Chapter 57
"Lu's Spring and Autumn" said: "When a person is prosperous and prosperous, observe whether this person will be arrogant and rude; when this person is prominent, see what kind of people he recommends; Whether he spreads kindness, gives alms to others; listens to what a person says, and then observes the actual actions of this person; sees who or what this person is often close to, and you can see his preferences; in daily life, observe this person's words ;When a person is in a difficult situation, it depends on what the person doesn't like; when in a poor and lowly situation, it depends on what the person doesn't bother to do; to cater to a person's preferences, to test the person's integrity; Let a person be happy, to check what is wrong with this person; make a person angry, to test the person's self-control ability; do something sad, to test whether a person has a heart of benevolence; A person is in a difficult environment to test whether the person's will is strong."

"Jing" says: "Those who are favored, see that they are not arrogant and extravagant; those who are negligent, see that they are not overstepping; For those who are respectful and eager to learn, they can be fraternal; for those who are strong, they should be seen for their honesty and deeds to overcome their selfishness; Between the township and the party, observe its loyalty; between the monarch and his ministers, observe their loyalty and benevolence." This is called observing sincerity.

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The "Jing" book says: "If it is a person who is trusted and reused, it is necessary to observe whether he is proud and extravagant; If you are a distinguished person, observe whether he shows off his boast; if you are not prominent, observe whether he is afraid of the rich and powerful; Integrity and selflessness; if it is an old man, it depends on whether he is prudent, strengthens his deficiencies and does not exceed the etiquette. Between father and son, it depends on whether the father is loving and the son is filial; between brothers, it depends on whether they are harmonious and friendly ; between neighbors, it depends on whether there is trust and morality between them; between monarchs and ministers, it depends on whether the subjects are loyal to the monarch, and whether the monarch is lenient and gracious to his subjects." These are the methods of examining sincerity.

"Character History" said: "Those who are bone-planted and soft are called great fortitude; those who are fortitude are also the quality of benevolence. Those who are clear and bright are called liberal arts; those who are artistic and rational are the foundation of ritual. Those who are decent and practical, It is called chastity; chastity is the foundation of faith. Those who are strong and refined are called brave; those who are brave are the determination of righteousness. Those who are smooth and smooth are called understanding the subtleties; those who understand the subtleties are called wisdom. The original is also. The five qualities are constant, so it is called the five constants. Therefore, it is said that straightness without rigidity will result in wood, strength without refinement will result in strength, firmness without sharpness will result in stupidity, qi without clearness will result in transcendence, smoothness without balance will result in swaying. However, The quality of peace lies in the spirit, the reality of light and shade lies in the essence, the strength of courage and cowardice lies in the tendons, the strength and weakness lie in the bones, the determination of restlessness and tranquility lies in the spirit, the feeling of misery lies in the color, the shape of decline and righteousness lies in the appearance, and the movement of attitude It lies in tolerance, and the urgency lies in words. If the quality is plain, the heart is sharp and the outside is bright, the muscles are strong and firm, the voice is clear, the color is clear, and the appearance is straight and straight, then it is pure virtue.

"Madam has spirit, and those who have spirit, say that sincerity must be seen outside it. Therefore, those who have a rough heart will have a deep and scattered voice; If it is soft, its voice is warm and smooth. Confidence is easy, righteousness is relaxed, harmony is simple, and courage is strong." This is called listening to the breath.

There is another color.Examining color means that the inner energy of the heart can be obtained by color.Sincerity and wisdom must be inexhaustible, sincerity and benevolence must be respectable, sincerity and bravery must be intimidating, sincerity and loyalty must be impressive, sincerity and purity must be difficult to stain, and sincerity must be trustworthy color.The quality and color are grand and stable, while the false color is chaotic and troublesome. This is called observing color.

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"Character History" said: "Those with hard bones and soft appearance are called Hongyi, and Hongyi is the essence of benevolence. The temperament is clear and clean, and the etiquette is clear. Wenli etiquette is the foundation of etiquette. The body is straight and strong. It is called Zhengu, and Zhengu is the foundation of keeping credibility. Those with strong muscles and bones and spirit are called brave, and bravery decides to do righteous deeds. Those with calm and smooth complexion are called Tongwei, which is the root of wisdom. The above The five types are permanent and difficult to change, so they are called the five constants. Therefore, although they are strong and upright, if they are not flexible, they will be dull; Stupid; if the temperament is not pure, it will be more polite and do things that do not comply with the regulations; if the heart is cheerful but not peaceful, it will become dissolute. However, the key to peace is the air; whether it is wise or stupid, it depends on the clarity or Turbidity; bravery or timidity depends on the strength of the bones; firmness or weakness depends on the thickness of the skeleton; impetuousness or calmness depends on the exuberance or peace of the spirit. Pessimism or open-minded optimism is manifested in the complexion; the appearance is decadent or serious Correctness can be seen through appearance; changes in attitude can be expressed through facial expressions; soothing or irritability can be expressed through the speed of speaking. If the temperament is simple and plain, the inner wisdom, the appearance is noble and clear, the muscles and bones are strong, and the voice makes people feel Relaxed and refreshing, with a cheerful complexion and a noble and dignified appearance, this is the performance of moral purity.

