Chapter 55
However, those who are eager to win still say that it is not the case. They regard the front as swift and sharp, the rear as stagnant, the subordinates as humble, the gentlemen as outstanding, the enemy as humiliation, and the mausoleum as stern.That's why, resisting and going forward, you can't reflexively.If you fight against the good, you will be inferior; if you fight against violence, you will make the enemy difficult.Once the enemy is difficult, the truth of right and wrong must be confused and difficult to understand; if it is confused and difficult to understand, how is it different from self-destruction?Moreover, when people destroy themselves, they all complain and become born: they must rely on things and pretend to be the end; although they don't fully believe it to the listener, they still half take it for granted.My own school newspaper is the same.In the end, each of them has a half and a half, and they believe in far and near.However, those who fight with each other will destroy themselves for the sake of changing mouths;Wouldn't it be great to be confused!

However, the original reason is that there is no one who is so self-responsible as to cause a lawsuit?Forgive the insufficiency from the inside, and look outside endlessly: either blame the other for belittling me, or blame the other for defeating yourself.If I am thin and the other is light, then I will bend and the other will be straight;If the virtuous person is in front of me, then my virtue has not yet arrived; if the virtuous person is ahead of me, then my virtue is next to me.Why do you complain?

And if the two sages are not separated, then the one who can let it be meaningful; if the two sages are not separated, then the one who exerts force will be exhausted.That's why Lin Xiangru defeated Lianpo by returning the chariot, and Kou Xun defeated Jia Fu by not fighting.The opposite of the physical situation is the so-called Tao of the gentleman.That's why a gentleman knows that humiliation can be extended, so he does not hesitate to humiliate; he knows that humiliation can defeat the enemy, so he does not doubt it.And the ultimate is to turn misfortunes into blessings, and to make friends with friends; so that resentment will not be extended to heirs, and the good name will be spread to infinity; the way of a gentleman is not rich!
Moreover, a gentleman can tolerate minor suspicions, so there is no big lawsuit; a villain can't bear small anger, so he will eventually be defeated and humiliated.Resentment in the slightest can still be regarded as modesty; if the change is infancy and fights for it, disasters will come and not be saved.That's why Chen Yu's death was harmed by the change of Zhang Er; Peng Chong's death was caused by the gap between Zhu and Fu.The opportunity of misfortune and fortune, can be careless!

That's why a gentleman's pursuit of victory is also to use pushback as sharpness, and self-cultivation as a shed; to be quiet is to close the Taoist door of obscurity, and to move is to follow the path of obedience.Therefore, when you win, you won't fight, and if the enemy submits, you won't complain.If so, regret and stinginess do not exist in sensuality, how can there be any disputes?Those who show up to fight must think of themselves as sages, while others think of them as treacherous.If there is no dangerous virtue, there is no indestructible righteousness.If faith has dangerous virtues, how can it be litigated?Is it possible to sue a tiger in case of danger?It is inevitable to be angry and harm others! "Yi" said: "Those who are dangerous and violate it will file a lawsuit. There must be many lawsuits."

It is to go beyond the vulgar and take advantage of the high, and walk alone above the third class.What is third class?Those who are self-respecting without meritorious deeds are first-class; those who have merit but cut them down are second-class; those who have great achievements but do not cut them down are third-class.Foolish and competitive, first class; wise and respectful, second class; virtuous but permissive, third class.Delay yourself and others, the first class; be anxious about yourself and others, the second class; be anxious about yourself and be lenient, the third class.

All these numbers are the wonders of Tao and the changes of things.Three changes and then get it, the old man will not be able to go far.Fu Wei knows who is flexible and can deal with it.Therefore, Meng Zhifan won the reputation of a sage for his invincibility, and Guan Shu was bestowed with praise and respect for his words.How could the husband seek it out of deceitful encounters?It is the combination of pure virtue and nature.

