Chapter 19 Hard and soft (7)
The establishment of the "Military Aircraft Department" had unexpected effects.In the past, every matter or related memorial had to go through the turnover of various departments before it could be delivered to the emperor.Among them, bad official habits such as wrangling, buck-passing, and procrastination made the work efficiency extremely low, and the confidentiality was poor, so the emperor's intentions could not be carried through from beginning to end.Since the establishment of the Military Aircraft Department, the Minister of Military Aircraft has been activated to get rid of the arbitrariness of the bureaucracy, so that Yongzheng's will can reach every functional organization unimpeded, thus firmly controlling the power of the country in his own hands.

The establishment of the "Military Aircraft Department" pushed Yongzheng, who "has the power of life and death, to control himself" to the peak of feudal autocratic power. Because the "Military Aircraft Department" carried out its work under the direct supervision of the emperor, it was always cautious, self-aware, self-disciplined, and law-abiding, creating a clean and honest officialdom image. The establishment of the "Military Aircraft Office" ensured the smooth implementation of centralization, which to some extent had positive social significance.

No matter in the records of official history or unofficial history, Yongzheng is an emperor who likes to act in secret, but this is also the aspect of his brilliance and wisdom. His rule laid a certain foundation for the emergence of Qianlong's prosperity.

Whether it is a person or a business, if you want to achieve the greatest success, first of all, don't over-expose your intentions and abilities.Only in this way, there will be no many artificial obstacles and constraints in doing things, and the effect of getting twice the result with half the effort will appear in doing things; on the contrary, we will encounter many unexpected artificial obstructions from procedures, and things will be done very quickly. It's hard to succeed.

Many people don't like to communicate when they encounter problems, and they are often very emotional.And life is about effective communication.Communication, ultimately emphasizes a spirit of flexibility, the purpose is to find a good way to solve things.

A monk lived in a small temple in the mountains. One night when he was meditating, a thief came in.When the thief saw it, hey, there was a man sitting in meditation here, motionless, as if he had fallen asleep.So, the thief slowly approached the statue of Bodhisattva, took the money from under the altar, and was about to turn around to go out, when the monk suddenly called out "stop", and the thief was startled.The monk who practiced Zen said, "You took the money from the Buddha just now, and you are leaving without saying thank you?" The thief hurriedly thanked the Buddha.Not long after, the thief was caught committing another crime elsewhere, and confessed that he had also stolen money from the temple.The police brought him to the temple to confront him, and the monk said, "He came to get some money, but it wasn't stealing, because he thanked the Buddha." The thief was moved by the monk's tolerance, so he became a monk with him and became a monk. A very good practitioner.

The rigid way of the police to punish the thief according to the law and the way of the monk to influence the thief with tolerance are both right, but obviously the way of the monk can make the thief take the initiative to abandon evil and do good from the heart.Therefore, when encountering problems, finding a more reasonable and reasonable way is a flexible and ingenious way of dealing with things.

workplace utilization
From a modern point of view, resilience is a matter of a person's quality, and it is also a very important criterion for evaluating the ability to handle affairs in modern society.

Human thinking is jumping, not static.Therefore, it is a very wise practice to be flexible when doing things in a timely manner.Give up meaningless stubbornness, such a person can get things done better.Although persistence is a good character and a commendable thing, in some things, excessive persistence will become a kind of blindness, which will lead to a huge waste of energy and resources.

At some point, being too attached is a burden.A witty person can flexibly use all the things he knows, and can also skillfully use the things he does not understand.Being able to handle the things that should be done well within the right time is not only a manifestation of wit, but also an expression of art in handling things.

"Change leads to success, and generality leads to long-term." Xiao Liu, who has worked hard in the marketing industry for 6 years, has a deep understanding and feeling for this philosophical statement.

Xiao Liu was born in a remote mountain village in Henan, and his family was poor since he was a child.After graduating from university, eager to get rid of the status quo, he joined the marketing team of a food company.

Time flies, and 5 years have passed in a blink of an eye.Some of the colleagues who came together have been promoted to business supervisors, and some have served as regional managers, but he is still standing still, continuing to be his business representative.With age and experience, he became more and more confused and lost.First of all, the inferiority complex buried in his bones makes it difficult for him to start his work, and he is sensitive and suspicious of everything, so that colleagues around him often "stay away" from him; secondly, because of his taciturn personality, He is not good at communication, making others mistakenly think that he is "pretentious" and "self-admired", and dissociates from the team; finally, what is more terrible is that he has worked in the company for 5 years, because of the repetition and monotony of the business. Tired, no longer passionate, so negative at work, full of complaints, and even inert to work.All this makes the company leaders feel that he is an "old fritter" in the team, with little training value, and even loses confidence in him, and wants to "eliminate" him at the right time.

