Chapter 18 Hard and soft (6)
One day Secretary of War Stanton came to Lincoln and said angrily that a major general had accused him of favoritism with insulting words.Lincoln suggested that Stanton write a scathing letter back to the guy.

"You can give him a good beating," Lincoln said.

Stanton immediately wrote a strongly worded letter and showed it to the president.

"That's right, that's right." Lincoln exclaimed, "That's what I want! Give him a good meal. It's really amazing, Stanton."

But when Stanton folded the letter into an envelope, Lincoln stopped him and asked, "What are you doing?"

"Send it." Stanton was a little confused.

"Don't mess around," Lincoln said loudly. "This letter can't be sent. Throw it in the stove. I do this with any letter I write when I'm angry. It's a well-written letter, and when you wrote it you already I'm relieved, I feel better now, so please burn it and write a second letter."

Lincoln's approach is admirable.Impulsiveness and swearing will not solve the problem, it will only make it worse.Control your emotions, keep your heart calm, and treat people magnanimously, but you can achieve good results.

Nearly "stupid" people

Original text
Fu ① does not mate ②, jumps ③ and does not raise ④, almost "stupid".

① Fu: Emotional calm. ②Kang: Tall, extended to emotional excitement. ③ Jump: Emotional. ④ Yang: high.

When they are calm, they don't have any publicity, and when they are excited, they can't be high-spirited and strong. This kind of person is too feminine, and his temperament is close to "stupid".

"Fu jump" refers to the change of mood.The state of emotional excitement is called "jumping", and the state of emotional calm is called "volt".When emotions change drastically, people often do some things that are beyond common sense.Therefore, when you are angry, don't make rash decisions, especially leaders.

Observing people according to their emotional changes is a method, but it seems difficult to use it as an independent method. It is best to find more evidence to avoid mistakes.However, for "nearly stupid" people, this method can be used alone.

People who are close to "stupid" will not be agitated when they are calm, which is the so-called "neither volt nor hyperactivity". This is a normal phenomenon.But when the emotions should be excited, they should not be excited and high-spirited, giving people a look of stagnant water, which is the so-called "jumping and not raising", which is contrary to human nature.This situation may be a deliberate cover-up, or it may be "nearly stupid".

If a person's personality is so gentle that there is no blood, and he can't get anxious or excited, and he is rarely elated, and he is never angry, he is almost "unwise".Because such a temperament is not only a manifestation of lack of decisiveness, but also a lack of self-improvement spirit. It is easy to miss good opportunities due to indecision, and disappoint people because of lack of principles.Such a person is not a useful talent, nor a friend to make, nor a person to trust.

The stupid people who lack passion mentioned in "Bingjian" are actually mediocrity in reality.A mediocre person is someone who has no ability to cause trouble for others, but it will not create any benefits.

Utilize the world
Deliberately concealing is actually human nature. Deliberately concealing is not that you will not be excited, but deliberately pretending not to be excited, and the clever ones can't be seen by others.This kind of thing has happened a lot in history.

In the Jin Dynasty more than 1600 years ago, a famous war broke out in which the less won the more - the Battle of Feishui.The Eastern Jin Dynasty defeated the 8 army of the former Qin Dynasty, which was known as a million-strong army, with 80 horses.

In the winter of 383 A.D., the cold wind howled, the earth whimpered, and the capital of the Eastern Jin Dynasty was in panic.Fu Jian, the leader of the former Qin Dynasty, was unprecedentedly powerful by virtue of the vast world after he unified the north.The minorities in the north also surrendered to him.At this time, Fu Jian claimed to have millions of soldiers and thousands of generals.So Fu Jian sent millions of troops to attack the Eastern Jin Dynasty, trying to wipe out Jiangnan.The emperor of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, Jin Xiaowu Emperor Sima Yao, urgently recruited the prime minister Xie An into the palace to discuss the plan to defend against the enemy.Xie An calmly said: "Fu Jian's army is empty behind the army, the battle line is too long, the troops are scattered, it is difficult to supply the military supplies, food and grass, and the internal division is not united.The minister had already moved the scattered people from Huaibei to Huainan, and cut off their supply by strengthening the walls and clearing the fields, making it difficult for them to gain a foothold.Emperor Xiaowu of Jin was overjoyed and ordered him to command 8 horses to fight against the Qin army.

