Chapter 314 Don't Love Me
Mrs. Luohua looked at her with some doubts, and asked, "Are you under 16 this year?"

"Well, it will be sixteen in a few months." Lin Siran said.

"It's not easy. It's rare to have such a mind at such a young age. Do you like flowers?" Mrs. Luo Hua asked.

Lin Sizan nodded, and said: "I like it. I learned some superficial skills from the elders at home, but I feel that flower art is broad and profound, and it is an art and beauty worth pursuing."

" come with me." Mrs. Luo Hua got up and led Lin Sizan to the backyard.

It was only then that Lin Siran discovered that the backyard of Mrs. Luohua's mansion was occupied by a greenhouse.

"These are just a part. I have a few flower fields in the village outside the city, which I planted by myself. Is it too hard for you to come and fertilize and water my flowers every day?" Mrs. Luohua asked.

"Yes, I have grown some flowers before, but Madam's varieties seem to be very precious. I wonder if I can ask the people who take care of these flowers on weekdays how to water and fertilize them, so as to prevent me from being clumsy and ruining Madam's life. I love flowers." Lin Siran said cautiously.

If you don't need to serve flowers and plants when you learn ikebana, then it's really a waste of time, Mrs. Luohua's request is not too much.

Mrs. Luohua took Lin Ruran into the greenhouse. It turned out that each variety had a sign written on it, when to water, when to fertilize, what water to use, what fertilizer to use, and how much to use.

"It's so delicate, I will write it down soon, and I promise to take good care of these flowers and plants." Lin Ruran was a little excited, because she found that there were many precious varieties that were not seen in the market in Mrs. Luohua's greenhouse.

Such a good opportunity to serve these treasures is also very rare, Lin Siran is actually a flower lover.

Seeing the excitement and joy in her eyes, Luo Hua deliberately said: "Don't promise too early, tending flowers and plants is a very hard job, I take care of these myself, I can't leave it to those gardeners. The ugly thing is up front, if you are careless or accidentally damage these flowers and plants, even if it is Qingxuan's face, I will not give it to you."

"Yes, Ma'am, don't worry, I will definitely be more careful." Lin Siran said carefully.

Mrs. Luohua said: "Okay, it's getting late today, you go back first, from tomorrow onwards, if you don't have anything special, come over after lunch, and take care of the flowers that need to be fertilized and watered in the afternoon for the time being. Wait until you get used to it, and then switch to morning."

"Yes." Lin Siran replied.

Knowing that Mrs. Luohua hopes that she can get in touch with all the varieties and habits of flowers here, only those who really love and cherish flowers can take good care of delicate flowers.

Every flower in Mrs. Luohua's flower house blooms very well, which shows how much painstaking effort and energy the owner has put into it.

Lin Sian felt that Mrs. Luohua was well-deserved to be famous all over the world for flower arrangement and tea ceremony.

Since she, a woman over sixty years old, can grow flowers and plants herself, why can't she?

Lin Siran went back and told Qingxuan about going to Mrs. Luohua's house to tend flowers and plants.

"This is a hard job." Qingxuan was a little bit reluctant to part with Lin Siran.

"Ma'am, at her age, she can still do it herself, and I think I can do it too. Besides, not everyone has the opportunity to take care of these precious flowers and plants. In the process of planting flowers, I will learn a lot."

Lin Siran looked full of confidence.

"Didn't you meet someone else at Madam's place? I heard that she also took in a few noble girls. Although she didn't have a formal apprenticeship, she also learned ikebana and tea ceremony from her." Qingxuan asked curiously.

"I didn't meet them when I went, maybe they don't study at Madam's house every day." Lin Sili shook her head.

Qingxuan nodded slightly: "It seems that she is still very satisfied with you, you just listen to her arrangement, don't back down even if you work hard, I know that old lady, she didn't mean to make things difficult for you, but she wanted to teach you real skills That's why I'm so strict with you."

Lin Sizan also deeply agreed: "I think so too, if it's just because of my godmother's face that I have to teach me some simple things, I certainly don't need to entrust me with such precious varieties in the greenhouse. It can be seen that Madam intends to train me."

"You should reduce your homework with me, lest you are really exhausted. The godmother still has to feel sorry for you. You should learn from Mrs. Luohua first. She is a strict teacher. You must work harder. .”

After all, Qingxuan still couldn't bear Lin Siran's hard work, so he wanted to reduce the academic pressure he put on her.

"Godmother, don't rush to feel sorry for me. I don't have many skills, so I can't relax my studies because of this, lest I go out and embarrass you, a famous teacher. At that time, people will think that you are a vain name."

Lin Siran was not willing to reduce her homework, she calculated carefully, and there was enough time every day.

"You are really strong, kid, but you don't have any free time like this." Qingxuan shook his head helplessly.

Instead, Lin Siran comforted Qingxuan: "Godmother, what do I need so much free time for? I'm still idle, why don't I learn more skills, maybe I'll need them in the future?"

Qingxuan patted Lin Siran's hand, feeling deeply relieved: "Where can I find such a good girl like you, other people's family forces the child to learn this and that, it takes so much effort, I want you to take a break, but you No."

Lin Siran just smiled and didn't speak.

Being busy has its benefits. The Lin family sent people to invite Lin Sizan home several times, but Lin Sizan was sent away by Qingxuan and the sixth princess because she went to Mrs. Luohua's place but did not meet her.

The tribute test also started at this time.

Lin Siran personally prepared a treasure chest for Yan Shichu to enter the examination room.

Not only are thick quilts prepared, but also dry food for three days, and two spare copies of the Four Treasures of the Study.

Later, he was still uneasy, and had to personally watch Yan Shichu enter the Gongyuan to ensure that he entered the examination room safely and soundly.

"Miss, you can rest assured now, the young master has already entered the arena, and he will not be able to come out until it is closed for three days!"

Sui'er also felt that Lin Siran was too nervous, and she was worried when the inscription came, so she had to come over in person.

But Sui'er didn't know Lin Siran's mood.

Because of the omissions in her previous life, she completely lost contact with her brother, and never saw her again. That was her lifetime regret.

This time, she is bound to make up for this regret, never wanting to lose such a precious relative again.

"Brother doesn't know I'm coming?" Lin Siran asked the inscription.

She just watched from a distance, it was the inscription that sent Yan Shichu in, she didn't want to put too much pressure on Yan Shichu, lest he get nervous during the exam.

Inscription shook his head: "I don't know, even I don't know, if Sui'er hadn't come to see me, how could I have thought that Miss, you would come here specially to see you off to the examination room?"

"In three days' time, you have to come to pick up Young Master at the gate of the Gongyuan as soon as possible, and I will come too." Lin Sizan instructed.

"Don't worry, miss." The inscription assured, patted his chest.

(End of this chapter)

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