What prompted Xiao Liu to make up his mind to bid farewell to his past was the book "Who Moved My Cheese" he read.In the fable, the little mouse "Heng Hem" is content with old-fashioned ways, misses the cheese he owned in the past, and is depressed in constant complaints to the heavens, while "Haw" bravely breaks through the shackles of his thoughts, puts on the running shoes that have not been used for a long time, and enters the Maze, finally find more and better cheese.This story is not complicated, but it has great stimulation and influence on Xiao Liu.He feels like the little mouse "Hum" in the fable: obstinate, resentful, not enterprising, and content with the status quo.Yes, he should change himself, he should be the "chirp" in the book, bid farewell to the past, no longer nostalgic, but reshape a brand new self.

The first thing Xiao Liu has to do is to regain his previous work confidence.Because mentality is the key to everything.In order to achieve this goal, Xiao Liu gave up rest time such as Sundays and holidays, and signed up for various professional trainings.Starting from basic marketing knowledge, he successively learned marketing 4P and 4C theories as well as relatively trendy experiential marketing and integrated marketing.In particular, he invested in an outreach training, and its refreshing content and activities allowed him to regain a confident self.Therefore, before going to work every morning, he would face himself in the mirror and shout "I am the best, I am the best, I will succeed, I will succeed", so as to make his day full of confidence .

Changing his bad habits is Xiao Liu's biggest resistance to his "revolution".In order to change his past bad habits such as sloppy and lazy, he decided to be "harder" to himself.First, change your "packaging".He used to dress casually and slovenly, but now, he put on a suit that has been idle for a long time, put on a beautiful tie, and combed his hair neatly, making people feel like a full-fledged professional marketer; Work and rest schedule, get up at 6:6 every day, have breakfast at 1:8, after breakfast, study marketing books for 7 hour, and go to work at the company around 11:[-].After get off work in the evening, have dinner at [-] o'clock, then make a work summary and write the next day's work plan and work diary until [-] o'clock that night.It is painful and difficult to change the previous habits, which made him deeply understand the profound meaning of "the biggest enemy is oneself".

If you can't change the world, then you can change yourself.

Months passed.What makes Xiao Liu unbelievable is that everything around him has changed.And everything is full of new ideas, like a different person.The world around me seems to have improved a lot.He felt the joy of growing up like never before.

Because of being diligent and studious, the company leaders quickly changed their views on Xiao Liu, which also won him unanimous praise from the company's colleagues.However, he was proactive and effective in his work, and he quickly stood out among the sales force. At the end of the year, he was promoted to the regional supervisor of the Eastern Henan area, and was also included in the training plan as a candidate for the regional manager.On the other hand, he "proactively attacked" and communicated and collaborated with his colleagues in multiple ways, which allowed him to have a good relationship in the company and a good interpersonal relationship.Therefore, his work is also more handy and easy.The development of good work and living habits has made Xiao Liu feel like a fish in water, and he is getting better and better.Xiao Liu finally realized the "Phoenix Nirvana" and opened a new chapter in his life and career by relying on the life creed of "Change leads to success, and Mastery leads to long-term".

If you want to achieve something, you must have the courage to face difficulties, overcome bad emotions, and maintain the best mentality.Because you don't know who or what you will meet on the road, all you can do is to adjust yourself at all times and fight in the best condition. It is absolutely impossible for people who can't control themselves well to break into the sky!

Whenever you encounter obstacles in doing things, tell yourself "there will always be other ways to do it", then your future will be invincible and invincible.When you think that the difficulty cannot be solved, and you really can't find a way out, you must reject the idea of ​​​​"powerless".You should stop first and then start again.Sometimes we tend to get into the dead end, so we don't see new solutions.The development of anything is not a straight line. Smart people can see the curve in the straight and the straight in the curve, grasp the law of the development of things without losing the opportunity, and achieve the set goal through adaptation.

How long do people who are "equally stupid" live longer?
Original text
Those who are half stupid and half stupid will win people and live longer.

① Surviving people with longevity: longer than ordinary people.