The gentleman knows that self-injury is benefit, so the merit is one and the beauty is two; the villain does not know that self-benefit is loss, so he cuts and loses both.From this point of view, those who do not attack will be attacked; those who do not fight will be fought; those who give way to the enemy will win;A gentleman can sincerely see the name and danger of competing for the road, and if he rides alone to surpass the Xuan Road, the brilliance will be radiant and renewed day by day, and his morality will be better than that of the ancients.

main idea
In the preface, the author first expounded the purpose of writing: "The beauty of a sage is nothing more than cleverness, and the most precious thing about cleverness is knowing people, and knowing people's sincerity and wisdom, then all talents will get their order and their careers will prosper. "Wei Shiwen Emperor Cao Pi accepted Chen Qun's suggestion and used the nine-rank Zhongzheng system to select talents.This book is a monograph formed under the background of promoting the Jiupin Zhongzheng system to judge and select talents. It aims to provide a theoretical basis for the implementation of the Jiupin Zhongzheng System, and summarize experience in practice to promote the development of this system. and perfect.During the period of the Sixteen Kingdoms period, Liu Yan wrote annotations for it, focusing on "clearing up the general meaning, not sticking to exegesis, and concise writing".Since then, it has been circulated for a long time, and there are many fallacies in the biography.Ming Wanli Jiashen (1584) Hejian Liu Yonglin used the old edition of Longqing Renshen (1572) to collate it with official and private books, removed its duplication, and became the final version.Today there are "Han Wei Congshuben", "Ming Wanli Liu's Publication", "Siku Quanshuben", "Sibu Congwenben" and so on.His books have been listed in famous masters since Sui and Tang Dynasties Jing Ji Zhi, and Si Ku Quan Shu is classified into the Miscellaneous Class One of Zibu.

Liu Shao uses human tendons, bones, blood, qi, and muscles to correspond to the five elements of metal, wood, water, fire, and earth, and presents the characteristics of grandeur, liberal arts, integrity, bravery, and understanding.The "five qualities" respectively symbolize the "five constants", expressed as "five virtues".In other words, the natural life of flesh and blood is embodied in spirit, appearance, sensuality, talent, and virtue.The internal material is related to the external signs, which are manifested as spirit, essence, tendons, bones, qi, color, appearance, appearance, speech, etc., which are called "nine signs", which is equivalent to the level of the so-called "temperament" .

According to different talents, Liu Shao divided the characters into "three categories" of "concurrent virtue", "concurrent talent" and "partial talent".Through the three levels of morality, law, and art, according to their inclinations, they can be divided into "twelve talents", namely Qingjiejia, Legalist, Shujia, Guoti, Qineng, Zangfu, tricks, wisdom, and articles. , Confucianism, Oral Debate, and Xiongjie, depending on their talents, they are suitable for different official positions.

In addition, Liu Shao listed talent and virtue side by side as the criteria for selecting talents.In Liu Shao's evaluation, neutrality is the highest, and he pays attention to plainness and taste. He is a sage.The so-called neutralization lies in the two levels of "plainness" and "smartness". Smartness is talent, while plainness is the realm displayed by life. It is not only a level of moral cultivation, but also an aesthetic of "full humanity" manner.Except for neutralization, the rest are partial materials. People who have both "Nine Signs" and "Yin and Yang are in harmony, and the core is clear and bright" are the mean, and they are called saints, and they are the talents of kings; they are specific and subtle, they are called "virtue", and they are the talents of elegance; , called partial material, is Xiaoya.In addition, there are levels of dependence and non-identity.

Liu Shao proposed methods such as "eight observations" and "five observations" to identify talents. The "Eight Views" consist of people's behaviors, emotional reactions, and psychological changes, from the appearance to the inside, and repeated observations. "Five Views" examines a person's character in the specific situations of living, prosperity, wealth, poverty, and poverty.

Zhao Rui: "Anti-Scripture"