"Everyone has qi, the so-called qi, if the heart is sincere, it will be manifested from the qi. Therefore, a person with a rough heart will have a deep and loose voice; a person with a peaceful and prudent heart will have a harmonious and rhythmic voice; A cruel person has a rough voice; a person with a broad and gentle heart has a warm and nourishing voice. Confidence is gentle and easy, loyalty is calm, kindness is simple and easy-going, and courage is majestic." These are the methods of "listening to the breath" when examining people .

There is also the method of "checking color".The so-called color inspection means that the temperament in the heart can be observed through the complexion.A person full of wisdom must have an indescribable and indescribable look; a kind and kind person must have an admirable look; a brave person must have a fearless look; a loyal person must have a look that makes people feel A comfortable expression; a noble and pure person must have an unsullied expression; a loyal and upright person must have a convincing expression.A person's essence is grand, stable, and secure, and a person's disguise looks chaotic.This is the method of "checking color".

There are also examination records.Those who examine the ambitions refer to Fang Yuzhi's words to observe his ambitions.His air is generous and gentle, his color is not flattering, he is courteous to his ancestors, he speaks well to future generations, and every time he sees his own shortcomings, he is beneficial to others.If you are good at approaching others with color, embellishing others with spirit, and overcoming others with words, guarding against what is insufficient, and discarding what is incapable, it will be detrimental to others.One whose appearance is straight but not insulting, whose words are upright but not selfish, who does not pretend to be beautiful, who does not hide his evil, and who does not guard against his mistakes, is a hostage.If his appearance is curt and flattering, his words are flattering, he embellishes what he sees, and he takes care of his small evidence, and he who talks about himself because of his reason is a person without quality.Those who are happy and angry rely on things but don't act, those who are troubled by things and don't get confused, guide deeply to gain benefits and never change their minds, and those who are intimidated by threats but not humble, are calm and stick to others.If happiness and anger are based on things to change the mind, if chaos is based on things and the mind is not governed, if it is shown to be beneficial and the mind is moved, if it is used to intimidate and arouse fear, it is contemptuous and hypocritical.If one is judged by things, and one who is surprised by death and responds repeatedly, those who are not literary but wise are wise and thinking people.If it is difficult to set things up, it is difficult to describe things, if you stick to one thing but do not know how to change it, if you are stubborn but do not know how to change it, then you are a fool.If you hide your words and ignore them, if you are selfish and do not protect them, if you are not right but strong, you are falsely envious of others.This is called Kaozhi.

main idea
There is also the method of "examination of records".The so-called Kaozhi refers to communicating with the object of investigation to examine his aspirations.If the subject of the investigation speaks in a deep and gentle tone, looks cautious and restrained but not obsequious, salutes before others, speaks after others have finished speaking, and will always take the initiative to tell others about his shortcomings and inadequacies, such a person is treating others Helpful people.If the subject of the investigation is arrogant and arrogant, always oppresses others when speaking, hides his own deficiencies, and does not humbly ask others for advice when he is lacking in ability, such a person is harmful to others people.If the subject is upright in appearance without bullying or insulting looks, if he speaks honestly without partiality, if he does not exaggerate his virtues, does not conceal his shortcomings, and does not cover up his mistakes, such a person is a simple person.If the appearance is soft and charming, the words are flattering, and the things they do are whitewashed to express themselves, such people are not simple and moral.He will not show his joy or anger on his face because of external things, will not be confused by various complicated things, and will not confuse his ambition with interests, and will not change his original intention. Facing the intimidation of authority , he will not be humble and obedient, such a person is a person who is upright and has noble moral sentiments.If he is influenced by the outside world and changes his original intention, gives up his ambition because of the temptation of complicated things, and tempts him with benefits, he will be confused, change his original mind involuntarily, and panic under the pressure of authority. Uneasy, such a person is a person with a mean heart and a weak will.A person who can constantly solve the many obstacles set up for him and frighten him with sudden changes, but he can respond flexibly every time, and although his words are not elegant, but full of wisdom, such a person is a talented person.It is difficult to enlighten his thinking if he uses an object as a metaphor, and it is impossible to make him understand the truth by explaining it in words. If he is conservative, he will not be flexible. If he sticks to a concept and does not know how to change it, such a person is an ignorant and stubborn person.If you spread gossip without any scruples behind your back, only think about your own interests and don't think about others, and you know it's wrong to do it forcefully, such a person is a slanderous and jealous person.The above is the method of "examination of records".

