Don't be too personal, don't be too impersonal

Chapter 22 Love is bread, not the spice of life

Chapter 22 Love is bread, not the spice of life (4)
[-]. Thank you for the person who made you understand love

In our long life, no matter whether we have obtained a love from the beginning to the end, from the beginning to the end, or wandering in the world of mortals, from one station to the next, so that love cannot reach the shore, we should Thank you for the person who taught us how to love.Because, he let us understand the true meaning of love, he let us taste the ups and downs of love, he let us how to love and be loved, the world is beautiful because of love, and we should learn to be grateful, to teach us love people are grateful.

Gratitude is a personality that each of us should keep deep in our hearts, and it is the same in love. Only by knowing how to thank those who taught us to love can we truly learn to love and be loved. If we lose this "personality", Then not only your person will become too impersonal, but your love will also change its taste in the wear and tear of reality.

For each of us, no one can replace the person who made us know how to love.

Lin Cong is a very handsome guy. When he was in college, he met the girl Lin Wei who made his heart beat, and the two officially established a relationship.After the two had been together for three years, Lin Wei suddenly broke up with Lin Cong during their senior year internship.Lin Cong was very sad, and ran to the school lawn sadly recalling the past.At this moment, an old man came over, looked at Lin Cong and said, "Son, what's wrong with you?" Lin Cong said sadly, "I'm broken in love."

The old man said gently: "It's normal to be sad when you're broken in love. If you're not sad, it only means that the love you once had was not real enough, and it's not important to you. But, child, why do you devote yourself to your sadness more than to yours?" Is your love going to go deeper?"

The boy said: "She belonged to me, but she was lost, and I really can't let go. You haven't experienced this pain like I did, so you can't appreciate the taste of it."

The old man shook his head and said: "First of all, you made a mistake. She doesn't belong to you, she only belongs to herself. You are just playing with your own possessive desires. This doesn't mean you really love him. More What's more, losing is losing, no matter how sad you are, it won't help, in this case, why don't you go forward to find someone who is more suitable and more like you?"

Lin Cong shook his head and said, "I really love her and don't want to let her go, so I must wait for her to change her mind, even if the sea is dry and the rocks are rotten."

The old man shook his head and said, "Child, can you understand the truth of the spring? You can only make her farther and farther away from you. Maybe she thinks leaving you is a kind of happiness. If you really love her, then you should let her go." Let her find her love."

Lin Cong said a little puzzled: "If you love someone, don't you want to be with her? How can you let her go?"

"No, my child, you have to understand that she loves you to be with you. If she doesn't love you, but wants you to be together, that's hypocrisy. Now that she doesn't love you, she won't be with you anymore." You're right to waste your time."

"However, I once loved her so much and paid so much for her. It's not fair."

"It is indeed unfair, but loving her is your business and your right. If you think it is unfair, you can give up now. Don't regret what you have done before. Instead of suffering, it is better to start your life again."

Lin Cong looked at the old man, seemed to understand something, and asked, "Then can you tell me what should I do now?"

The old man pointed to a tree and said, "You have learned to climb a tree because you fell from it. Instead of being sad and complaining about yourself, you should thank the person who taught you how to love."

There are always such people around us, even we ourselves are such people, always complaining about what we have lost, always complaining about what we have spent a lot of effort to get but lost soon.This makes you not reconciled, but even if you lose us, don't complain first, but think about what you have gained from it.

The same is true for love. If you dare not face it because of a failure, or you have been indulging in the previous relationship and cannot extricate yourself, then you will never be able to get the love that really belongs to you.If you face it bravely, then you will find that the love you long for will appear on the way you face it bravely.

People can't just live in the past all the time, they must look forward, even if the scenery behind is beautiful, it is still a scenery missed, but the road ahead is still long, and you never know what wonderful things will be waiting for you to experience .Therefore, no matter whether we can be together in the end, we must thank that person for letting you know what love is.

[-]. Don't touch each other's "death spot"

Young lovers or couples, after tasting the initial sweetness of love, have already begun to wear down their initial accumulated emotions.No matter what kind of love, it is illusory if it cannot withstand the consideration of daily necessities, and both parties are just living in their own illusions about each other.However, when love really starts to face all things in life, there will be differences of one kind or another between two people, so frequent quarrels have become a very large chapter in love.Quarrels are inevitable. Smart couples will add love after quarrels, while irrational quarrels will damage the vitality of love.