Zhao Rui, courtesy name Taibin, was born in Yanting, Zizhou (now Zhaojiaba, Lianghe Town, Yanting County, Sichuan Province). year).He reads hundreds of books, is well versed in strategy, and is good at managing the world.Because he was born in the "Golden Age of Kaiyuan" with great integration, great unification, and great unity, he lacked the political environment of the Warring States Period where people were divided, great turmoil, and great debate. In addition, he regarded fame as dung and wealth as floating clouds.Therefore, he adopted the attitude of "husband and wife should hide their sex and should not be summoned".He was fond of learning about emperors since he was a child, "studied eruditely, good at managing the world", and "has the spirit of being a chivalrous man, and is good at studying vertically and horizontally", so he is well-known in the world.Tang Xuanzong recruited many times, but he refused to resign and lived a life of seclusion.The great poet Li Bai admired him very much, and once followed him to study imperialism and vertical and horizontal techniques, which was called "Zhao Rui's art and Li Bai's articles".Zhao Rui and Li Bai were the "Two Masters of Sichuan" in the Tang Dynasty. Li Bai inherited Zhao Rui's Confucian style, Taoist thought and heroic character, and he was better than Lan.The representative of Zhao Rui is the "Long and Short Classics", also known as "Anti-Classics". "Long and Short Classics" was written in the fourth year of Kaiyuan (659), with 742 chapters in nine volumes. It is a collection of Confucianism, Taoism, Legalism, Military School, Miscellaneous School, and Yin-Yang School. History is the latitude, describing the rise and fall of a country, contingency strategy, recommending talents, and the good and evil in the world. It also focuses on the two key points of power politics and knowing people and doing good jobs; , is a rare strategy book.

Generally the first
The minister heard that Lao Tzu said: "Administrate the country with justice, use military force with surprises, and conquer the world with nothing." Xun Qing said: "The ruler of the people is the one who regards officials as capable; the common man is the one who regards himself as capable." Fu The Master said: "Scholar-bureaucrats divide their duties and listen, princes and princes divide the land and guard it, and the three princes discuss with each other, and the emperor will support himself and be righteous."

How to understand it?During the time of Yao, Shun was Situ, Qi was Sima, Yu was Sikong, Houji was a field official, Kui was Lezheng, Ji was an engineer, Boyi was Zhizong, Gaoyao was an official, and Yizhang drove birds.Can't Yao be one, and Xi be the king?And the nine sons are ministers, why?Yao knew the affairs of the nine Fus, so that the nine sons each taught their affairs.All are better than their tasks to achieve nine successes.Yao then took advantage of success to rule the world.

main idea
I heard Lao Tzu say: "Govern the country with righteous methods, fight wars with troops in strange ways, and conquer the world with inaction." Xun Qing said: "The requirement for the emperor is to be good at using capable people, and for the common people What the common people want is to be able to give full play to and continuously improve their ability to do things." Fu Xuan of the Western Jin Dynasty said: "If the scholar-bureaucrats can be loyal to their duties and obey orders; the princes can keep their fiefs; Then the monarch can govern the country well by waiting for him.”

How to prove this truth?During the reign of Yao, Shun served as Situ, Qi served as Sima, Yu served as Sikong, Houji served as field official, Kui served as official of rites and music, Ke served as craftsman, Boyi managed order, Gao Yao served as judge, and Yi was in charge of domesticating animals.Yao can't do these things, why Yao can become their monarch, and these nine people bow their heads to him?Because Yao knew the job content of these nine official positions, he gave each person a different position so that their strengths could be fully utilized, and Yao became the king of the world on the basis of their successful careers.

Emperor Han Gao said: "I am not as good as Zifang when I plan and plan in the tent and win thousands of miles away; I am not as good as Xiao He when I govern the country, caress the people, give them money, and keep food. The battle must be won, the attack must be taken, I am not as good as Han Xin. The three are all outstanding, I can use them, and this is why I have the world."

main idea
Liu Bang, Emperor Gaozu of the Han Dynasty, said: "Through planning and planning in the military account, we can win the war thousands of miles away. In this respect, I am not as good as Zifang; An Bang stabilizes the country, appeases the people, ensures that the army's salary is sufficient, and the food road is smooth. These aspects I am not as good as Xiao He; in commanding an army of millions, I am sure to win battles and win attacks. In this respect, I am not as good as Han Xin. These three people are all heroes among men. And I can use them reasonably, which is the reason why I can own the world .”