Xie An continued to play chess, play the piano, drink wine, and write poems as before when the army was overwhelming the border, and kept silent about the war.The leading general Xie Xuan was his nephew, seeing his uncle like this, he couldn't help feeling extremely anxious, and hurried to Xie An's tent to ask his uncle's plan to defeat the enemy.Xie An just casually said "Let's talk about it later" and didn't say anything.Xie Xuan didn't dare to ask again, but when he returned, he felt restless and couldn't let go, so he went to visit Xie An again with the governor Xie Shi (Xie An's younger brother) and Fuguo General Xie Yan (Xie An's son).

When the three of them entered the mansion, Xie An knew that the three of them were here for a big war.However, Xie An kept silent about defending against the enemy.He was calm and calm, as if nothing was wrong, he ordered his family and his concubine Ji to go to Dongshan Villa to tour the mountains and rivers together.In the mountains and forests, a chess board was set up beside the stream. Xie An played chess with his brothers and nephews in turn, and started a wheel war.The other three were secretly anxious, but they didn't dare to ask.Xie An was not in a hurry, he played chess like clouds and flowing water, he played freely and easily.As for Xie Shi, Xie Yan and Xie Xuan, all of them were preoccupied and uneasy, thinking about the war in their hearts, they played inconsistently, they either made foolish moves or missed moves, they all lost.It wasn't until sunset that Xie An returned home with all his heart.

The three of them were deeply influenced by Xie An, knowing that Xie Anding had a plan in mind, so after returning, they each performed their duties and trained their own soldiers.The army and the people are waiting in full battle.

After the former Qin soldiers attacked Shouyang City, Xie Xuan ordered 5 troops to garrison Luojian.After Fu Rong, the chief general of the Qin Army, got the news that the Jin soldiers were short of food, he immediately asked Fu Jian to send troops quickly to prevent the Jin army from retreating.When Fu Jian got the news, he immediately left the army in Xiangcheng, Henan, led eight thousand Qingqi himself, and rode to Shouyang in the starry night.When Xie Shi, the chief governor, and Xie Xuan, the vanguard governor, learned that the Qin army's horses were not ready, Xie Xuan immediately ordered five thousand elite soldiers to attack Luojian, smashing the enemy army, killing 5000 enemies, and winning a complete victory.With the great victory in Luojian, Xie Shi ordered the whole army to advance by land and water, and the [-] elite soldiers were powerful.The defeat of the Qin army was frightening, and Fu Jian in Shouyang City panicked. He saw the Jin army everywhere. Looking at the vegetation on Bagong Mountain, they all looked like Jin soldiers.This is the origin of the idiom "every plant is a soldier".Then in the decisive battle between the two armies in Feishui, the Jin army completely defeated the Qin army and won a decisive victory in the battle of Feishui.

When the news reached Xie An, he was playing chess with guests, and his family sent Xie Shi and Xie Xuan's handwritten letter. He glanced at it, and then he knew it. He casually put the letter beside him, as if nothing happened. , continue playing chess.The guest asked what was in the letter, and Xie An replied nonchalantly: "The nephews and nephews have already defeated the enemy." On the threshold, the teeth of the clogs were broken!

During the war, the story of Xie An playing chess as before has always been a good story, which can be said to be known to all women and children.However, Xie An's elegant calmness and lightness before and after the war are the deliberate cover-up of his profound and long-term political intentions.

Those who are close to "stupid" do not react strongly to various things they encounter, lack high-spirited fighting spirit, and behave in a weak way. The standard of right and wrong.This is what Zeng Guofan called "stupid".But if this is what Zeng Guofan meant, it is not necessarily correct.The "stupidity" of "rarely confused" is also pursued by Zeng Guofan. "Rarely confused" is a kind of self-cultivation character that the ancients were willing to advocate. "The strategy of retreating into advance cannot be synonymous with the "stupid" in the last stream of mortals.

In order to recognize real talents, we need to recruit people from the following aspects:
First, know people's nature and know their advantages and disadvantages.

Disposition, that is, a person's innate character traits, or nature.Everyone's disposition will have a profound impact on his success, because disposition is a kind of thing that exists in the mind of a person all the time and does not depend on the will. Whenever people are engaged in any work, they will not Consciously influence people's behavior.Therefore, for people with different dispositions, we should consider the various factors in their dispositions before appointing them, and we cannot ignore them. For example, a person originally has a little ability to discern, and is more accurate in seeing problems, but is naturally timid and indecisive. , It won't be a big deal.

