizens should know how to treat their leisure for good, and learn from public affairs 29a1—33a33, 34b10—37b23, 38a8.
συφροσνη temperance节制,温厚,克己复礼节制(有礼)为希腊四德之一59b24,23a31;男女对于节制之德相异60a21,77b22;妇孺和财产归公则人间不再有“节制”这一品德63b8;就经济生活而言节制(朴素)应同自由(宽裕)相结合65a28—36;城邦有如个人,也须修习自制功夫34a19。
A general discussion of the differences between masters and slaves, men and women, elders and children, officials and people, and the three virtues of propriety, righteousness, and courage 59b22—60b20.
φιλα,friendship,love友谊,情爱(一)友爱和平等87b33;人类相友爱而社会得以团结62b7,95b24;朋友有通财之谊63a29—37; 20b9,30a1:僭主不愿公民互相友好而团结13a41。
(62) Everyone loves and values what he owns. In a society where everything belongs to the public, everyone has nothing, and love will be weak 3b24-[-].
φρóνησιphronesis,prudence(moral wisdom)明哲端谨,智虑四德之一53a35,23b35,29a8;明哲端谨为政治家的主要品德77a15,b25;明哲的人役物而不役于物23b19;同其他三德并举77b16—29,23a32。
χερον κα ò βελον, òthe inferior and the superior The inferior and the superior are subordinate to the superior 33a21 (see "Master-slave relationship").
11 Physiological and psychological
Aσθησιsensation sense, sensory sense 40a28-38.
(End of this chapter)
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