Don't be too personal, don't be too impersonal

Chapter 26 Life can also cultivate temperament

Chapter 26 Life can also cultivate temperament (4)
After a period of time, Xiao Min found that there were indeed more classmates who cared about her, but their eyes always had a kind of doubt. Even Xiao Min felt very tired. Without exercise, her life seemed to lose motivation. I had a sluggish day.So, Xiao Min confided the reason for her change to a boy she was close to, and the boy said to her: "Xiao Min, in fact, you don't need to imitate Yaoyao, because your personalities are fundamentally different, you have your own personality, As long as you cultivate it well, it will definitely become your own unique temperament.” After a period of thinking, Xiao Min returned to her favorite sports, badminton, table tennis, basketball, tennis, track and field, and she played in the school’s autumn sports meeting. The outstanding performance has won the applause of countless students.

Xiao Min now undoubtedly has a unique charm, her dignified and generous walk gives people a kind of sunny beauty.Xiao Min finally discovered that she can be so charming.

Just like learning, when cultivating your own temperament, you must be good at summarizing, combine your own personality, and cultivate your own unique temperament.When cultivating your own temperament, you may wish to add some other elements appropriately, such as a suitable perfume.

Perfume can enhance a person's charm, everyone should have their own perfume.A suitable bottle of perfume can not only increase your charm, but also make your daily mood more pleasant and make your life more artistic.Under normal circumstances, it is the simplest principle to use light perfume during the day and stronger perfume at night.Various fragrances have different effects on stimulating your body, so choosing fragrances according to your physical condition can play a fitness role.

Only by cultivating our own unique temperament can we better enjoy an elegant life, and only with our own unique temperament can we be more attractive.Believe in yourself, you can succeed and become more charming.

[-]. You are past the age of faking depression
Young people don't know what it means to be sad, so they forcefully express their sorrow in order to write new words.Pretending to be depressed is also something that young people often do, and many people have really formed a depressed personality because of this.Did you also do the same thing in the past, learning that the ancients used wine as a song on campus and pretended to be depressed.Experience the boldness of the ancients' inscriptions after drinking, and you feel that you really feel the taste of sadness.At that time, you wrote thousands of words for sorrow.Nietzsche said that a poet writes poetry like a hen laying eggs, all because of pain.The faint melancholy taste in your article touches the heartstrings of readers, even though your readers are not many.In this way, you seem to have really become depressed. There are countless people of the opposite sex who like the slightly sad eyes in your eyes.Later, you are working and getting married, but you are still depressed. At this time, you can no longer tell whether you are really depressed or just pretending to be depressed.Friends around you, friends who were attracted to your depression before, are now gradually alienating you.Have you ever thought that this is not because they have entered the society and there has been a big change, but that your depression has left nothing but annoyance to them today.

However, you are not a literati, let alone a young man who casually attracts the attention of the opposite sex.May I ask, who would be immersed in sorrow all day long?Maybe you once pretended to be depressed in order to attract girls' attention, maybe you are still proud of your original charm.However, times have changed and things are different now. You have stepped into the society and started your own life, and you have your own friends. Pretending to be depressed is no longer suitable for you. You have passed the age of pretending to be depressed.

Now, since we have entered the society, let us calm down, put ourselves into real life, and stop acting depressed. Doing so will only make others feel that we are hypocritical and artificial.Now everyone likes sunny people. Only by being enthusiastic and cheerful can they be loved by more people and make more friends.We have passed the age of pretending to be depressed. We should make friends who are warm and cheerful who can bring us a good temperament, and at the same time use our cheerfulness to bring happiness to others.Long-term depression will not only bring unhappiness to friends, but also make friends afraid to contact you when they see you who are depressed all day long. The relationship between friends will gradually fade until it disappears, and it will also make your significant other feel Depression, affecting the relationship between you.

Yang Wei and Sha Sha are lovers who fell in love in college.Yang Wei had a crush on Sasha when he was in college, but the relationship between the two was limited to friendship. After communicating with the "love master", Yang Wei successfully attracted Sasha's attention by pretending to be depressed.At the beginning, Sasha also paid attention to Yang Wei because of the slight depression in his eyes, and then fell in love with him.