When Zeng Guofan was recruiting the Hunan Army for the first time, he sat at the recruitment office every day. When he saw countrymen with dark legs and feet who were not good at talking, he kept saying "yes, yes" to indicate that he could be selected; For those who like to talk, "呵, 嗡" twice, indicating that they cannot be selected.Therefore, almost all the soldiers of the Hunan Army were farmers with dark legs and feet.These simple peasants are able to bear hardships and stand hard work, but also are very loyal and brave. When they go to the battlefield, their fathers die and their children continue.Zeng Guofan has his own conditions for recruiting soldiers: young and strong, simple and farmer-like; those who are oily and floury, have the spirit of the market, and those who have the spirit of the yamen will not be accepted.This is because different environments have different effects on people's dispositions. The people in the remote mountains are more aggressive, the people in the water villages are more frivolous, the cities are more lazy, and the villages are more simple. Therefore, those who are good at using soldiers are often useful A soldier in a mountain village is not good for a person in a city near water.

It can be seen from this that Zeng Guofan's method of identifying nature is indeed very special.

Second, know people and argue to know their talents and learning.

During the Song Dynasty, the anti-gold general Zong Ze once said to the fledgling Yue Fei: "Your bravery and resourcefulness, martial arts and talent, even good generals in ancient times cannot surpass them, but only good at field combat is not a perfect solution." Zong Ze loves Yue Fei very much. Talent, therefore, is intentionally cultivated so that it can understand and be proficient in more combat methods.He gave Yue Fei a battle formation map.After Yue Fei took the formation map and looked at it carefully, he said to Zong Ze: "The ancient and modern times are different, and the flat land and the mountain are different. How can we use troops according to a certain formation map?" Isn't it useless?" Yue Fei replied: "It is the routine of military strategists to form an array and then fight, but it is clever to use it with one heart." Zong Ze listened to Yue Fei's discussion, and he admired Yue Fei very much, thinking that Yue Fei was a very good soldier. Amazing talent.Facts also proved that Zong Ze's judgment was correct.

People who are close to "rape"

Original text
The first thought is very shallow, but the second thought is very deep, close to "rape".A traitor can expect great fame.

When encountering things, at the beginning, thinking seems superficial.But he frowned, and thought very deeply and meticulously. This kind of person has both masculine and feminine qualities, and his temperament is close to "treacherous".Those who belong to the traitor of inner hiding are always soft on the outside and strong on the inside, able to advance and retreat, bend and stretch, and will surely achieve a career and fame in the future.

"Rough" people can be called excessive masculinity, that is, excessive anger;As far as the city government is concerned, it is natural that the combination of hardness and softness is the best.However, in the combination of hardness and softness, there is another kind of person that needs attention.That is what Zeng Guofan called "near adulterers".

What is an adulterer?The first thought is very shallow, but the second thought is very deep.That is to say, someone who is calm on the surface and keeps calculating in his heart.The so-called "depth" refers to people's scheming or city government.As the old saying goes, there are straight trees in the mountains, but there are no straight people in the world.The reason why people are scheming and powerful is not born, but "learned" in society.A young man's heart is as clear as water, full of enthusiasm for everything, ideals, ambitions, full of youthful vitality, taking the world's affairs as his own responsibility, often thinking that there is nothing in the world that cannot be done, and has the ambition of righteousness and sky.Because their social experience is very shallow, they are often open-minded and straightforward, and they can be said to be fearless.But after entering middle age, I see a lot of things, bump into a lot of obstacles, I can hide what I see in my heart, I always think twice before doing things, plan to move, not reckless, not careless, quiet, calm Qi, tolerating things, the scheming city is getting wider and deeper, far from being reckless and careless like in the early years.Sometimes they hide their secrets, step by step, even intrigue, and add insult to injury, so they often achieve success and become famous day by day.This is the process of gradually becoming "rape".

People who are "nearly raped" are not impressed when they first come into contact with things, they don't think carefully, they don't take things seriously, they don't care about them, they touch a heartstring, and they don't react strongly.But in the midst of a change of mind, the more I think about it, the more I feel that it is inappropriate, but I don't want to break my promise, so I deliberately reverse the process in the process of implementing the agreement.This kind of thinking is characterized by "treacherous" elements.People with deep scheming often have this kind of thinking characteristic when they encounter problems.They didn't think deeply at the beginning, and then reorganized the problems that they didn't think about and thought through when they first came into contact. They might have new discoveries, or they might be shocked suddenly, and they saw serious things that they had never seen before. as a result of.Such people are called "internal traitors". It is not easy to be discovered in the depths of the city, and even after the fact, people may not be able to find out where they are secretly working hard.Those who are close to "traitors" are not very talented, because they don't know much about them, but they are persistent and persistent, overcome difficulties, and may later achieve greater achievements than those smart people.

