Don't be too personal, don't be too impersonal

Chapter 24 Life can also cultivate temperament

Chapter 24 Life can also cultivate temperament (2)
You have to remember that money is dead and people are alive.Whether money can be spent depends on how you spend it.A good financial plan will undoubtedly help you better handle your daily expenses. Being frugal is not stingy. The most obvious difference between being frugal and being stingy is that although being frugal means spending less money, it does not reduce your quality of life, nor does it affect your quality of life. In the relationship with friends, miserliness is the opposite.

For those of us who are new to work, financial management is very important, so we propose the following suggestions for reasonable financial management methods.

1. Reasonably plan your daily consumption.List the basic items that you need to spend in a month on a list, and cross out unnecessary consumption after careful consideration; for those that must be spent, such as buying daily necessities, replace them with lower prices without affecting the quality Products of.

2. Have dinner with friends in a principled manner.It is inevitable for young people to make some friends, and friends have to eat, drink and have fun together, but according to common sense, a group of young people who have just entered the society do not have high incomes, so the expenses for dinners will not be too high.Try to avoid this kind of consumption, because in this way, the money you spend is "inconspicuous" and will not be remembered by people; if you want to spend money "soundingly", you have to spend a lot, but the number of times should be limited, once a month is enough.You can invite a few fewer people at a time, spending money is like selling things, relying on word of mouth, Zhang Xiao is a good example, and spending a big one once in a while is enough to establish a good reputation.

Being frugal is not about being stingy, and it should be even more so with your lover. A person who truly loves you will not let you spend money blindly for her, because she has already regarded you as a family in her heart, and he (she) will only Always advise you to save money.Of course, saving is saving, and romance is always unavoidable for young people. It is enough to save a dollar every day and be romantic once in a while, and it must be "really romantic", just like treating your loyal customers, and you must make customers very satisfied. .

Lisa and Xiaoqing have been in love since they were in college, and it has been four years. After graduation, they work in the same city. They are busy every day, and Lisa feels very tired.

That night, Lisa dragged her exhausted body back home, the room hadn't been lit yet, Xiao Qing would have come back long ago in normal times.Lisa sighed and turned on the light, her eyes suddenly lit up, and saw that the usually dirty room had been cleaned, the room was colorfully pasted with her favorite stickers, and on the table in the middle of the room was Beautiful candlelight dinner, Lisa couldn't believe her eyes.At this time, Xiaoqing hugged her from behind: "My wife, I love you." Lisa was so moved that she shed tears.

Romance is like the three words "I love you". If you say it too many times, you won't feel it. Only a limited and profound few times can the other party remember it in the deepest part of your heart.Frugality should be reasonable, and it can only be frugal with yourself, but not too harsh.

We can be frugal but not stingy, learn to manage money well, master the size of frugality, spend money wisely, and make every penny worthwhile, so that we can live better and get along with friends better .

[-]. Not all lazy people are blessed
In life, do you also envy such people: they have no fixed jobs, spend weekends every day, but they still have tens of millions of assets, they get in and out of luxury cars, and spend a lot of money.You think they live a chic life and live out the true nature of life.And you go out early and return late every day, squeeze the bus desperately, work overtime on weekends, and get a salary of several thousand yuan at the end of the month.For them, you simply envy and hate.You know, if their parents are rich in assets, they have superior IQ and EQ. They wear slippers and shorts to speculate in gold stock futures at home, and their monthly income will also make you dumbfounded.Seeing that they are lazy, but they are more happy and more fun, so you also have the idea of ​​speculating in gold futures.But don’t forget that this requires a high degree of brainpower and money. For those who are neither professionally educated nor have much savings, it is very dangerous to blindly do this.

Think about it, is it the same for you? It’s been like this from junior high school to high school. It’s so easy to have a weekend. When you go home, you cherish it very much. You just want to have fun, watch TV with your legs crossed, and throw away snack bags, melon and fruit peels. Mom Going home to cook, thinking of your hard work at school, she will definitely prepare rich meals to reward you.And you, continue to watch your Korean drama after drinking and eating, completely ignoring your mother sweating profusely in the kitchen cleaning dishes.Occasionally, your mother will get angry and scold you for being too lazy. You don’t know whether you are used to it or really don’t care. You always feel that you are lazy and have lazy blessings. You have parents who love you. This is the greatest blessing that God has given you.But have you ever thought that in the future, after graduating from university, which employer is willing to find a prince and princess back?Which employer does not want its employees to be diligent?Therefore, laziness is not a personality, especially in real life, such a personality is even more undesirable.

