Chapter 194

Although Lin Siran didn't know what happened, the sixth princess had a good temperament and would not lose her temper easily. It must be because Princess Shushen and the others did something excessive or said something that hurt her heart.

Lin Siran ignored her and went directly to Princess Six.

But after searching all the way, she couldn't find the sixth princess. Lin Siran was a little anxious. Seeing that the door of the library was open, she thought that the sixth princess was hiding secretly, so she called a few times, but no one responded.

At this moment, Lin Sizan's mouth and nose were covered from behind, only smelled a strange smell, and passed out.

After that, she suddenly smelled a pungent smell again, and woke up from the coma, and found that she was already in the library cabinet, and the books beside her were actually lit, and there was a candle on the ground.

The fire rose in an instant, and Lin Siran was startled.

She knew that the Zangshu Pavilion was the "forbidden place" of the Taiyuan Academy. There were a large number of ancient books and precious collections in it. Start fighting the fire.

"Come here... come here, the library is flooded!"

Lin Siran yelled for help while fighting the burning fire.

She didn't want the books here to be burned, so she rushed out to find water, but found that there was no water in the water tank at the door, so she ran back to find a wooden stick and began to beat the ignited fire.

After a while, someone probably heard her shout and ran in.

Lin Siran didn't know who it was, so he shouted, "Help quickly, don't let these books be burned."

Only then did Lin Siran realize that this person seemed to be Wu Chengwan, the dean of the Imperial College.

Wu Chengwan yelled, "Oops!"

Before he could explain, Wu Chengwan ran out and called a few more people. A group of people hurriedly put out the fire, but half of the books on the bookshelf had been burned, and some were burnt to pieces. .

Lin Sizan felt distressed when she saw it, and wondered if these books could still be found. It would be a pity if they were orphans.

Wu Chengwan looked at Lin Siran at this moment, and asked, "Are you the companion of the sixth princess? Why did you come to the Library Pavilion? I don't know that this is the important place of the Taiyuan Academy. Students are not allowed to enter without permission." Did you light the fire? What do you want to do?"

Lin Siran was stunned, and said, "I didn't light the fire. When Mr. Wu came in, didn't he see me fighting the fire?"

"Who are you? When I came, I saw you alone. Just because you put out the fire doesn't mean you didn't light it. What are you doing here alone?" Wu Chengwan asked again.

"I came to look for the sixth princess. I found a fire in the Library Pavilion, so I hurried in to check it. I didn't expect it to be a fire, so I hurriedly tried to put out the fire." Lin Siran didn't mention the fact that she was stunned. There was no evidence. No one would believe me, so I didn't mention it.

She was in a coma for a very short time. It should be that someone threw her in and woke her up with medicine, and then lit a fire, which happened to make her take the blame.

Lin Siran reacted quickly, it would be better to say that he was the first to discover that the Zangshu Pavilion was leaking, so he should be a firefighting hero.

"Looking for the sixth princess? Why did the sixth princess come to Zangshuge?" Wu Chengwan obviously didn't believe Lin Siran's words.

The Library Pavilion of the Taiyuan Academy is the most important place. The emperor ordered the prince to lead a group of well-read scholars in the Taiyuan Academy to compile books. It is because the Library Pavilion is located in the Taiyuan Academy. If it is damaged, you will never be able to find a second copy.

Lin Siran could not afford this charge.

Lin Siran was silent, she had to figure out the ins and outs and find out the evidence that she was framed.

At this moment, the sixth princess and Li Fu came after hearing the news, and of course there were also Shushen and Lin Qianyu.

"What's going on?" The sixth princess was very puzzled when she saw the smoky atmosphere and Lin Siran was there.

"Princess, your companion broke into the Library Pavilion and set fire to it, almost burning it down. When we came, half of the books on this shelf were burned." Wu Chengwan was trembling with anger. I am also a book lover, how can I not feel distressed.

The sixth princess looked at Lin Siran and asked, "Sister Lin, why are you here?"

Lin Siran saw the maliciousness in Lin Qianyu's eyes, and immediately understood everything. Lin Qianyu lured her here on purpose. It seems that behind this was the plan of her and Princess Shushen.

After thinking it over, Lin Siran didn't panic anymore.

"Princess, where did you go just now? I can't find you anywhere." Lin Siran asked.

The sixth princess pursed her lips, glanced at Princess Shushen, and said, "I went to Moxiangting, who told you to come to find me?"

When she said this, the sixth princess felt a little wronged.

Lin Siran noticed that her eyes were still a little red and swollen, obviously she had cried.

She speculated that Princess Shushen was crying for the sixth princess on purpose, and pushed her away, and then lied to herself that the sixth princess came to the Zangshuge, and there was no one here, so she could secretly attack her, knock her unconscious and throw her into the Zangshu Pavilion, set fire to her again.

It's just that I don't know whether the idea came from Princess Shushen or Lin Qianyu.

Lin Siran secretly hated herself for being too careless, thinking that in this academy, no one would dare to mess around.

But the matter has come to this point, there is no point in complaining, she has to find a way to remedy it.

After hearing what the sixth princess said, Lin Qianyu hurriedly said: "Ah, I'm sorry, sister, I made a mistake just now, I saw the sixth princess on the way to Moxiang Pavilion, not the library, but I didn't mean it of it."

Lin Qianyu was clearly gloating and planned to watch a good show.

But Lin Siran just seized the opportunity and said: "Mr. Wu, you heard me, I did come here to look for the sixth princess, but I didn't find the sixth princess, but unexpectedly found that the library was on fire. I can't bear to see the library being burned Turned into ashes, desperately saved, but failed to save too many books, why don't you take stock of the losses and see if there is any way to remedy it."

Seeing Lin Sizan's sincere face at night, Wu Chengwan dispelled his doubts a little, and said, "Does it really have nothing to do with you? Then, did you see someone coming to Zangshu Pavilion? This fire doesn't seem to have been going on for a long time. No one will come, let alone bring an open flame into the library."

Lin Siran shook his head and said, "I don't know, I didn't see anyone."

She did not see anyone, if she did, how could she let him go?
"Miss Lin said this as if she had no responsibility at all. I heard that you love books very much, and you especially like to collect some precious collections. Could it be that you were thinking about the books in the Imperial College, so you moved your mind, but accidentally Did you light the book?" Princess Shushen said maliciously.

The sixth princess immediately defended Lin Bianran: "Aunt Shushen, don't talk about it, sister Lin won't steal!"

"Who knows? Ya thief is also a thief!" Princess Shushen grinned.

At this time, another person said: "I heard that Miss Lin's hands and feet are always dirty. Last time her family held a banquet, I heard that she even stole the jade pendant from the guests!"

Lin Siran's eyes turned cold, and he looked directly at the speaker, who was Qi Ke, the county lord who liked to follow Princess Shushen's buttocks.

(End of this chapter)

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