For rough and stupid people, both hardness and softness can control their hearts and make them happy with their fate, so their life expectancy often exceeds that of ordinary people.

Zeng Guofan believes: "Those who are half-stupid and half-stupid can live longer than others." On the one hand, this kind of people are as crude and careless as the "near-stupid" people, and on the other hand, they are as insensitive as the "near-stupid" people. achievements, but this kind of person can't do any bad things, it's okay to do small things.

For the selection and appointment of talents, roughness and stupidity are naturally not good, but such a character is good for health and will lead to a long life.Especially the "stupid half and half", who either don't mind anything in their hearts, or don't get angry, don't get angry, and don't pay attention to anything. Naturally, the internal organs are intact, the meridians are smooth, and they live a long and healthy life.The saving grace of such a person is longevity.If a person who bears a bloody enemy is unable to kill the enemy with his own hands, he might as well compete with him for life expectancy. Waiting for the enemy to die first, and living longer and happier than him can also be regarded as a kind of victory.

Confucius divided people into four classes, the first class is born with knowledge, the second class is learned and learned, the third class is poor and learns, and the fourth class is poor and does not learn.The fourth type of person has no aggressiveness, so Confucius thinks it is insufficient.The "foolish people" mentioned here have a bad reputation, but their ability and character are higher than those of the "stuck and unlearned".

A rough person who is happy, angry, and forgetful. He has no scheming, forgets everything when he looks at it, and is not trapped by worries.I don't have too many extravagant demands on life, although I will revel in surprises and roar for annoyances, and the intensity of my emotions is stronger than others.But in the blink of an eye, I forgot it cleanly, and in my casual mind I tended to be more tolerant.A stupid person who doesn't marry, jumps and dances (people say he is stupid, but he may not be stupid), only enjoys the happiness in front of him, doesn't fight for fame and fortune (because he knows he has no strength to fight for it), he is happy with the situation, acts according to the situation, and has no chest. Chengfu doesn't care about other people's evaluation of his "stupid", "stupid" and "stupid", so he lives happily.People who are roughly half as stupid as half, have no worries and no worries, have a happy heart, have a childlike innocence and happiness, and naturally have a healthy heart and a healthy body, and they can live longer than others.

The ancients talked about the study of confusion, and they often boasted that "it is rare to be confused".Those who are half and half stupid are naturally born to be confused; while those who strive for success and plan hard work all day long, work hard on paper, suffer from chores outside the body, are troubled, and their lives are not easy to last.Longevity is the advantage of half and half stupid.Stupid people have their own blessings, and those who are half and half stupid can also succeed, probably because they know how to use their stupidity and stupidity—perhaps, this cannot be said to be stupid.From the perspective of being a human being, it may not be a pleasure for many wise men and strugglers to look at their own encounters with a stupidity.

People who are half and half stupid, because of their carelessness, should guard against their unintentional mistakes, but it is good to be unambitious, and it can be used in many ways.I am born to be useful, that is the reason.For most of his life, Zeng Guofan was bitter and self-disciplined, but he was overworked, more than others. Although his achievements were great and his reputation spread to later generations, he was tortured by illness and sorrow during his life, which is beyond the reach of others. At the age of 60, the right eye was no longer visible, and he died before the age of 62.People who pursue fame and fame don't take it as suffering; those who want to enjoy life don't care about it, probably because they have different pursuits in life.When inspecting people for quality assurance, the needs and wishes of people should be fully considered.

Utilize the world
Too smart to cover up or you'll be a target.Therefore, Zeng Guofan would always remind himself when necessary to behave more clumsily and stupidly.

A carpenter went to the state of Qi with several apprentices.The master and apprentice walked to a corner of the mountain road and saw an earth temple with a huge oak tree beside it.How big is it?The shade of the tree is tens of miles, the tree is so thick that hundreds of people can hug it without being able to surround it, and the top of the tree pokes through the clouds.The disciples were very surprised and ran over to watch, but the carpenter turned a blind eye and continued walking.The disciple caught up and asked the master curiously: "We have never seen such a tall and beautiful tree in our life. Why did the master leave without looking at it?" He said, "This tree is useless. It is used to build boats, boats, etc. It will sink; make a coffin, and the coffin will rot; make furniture, and the furniture will crack; make doors and windows, and the doors and windows will overflow with juice; make a pillar, and the pillar will attract insects and ants. It is because it is useless that it can live so long and be so tall." Unexpectedly, the strange tree in the eyes of the apprentice turned out to be a worthless rotten tree in the eyes of the master!