There is such a story about a couple who had no children all the year round. When they were middle-aged, they finally had a big fat boy.So they loved and indulged in every possible way, and they hoped that their son would feel that he was the happiest child in the world.The neighbor’s child has already carried a hoe to work on the ground at the request of his parents, but he can play games and eat delicious food at home. The neighbor’s child really envies him and thinks he is the happiest child in the world. He didn't have to pick him up if he tripped him on the ground.Gradually, when he was in his 30s, his living conditions were still the same. The children from the neighbors in the past got married and had children, but he couldn't even get a wife.At this time, no one envied him any more, instead there was endless ridicule.His parents couldn't stand the gossip from the neighbors, so they kicked him out, saying that he wouldn't come back if he couldn't find a job.He squatted outside the house for a day, seeing that his parents had made up his mind, he had no choice but to ask around to find a job.But because he was too lazy to be known everywhere, no one dared to take him in. Under his begging, the cemetery on the outskirts of the city reluctantly accepted him because they couldn't find a night watchman.However, within a week, he escaped home.When the parents asked the reason, he said: "It's so unfair. They all fell asleep, but I always stood up." After reading this story, let's think about whether such a lazy man is really happy?Living in the eyes of others who look down on you every day, this kind of feeling is probably uncomfortable. Do you still think that lazy people have lazy happiness?

Remember, there is no one-and-done thing in this world, let alone something for nothing, just like a perpetual motion machine can never be invented.Those homeless people don't have to go to work, don't have to work in the fields, and don't even have to use their brains too much. They just need to lower their self-esteem, lower their bodies, and kneel with their hands open.Maybe you want to say how lazy they are, yes, they don't have to work by themselves at all.But have you ever thought about it, are they happy?I don’t wear warm clothes in winter, and it’s unbearably hot in summer. When I meet kind-hearted people, I eat enough, and if I don’t meet them, I stare blankly and get abused.In the days when there is no fixed place to live, no food and clothing, no happiness.People can't all be like them, where one person is full and the whole family is not hungry.We are much luckier than them, we have family and friends, they are looking forward to our success, hope our life is safe and happy.Laziness will only make them disappointed and sad. We have no qualifications or capital to be lazy.If people in their twenties still rely on others to earn money to support them, just thinking about it is enough to make people blush.

He met her after work. He liked her for being beautiful, virtuous, and gentle, and she liked his for being handsome, chic, and unrestrained.So the two fell in love, lived together, and were intimate, just like a small family. This kind of life made them feel happy.

But after a long time, she found that his chic and unrestrained style is really not suitable for "living life".He went to work happily every day, and left work happily, but when she asked about his promotion, he always said, why panic, in fact, he didn't like that job, he was too tired, and he didn't let anyone take a break.She persuaded him to change jobs, but it was like this several times in a row. He went to and from get off work, and when he got home, he either fell asleep or played games, without thinking about the long-term at all.She looked at him obsessively playing the game, and couldn't help but shed tears.

Before going to bed at night, she asked him, do you think we are happy?He replied without thinking, happiness.She looked at the ceiling and shed tears again.The next day, when he came home from get off work, he saw that the house was empty, and there was a note on the table: "Honey, I'm sorry, I'm leaving. Although I don't expect you to become rich, I don't want to Seeing that you are so lazy and do not seek to make progress, because this makes me see no hope, goodbye, take care of yourself." He looked at the note and didn't know what to do.

The reason why you have no reason to be a lazy person is that there are people who love you around you who are looking forward to seeing hope and gaining motivation from you.Born in sorrow and died in peace, if you don't think about making progress, you will suffer failure.Individual lazy people are happy because they push their own responsibilities onto others, and someone who is more capable than him and willing to pay for him has assumed these responsibilities for him.And you didn't, what are you making a living out of alone?The purpose is to make yourself a career and be able to take on your own responsibilities. If you want to be a lazy person, why don't you just go home, why do you want to go out?Furthermore, there are many lazy people, how many are really happy?Is it a happy life to eat, drink and have fun every day without worrying about money?Is that kind of life without ideals and goals what you want?If that's the case, you can definitely draw a conclusion for yourself: you are a person who will never be successful and happy, because you have no ideals and pursuits.Even if you become rich, you don't have to do anything every day, you can become lazy, you will not be happy, because you don't know what to do, you are lost.

He is a college graduate, and now he sells vegetables in the vegetable market. He gets up early and stays late every day, earning hard-earned money, but he has no complaints. With his current appearance, it is difficult for anyone to imagine how comfortable his life was back then.