There is also a hidden test.A person who detects hermits, if you do small things and get good things, if you make small concessions and fight big, if you take promises as pledges, fake love as loyalty, respect your deeds to receive your name, this is hidden in the benevolent and virtuous.If the question is not right, the details are not exhaustive, the appearance is more than enough, the false way is self-sufficient, the trapped is based on things, and the poor is deep, this is hidden in art and literature.If you think of honesty with high speech, bravery when you are tough, fear inside and exaggerate outside, speak urgently, and approach others with a deceitful air, this is hidden in honesty and courage.If one acts as one's relatives and is good at telling others, but embellishes one's belongings without showing sincerity, and uses one's name as one's relatives, and uses one's own self because of one's name, this is hidden in loyalty and filial piety.This is called concealment.

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There is also a method of "testing hidden".The so-called detection of concealment is mainly analyzed from these aspects: if a person gets a big benefit because of a small favor, in order to fight for the big benefit, he can make some concessions in the fight for the small benefit, and the oath is true and credible to win the hearts of the people. Pretend to be kind to show loyalty and honesty, and pretend to be noble to gain a good reputation. Such a person hides his true face in the appearance of benevolence and virtuousness; , appearing to be very knowledgeable and full of moral principles. If they don’t understand the truth of certain things and have no way to explain them to others, they will say some unfathomable words and pretend to be deep. Such people hide their true colors in the In the appearance of art and culture; if you deliberately use fresh, elegant and very noble language to pretend to be honest, pretend to be powerful to show that you are brave, but you are afraid in your heart but pretend to be calm on the outside, eager to please others, and speak big lies in front of the public Pretending to be a hero, such a person hides his true face in a cloak of incorruptibility and bravery; although he once served the king and his parents, he likes to show off these things. People who use serving the king and parents to gain a good reputation for themselves are disguising their true colors in the appearance of loyalty and filial piety.These are the "hidden detection" methods.

The wife's words and deeds are inconsistent, always contradicting, the outside and the inside are inconsistent, and those who set up false festivals to confuse the audience are also those who destroy the will.If food and beverages are used as relatives, goods are exchanged for exchange, losses and profits are combined, and those who gain power and reputation and hide them in things are called greedy and contemptible people.If you know little things but don't understand them well, if you know little things but don't know great things, if you look at small things but don't know big things, then you are called birthdays.

There is also Kuide.Those who are virtuous, have words of loyalty and deeds, are selfless in their aspirations, do not seek rebellion, are loyal and observant, and those who are humble and peaceful are called benevolent people.If there is a change, it can be cured, if it is poor, it can be achieved, if it can be achieved by taking measures to make contributions, it is said that there is a knower.Those who are wealthy, respectful and thrifty yet able to be majestic, courteous but not arrogant, are said to be virtuous.There is vagueness but not intimidation, happiness but not extravagance, honor and labor but not change, joy and anger but tolerance, there is a guardian.Those who serve the emperor with respect, serve relatives with love, are obedient but not rebellious, exhausted but not violated, are called loyal and filial.This is called Kuide.

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If a person's words and deeds are not consistent, the beginning and the result deviate, the heart and the appearance do not match, creating false appearances to deceive and confuse others, such a person is called a "destroyer".If you trade wine and meat for friends, use bribes to win over people, harm others or benefit others, it is all based on whether you want to please yourself, blinded by the desire for material things, and addicted to power and reputation, such people are called "" Greedy" people.If you are smart in small things but confused in big things, have certain talents but have no great achievements, and forget ethics and morality when you see small benefits, such people are called "birthday" people.

There is also the "Kui De" method.If someone is loyal and trustworthy in words, acts bright and aboveboard, has great ambitions, is just and does not favor self-interest, does not ask for rewards when he gives favors widely, is loyal and kind but can discern the details, and is simple and clumsy in appearance but quiet and kind, such a person is a person with a benevolent heart. .If one can adapt to the situation, turn the difficult situation into a bright and hopeful situation, devote himself to fame and achieve his wish, such a person can be called a wise person.If you are in a high position, have a lot of wealth, but are respectful and simple, not only majestic and convincing, but also humble and polite to others, without arrogance or rashness, such a person is called a virtuous person.If one keeps one's self clean, withdraws from the world, is not afraid of the rich and powerful, is not extravagant in a peaceful environment, does not change one's original aspirations through outstanding achievements, and is restrained in happiness or anger, such a person is called a man of integrity.If one can serve the ruler with respect and kindness, and serve one's relatives with love, even if the ruler's temperament is perverse and violent, he will not feel betrayed and rebellious, and he will try his best to serve his parents and stay close to his side. Such a person is called a loyal and filial person.These are the methods of "Kui De".