Some people commented on Zhuge Liang, Zhou Yu and Cao Cao in the Three Kingdoms era, saying that "Zhuge Liang is a prophet of the future", "Zhou Yu knows it at first sight", and "Cao Cao knows it later".Probably Cao Cao is the near "traitor" described by Zeng Guofan!For anyone who can become a master, intelligence is an indispensable factor, but perseverance and perseverance are also indispensable.Zeng Guofan is holding the key of perseverance and persistence to identify and judge characters.

A traitor can expect great fame. The "insider" refers to the kind of person who thinks deeply.People who think deeply in their hearts think over and over again about a problem, and outsiders can only imagine the extent of their inner thinking, but cannot experience it for themselves.Why is this kind of person "fame and fame"?

Because they are very stubborn, resilient, persevering, and hardworking, such people will surely succeed.That's why the early bird catches the worm.The stupid bird flies first, which is undoubtedly a great consolation and an excellent example for those who are not intelligent enough and try their best to make progress.The reason why such a person with a city government can succeed is because they do things impeccably.If they don't have evil intentions, but can calmly face their mistakes in their initial judgment, and don't change into bad intentions later, and can still admit their shortcomings even when others see through their good intentions, then they are also worthy of being heroes. , in the end it all works out.Zeng Guofan cherishes talents very much, so he will not kill capable and scheming people with a stick, but will support and appoint them reasonably.Because some personalities are indeed caused by nature, and often the parties have self-knowledge and it is difficult to correct them, so as long as they do not harm the fundamentals of good and evil.

It should be clearly pointed out that the "treacherous" in Zeng Guofan's works does not mean "treacherous" or "treacherous evil", but refers to being good at maneuvering and changing things, thinking twice when encountering problems. The "treacherous" are just because of this trick, they can play by ear and make great achievements.The ups and downs of success and failure in history are nothing like this.

Utilize the world
When some people do things, they seem vigorous on the surface. However, most of these people "speak louder than rain", "speak better than sing", and they just don't see the efficiency of doing things.There is also a class of people who seldom "show off their mountains and dews" on weekdays. They look very inconspicuous on the surface, but they can complete things silently in secret without any publicity. This is the so-called "traitor" in "Bing Jian". ".

Before Emperor Yongzheng, the prime ministers of all dynasties governed the six ministries, and the power of the prime ministers was too heavy, which affected the authority of the emperor to a certain extent.It is of course very good if a king has the skills to control the overall situation and make the prime minister work for me.However, if the prime minister acts beyond his authority, it is easy to cause estrangement and disagreement with the emperor and ministers over time, and it is easy to cause troubles and troubles for the country.The list goes on and on.Therefore, those clever emperors created their own set of ways to weaken the power of the prime minister.

At the beginning of Yongzheng's ascension to the throne, although he was in charge of the highest power in the country, all major military affairs had to be discussed collectively, and finally the emperor announced their implementation.The power of the emperor was restricted, and he could not do whatever he wanted and act on his own.In order to strengthen the imperial power, Yongzheng set up the military aircraft department, the emperor ruled the military aircraft department, and the military aircraft department ruled the officials.As a result, Yongzheng pushed himself to the top of the pyramid of power.

The Military Aircraft Department also has a function, which is to act as the secretary of the supreme ruler, similar to the intelligence bureau, with strong confidentiality.The origin of the Military Aircraft Department was created in June of the seventh year of Yongzheng (1729) when the Qing government quelled the Junggar rebellion.Yongzheng secretly authorized four ministers to lead the affairs related to military supplies, and strictly guarded military secrets such as military reports and military pay, so that this organization was not well known to the outside world for the next two years, maintaining efficient operation of the work and the final victory of the battle.

Yongzheng managed the Military Aircraft Department very closely.He also had very strict requirements on the military and political ministers, requiring them to keep in touch with him at all times and stay in the nearest place to the emperor so that they could be called into the palace at any time to deal with emergencies.The Military Aircraft Department will also change constantly with the emperor's actions like a moving tent.Wherever the emperor went, the "Military Aircraft Department" was set up, similar to our current on-site office.The Military Aircraft Department pays attention to Yongzheng's views on work and officials, so as to observe the words and deeds, and select talents while eliminating the false and preserving the true.

The second major feature of Yongzheng is the strict management of the seals of the Military Aircraft Department.The seal is the symbol and symbol of the organization, and it is the amulet and pass for going out to do business.The seal of the Military Aircraft Department is cast by the Ministry of Rites, and it is hidden in a place other than the Military Aircraft Department, and a special person is assigned to manage it.When the seal is needed, the emperor must be reported for approval, and then the minister of military aircraft can open the seal with a card and use it under the supervision of everyone, so as to play a restrictive role.

(End of this chapter)

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