Chapter 37 Mood (11)
In society, villains often use improper means and channels to gain the favor of their superiors, and talk about issues in accordance with their personal likes and dislikes, in order to seek personal supernormal interests.If their advice is followed, the benefits may be quickly reaped, but the scourge will follow.Therefore, wise people never use villains.This point is worthy of reference and warning for all managers.

Insufficiency of Tenses and Discussors

Original text
There is no need to speak properly, and you can say it is ①; if you haven’t handed it over to this person, you will deliberately slander ②;

①It is not necessary to say what is right, and it is said with extreme mouth: must, definitely; when, properly and correctly;The meaning of the whole sentence is: the opinions expressed by others must not be completely appropriate, but this person keeps saying "yes" and "yes" next to him. This kind of person has no independent opinion in his chest. ②Slander: maliciously slander and slander others.

The opinions expressed by others may not be completely appropriate, but they echo them from the sidelines, which shows that this person has no set opinions; before dealing with people, maliciously slandering and slandering others behind their backs, it shows that this person is irresponsible and irresponsible.Such people are vulgar, despicable and shameful, and you cannot cooperate with them.

Zeng Guofan's assertion of the two types of people who "don't need to be honest and say it is true; if you don't hand over this person, deliberately slander" is "mean and shameful, not enough to discuss the matter."

"It's not necessary to say what you say, but you can say it well", the opinions and opinions expressed by others may not be completely correct, and they may not be very precise, but this person echoes the sound, claiming yes, and nodding blindly "Yes, yes, yes".If it is not for ulterior motives, this person must be a "villain".This kind of person is indeterminate and weak-willed. He only knows how to flatter and opportunistically.It is difficult for such a person to achieve success, so "Bingjian" says "Insufficiency and discussion".

"I didn't hand over this person, I deliberately slandered it", I have never interacted with people, I don't know others at all, it is completely hearsay or subjective speculation, and I gossip and criticize others behind their backs.No investigation, no right to speak.If you blindly say good things, it is flattery, and there is no way to do it; but blindly slandering others out of thin air, dirtying people's innocence, and talking nonsense, most of these people are villains with no virtue.Ignorant, ignorant, and lacking in self-cultivation, vulgar, and incapable of self-knowledge.This kind of person is of low character, and it is not enough to discuss matters with him.People with this kind of problem should pay attention to overcoming and correcting it.

It should be noted that some people are underappreciated, and in order to attract attention, they often express some strange talks in the public.In this case, those who know and employ people should examine their true purpose and affirm their courage.If he is not exaggerating, we should further examine his character and character.Don't compare this kind of person with those who "lack and talk about things".

Utilize the world
The typical characteristic of the "mean and shameful" generation that Zeng Guofan said is that they talk sweetly and have swords, and they do one thing in front of the other.The mouth honey belly sword is an allusion, and its originator is Li Linfu of the Tang Dynasty.

Since Tang Xuanzong ascended the throne, the world has been at peace for a long time, and Xuanzong gradually ignored political affairs.After Li Linfu became the prime minister, he squeezed out the capable and talented people from the court one by one.There are many discussions in the world, but Tang Xuanzong has always trusted Li Linfu.

In the sixth year of Tianbao (747), Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty issued an edict: "People in the world, whoever has a skill, can participate in the imperial examination, and those who pass the test will be appointed as officials."

Li Linfu was very panicked when he heard the edict.Everyone in the world knows what he has done, but Tang Xuanzong, who lives deep in the palace, has not heard of it.If the people of the world are allowed to meet the emperor, they will definitely be exposed.Just in case, Li Linfu had no choice but to bite the bullet and speak to Xuanzong:

"Your Majesty is the leader of ten thousand chariots. The selection of talents is a matter for ministers. Why bother His Majesty to ask in person? Besides, the scholars in the world are like thatch grass. They don't know etiquette and can only talk nonsense. Such matters are entrusted to the Minister of State. That's it, sir."

Tang Xuanzong Li Longji didn't understand Li Linfu's original intention for a while, and thought that Li Linfu was sharing the state affairs for him, and he was overjoyed, so he agreed: "You will handle the selection of talents, so I can rest assured."