The beauty of a virtuous husband is nothing more beautiful than being smart; the most valuable thing about being smart is knowing people.Know people and know wisdom, then all talents will get their order, and the common people will achieve their careers.That's why Zhong Ni taught the six concealments to avoid the loss of partiality.Thinking madly is the material for resistance.If you are sick and have no faith, it is hard to protect what you think is like.Observe where it is, observe its cause, and know where to stop.If you follow this way, how can you be human?How can people live?
main idea
What the sages praise is nothing more than cleverness, and nothing is more valuable than being good at knowing people.If people can be identified and their talents understood, then all kinds of talents will be given positions to make full use of their talents, and all kinds of businesses will prosper.Therefore, Confucius put forward the theory of "six concealments" when educating his disciples, in order to prevent the mistakes of partial talent.He thought about neutralizing the stiff and dull talent with his arrogant and impetuous character.He hates people who have no ability and no credit, and explain that hypocrisy will eventually be exposed.To find out what is a person's life, observe his methods and ways of doing things, so as to understand his daily behavior.If such a method is used to investigate a person, how can the person under investigation be able to conceal his true face?
Chase sixth
"Zuo Zhuan" said: "Zhou Nei Shi Shufu is like Lu, and Gongsun Ao heard that he was able to meet people, and saw his second son Yan. Shufu said: "The valley also eats children, and it is difficult to harvest them. The valley is also abundant, and it must be harvested. There are descendants of Lu State.'”

"Hanshu" said: "Gao Zu made Bi the king of Wu. After worshiping, the prime minister said: 'If your face is reversed, after 50 years after the Han Dynasty, there will be chaos in the southeast, isn't it you? opposite!'"

Looking at it from this point of view, it is still true to judge scholars by their appearance.Therefore, it is said: Wealth and honor lie in the bones, and sorrow and joy lie in the appearance.

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"Zuo Zhuan" said: "Shufu, the internal historian of the Zhou Dynasty, went to the state of Lu. Gongsun Ao heard that he was good at reading faces, so he asked him to meet his two sons. Shufu said: 'Your son Gu will take care of you. You, and your son will not bury you. Gu's face is square, and his descendants will definitely do something in Lu.'”

"Hanshu" said: "Liu Bang, the great ancestor of the Han Dynasty, named Liu Bi the king of Wu. After the canonization ceremony was over, the emperor looked at his face and said, 'Your face seems to have a reverse phase. After 50 years of the Han Dynasty, the southeast direction will be There is a rebellion, isn’t it you? The whole world belongs to our family with the surname Liu, so you must not rebel!’”

From this point of view, observing a person through his face has long been done in history.Therefore, we can tell whether a person is rich or not by his bones, and whether he is sad or happy by his complexion.

Success or failure lies in decision-making, and if you participate in it, you will never lose one.

Those who speak spirituality can only be tolerated.It's very general.

Husbands and relatives look at their faces first.There are five mountains and four ruins, five sense organs and six mansions, nine states and eight poles, seven gates and two rituals.

If Ruofu's cheekbones are only raised, and his complexion is moist, he is at the ninth rank.The auxiliary bone is small, the nose is slightly tipped, and it is also of the eighth grade.If the auxiliary corners are ridged, and the warehouses and warehouses are flat, it is also the seventh rank.The sky is prosperous, the Yintang is upright, and it is also the sixth grade.If the rhinoceros is bright and strong, and the auxiliary horns are abundant, it is also the fifth rank.The frontier is deep and deep, and the blessing hall is broad and thick, and the fourth rank is also expected.Rhinoceros and Sikong, those with slender and straight dragon horns, are also of the third rank.The top of the head is high and deep, and those who have achieved dragon and rhinoceros are also at the second rank.The four warehouses are full, and the bones and corners are all clear, which is the first grade.

main idea
Whether you can make a decision is the key to success or failure. Use this as the main basis, and then use your appearance as a reference to make a prediction of success or failure. Such a prediction will be foolproof.

A person's aura and temperament are often expressed in appearance and manners.Roughly speaking it goes like this.

A person should first look at his face.On the face, there are five sacred mountains and four blasphemy, five sense organs and six mansions, nine states and eight poles, seven gates and two rituals.

(End of this chapter)

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