Chapter 193 Are you really willing?
"Gu got the authentic copy of "Quick Snow and Sunshine Post" a few days ago, is the girl interested?" Li Xingxu asked.

Lin Siran was overjoyed and asked, "The real one? That's a rare treasure. I've only seen copies..."

Li Xingxu nodded, and said: "Gu also searched for a long time before imitating it. If the girl is interested, Gu will bring you a look next time."

"Interested!" Lin Sizan said eagerly, and felt that he was too unreserved, so he smiled awkwardly, "If you are lucky enough to feast your eyes, Sansheng is also lucky."

Li Xingxu felt that Lin Siran's shy look was a bit cute.

"You can make a copy if you like. Of course...the original work will be left in the East Palace. Gu intends to use this post as a betrothal gift to his future wife." Li Xingxu said half-truthfully.

Lin Siran couldn't help feeling envious, and said, "The future princess is really blessed."

The Kuaixue Shiqing post is known as the best calligraphy in the world, how can its value be estimated in gold and silver?It was a treasure handed down from generation to generation. Since she was a child, she had heard Yan Yunchang talk about how she would die without regret if she was lucky enough to see the real work.

Li Xingxu smiled without saying a word.

"What are you guys talking about? Ranran, don't you want some snacks?" Li Fu greeted loudly.

Lin Siran hurriedly said: " we come."

Lin Siran blessed Li Xingxu, so she went to eat snacks with Li Fu and Princess Six.

The next day, Lin Ruran excitedly asked the sixth princess to take her to find Li Xingxu. Sure enough, when she saw the Kuaixueshiqing post, Lin Ruran's hands trembled with excitement. She has always liked calligraphy, otherwise she wouldn't be able to practice it. It's a good word.

"If you want to copy it, you can do it here, but you can't take it out. Many old gentlemen in this academy are thinking about it. If they learn that Kuaixue Shiqing is posted in Gu's hand, I'm afraid it will make Gu I'm so annoying." Li Xingxu said.

Lin Siran smiled, and said: "The little girl was lucky enough to come into contact with the authentic works of Wang Youjun thanks to His Highness's blessing, so that servant girl will not be polite to His Highness."

Lin Sizan also knew that this opportunity was hard to come by, so she hurriedly set up a pen, ink, paper and inkstone, sat down seriously and began to copy.

The sixth princess was not interested in this, so she took the snack and muttered while eating: "It's just a few words, brother prince and sister Lin seem to have won some rare treasure!"

Lin Siran smiled and said, "Princess, this is a rare treasure."

The sixth princess saw Lin Siran earnestly copying the posts with great concentration, and Li Xingxu concentrated on reading and taking notes. She seemed very redundant by herself, so she yawned, feeling bored.

Coincidentally, Wei Xi came in at this time and said, "Princess, Princess Ningrong invites you to go out and play shuttlecock together!"

"Okay, I'll go now." The sixth princess was in a panic at the moment, seeing that there was something to play, she couldn't sit still.

Lin Siran looked up, a little embarrassed, she was copying a few words.

"Sister Lin, you can stay here and write. I went out to play, and I will come to you later." The sixth princess was also considerate of her.

Lin Sizan quickly responded, and said, "Princess, just call me if you have anything to do."

"Okay." The sixth princess couldn't wait to run out.

Lin Siran shook his head and smiled, knowing that the sixth princess is playful.

Li Xingxu put down his book and walked over, standing beside Lin Sizan and watching.

Lin Siran was a little uncomfortable, and said: "I can only imitate its shape, but I can't get its spirit after all."

Li Xingxu pointed out from the side: "This post may run or regular script, or flow and stop, or stop and flow, it seems random, but in fact, none of it is taken lightly, and every word is full of leisurely charm. If you are too nervous, you will not know what to do." .”

Li Xingxu took the pen in Lin Sizran's hand, and wrote a few words seemingly casually on another piece of paper.

Lin Siran immediately sensed the gap between himself and Li Xingxu, this prince is not just showing off.

Lin Sizan seriously asked him for advice on the doubts in his heart, and found that Li Xingxu was not only good at writing, but also full of knowledge.

Lin Siran couldn't help but look at Li Xingxu differently.

In the past, I only thought that this prince was scheming, with a deep city, a surly temperament, and elusive. After becoming the emperor, he was even more decisive and cunning.

At this time, he felt that it was not easy for him to endure for so many years.No matter how suppressed and ignored by the emperor, no matter how ridiculed by others, he never gave up on himself, this kind of willpower is very human.

Lin Siran couldn't help asking: "His Royal Highness, are you really willing to compile books and dictionaries here?"

Li Xingxu didn't expect Lin Sizan to ask such a question suddenly. After being stunned, Yun Danfeng smiled lightly and said, "Compiling and compiling the books will last forever, so what's there to be unwilling about?"

Lin Siran didn't really believe that he really thought so. King Fu has become more and more popular recently, and he has completely covered up the crown prince's light, and the voice of Yi Chu in the court is getting louder and louder. Is Li Xingxu really not in a hurry?

"The scientific examination is approaching, does Your Highness intend to recruit some people who are willing to devote themselves to studying books like you?" Lin Sizan asked suddenly, she wanted to recommend Yan Shichu to the crown prince.

Lin Sizan knew that Li Xingxu, like the emperor, wanted to promote the humble family, if Yan Shichu could join the crown prince, he would definitely be reused.

Moreover, the crown prince at this time is still a little weak. It is the time when he is employing people, and Yan Shichu's talent will definitely be able to make a big difference.

Li Xingxu's eyes flickered for a moment, then he narrowed his eyes, and his eyes became extremely sharp.

Seeing such gazes, Lin Siran shuddered like a glow on his back.

"Your Highness, the slave has overstepped!" Lin Siran hurriedly knelt down, really afraid that the uncertain prince would change his face.

Fortunately, Li Xingxu just said indifferently: "If there is someone who is willing to devote himself to writing books, Gu is willing to give him a chance, but... such a thing as writing books is not suitable for those who are eager for quick success and quick profit. What is needed is not only talent, but also a pile of old papers. It takes a lot of patience.”

Lin Siran was overjoyed, and said: "There must be such people. Not everyone is eager for quick success, but there are also people who are willing to do something practical."

Li Xingxu and Lin Sizan looked at each other, nodded to her, and didn't say much, but Lin Sizan seemed to understand what he meant, and changed the topic tacitly.

Lin Siran concentrated on writing for a while, but she was not very satisfied. Thinking that the sixth princess was still outside and he couldn't leave her side for too long, he returned the post to Li Xingxu and went out to find the sixth princess.

But it turns out that the sixth princess is not playing in the yard, but Princess Shushen and Li Fu are having fun together.

"Princess, where is the princess?" Lin Bianran asked Li Fu.

Li Fu shook her head and said, "I didn't see it, I just came here not long ago."

Princess Shushen said: "Little Liu'er was playing with us just now, but just now he became unhappy for some reason and ran away by himself."

When Lin Sizan heard this, she felt a little angry. It must be that the sixth princess was bullied by these self-righteous princesses again, so she asked, "Where did the sixth princess go, does the princess know?"

"It seems to be going to the backyard? I don't know." Shushen shook her head, not caring.

Lin Qianyu suddenly said: "I think I saw the sixth princess, she ran to the direction of the library, her eyes were red, and she ignored me when I talked to her."

Lin Sizan glanced at Shushen, who snorted coldly and said, "What are you looking at me for? I didn't do anything to her!"

(End of this chapter)

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