Chapter 391

The reason why Lin Siran didn't doubt Fu Wang's mother and son was also because she felt that they were in a situation where they would not kill her now.

Qingxuan nodded and agreed: "It should not be their mother and son. King Fu is unable to protect himself, and he is still confined in the mansion. If there is a chance to call people, it will not be you who will deal with it. The noble concubine is in the deep palace, although she still maintains the status of the noble concubine. Fame, but I'm afraid the situation will not be much better."

"So if it wasn't them, who would it be? I really can't think of it." Lin Siran said helplessly.

"Okay, if you can't think of it, don't think about it for now. Since they want to kill you, if they don't succeed once, they will definitely think of other ways, and they will always catch him. But the most important thing for you now is to take good care of your body , Don’t make any mistakes, your legs and arms are injured, you have to take good care of them.”

Qingxuan looked at Lin Siran's body covered in injuries, and felt extremely uncomfortable.

"Ranran, the godmother didn't protect you well, I'm sorry!"

"Godmother, what are you talking about? You have done enough for me. This time it was an accident, and you didn't know it. What's more... If I left at that time, Master might be killed because of me, so my Isn't the crime even greater? This is my own choice and has nothing to do with you." Lin Sizan comforted.

Qingxuan still blamed himself, and said: "It would be great if more people were sent to protect you. Although Liu Qi knows martial arts, he doesn't have enough experience as a guard. How can he leave you alone? I He has already been replaced, and I am looking for a more suitable person these days."

"You can't blame Liu Qi, he is just following my orders." Lin Siran couldn't bear to push the responsibility to Liu Qi, "If he hadn't taken Qingying and Sui'er away, everyone might be in trouble."

"Don't say such stupid things, why do you always have to think about others? Your own life is the most important thing!" Qingxuan suddenly became a little angry, "Don't be so great, it's okay to be selfish, you know?"

Lin Siran blinked a few times, as if she didn't understand why Qingxuan was angry.

"Silly girl, your life is also very precious. How can you not care so much? Do you know? You are the only one in the Qin family, and you are the only one. If you are gone..."

Qingxuan choked up and couldn't speak.

Lin Siran's lips trembled a few times, and he asked, "Mother, what are you talking about? Which Qin family?"

Although her mother's surname is Qin, she remembers that her mother seems to be an orphan with no parents or relatives. Does Qingxuan really know her mother?This is also impossible, her mother and Qingxuan shouldn't know each other.

"Does the godmother know about my background?" Lin Sizan asked, "What is the relationship between the old man I told you about, Qin Yinuo?"

Qingxuan wiped his tears with a handkerchief, and said: "I won't tell you, because I don't want you to have any burden. Those past things have passed away. The most important thing is that you live well. If you know too much, you will Add unnecessary trouble to you."

"Is your old friend the woman His Majesty once loved?" Lin Siran still couldn't help asking.

Qingxuan froze for a moment and asked, "How do you know?"

"It seems that my guess is right. It seems that for some reason, that Miss Qin didn't stay with His Majesty, and she and you used to be close friends. What about my mother? What is the relationship between my mother and that Miss Qin? "Lin Siran asked, "Why did my mother become an orphan and wandered to the Lin Family Village with no one to rely on?"

"The Qin family... Did something happen?" Lin Siran guessed.

Qingxuan sighed, nodded, and said: "You are so smart, you can't hide it if you want to. Your mother's surname is Qin. You already knew this. She is actually Enuo's younger sister."

"The Qin family encountered a catastrophe... overnight, the entire family was destroyed, and more than 320 people..."

Qingxuan trembled as he spoke, his eyes filled with fear and despair.

Lin Siran clearly felt that Qing Xuan was holding his hand much harder than before, and trembling slightly.

"All died, only your mother... I don't know how she escaped that catastrophe." Qingxuan gritted his teeth, "If I hadn't met you, I would have thought she would have died with the Qin family a long time ago .”

"Why are you so sure that my mother is from the Qin family?" Lin Siran asked, "There are similarities between people, so I may not be a descendant of the Qin family."

Qingxuan nodded, and said: "I was so puzzled at first, until I saw the birthmark on your lower back."

"Huh?" Lin Siran was slightly stunned, "Birthmark? What does it mean?"

Qingxuan explained: "Because it's not a birthmark, but a special imprint of the descendants of the Qin family. It should be tattooed by your mother shortly after you were born, using very light rouge powder. If you don't look carefully, You'd think it was just a normal birthmark."

Lin Siran was dumbfounded. She lived two lifetimes without knowing that the small birthmark on her waist was not a birthmark.

"These are not important anymore, your mother is gone, and no one knows that you are the blood of the Qin family back then, but you have to remember that you bear the fate of the Qin family on your back, and you must cherish your life. Your mother To be able to escape from death, she must have experienced many hardships and dangers, although she still could not escape death in the end, but at least she left you behind, leaving the Qin family with the last hope."

Qingxuan held Lin Siran's hand, and said in a low voice: "Protect yourself, otherwise, no one in this world will ever know why the Qin family was destroyed, and their grievances will never be resolved." The day when the snow is washed away, but as long as there is one person in the Qin family living in this world, one day the truth will be revealed to the world, and the 320 seven people who died unjustly can die in peace!"

"Then...could someone know about it? I am a descendant of the Qin family, so..." Lin Siran suddenly thought of the reason why he was hunted down.

Qingxuan's heart tightened.

"No... no, right? Your background, except me..." Qingxuan was not sure.

"It seems that you are not the only one who knows that I look like the late Miss Qin." Lin Sizan said.

Qingxuan's throat moved.

"If this is really the case, it means that the murderer who killed the Qin family has appeared again, and he is in the capital!" Qingxuan gritted his teeth, his eyes became cold and resentful, "I must find out The murderer who killed Enoch, I must avenge her!"

Qingxuan was extremely excited, the veins in his slender hands popped out, the blood seemed to rush to his forehead in an instant, and his face was flushed.

Lin Siran hurriedly comforted her: "Godmother, calm down and don't get excited. This is just my speculation, without any evidence. If this is the case, I will definitely find that person out even if you don't need to tell me." Not for the Qin family, but also for my own safety, isn't it?"

Qingxuan took a few deep breaths, then exhaled slowly, before calming down a little.

"I'm really scared, I'm afraid that as you said, those who killed Enoch are after you again, Ranran... I'm really scared!" Qingxuan repeated this sentence again and again.

(End of this chapter)

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