After the two graduated and worked, Yang Wei was still depressed and unhappy all day long, and he rarely showed a happy smile when he was with Sasha, which made Sasha feel very uncomfortable.Although Sasha thought that Yang Wei, who had a gloomy look in his eyes, was cool at the beginning, Yang Wei still seldom joked with her after the two had been together for so many years, which made Sasha doubt her position in Yang Wei's heart, and Yang Wei Wei's behavior made her feel very depressed with him, so the conversation between the two became less and less, and the relationship gradually faded.

Yang Wei obviously felt the change of Sasha, so when he was sleeping at night, Yang Wei asked Sasha why she didn't talk much during this time. When Sasha told the truth, Yang Wei felt strange and hesitated for a moment, then Yang Wei said: "Sasha, it's actually nothing. Sorrow, your position in my heart is still very important, I just got used to it, and I can’t change it for a while, so don’t take it to heart.” In fact, Yang Wei was sweating secretly in his heart, he didn’t expect to make himself look cool Pretending to be depressed will cause such consequences. After thinking about it carefully, Yang Wei sighed. It seems that it takes time to pretend to be depressed, and he has passed the age of pretending to be depressed.

Pretending to be depressed may give you a cool appearance and make you more attractive to others, but, just like a commodity, the value of anything is different at different times.In work or in love, pretending to be depressed is no longer suitable for you. If you continue to pretend, it will only make your partner feel very depressed like Yang Wei, thinking that you don't care about him anymore.

Different days should have different lives, and now you have entered a real life like most people.Every day, you need to think about your family, your lover, and maybe worry about daily necessities.Now you should have your own business and work hard for your own business, instead of pretending to be depressed and attractive.Blindly pretending to be depressed and attractive will only waste more time.The time for fantasy is over, you should learn to live realistically, fantasy will only waste more time.When facing friends, try to contact them with a cheerful attitude. Only those who can bring happiness to friends will have long-lasting friendships.

Yu Hua has been working for four years. Since he doesn't like to talk, he has developed the habit of pretending to be depressed.When he usually gathers with friends, his eyes are always full of depression. When his friends see that he is not happy, they seldom talk to him. This also saves him a lot of entertainment, so Yu Hua has made it a habit to pretend to be depressed.

Friends who are close to him are worried that he has something unhappy to hide from everyone, but when asked him, he always says no.After a long time, my friends didn't ask much. They thought he was busy, so they seldom contacted him.Gradually, the relationship between Yu Hua and his friends weakened. Even if Yu Hua took the initiative to meet with friends, few people would agree, because all his friends felt that being with Yu Hua was very depressed and could not be happy.

Immediately afterwards, Yu Hua's work was also affected. He had four years of management experience and applied for a company with a higher salary.However, the general manager dismissed him after working in this company for less than half a year.He didn't understand why, and the general manager said to him: "I don't know why you always look unhappy, but one thing is clear: emotions can infect others. If you are unhappy all day long, employees will also be unhappy." I don’t dare to be happy anymore, I don’t believe that unhappy employees can work well.” Yu Hua left the company in a daze, he didn’t understand what was wrong with him, was he unhappy?I am very happy!

What Yu Hua couldn't figure out was that emotions can infect others. Although his heart is happy, he always pretends to be depressed and regards it as a capital for refusing to socialize, thus losing both friends and jobs .

Remember, we have all passed the age of pretending to be depressed. What we should do every day is to be a happy person, work happily, and pass on our happiness to every friend and colleague around us.

[-]. Count your money enough to spend

Touch your wallet, do you know how much money is in it now?Don't make excuses that you are not sensitive to numbers.At the end of the month, you can only remember how much money you have left. "People don't flirt in vain", you are also in your prime, and you don't have enough fun, but is this the personality of young people?If you spend your spare time shopping, karaoke, buying everything you want with your money, and never wanting to wrong yourself, you don’t even look at the price tag when you buy things, as long as you close your eyes, read this Just swiping the salary card without thinking.Then it seems that your money is always not enough to spend, you open a credit card to overdraft, and after you get your salary, you tear down the east wall to make up for the west wall, almost like this for several months in a row.If you look at your friends, close friends and colleagues, they are not "rich second generation". However, their money seems to never run out.Only then did you remember that you didn’t need to buy this one, and it seemed like you didn’t have to slap your face to invite that customer. You think it’s time to manage your money.

There will always be people in this world who don't have enough money to spend.Both the poor and the rich live well in this world, but their living standards are different. You must firmly believe that there will never be enough money to spend. If you feel that you don’t have enough money, then change your way of spending money and think about life. How do the poor in rural areas live, correct their own consumption views, and give themselves a suitable way to save money.In your money-saving plan, might as well try the following methods.