Therefore, it is said that the one who knows people is the way of the king; the one who knows things is the way of the minister;The drum does not predict the five tones, but is the master of the five tones; the one who has the way is not the matter of the five sense organs, but the master of the director.The king keeps his way, and the officials know what to do, and they come naturally.The former kings knew that it was so, so they used it as if they had it, and it was in line with the way of the king.The same is not true for those who do not know the way of the master: if they do it for themselves, they cannot be appointed; if they cannot be appointed, the sages will hate them.The reason why this fame is hurt is that the country is in danger.Tang Wu had all the wealth of Xia and Shang in one day. With his land feudalism, no one in the world would dare not be dissatisfied with it;It's almost useless.Therefore, it is said that setting up officials and dividing duties is the same as the emperor; entrusting and fulfilling the responsibility is also the emperor's body;The king has the body of a king and man, and his ministers fear and love him. This is why the emperor is successful.

main idea
Therefore, being good at knowing and employing people is the quality that an emperor should have; being good at solving problems and handling things is the talent that a courtier should have.The invisible and intangible things dominate the visible and tangible things, and the seemingly ethereal and sourceless things are the root of things.The sound of the drum is not included in the five tones, but it is the dominant of the five tones; the person who masters the true meaning of the monarch will not do the specific things that the five sense organs do, but the person who is in charge of the specific things.The king abides by the true meaning of appointing others, and officials understand what they have to do, which has existed since ancient times.The former kings knew this truth, so they used other people's things as if they were using their own. If they were good at doing this, they would truly understand the true meaning of being a monarch.Monarchs who do not understand this truth will not do this. They will not appoint talented people to do everything by themselves.Talented people are not reused, and they are depressed and frustrated, so they hate the monarch.The accumulation of their emotions may bring hidden dangers to the monarch's rule and even lead to political crises.Back then Shang Tang and Zhou Wu seized all the Xia and Shang dynasties in one day, and they distributed the acquired land to the princes, and all the people in the world were convinced by them; Tang and Zhou Wu are the emperors.It can be seen that Shang Tang and Zhou Wu are very proficient in how to use the talents of others to achieve their own careers.Therefore, being able to reasonably set up official positions is the prerequisite for being a monarch; being able to appoint people to official positions and encouraging them is a prerequisite for being a monarch; Treating subjects well is the quality that a monarch should have; having a broad mind and being tolerant is the quality that a monarch should possess.If the monarch possesses these qualities, so that the subjects are awed and respected, then the monarch will definitely be able to achieve great things.

second chief
Only when the minister hears the material can he use nuclear power, which is the key to governing the world.Since he is not a sage, who can practice all kinds of things and practice all the principles?Therefore, Shun joined the group and conferred the position according to the talent; the hero of the Han Dynasty, the three heroes have different names.What's more, it's not this fellow who can be blamed?In the past, Yi Yin also promoted earthworks. Those with strong ridges made them bear the soil, those with weak ridges made them push, and those with narrow ridges made them paint.

main idea
I heard that identifying and inspecting talents is a key link in governing the country.If not a sage, who can be competent in a hundred lines and know everything?Therefore, Shun was in charge of various departments, and awarded official positions according to the different talents; when Liu Bang in the Han Dynasty ranked the heroes, he rewarded Xiao He, Zhang Liang, and Han Xin with different official positions and honors.What's more, how can those people who are different from them expect them to be perfect?When Yi Yin started construction projects, he asked people with strong backs to carry soil, blind people to push carts, and crooked people to pave the road, so that they all did the work that suits them and gave full play to their expertise.

Guan Zhong said: "Living up and down, bowing down, advancing and retreating leisurely, my ministers are not as good as Xi Peng, please stand up as a great cause; clearing up soil and gathering millet, making the most of the benefits of the land, my ministers are not as good as Ning Qi, please stand up as a farmer; the plains are wide and grazing, the carts are not tied In the same way, the soldiers do not follow, and the soldiers of the three armies regard death as home, the minister is not as good as the prince and the father of the city, please stand up as the great Sima; Dali; if you violate the color of the king, you must be loyal when admonishing, do not avoid death, do not sway wealth and honor, ministers are not as good as Dongguo Ya, please stand up as a great admonition. If the king wants to rule the country and strengthen the army, then the five sons will survive; if he wants to dominate the king, then the Yiwu will be this."