Everyone will have some scars in their hearts that make them dissatisfied or even hidden. No matter whether others really care about it, the person concerned regards it as a corner that he does not want others to touch easily. This is the so-called scar. A kind of "dead hole".When the two people had finished their fierce quarrel and both sides calmed down, they realized that it was nothing more than trivial matters.However, it is unforgivable to keep hitting the other party's "death spot" during the quarrel.Both sides compete with each other's "death spot". One person said that the other party is too lazy, doesn't even wash socks, underwear and underwear, sleeps until late every day, and only plays games when he comes home at night.One person is not to be outdone and says that the other party loves to talk, and can keep talking about thousands of years of things. Every time I go shopping, it takes a long time to put on makeup. The things I buy are either expensive and impractical, or they are cheap and useless. a lot.Everyone was not to be outdone, so some talked nonsense, and the ending could only be that they were upset and upset.Over time, it not only hurts both sides, but also makes the relationship fade away.

Love also needs management, and management requires skills.If the two want to last forever, it's not just about relying on the mountain alliance to swear each other.Regardless of men and women, there will be some dead spots in love that must not be touched. Such dead spots not only include some specific privacy but also some forbidden areas in love.

1. The Achilles heel of women that men cannot touch.

No matter how much your girlfriend loves you, and no matter how cheerful her personality is, in order for your love to last long, don't touch her "death spot".

(1) Blindly accommodate and obey.

Some men think that if they are obedient to each other, they can firmly tie the other party to them. As everyone knows, women don't think so.An analysis by a senior psychological expert: Even if every woman has a more or less dependent mentality on men, what they really need is a man with his own opinions, because such a man is often considered masculine.The beauties who appear in life like the stories of punks, and it is probably for this reason that no woman will trust her tomorrow to a weak man.

(2) Don't make promises lightly.

Under the gentle offensive of women, many men readily agree to each other's demands, regardless of whether they can really do it.Afterwards, I found that I had more energy than energy, but at this time, women didn't care so much.Since then, your impression in her mind has plummeted.

(3) The shot is not generous.

No matter how empathetic your girlfriend is, they still care a lot about this aspect, and they value your attitude rather than the outcome of the matter.There are many women who think that the most attractive time for a man is when he takes a credit card to help him pay the bill. Perhaps, the moment you take out the credit card, they have changed their minds and no longer want to buy that thing.

(4) Don't be "absent-minded".

Women are sensitive and fragile animals. Whether you are interested in her or care about her, almost all of them have the ability to predict.One of the ways they can tell if you care about her is by how serious you are about her.If, during a date, your phone rings every three to two minutes, what is waiting in front of you is an iceberg that can no longer melt.

(5) Don't make jokes at will.

Joking with women is an effective way to adjust the atmosphere. You can never use her figure, age, etc. as the content of a joke. Once the joke goes too far, they will think that you are disgusting yourself.

2. The "dead spot" of men that women cannot touch.

No matter how much your boyfriend loves you, or how powerful they seem, there is a sacred place in their spiritual world that cannot be violated.

(1) Do not check the mobile phone without the consent of the other party.

The most important thing for two people to be together is trust. If you don't even have the most basic trust, there is no need to continue.This is not the correct way to express love, what's more, no matter how much the other party loves you, he exists independently and has his own privacy, which we cannot easily interfere with.

(2) Don't be late for appointments.

Don't challenge the other person's patience in this way, or even call it to see if the other person really loves you.Being late is not a big deal, but the other party does not have to accept your obligation to be late.Don't think that being late is a natural privilege for women. One day, he will lose the patience to wait.

(3) Don't test the other party.

Just like secretly flipping through each other's mobile phones, this is also a common method for some women to judge each other's love.Then again, such a method is not advisable. You must know that a person does not make mistakes because he is not tempted enough.It's one of those ways to be smart and mean.

(4) Don't cheat.

No matter how beautiful you are, and no matter how much the other party loves you, once the other party knows the fact that you cheated, then you will lose him forever. This is a problem that Chinese men generally cannot accept. They will not lose their dignity Choose love.

Touching these "dead spots" may not necessarily definitely hurt your feelings, but if we can avoid it, we still have to take a detour, and it is better not to take such a risk.No matter how direct and free-spirited your character is, you should try not to touch the things that can be avoided. Only careful management can make love last.

(End of this chapter)

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