Li Linfu heaved a long sigh of relief when he heard Xuanzong's promise.After retiring from the court, Li Linfu summoned his cronies and asked: "This time, you should do your best to select talents, but you must not hire one person!"

The great poet Du Fu also participated in this exam with great hope.But in the end, none of Du Fu and all the candidates passed the exam. Du Fu, who was full of hope, was completely desperate. When he was angry, he expressed his hatred in his pen and wrote down the words "Dads don't starve to death, Confucian crowns often miss their lives." verse.However, Li Linfu brazenly used this prank as a capital to gain favor, and he couldn't wait to play: "Qizou Your Majesty, no one in the world is qualified, they are all humble and mediocre people. Since your Majesty took the throne, he has employed people well, making There are no sages left in the wild, which is really gratifying and congratulatory."

Tang Xuanzong laughed loudly after hearing this, and was pleased with Li Linfu's flattering words.

In order to further consolidate his power, Li Linfu resorted to various means.Those who dared to speak out about political affairs in the court were all denigrated, and some were even killed.As a result, the emperor's eyes and ears were not working well, and he didn't know anything outside the court.Other officials have also become people who hold money and support leisure, and act according to Li Linfu's winks.

Once, an official who was not afraid of Li Linfu's power wrote a letter to comment on major affairs in the court, but was demoted by Li Linfu.In order to prevent such things from happening again, Li Linfu threatened other ministers: "Now that the Lord is above, you can just obey the orders of the above. What else can you talk about? Don't you see the horses in the stables, and you are silent all day long? There are rich and delicious food; once it is called, it will be dismissed." Since then, the ministers of the court and the central government dare not have anyone to advise.

While suppressing the ministers of the DPRK and China, Li Linfu also tried to block the promotion of officials sent to the outside world.During the Kaiyuan period, people like Xue Na, Guo Yuanzhen, Zhang Jiazhen, Zhang Shuo, Xiao Song, Du Xian, Li Shizhi, etc., were all rare talents because of their contributions to the border areas, and then entered the palace to be the emperor. An important principle.Li Linfu was extremely jealous of the Confucian ministers guarding the border, especially those who had made great contributions. He feared that they would become prime ministers and pose a threat to him, so he wrote to Xuanzong:

"With your Majesty's great talent, you can rule the country well, make the country rich and the people strong. However, the barbarians and the Didi have not been destroyed, which has always been a serious problem for the court. Now the generals guarding the border are civil servants. These people are greedy for life and afraid of death. They don't understand war. It's useless, it's better to use Fan generals. Fan generals are born brave and powerful. They were raised on horses since they were young, and they are good at war. Your Majesty is working hard, but Yi Di is not worried."

After listening to Li Linfu's performance, Tang Xuanzong felt right, so he happily agreed.As a result, this decision laid a hidden danger for the "Anshi Rebellion".In fact, this is another trick of Li Linfu's exclusive use of power.In the Tang Dynasty, Fan generals were not qualified to be prime ministers.In this way, Li Linfu can be his prime minister safely, and he no longer has to be afraid of civil servants making contributions to the frontier.

Carefully observe the people closest to you, and you will successfully avoid many unexpected losses.And the wrong knowledge of people will eventually bring bad consequences.There are often double-faced people in life, who use various deceptive methods to confuse the other party, make them fall into the trap, and achieve their own goals.

