Chapter 192

Li Fu pinched the sixth princess's little nose, and said, "You're a big kid, you can't say this in front of Aunt Shushen, otherwise she will definitely die of anger."

The sixth princess stuck out her tongue and said: "If you don't say it, you don't say it, but she is not allowed to bully others. If she wants to bully sister Lin, I will not obey!"

"Yes, yes, no one dares to bully your sister Lin, besides... your sister Lin is not easy to bully!" Li Fu said with a smile.

Lin Siran hurriedly said: "Princess treats me with such great love, I am ashamed of this servant girl."

Li Fu knew that Lin Siran was being modest, and said with a smile, "Don't worry, I won't look at you like other people. Liu'er likes you, and I like you too. Anyway, we like it, and other people don't like you." , other people are nothing, hahaha..."

Li Fu let out a series of loud laughter.

The sixth princess also laughed along with her, and said, "Sister Afu, you're swearing!"

Li Fu shook her head and said triumphantly, "What's wrong with swearing, let me tell you, sometimes swearing is fun, especially when you're in a bad mood, it's such a joy to use swearing!"

The sixth princess seemed very curious, and asked: "Really? But there are many rules in the palace, so don't speak foul words to me."

"Let's talk secretly, hee hee... Let me teach you, if you are very unhappy or angry, you can scold... fuck you!" Li Fu said.

Lin Sizan hurriedly said: "Princess, don't teach the princess these things, lest she really learn it, and if she accidentally said it in the palace, she will be punished by His Majesty."

"Hahaha... In life, if you can't swear even with swear words, it would be so boring." Li Fu lifted the hem of her skirt, looking free and unrestrained.

Lin Siran couldn't help feeling a little envious, but she clearly knew that not everyone was as lucky as Li Fu, because she was the only daughter of Princess Huayang and had an emperor's uncle who doted on her, so she could live as she wanted and wanted to. Laugh when you laugh, cry when you want to cry, even the princess has to be courteous to her.

At this moment Wei Xi came, smiled and said to the sixth princess: "Princess, Your Highness invites you to have some snacks."

The sixth princess joyfully dragged Lin Sizan to go.

Li Fu also wanted to join in the fun, so they passed together.

Li Xingxu has a special room in Taiyuan College, where several long tables are set up, all of which are full of books. Li Xingxu buries his head in the pile of books, holding a pen in his hand, recording something from time to time, occasionally raising his head, frowning slightly , as if encountered a problem.

Eunuch Wei came in to report first.

Li Xingxu just raised his head, waved his hands, and then lowered his head to read again, which didn't seem at all to welcome them to have snacks.

The sixth princess brought Li Fu and Lin Bianran in.

The three saluted Li Xingxu together.

"Brother Prince, are you still studying? Don't you want to buy me some snacks?" The sixth princess leaned over to see what book Li Xingxu was reading.

Li Xingxu raised his head to be polite to the sixth princess, smiled lightly, and said, "Go over there to eat, remember not to get it everywhere."

The sixth princess stuck out her tongue and said, "I'm not a child anymore!"

After speaking, I ran to eat some snacks.

Li Xingxu looked up at Lin Siran, and nodded slightly at her.

Lin Siran was a little embarrassed, every time she faced Li Xingxu, she always felt guilty.

Li Xingxu seemed to have forgotten that she met him in Suiyuan.

Li Fu asked Li Xingxu: "His Royal Highness, I heard that you are not in good health recently, why did you come to the Tai Academy to compile a book? Couldn't it be better if the people below can do it? Why do you have to do it yourself, it's so tiring."

Li Xingxu said: "Father entrusted such an important matter to Gu, how can Gu be lazy and play tricks? My body is just like this, and I'm used to it."

As he spoke, Li Xingxu coughed twice again, as if he was really weak.

But Lin Siran always felt that he didn't look sick. Although he was a little thinner, his eyes were shining brightly, revealing such deep and wise wisdom. How could such a person look like a sick child?

Later, it was also proved that His Royal Highness is in good health and possesses extraordinary martial arts skills.

But at this moment, Li Xingxu, who is good at keeping a low profile, has always presented himself as a "sick and weak" prince. This kind of deliberate weakness has indeed greatly reduced the vigilance of King Fu and the noble concubine towards him.

The sixth princess walked over, gave Li Xingxu a shoulder squeeze, and said obediently: "Brother Prince, you must be very tired? I'll give you a shoulder squeeze."

"Qiaoer is good, brother is not tired!" Li Xingxu looked at the sixth princess with rare warmth.

Li Fu casually picked up a book and flipped through it, looking bored, and said: "His Royal Highness Fu goes to the court every day to discuss affairs, and is in charge of the Ministry of Households and the Ministry of Rites, but His Highness is hiding in this Imperial Academy and working with these books. Don't you feel aggrieved? You are the crown prince, he is just a prince of seven beads."

In Li Fu's words, there seemed to be an injustice for Li Xingxu.

Lin Siran's heart skipped a beat, this Li Fu is too daring to say it, it's almost impossible to open any pot.

She glanced at Li Xingxu worriedly.

Li Xingxu smiled indifferently, and said: "Afu, it's fine if you say this in front of me, but you can't talk nonsense outside. The errands arranged by the father are not limited to anything. We are both the son of the father and the courtiers. , you should do your best to share the worries of the father."

Li Fu made a grimace, and said, "I know, let's not talk about it, oops... I'll eat some snacks!"

As he spoke, he picked up a piece of dragon beard pastry and stuffed it into his mouth.

Wei Xi brought a pot of tea and poured tea for several people respectively. Lin Sizan took the initiative to offer a cup of tea to Li Xingxu, and said lightly, "Your Highness, please drink tea."

Lin Siran didn't deliberately curry favor with Li Xingxu, but was thinking of the kindness he said to save her that day, otherwise the King of Fortune might really want to use her hands that day.

Li Xingxu nodded lightly, and said, "Young lady."

"Your Highness, you are welcome." Lin Sizan also replied, seeing the record on Li Xingxu's desk case, seeing his strong handwriting, quite strong, couldn't help but look at it a few more times.

"What? Is there something wrong with Gu's writing?" Li Xingxu raised his eyebrows and asked.

Lin Siran shook her head hurriedly, and said, "No, no... this servant just likes Your Highness's words."

"Oh? You like it?" Li Xingxu raised the corners of his mouth, smiling playfully.

Lin Siran didn't know why, but he always felt that Li Xingxu didn't look like a serious prince at this time, and he always felt that there was a hint of teasing in his eyes.

It suddenly occurred to her that Li Xingxu was actually like this in Suiyuan that time, and he was not at all as serious and indifferent as he usually showed.

She sneaked a guilty glance at Sixth Princess and Li Fu, and was slightly relieved when she found that they were scrambling for snacks across a pile of books and didn't pay attention.

Isn't Li Xingxu afraid of revealing his "true face"?

Lin Siran was really worried about him, as his camouflage skills didn't seem to be very good.

"Your Highness is weak, but you write with such vigor, it shows that you have worked hard on weekdays." Lin Siran pointed out.

Li Xingxu said with a smile: "At the palace banquet, the girl's strokes of words shocked everyone. In this way, do you and I share the same interests?"

Lin Siran said awkwardly: "How dare a servant girl be compared with His Highness, it's just a trivial skill."

(End of this chapter)

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