He was born with a golden spoon in his mouth, and his father was a real estate agent. He has never worried about money since he was a child.When he was in college, he went out to parties and dinners with his classmates all day long, drove his own car, spent a lot of money, and lived a carefree life, which attracted the envy of countless classmates.

After graduation, he was still the same as when he was in college. He either went out to play or went home to play games every day. He had no job and never thought about it. He lived a comfortable and enjoyable life. His parents were too busy with work to educate him.However, this kind of life lasted for only three years, and his father's company went bankrupt due to problems and insufficient capital turnover.It wasn't until he got home and the company called that he knew that his parents had both committed suicide by jumping off the building because they couldn't bear the blow.

He couldn't help being stunned, his parents were gone, his house was sold, his car was also sold, his life seemed to fall from heaven to hell all of a sudden.After a few months of ignorance, relatives and friends avoided him like the plague.Fortunately, he realized that he could no longer be depraved, so he found a job as a vegetable seller in the vegetable market and started his real life.

Remember, no lazy person is happy forever.Perhaps, we can live comfortably and enjoy ourselves without doing anything now, but the world is changing, even if we sit at home and speculate in stocks, there are still bear markets and bull markets.So don't be a slob, because not all slobs are happy, nor are they always happy.

[-]. Don't take the weirdness of clothing as "personality"

Look at yourself in the mirror, do you also wear afro hair, and also dyed colorfully? When you appear on the street with such an exaggerated shape, you always succeed in attracting countless eyes, which makes you very happy .So you feel that you should make persistent efforts to be more individual in order to attract more attention.Look at your closet again, do you have clothes like this, with holes and patches everywhere, and studded with diamond rivets.Maybe you think this is fashion, maybe this is the latest look of one of your star idols.But if you are still a student, if you have just started working, this style seems a bit too exaggerated.You know, you don't need to be on camera, and you don't need so many gazes. You don't have that many audiences. Even if you study art or engage in related work, you don't need such a "personality".In the movie "Speak Well", Li Baotian has a line: "Don't take ignorance as your personality!" Here, I tell you the same sentence: "Don't take the weirdness of clothes as your personality."

In today's society, walking on the street, you can often see countless teenagers dressed in red and willow green, which is a kind of personality to some extent.However, this kind of personality can only be used in daily life, not in work.The same clothes will have different effects on different occasions. The real personality is not the weirdness of the clothes. Let's think about it, what kind of mental outlook can the weird clothes reflect?Can it reflect that he is very artistic and talented?Yes, some bosses in this society really like employees with personality, but what they like is employees with personality. They will not think that you have personality because of weird clothes, so they will hire you. On the contrary, they will Think that weird attire will only affect the working atmosphere of the company, so that you will be treated differently.Remember, if you really have a personality, use it in your work, and show your unique talents to be appreciated.

An advertising design company always looks at the works of applicants when recruiting talents. There are two types of employees in this company. One is those who are particularly fascinated by advertising design. Salary, every advertisement received by the company, strives to be perfect; the other is individual talents, they do not follow the rules, and think that several major elements of advertisement design constrain them, and their works are distinctive and abstract. Strong sex, giving people a deep impression and strong visual stimulation.At a talent recruitment meeting held by the company, there were two people applying for the job. They happened to belong to two types of employees. After the works of two people, he pointed to the very abstract work and said that he wanted this person.

People with personality often have amazing talents, but the real personality is not the weirdness of the clothes.If you go to this advertising company for an interview, and you wear a weird costume to face the interviewer, the interviewer will not regard you as a manifestation of your personality, but will only think that you are immature.Never regard weird clothing as "personality". You can dress casually in your spare time, but you should abandon your personality and seek commonality during working hours. Only outstanding ability and uniqueness are personality, which can be appreciated by your boss you.Showing your personality in weird clothing is definitely wrong, and if you do that, you'll be in trouble at work.

Shuang Jiang is a college student who just graduated and works in an advertising design company.He studied advertising design in college. When he was in school, art and design students were regarded as "geeks". They dressed strangely, had strange hairstyles, and even dressed men in women's clothing. Shuangjiang is a good example.He was used to jeans and boots at school, and his hair was permed and dyed yellow.In order to make a good impression on the boss, he deliberately cut his hair, changed his clothes a little more solemnly, and changed his shoes. After feeling "big different" from before, Shuangjiang went to work with confidence. went.

(End of this chapter)

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