Don't be too personal, don't be too impersonal

Chapter 18 Friends Are Always Heavier Than You Think

Chapter 18 Friends Are Always Heavier Than You Think (4)
Later, Donald Hilton concluded: "Smiling is the lowest-cost and highest-yielding investment in your career. It is the simplest, most economical and easiest service." Therefore, he asked all Hilton employees to No matter how wronged and hard you are, you must remember to give customers the most sincere smile at any time, and use your own smile to bring customers the warmest sunshine.

In business, smiling can often bring us huge economic benefits.In fact, no matter in ordinary interpersonal communication or in the business field, smiling is the best stepping stone to open each other's hearts and shorten the distance between each other.Only those who know how to smile will be welcomed by others in interpersonal communication.

The editor-in-chief of a magazine agency has a very large sales volume, and besides the mandatory name and contact information, there is only one sentence printed on his business card: "When you smile, the world smiles at you." Once, when others received his business card and took a look at it, they couldn't help but smile knowingly.Coincidentally, Joe Girard once said: "When you smile, the whole world smiles at you. If you look sad all day, then no one will pay attention to you."

Joe Girard is known as "the greatest salesman in the world". He has maintained the world record of car sales for a long time and is considered a legend in the sales field by the European and American business circles.He thinks a big reason for his success is his smile, and it is his contagious smile that has brought him great wealth.He also said: "Someone has a product worth $100, but no one wants to buy it for $10. Why? You can see his expression. If you want to sell yourself, facial expression is very important. Yes, it can make others reject you thousands of miles away, and it can also make strangers quickly become your friends."

Eight, learn to help others, you will get more
Since childhood, we have been taught that people should help each other, as long as we help others, others will reward us.We used to have distinct personalities and clear grievances and grievances. We were willing to help others and hoped to be helped by others.However, as we grow older, we slowly lose the "helpful" personality label, become less and less "personalized", and are less and less willing to help others.

At work, we have also become more and more "hard-hearted". Some people think that helping others will cause misunderstandings or bring unnecessary troubles to themselves; Threat to their own interests and status; Some people feel that every newcomer has to go through the process of making mistakes and being criticized, so there is no need to meddle in other people's business... In real life, we tend to become more and more sophisticated, if we see those newcomers Newcomers in the workplace want to be enthusiastic and helpful all the time, but they will find him childish and ridiculous, or very disapproving.

So, is helping others in the workplace really delaying yourself?In fact, it is not the case. "People are not grass, so how can they be ruthless?" Everyone is reasonable deep in their hearts. When others sincerely help us, we will definitely feel grateful and return something.In the workplace, if you can sincerely help others, you will often gain gratitude and rewards from others.

1. Help others, and others will reward you.

There is a saying called "The kindness of a drop of water is reciprocated by the spring".Each of us has difficulties, and only in difficulties can we see the true feelings between people. If someone supports us in a timely manner when we are in difficulty, we will definitely remember it and repay others.

Art Garfunkel and Sandy Gray were college roommates who attended Columbia University together.

They all come from poor families, and their families are not rich.In his sophomore year, Sandy suddenly suffered from an eye disease, and because he wasn't caught early, he was basically blind.

For a poor student in a highly competitive school, it was a disastrous blow, because the loss of sight means the inability to learn.However, what happened next took us by surprise.After Sandy lost his sight, Art read to him from textbooks by his side every night, all through college.One can imagine how much free time Art lost during this period in order to help his roommate, but he resolutely persisted, and he never expected anything in return.

Later, Sandy completed her studies with honors and won a scholarship to go to Oxford University for further study.At this time, he was still destitute, and he could only keep 500 US dollars on his body for emergency use.

On this day, Art called Sandy and said: "Sandy, you know what? I don't like the research work I'm doing now. What I really love is singing. Now I have a friend who can play the guitar. We are planning To put our hands in the music field. We now need to make a record to promote it, and it will cost $500."

After hearing this, Sandy immediately took out his only $500 and gave it to Art.

Afterwards, Art and the others used the $500 to produce their first album "The Sound of Lonely", and the song depicting youth, friendship and love was born. The song touched the heartstrings of millions of people. It was the episode "Scarborough Fair" from the movie "The Graduate" that made Art Garfunkel the most dazzling star in the music field.

2. By helping others, you can gain more contacts.

There is a saying "Rely on your parents at home, and friends when you go out", and there is another lyrics called "If you have more friends, the road will be easier to travel".In today's market competition, business elites must not only have excellent accomplishments and skills, but also have superb personal connections.In many cases, how successful a person is is closely related to how extensive his contacts are, and contacts are often obtained by helping others and mutual benefit with others.

Song Jiang is the fullest, most complex, and most artistically charming person in "Water Margin". He is called "Timely Rain" because of his generosity and willingness to help others.

Song Jiang was originally a small official in Yuncheng County, Shandong Province. He had a dark complexion and a short stature.He has always been a very righteous person, often helping and helping others, and likes to make friends. His title of "Timely Rain" is also famous all over the world.

In the later stories of the Water Margin, it was precisely because of Song Jiang's willingness to help others that he won the most extensive contacts and mass base. Finally, after Chao Gai's death, he also naturally became the leader of Liangshan heroes and achieved great success. A heroic career and a legendary story.

3. Helping others can win good reputation and reputation.

Reputation is very important to the construction of the external world of an enterprise. Similarly, a good reputation is also very important to us at work.Enterprises need to improve their reputation, and we also need to create a good reputation for ourselves. From another perspective, reputation is also a comprehensive reflection of the reputation and reputation of all staff in the entire system of the enterprise.A person who sincerely helps others will never have a bad reputation.In today's business environment, if you want to make a big breakthrough in your work, you must not only have solid professional ability, but also pay attention to your own quality and moral cultivation. Helping others is a good behavior habit.Therefore, helping others can allow us to gain a good reputation, which makes it easier for us to gain the trust and favor of customers, and it is also easier for us to go better and further in the workplace. At the same time, it can also show the image and reputation of the company from us. It has a good role in promoting the development of enterprises and their own careers.

Two young managers of a company, Manager A and Manager B, were promoted from technical work to technical management positions at the same time.

Manager A feels that he has a great responsibility, and there are many technical problems in the department that need to be solved, so he studies knowledge hard every day and delves into technical problems.He believes that the key to work is to prove his technical ability to his subordinates, but he never communicates with leaders and subordinates to help each other.

After Manager B realized the importance of technology and his own shortcomings, he paid more attention to introducing his experience and knowledge to his subordinates, and at the same time helped his subordinates grow together.When the department encounters problems, he will also help solve the problems with his subordinates, and actively help his subordinates coordinate and contact relevant departments.

Half a year later, manager A had more and more problems, and his work became more and more busy, and his subordinates complained about him; however, manager B was widely supported by his subordinates, and the department was full of fighting spirit. In addition to some previous problems, some innovative inventions have also been made.

(End of this chapter)

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