Chapter 315 Major Change
Lin Sizan looked at the closed gate of the Gong Yuan, and prayed silently in his heart, hoping that Yan Shichu would go well this time and be named on the gold list.

When he was about to leave, he saw Luo Zifang's mother.

Mrs. Luo was supported by Luo Zifang's younger sister, and tremblingly got into the carriage.

Lin Bian felt that this scene was somewhat familiar. In her previous life, it seemed that she had personally sent Luo Zifang to the Gongyuan, and the person standing next to Mrs. Luo at that time was herself.

Times have changed, and Luo Zifang did not expect that Luo Zifang still participated in the tribute examination, but it has nothing to do with her.

At this time, Lin Siran realized that she hadn't thought of Luo Zifang for a long time, and even her memory of him was much blurred.

"Miss, what's the matter with you?" Sui'er saw that she had been staring at the other carriage.

"Huh... isn't that from the Luo family?" Sui'er also recognized Luo Zifang's mother.

Lin Siran nodded: "It's okay, let's go, they are all irrelevant people."

"That's right, after I broke off the engagement with Second Miss, I haven't heard from them for a long time." Sui'er helped Lin Siran into the carriage.

Two carriages passed by, and Lin Siran and Mrs. Luo actually met eyes.

She nodded to Mrs. Luo, and then lowered the curtain.

In this life, I hope she and the Luo family will no longer have any intersections.

The wheel of life is rolling forward, and some people have been left far behind in the past, and they will not repeat the same mistakes anyway.

The three-day exam must have been a torment for the examinees. The weather was cold, the exam room was leaking everywhere, and eating and drinking in the small private room was really a miserable thing.

Therefore, it is absolutely impossible for the children of the aristocratic family to take the imperial examination.

But for common people who have no connections and no blessings from their ancestors, the imperial examination has been a special favor from the court, giving them a chance to change their destiny.

Even if thousands of troops cross the single-plank bridge, they have to squeeze desperately. If they pass, they will leave their original class and become an official.

Lin Siran has never let go of her heart in the past three days, and she is worried every day, worrying whether Yan Shichu can survive this exam.

After all, he failed to participate in the scientific examination in his previous life. He was not present in this examination. This time, if he took the examination, what impact would it have on this scientific examination? Will the result be as they wished?

Three days later, Lin Sizan was waiting at the gate of the Gongyuan early.

Sui'er felt her nervousness.

"The exam is over, why is Miss still so nervous?" Sui'er didn't quite understand.

"You can rest assured only when you see your brother come out safely." Lin Sizan kept staring at the entrance of the Gongyuan, afraid of missing Yan Shichu.

As soon as the door opened, candidates came out one after another.

Soon, Lin Siran saw Yan Shichu in the crowd who was carrying a suitcase unhurriedly.

During the three-day exam, the other examinees were all disheveled and disheveled.

But he looked like he had been traveling somewhere for three days, his spirits were full of energy, and he even stepped out much more briskly.

Lin Siran's heart was finally in his stomach.

"elder brother……"

Lin Ruran got out of the carriage and walked towards him.

When Yan Shichu saw Lin Siran, he also showed a bright smile, especially when he saw Lin Siran's slightly blue-black eyes.

"In the past three days, you have worked harder than me?"

Yan Shichu understood that his sister must have been thinking about it for three days.

Lin Siran was pleased and excited.

"Brother, you finally made it through."

"There's no result yet, and we won't know the final answer until the list is released a month later." Yan Shichu said with a smile.

Lin Siran said: "It's already the best result."

Passing this exam safely was already a major change in fate for Lin Sianran.

Yan Shichu didn't quite understand the deep meaning of Lin Siran's words.

"Let's go, brother, you've worked hard these three days, I've already reserved a table at Guangyue Building!" Lin Sizan said with a smile.

"What are you going to do so much trouble for? Just eat some casually. Those who don't know think I'm already in high school!" Yan Shichu smiled helplessly.

Lin Siran took his arm and got into the car.

"Because my brother has worked so hard for too long, so naturally he has to eat a good meal to make up for it."

"That's right, young master, the inscription should also be honored. Not only have you worked hard these few days, but I also pray to all the gods at home every day, and wish the young master a smooth exam!"

The inscription is also vigorous and authentic.

"Did the god agree to you?" Sui'er asked.

"Of course I agreed. Didn't the young master pass the exam smoothly? And with our young master's talent and learning, at least we are among the top three!"

The inscription is full of confidence in Yan Shichu.

"Don't speak such big words. If you don't have a good mouth, others will think that we are frivolous and arrogant!" Yan Shichu said.

"Yes, young master, am I not happy!"

Inscription hurriedly stopped talking, not daring to say any more.

Lin Siran snickered: "Let's just say these words in our hearts, don't say them, don't say them!"

When the carriage arrived at Guangyue Tower, as soon as Lin Sizan and Yan Shichu got off, they attracted many people's attention.

Lin Siran is naturally dressed in men's clothes again today, standing with Yan Shichu, they are really a pair of handsome and handsome young men who catch people's attention, they are too eye-catching.

Sui Er hurried forward and explained a few words to Xiao Er.

Xiao Er led them to the private room on the second floor.

Lin Siran didn't want to be disturbed, so she specially reserved a quiet private room early to celebrate Yan Shichu alone.

"Brother, have you worked hard? Drink some tea first, and the food will be served in a while." Lin Siran poured tea for Yan Shichu himself.

"Put it down, I'll do it myself."

Yan Shichu couldn't stand Lin Siran taking care of him so attentively.

"Hee hee... I know you can come by yourself, but I just want to serve you well once."

Lin Siran poured him a cup of tea.

"Brother, when you are named on the gold list, we brothers and sisters will no longer have to meet and sneak around."

Before Lin Siran was always afraid that the Lin family would make trouble and persecute Yan Shichu, so she did not dare to publicly recognize him.

"It's better not to say anything about our relationship between brother and sister for the time being." Yan Shichu shook his head, expressing that it's still inappropriate to make it public.

"Why?" Lin Siran was puzzled.

"When the Lin family came to pick you up, they warned us not to disturb you again."

Yan Shichu pursed his lips and took another sip of tea.

"Before I became famous, if I disclosed your relationship with me, I'm afraid it would bring criticism to you." Yan Shichu naturally didn't want to cause any trouble to Lin Siran because of himself.

"How can brother say such a thing? I didn't want to make it public before because I was afraid that my brother would be in danger, not because I was afraid of causing trouble to myself."

Lin Siran would never refuse to recognize her elder brother and the Yan family's parents just because she was afraid of being criticized.

"I know." Yan Shichu smiled gently.

"You think about me wholeheartedly, don't you allow your brother to think about you too?"

Yan Shichu didn't say anything against his will.

"Ranran, open or not, we are all brothers and sisters, this will never change, as long as we understand it, isn't it enough?"

Lin Siran looked at Yan Shichu and was very moved.

Only those who really care about her will think about her like this.

"But I'm not afraid of trouble at all. My brother will only bring me glory, not trouble. I firmly believe in this." Lin Sizan had tears in his eyes. The blessings of my life."

"Then wait until the three words of Yan Shichu are loud enough to protect you, and then tell the world that I am your elder brother."

(End of this chapter)

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