In life, there is no lack of conspirators around you who talk one way or another behind their backs.They are all around us.Sometimes, when they see you go straight to the top, they will flatter you and pick up good words to say; sometimes, when they see that everything is going well and you are making rapid progress, they will spread rumors behind your back to slander the upper class and put you at a disadvantage; sometimes they deceive you Lies, traps, and traps are brewed from their minds and put on you as a "fairy rope" to make you fall; sometimes, when they see you in trouble, they take pleasure in other people's misfortune and take the opportunity to rob.How can we not guard against all of this?
Duke Huan of Qi had three favorite ministers, one named Shu Diao, one named Yi Ya, and one named Kai Fang.These three people coaxed Duke Huan of Qi into a circle, so Duke Heng of Qi often ignored state affairs.Seeing this, Guan Zhong was anxious and advised Duke Huan of Qi many times not to get close to these three villains.Later, when Guan Zhong became seriously ill, Duke Huan of Qi came to see him and asked for his last words. Guan Zhong still advised Duke Huan of Qi to stay away from those villains, so as to prevent them from using the prince to disturb Qi. big.But Duke Huan of Qi really liked them, and immediately defended them, saying that these three were good people.Let’s talk about Yi Ya first, he is a very nice person, he cares about me and takes care of me, he heard me say that he has never eaten human flesh, so he doesn’t know how it tastes.He went home and killed his own child, stewed it for me to eat.Doesn't he love me more than his own flesh and blood by doing this?Do you care about me more than your loved ones?Let's talk about Shu Diao, he is very considerate to me, in order to serve me, he left the palace and became a eunuch.Doesn't he love me more than his own body by doing this?And that prescribing, in order to take care of me, he didn't even want the reputation of a filial son, and he didn't go back to see his parents after they died. Didn't he love me more than his own parents by doing this?Their loyalty to me and their deep affection for me are quite rare. Among the ministers, who else can compare with them?Do people like them still have doubts?Why do you still tell me not to approach them.

Guan Zhong said, loving children is innate, human, and human nature. No one does not love their children, even their own children have the heart to kill those who cook and stew, how can they love you?Loving one's own body is innate, human, and human nature. There is no one who does not cherish one's own body. Even one's own body can be castrated. How could one love you?Loving parents is innate, human, and human nature. No one doesn’t honor their parents, even if their parents die, they don’t go home. How could they respect you?They have ulterior motives to get close to you like this, and they have other plans.Please listen to me, these people are not close.

After Guan Zhong died, Duke Huan of Qi adopted Guan Zhong's opinion and expelled these people.But after that, there were no such people. Duke Huan of Qi didn't eat well, and he didn't feel sweet when he slept. He felt that everything was unsatisfactory.He called these people back to his side again, and handed over state affairs to them, while he ate, drank and had fun, and then he felt happy again.

A year later, Duke Huan of Qi fell seriously ill, lay in bed and couldn't get up, had nothing to eat, and the people around him were also driven away.A court lady came in from the sewer and saw him.Duke Huan of Qi saw the maid as if he had seen a savior, wanted to drink porridge and hot water, and asked her where the people he liked were, but the maid told him that Shu Diao and Yi Ya rebelled outside and sent warriors to guard them. Nothing can be brought in, so Kaifang has already taken his confidant team to another country.At this time, Duke Huan of Qi came to his senses. It was his beloved ministers who murdered him.He kept crying and said, if there is knowledge in the underground, what face would I have to see Guan Zhong, I really regret it.So he covered his face with his sleeve and starved to death in Shougong.

This is the sad end of a generation of overlord Duke Huan of Qi who lost his integrity in his later years, became fatuous and corrupt, and favored traitors!

Duke Huan of Qi was originally a capable person. He once worked hard to govern the country of Qi to be prosperous and strong, but later he got close to Shu Diao, Yi Ya, and Kai Fang. They used various means to please Duke Huan of Qi , He did not hesitate to kill his son to stew meat, castrate himself, and do not fulfill the filial piety of a son to please Duke Huan of Qi. The purpose is to be reused, to gain power, and to satisfy selfish desires.It can be seen that the despicable people do whatever they can to please them in order to get greedily.

In history, there are many Yi Ya and Shu Diao, such as Zhao Gao, Li Linfu, Cai Jing, Gao Qiu, Qin Hui, Wei Zhongxian, etc., there are countless.There are villains not only in history, but also in literary works, movies, TV, and opera art.In fact, as long as we keep our eyes open, we will find that in our real life, Yi Ya and Shu Diao still exist.Some ruthless, untrustworthy, and unethical people, plotters, backstabbing and the like, slanderous, sweet-talking people, treacherous, ulterior motives, there are so many people.The reason why Duke Huan of Qi was starved to death was precisely because of his inaccurate knowledge of people and improper employment. The lesson is profound and worth learning for today's leaders.

workplace utilization
The most feared people in the workplace are those Wang Xifeng-style characters. If there is such a person in an office, everyone's life will be difficult.When you put forward an idea for a business case in a meeting, someone immediately refutes or ridicules it; when a new colleague just arrives, he or she immediately gives them a slap in the face or puts on shoes.As long as there is any conspiracy going on in the office, it is likely to be related to this kind of people.Making things out of nothing and telling stories are the strengths of this kind of people; stepping others down and gaining benefits for themselves is the purpose of this kind of people.