1. Don't use credit cards.When you use a credit card to shop, you will spend a lot of money, because you can’t see the flow of cash, and you don’t have a sense of actual touch, so you won’t feel too distressed, but when you use cash, you will feel that the money is flowing away from your hands. Think of how hard it is for you to make money, so that when you spend money, you will try to save as much as possible.

2. There is no need to buy famous brands.Famous brands are exclusive products for the rich, and it is better for ordinary people to be more practical.In fact, from an objective perspective, the difference between a famous brand and a non-famous brand lies in the influence of the brand. It is not the item that is expensive, but the brand.So if you don't have enough money to spend, then consider it practically, don't talk about brands, let alone compare with others.

3. Don't shop with friends.Shopping with friends, you're going to buy generously because "you're going to spend more to look good in front of other people".

4. Don't believe the specials.A special sale is all about giving you the feeling that you're getting a bargain, because then you buy more than you need, and you buy something you don't really need.

It is a wiser and safer way to know that contentment is the only way to be happy forever.When you think about it, half the people in the world live on less than a dollar a day, yet they do well, and most of them live happily.We don't need to worry about pursuing what we can't get, as the Buddha said, "The reason why people suffer is because they pursue the wrong things."

For those of you who have just started working, because you are new to the workplace and do not understand all aspects, your income will definitely be low for a long time, but there are many places to spend money, such as buying various daily necessities and socializing. Wait, money is definitely not enough to spend. At this time, financial management will become particularly important.

It doesn't matter if you don't have enough money to spend. For you who just started working, this is normal. The key is how to get rid of this difficulty.I believe you should also understand the truth that money will depreciate even if it is not spent.Therefore, money begets money is the most important thing, don't be afraid to use it because you are stingy with your money.If you always think that money is still safe in your hands, then you are wrong.Because the money in your hand is like an ice cube in your pocket. Although it feels cool, it will gradually decrease, because even if you don't use it, there are external factors affecting it.Remember, you have to learn to make money beget money.How can I keep my money from depreciating and increasing in value?This calls for the right approach to managing your finances, and here are some tips to help you manage your finances.

1. To raise financial awareness.For you who are new to work, you probably don’t have much in-depth understanding of financial management, and you often think that financial management is something that happens after you have money.In fact, financial management is very important at any time, no matter whether you are rich or not.In essence, the goal of financial management is to allow you to achieve wealth growth, which has no necessary connection with the amount of wealth.As a fresh graduate, you should try your best to understand various financial management methods. You should have a certain understanding of savings, national debt, stock market, insurance, funds, gold, etc., and you should get familiar with the operation of the stock market and funds as soon as possible.For this knowledge, you can go to the bookstore to buy one or two books or consult the latest information on the Internet to build your own financial knowledge network.

2. Learn to distribute your income reasonably.When I first started working, my salary was not much, so I had to spend money frugally. Just like time management, making a list may save a lot of consumption.First, take a piece of paper and list the items you will spend in the near future, and then carefully consider each item, whether this expenditure is necessary or not, and whether it has to be spent?Try to avoid unnecessary expenses, and then calculate the necessary expenses for this month, so that you can budget your own expenses, and then you can know your free consumption money.Don't spend the rest of the money in a concentrated way. After leaving enough emergency money, you can invest the rest.

3. Learn to make appropriate investments.Remember, your funds are limited, so don’t invest blindly. Whether it’s stocks or gold, there are risks. You must observe for a long time before investing, and invest after you fully understand the market conditions.At the beginning, you can invest a small amount, practice your hands, and then invest a large amount after you are proficient and confident.

4. Learn to make full use of various financial products.Various wealth management products are emerging in an endless stream. Reasonable use of various wealth management products can save you a lot of trouble for your own wealth management. For example, there are many wealth management software. Save a lot of money.

Learning financial management methods when you are in the society will bring you endless benefits in the future.Great wealth lies in the sky, and moderate wealth lies in people. As long as we persist in managing money, we will definitely be able to live a happy life!Don't be afraid that you don't have enough money to spend, and use it as much as possible. Money making money is the best way to manage money.Is it enough to count your money?If you can't maintain your basic life, you should be more frugal. If you can maintain your basic life, try to manage your money reasonably.

(End of this chapter)

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