Don't be too personal, don't be too impersonal

Chapter 17 Friends Are Always Heavier Than You Think

Chapter 17 Friends Are Always Heavier Than You Think (3)
Many times, in the face of this real and cruel world, we must have a little "thick-skinned" spirit, not afraid of losing face, and bravely face it.You must know that thick-skinned people will have no scruples and be able to try boldly.So, how should we cultivate our own "thick skin"?

1. Face everything with confidence.

Self-confidence is the foundation of our career success. We must believe that we can overcome difficulties and build up our professional self-confidence and pride, so that you will dare to face all kinds of people in the workplace.In fact, "thick-skinned" is also a manifestation of self-confidence. If we want to achieve the real "thick-skinned" level, then we must let ourselves build up enough self-confidence.In other words, self-confidence is the motivation to become "thick-skinned".Self-confidence literally means "believe in yourself", believe that you have the ability to overcome difficulties in life and work, and it is a kind of trust in your ability to overcome difficulties; that is, believe that we will be stronger than each other I believe that we can dispel the other party's vigilance and doubts and gain the other party's trust.When this kind of trust is reflected through our words, attitudes, and actions, it is expressed in the form of "thick skin".

From another perspective, if you want to become truly "thick-skinned", you must have some kind of trust in yourself. This kind of trust is to believe in your own ability and strength, and let this trust affect your own behavior and consciousness. Have a positive impact and role.If you make yourself "thick-skinned" without believing in yourself, it is nothing more than making yourself a rogue, and it is just another manifestation of inferiority complex.

2. Dare to try.

William Shakespeare once said: "The horrors in the imagination are greater than the horrors in reality." If we understand this sentence in reverse, it means that "the actual situation is actually much simpler than imagined."Therefore, when each of us faces difficulties and fears, we should let ourselves have the courage to try. After trying, we will find that the things you are afraid of are not as difficult as you imagined.And those who are always afraid to try, just imagine all day long, the more they imagine, the more difficult things will become; the more carefully they think, the various elements to complete this matter will be magnified a hundred times , will only restrict our ability to act in the end.

Therefore, if you want to become an excellent professional, don't allow yourself to imagine too much and worry too much, first try boldly, challenge bravely, and let yourself stand up "cheek-skinned"!In fact, it is not as difficult as we imagined. As long as we try bravely, we will definitely gain something.

3. Let yourself speak out loud.

To a large extent, communicating with people is to influence others through our voices, behaviors, thoughts and ideas, making them believe in us, trust us, and appreciate us. Most of the information is conveyed through our language communication. Therefore, when talking with others, we might as well make our voice a little louder, thicker our skin, and bolder, try our best to overcome some shyness and timidity, and use our loud and clear voice and what our voice can convey information to influence others.In addition, a loud and clear voice is also a sign of self-confidence. If you speak submissively and your voice is inaudible, how can you make others believe you, or even say that he may not be able to hear what you are saying at all.Moreover, speaking loudly can also eliminate our psychological tension and fear, and make us more calm and calm in the process of interacting with people.

[-]. A smile is the best "stepping stone" to get close to others

In real life, we often face some indifferent faces, gloomy eyes, even malicious injuries, and insidious traps, but no matter how many clouds are in the sky of our hearts, we should face life with a smile.A smile is a ray of sunshine in life. It can not only illuminate the dark mood of oneself, but also warm the hazy and painful hearts around.A sincere smile is our best "stepping stone" and a passport to communicate with others. It represents welcome and friendliness, can eliminate each other's wariness and haze, and bring a harmonious and peaceful atmosphere to our communication.

A sincere smile is the most distinctive and eye-catching personality label on our face, it will make us unique and attractive; it can also eliminate the barriers between us and others, and help us gain more in our careers .

1. A smile is a stepping stone to the gap between people.

In real life, no one can easily refuse a sincere smile from others.Smiling is our instinct, and it is precisely because of this instinct that humans have the shortest distance between people.It has magical powers that can eliminate the barriers between human beings.

There was a single woman who had just moved because of work, and found out that her neighbor was a widow with a child.One night, there was a sudden power outage in the community, and the woman fumbled to light a candle.At this time, she heard someone knocking on the door. The woman opened the door and saw that it was the child from the next door.Seeing her, the child asked nervously: "Auntie, excuse me, do you have any candles at home?" The woman thought to herself: His family is so poor that they don't even have candles, so it's better not to lend them to him, so that everything will be lost in the future. Please trouble me.So the woman said to the child impatiently, "No."

She was about to close the door when the child suddenly smiled at her and said, "I guess you don't have candles in your house." Then, he took out a candle from his arms and said, "Mom sees you live alone. I'm worried that you didn't prepare a candle, so let me send you one."

At that moment, the woman was so moved that tears filled her eyes, and she hugged the child in her arms.

Smiling makes us beautiful and it makes us soft and affectionate inside.For friends, a smile is the tacit understanding of each other's hearts; for a stranger, a smile is the shortest distance between hearts.

Mary is a single woman who lives alone in an apartment.One day, she suddenly heard a knock on the door, so she went to open it.She opened the door, only to find a man with a kitchen knife standing outside the door, staring at her maliciously.Mary didn't panic, she had an idea, but smiled and said: "My friend, you can really joke that you think of selling kitchen knives in this way. But I like it very much, can I buy one?" As he said that, he let the man into the room, and then said: "You look a lot like a kind neighbor of mine in the past. I am really happy to see you. Do you want tea or juice?"

Seeing her sincere smile and listening to her friendly words, the originally malicious man gradually became shy, and he stammered, "Thank you, thank you."

Finally, Mary really bought the gleaming kitchen knife. When paying, the man hesitated and took it.After hesitating for a while, the man was about to leave. When he turned to leave, he said, "Miss, your smile will change the fate of my life."

2. A smile is the key to wealth and career.

Many times, smiling is often associated with career and wealth.You must know that no one can reject a person who sincerely smiles at others. As long as you have the prerequisite of smiling, you are not far from success.

The Hilton Hotel in the United States is one of the most prestigious hotels in the world. Chairman Donald Hilton said: "Hilton's prosperity is all because of the power of a smile."

The reason why Hilton attaches so much importance to the power of a smile stems from an old lady many years ago.Hilton was in a bad mood at the time, and the old lady happened to be visiting him.Hilton was impatient at first, but when he raised his head from the desk, he saw a benevolent and warm face full of smiles—the power of that smiling face was so irresistible, Hilton suddenly felt better, and he He asked the old lady to sit down immediately, and the two began a pleasant conversation.

During the conversation, he was completely infected by the old woman's kind smile, and his mood became particularly good.

Since then, he has regarded "smile" service as the service tenet of the entire hotel.Every time he inspects the work of Hilton hotels around the world, he will emphasize to the employees: "Today, have you smiled at the customers?" The power of resistance.

(End of this chapter)

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