Fang Fang has always been competitive since she was a child. Whenever there are people who are stronger than herself, she will find a way to suppress them. Especially when the competition in the office is so fierce, how can she not take the initiative?She got the boss first, gained the trust of the boss, and kept close contact with the boss.As long as there is a competitor that competes with her, she will find an opportunity to arrange whether the opponent is in front of the boss, and use the boss's hand to push him down.

Over the past few years, Fang Fang's status has continued to rise.However, everyone in the same office as her felt exhausted.As for Fang Fang herself, although the sky is rising, she also feels more tired, and she is worried that she is like Wang Xifeng in "A Dream of Red Mansions": the organ is too clever to calculate, and Qingqing's life was missed.

Experts believe that manipulative or even underhanded means of crushing competitors is a symptom of work paranoia, especially in times of recession.They deliberately make others look bad, so that if there is a layoff, it will be someone else who picks up the load, not themselves.However, the hyper-competitiveness they display may also be a sign of insecurity. Such people are particularly sensitive to threats around them, resulting in a self-protective mindset.

Sadly, workplace scumbags abound.If you are unfortunate enough to be the target of mean people in the workplace, you can either bear the burden of humiliation and take the blame, or speak clearly to them.

The workplace villain is best at making waves, lest the world will not be chaotic, so it is difficult to avoid the workplace villain.Many conflicts often originate from some trivial matters, or even outright misunderstandings. You don't have to hope to be friends with this kind of colleagues, just try to work together.

Insufficiency of Tenses and Talkers

Original text
If you are irresponsible①, you will return late when you are about to do something②③; if you don’t care about your feelings④, you will also cry; the benevolence of a woman is not enough to talk to you.The three do not necessarily guarantee a person's life.On the contrary, if you seek this, you can hand over the soldiers of the world.The three do not necessarily guarantee a person's life ⑤.On the contrary, if you seek this, you can hand over the soldiers of the world.

①Wonderful: Man, the original meaning is boundless, here it is extended to mean no matter what to do or to; can or not, here refers to expressing affirmative or negative opinions. ② Imminent: Imminent. ③ late, hesitant or hesitant. ④ Guanqing: affect, move. ⑤Determining a lifetime: Decide a person's lifelong destiny.

No matter what he encounters, he is noncommittal, but he hesitates once it comes to an end, which shows that this person is indecisive.Encountering a thing that is not worth being emotional at all, but crying sadly and emotionally, it shows that this person is irrational.The benevolence of this kind of people is purely "benevolence of women", and you cannot have a heart-to-heart relationship with them.However, the above three modalities may not necessarily determine a person's lifelong destiny.If you can use the above three modalities as counterexamples to communicate with others, then you can have friends all over the world.

Zeng Guofan's evaluation of the two types of people who "have nothing to say and come back late" and "don't care much about it, but also shed tears" is "the benevolence of a woman is not enough to talk about it".

"There is no denying it, and it is late to return."There is a kind of people in life who can't make up their minds about anything. They are indecisive, timid, and lack the necessary confidence. Because they don't have confidence, they can't accomplish anything.Over time, the only thing to do is to do things that are conventional and useless.One can imagine the condition of such a person's life.In fact, the biggest weakness of this kind of person is not a weak personality, but a lack of ambition.Therefore, they have no opinions when they encounter problems, like to shirk their faults, dare not take responsibility, choose the easy and fear the heavy, and obey their promises.If things go on like this, naturally there will be no achievements in the end, and a whole life will be wasted vaguely.

"If you don't care about love, you will shed tears." It refers to the kind of sentimental people in life. Their inner world is very rich and very sensitive. They are emotional when they see flowers, and sad when they hear wind.Whenever something happens, no matter whether it is related to him or not, he always looks teary-eyed and looks like a sick girl.This is naturally a kind of kindness, but it is not always a good thing for those who do great things, so Zeng Guofan called this kind of people "the benevolence of women".This is based on the notion that "those who do great things don't care about the details."Mother-in-law and mother-in-law like women can't do great things.

(End of this chapter)

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