main idea
Guan Zhong said: "I am not as good as Xi Peng in terms of standard conduct, etiquette in advancing and retreating, and the combination of firmness and softness in speech. Please appoint him as a master; in terms of opening up land, gathering food, and utilizing the land to the greatest extent, I am not as capable as Ning Qi." , please appoint him as Si Tian; on the vast battlefield, I can command chariots in an orderly manner, inspire soldiers to march forward bravely, and when the drums are beating, the soldiers of the three armies will be able to march forward bravely and regard death as home. He is a great Sima; he is able to discern the details, judge the case decisively, not kill innocent people, and not slander innocent people. I am not as good as Bin Xuwu, please let him be Dali; he is outspoken and loyal, and he is not afraid of being killed. The disaster, I am not as good as Dong Guoya in terms of daring to fight against the powerful, please let him be a big admonition. If the monarch only wants to rule the country and strengthen the army, these five people are enough; if he wants to dominate the world, only I, Guan Yiwu, can do it gone."

Huang Shigong said: "To make wisdom, to make courage, to make greed, to make fools. The wise are happy to make meritorious deeds, the brave are fond of carrying out their ambitions, the greedy are determined for their own interests, and the fools do not love their death. Use them because of their sincerity. This army has little power." "Huainanzi" said: "There is nothing in the world that is more dangerous than the stream poison, but a good doctor hides it, and it is useful. The moose is on the mountain, and the big chapter can't walk, and it's down. Also, if Mu Shu can chase after him, he will be able to correct his shortcomings. The Hu people are easy to use horses, and the Yue people are easy to use boats. They have different shapes and different types, and easy things are contradictory.” Wei Wuzhao said: “Enterprising people may not be able to do it; A man of action may not be able to forge ahead. How can Chen Ping practice it faithfully, and how can Su Qin keep his word? But Chen Ping settled the Han industry, Su Qin helped the weak swallows, and let him be the leader." From this point of view, Han Xin was cast down, and Zhong Shu became the army. Yu Gongchi said that Lu Jia's hearing of the lawsuit will not be as good as it was in the past, but it will show its name today.Therefore, the way to be a leader must be observed.

main idea
Huang Shigong said: "We must use wise people, brave people, greedy people, and dull people. Wise people like to make contributions; brave people stick to their ambitions and do not waver; greedy people make decisions based on gains and losses. action; dull men are brave to sacrifice. Use them according to their different characters, this is the subtle strategy of using soldiers."

"Huainanzi" said: "There is nothing in the world more terrifying than brook poison, and excellent doctors treasure it up and use it to treat diseases. When the elk goes up the mountain, even the most able to walk Dazhang chases after it. No, once it goes down the mountain, even a little shepherd boy can catch up. This is because talents have different lengths in different environments. For example, the Hu people who live in the arid areas of the north are good at riding horses, living in The Yue people in the southern water marshes are good at sailing boats, because the environment is different, and the tools used are different. If it is reversed, let the Yue people ride horses and the Hu people drive boats, it is against the common sense.

Emperor Wu of Wei said in the edict: "A person who is brave enough to forge ahead does not necessarily have noble character, and a person with noble character does not necessarily have the courage to make progress. Can Chen Ping be regarded as a person of noble character, and Su Qin be regarded as honest and trustworthy?" Is it? But Chen Ping assisted Liu Bang to lay the foundation of the Han Dynasty, and Su Qin helped the weak Yan State to become stronger. This is because their strengths have been brought into play.” It can be seen that if Han Xin is allowed to write articles and books, let Dong Zhongshu lead troops to fight If you appoint Yu Gong to lobby the princes and Lu Jia to adjudicate cases, they must not have the achievements they have now, and they will not be famous in the world.Therefore, we have to think carefully about the principle of appointing people to their strengths.

Item [-]
Husbands are the most important weapons in the world, and the kings rule the world. They are all smart and talented, and they are easy to be envoys.Therefore Confucius said: "People have five virtues: there are mediocre, there are scholars, there are gentlemen, there are sages, and there are sages. Judging these five, the rule of law is complete."

The so-called mediocre people do not keep the rules of prudence in the end, do not utter precepts, do not choose virtuous people to support themselves, do not practice hard to be self-determined, see the small dark and the big but do not know what to do, follow the flow of things but do not know what to hold on to .This is mediocre.

(End of this chapter)

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