Chapter 476
After hearing these words, Li Xingxu's face, which was originally gloomy like a storm, improved a little.

"If you die now, will you regret it?" Li Xingxu asked.

Lin Siran shook his head, then nodded again.

"What do you mean?" Li Xingxu asked puzzled.

"I will regret it, but if I do it all over again, I should still do it." Lin Siran said, "In the face of death, there is no way to be calm, because there are still many unfinished things and many concerns, but if If you don't do this, Mr. Lu will die."

"Aren't you going to die? You show up after forcing the poison in this way. If she doesn't show up, what should you do?" Li Xingxu gritted his teeth angrily, "Why can't you think of a smarter way? In such a clumsy and reckless way? Is desperate the only thing you can do?"

Lin Siran was scolded by him, but she was not angry.

"I'm sorry, I'm really stupid, but I really can't think of a better way." Lin Siran said sadly, "I know my mother-in-law hasn't left, she must know about my poisoning soon, if she can Thank you for my kindness in saving me, and I will definitely show up."

"Gambling luck, it's gambling luck again, can you be so lucky every time? Forcing her to show up, doesn't it have to cost your life, even if you come to find a solution?"

"If it weren't for how weak you are, I really want to pull you up and shake you hard a few times to see how much water has entered your brain. Why would you give up your life for a man!"

Seeing that he was really angry, Lin Siran said, "I didn't give up my life. I'm not deeply poisoned. I can hold on. I just want to save him."

"I'm really mad at you. I really don't want to save you, so I might as well let you die. Anyway, you only want to land on Lu Jinnian, so you can just let you be desperate couples!"

Li Xingxu clenched his fists, his body was tense, but his eyes were full of hurt emotions.

Lin Siran looked at him, at a loss.

"Don't be so angry..." Before Lin Siran finished speaking, he coughed violently, and then vomited blood.

Seeing her vomit blood, Li Xingxu hurriedly took out a handkerchief to wipe her mouth, finally couldn't bear it, took out a small porcelain bottle from his sleeve, opened the stopper, and a burst of cold air came out of it.

Li Xingxu poured out a pill, which was crystal clear and exuded a cool breath.

"What is this?" Lin Siran asked.

"Eat it, don't ask." Li Xingxu stuffed the medicine into her mouth, "After Gu went to find the poison, you are not allowed to die until Gu comes back. If you dare to die, Gu... Gu will cut your body into thousands of pieces! "

Lin Siran was tongue-tied, not understanding what he meant.

"Did you hear that?" Li Xingxu asked angrily.

Lin Siran swallowed the pill, and felt that the painful and hot feeling in her heart was slightly better, and a cool breath dispersed from her stomach, and she seemed to be better.

"Whether to die or not is beyond my control. Naturally, I don't want to die." Lin Sianran had the strength to speak.

Li Xingxu took two deep breaths to suppress his anger.

"Gu will be mad at you sooner or later!"

Lin Siran looked innocent.

"Don't look at me like that!" Li Xingxu suddenly bent down, his eyes widened, and he stared straight at Lin Siran.

Lin Siran also stared wide-eyed, if she had the energy to spare, she would definitely push him away.

But Li Xingxu just put a kiss on her forehead, and said with deep sadness: "Lin Siran, I really don't want to care about you anymore, but I can't control my worry about you. What good things did you do in your last life? What good things did you do in this life?" Can you make Gu worry about you? But you, a stupid woman, don't care about Gu's thoughts, but want to die and live for other men!"

Lin Siran's face turned red.

"you you……"

"What me? I'm just warning you that you will never marry Lu Jinnian in this life. You'd better give up on this idea as soon as possible. If I save you, I can save him. I saved him to pay off for you. Grace, from now on you won't owe him anything, only me, remember!"

Li Xingxu was so domineering that he didn't give Lin Siran a chance to speak at all.

He walked as fast as when he came.

Lin Siran almost thought that she was hallucinating.

What does he mean?
How could he say something like that?
Lin Siran's mind was completely messed up.

"It''s a lunatic, why should I listen to you?" Lin Siran felt in a mess.

Her heart, which had already made a choice, became frantic at this moment because of Li Xingxu's words.

Qingxuan walked in and asked, "What did Your Highness tell you? Why did you have such a weird face when you left?"

"'s nothing, he fed me a medicine, and I feel better." Lin Sizan said.

Qingxuan hurriedly asked the doctor to come over and feel her pulse.

Doctor Qin said in amazement: "It's really strange, the pulse condition has stabilized a lot."

"Is the poison on Ranran's body all right?" Qingxuan was also quite excited, thinking that Li Xingxu had already detoxified Lin Siran.

Doctor Qin pricked Lin Siran with a silver needle, then took it out to look at it, shook his head, and said, "Not yet, the poison is only temporarily suppressed, but it hasn't been lifted."

Qingxuan couldn't help showing a regretful expression, and said: "I thought it was all right."

"But it's a miracle that she is like this, at least she won't die for the time being." Doctor Qin said truthfully, "Should she be taking some magic medicine?"

Lin Siran said: "It's a kind of transparent, ice-like medicine. After taking it, the burning feeling in the abdominal cavity will subside."

"Oh... If the old man's guess is correct, it should be Lengxiang Pills. That's a good treasure. It's not just a question of whether it's expensive or not. The conditions for making Lengxiang Pills are too harsh. This kind of medicine can be made It is used for life-sustaining, regardless of being poisoned or injured, swallowing one in a critical situation can temporarily protect the heart, and it is more effective than any panacea."

Doctor Qin was amazed.

Qingxuan asked: "Did His Highness give it to you? I have also heard of this medicine. It is extremely rare. I didn't expect him...he would be willing."

Lin Siran didn't expect it either, and asked, "Is this medicine very precious?"

"Not only is it precious, but it is simply impossible to find. Our master has been trying to find the prescription for many years, but I heard that no one can make Lengxiang Pills except the King of Medicine himself. After the death of the King of Medicine, this medicine It's almost extinct." Doctor Qin explained, "I didn't expect someone to keep it."

Only then did Lin Siran understand why Cui Ruo'an wanted the Yaowangdian.

The Medicine King's Code should record many of the medicine king's life-long painstaking efforts. Once a magical medicine like Lengxiang Wan can be refined, the significance to Cui Ruo'an is self-evident.

If the book in her hand is really the Medicine King's Code...

Lin Siran became a little excited for a moment, but when he thought that it was kept by the poisoned queen, he didn't dare to move.

After all, it's not her thing, so don't think about it casually.

Qingxuan said with relief: "Doctor Jian is still worried that you won't be able to survive these two days, thanks to His Highness who came in time."

Lin Siran also knew that drinking the poisonous blood directly was actually very dangerous, and it might be even worse than Lu Jinnian's situation.

(End of this chapter)

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