At night, the carpenter dreamed that the big tree said to him: "How can you say that I am useless? Just think about it, those so-called useful orange trees, pear trees and pomelo trees will be killed by people when their fruits are ripe. Pull and snap, and the tree dies quickly. The same is true of everything that is useful. All my life, since I was a small tree, I have tried to be useless, and I have taken many risks and almost died of your kind The hand of the carpenter. What is useless in your eyes is of great use to me. If I was as useful as you said, wouldn’t I have been cut off long ago?” The carpenter woke up, as if he had realized something.He told his disciples about the dream.The apprentice asked: "Since it yearns for nothing, why does it grow beside the earth temple to attract attention?" The carpenter replied: "If it didn't grow beside the temple, but in the middle of the road, wouldn't it have been taken by the earth for a long time?" Have people chopped it down and burned it?"

Zhuangzi's "between the useful and the useless" is a view that is relatively similar to the Confucian "golden mean" thought.Because those who are too "useful" may be envied and hated, or "those who can do more work" will fall into trouble because of their talents; those who are too "useless" may be despised or even bullied by others, making life difficult.Only when one is tepid, neither bullying nor being bullied by others, is a relatively peaceful state.A person who can really uphold this kind of attitude in life, whether his interpersonal relationship is good or his future in life, at least it will not be too bad.

"Rarely confused" has always been praised as a wise way of life.As long as you know how to pretend to be stupid, you are not a fool, but wise and foolish.Don't be arrogant about your talents, and don't know how to forgive others.If you are too sharp, you are easy to be jealous and hate, and it is easier to make enemies.The high-gong Zhenzhu did not know how many subordinates were killed.The most important skill in communicating with leaders is to "play stupid" at the right time: you can't show your brilliance, let alone correct the mistakes of the other party.In interpersonal communication, pretending to be stupid can cover up shame for others and find a way for yourself; you can pretend to be ignorant to reach a tacit understanding;

Gong Sui was a capable official in the time of Emperor Xuan of the Han Dynasty.At that time, the Bohai Sea area suffered from successive years of disasters, and the people could not bear the hunger, so they gathered people to rebel one after another.Emperor Xuan sent Gong Sui, who was over 70 years old, to serve as the prefect of Bohai Sea.

Gong Sui took office lightly, comforted the people, let them recuperate, and encouraged farmers to cultivate fields and grow mulberries.He stipulated that each farmer should plant one elm tree, 100 rhizomes, 50 green onions, and one field of leeks, raise two sows, and five chickens. For those who were wary and still carried swords, he advised: " Why don't you sell the sword and buy a cow?" After several years of governance, the society in the Bohai area is stable, and the people live and work in peace and contentment with more than enough food and clothing.Gong Sui became famous.

Therefore, Emperor Xuan of the Han Dynasty summoned him to return to court.One of his subordinate officials, Mr. Wang, asked to go to Chang'an with him, saying: "I will be good for you!" Other officials disagreed, saying: "This man is drunk all day long, and he is easy to talk big." , it’s better not to take him there!” Gong Sui said, “If he wants to go, let him go!”

After arriving in Chang'an, this Mr. Wang still indulged in binge drinking all day long, and did not see Gong Sui.But one day, when he heard that the emperor had summoned Gong Sui, he said to the gatekeeper, "Go and call my master to my residence. I have something to say to him!"

Gong Sui really came.Mr. Wang asked: "If the Son of Heaven asks you how to govern the Bohai Sea, how should you answer?"

Gong Sui said: "I'm talking about appointing talented people, making people do their best, strictly enforcing the law, and clearly distinguishing rewards and punishments."

Mr. Wang shook his head again and again: "Not good! Not good! Isn't it boastful to say so? Please answer this way, my lord: This is not the credit of the humble minister, but the mighty power of the emperor's god!"

Gong Sui accepted his suggestion and answered Emperor Xuan of the Han Dynasty according to his words. Emperor Xuan was very happy, so he kept Gong Sui by his side and assumed an important and light official position.

Lao Tzu said: "The great elephant has no shape, the loud voice is rare, and the great wisdom is like a fool." This is not only the traditional virtue of the Chinese nation, but also a symbol of a mature and wise person.These ancient teachings are telling us to always pay attention to our own words and deeds, so as not to show off the achievements we have made. Such a principle of doing things will keep us away from many right and wrong.

Business utilization
(End of this chapter)

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