Chapter 477

"The beauty of this Lengxiang pill is not only that, because this kind of strong poison can easily damage the five internal organs. Even if the poison is detoxified, it may not be able to repair this kind of wound, especially if you drink the poison directly. The blood is doubly damaged, and with the protection of this Lengxiang pill, there is no need to worry about the sequelae."

Doctor Qin added another sentence, which made Lin Siran and Qingxuan feel more at ease.

"The county lord can take care of it at ease. For the time being, there is no need to worry about it for the next few days. As long as you find the antidote in time, you will be fine." Doctor Qin ordered a few words, and then left again.

Qingxuan looked at Lin Siran, as if he had something to say.

Lin Siran asked: "Mom, just tell me what you have, I'm still clear-headed."

Qingxuan sat by the bed, held her hand, and said: "I really shouldn't tell you this at this time, but... But I'm afraid I won't say it, and I don't know how to say it in the future."

Lin Siran nodded: "Mother, tell me."

"Your Highness treats you, you must be able to see that, Mr. Lu is also infatuated, what do you... think in your heart?" Qing Xuan looked at Lin Siran.

Lin Siran was also momentarily stunned by the question.


"Ask your heart, which one do you like?"

Lin Sizan originally wanted to say that she liked Lu Jinnian.

But when Qingxuan asked her so seriously, she was a little confused.

"Do you really like Mr. Lu? If it wasn't because he was so reckless and desperately wanted to heal his legs for you, would you take such a risk for him?" Qingxuan asked again.

"However, disregarding one's life for one person is not a manifestation of responsibility. Even if Lu Jinnian has no legs, he can still give you stable happiness. He is not an ordinary person, and he is not someone who has to rely on his legs to support his family. In this kind of In such a situation, but risking your life regardless of the consequences, my mother thinks it is still a bit inappropriate."

At this time, Qingxuan's heart is biased towards Li Xingxu.

Lu Jinnian asked Lin Bizran to accompany him with his life, but Li Xingxu was able to put aside his distracting thoughts and save Lin Bizran from danger. Even though he knew that Lin Bizran was poisoned to save Lu Jinnian, he still chose to save Lin Bizran.

This point makes Qingxuan feel very precious.

Lin Ruran moved her lips, not knowing what to say.

She was indeed shocked by Lu Jinnian, especially when she saw him lying there dying, his life becoming fragile, she was completely hit, and there was only one thought in her heart, that she had to save him.

She didn't want Lu Jinnian to die at all.

But she didn't think carefully about whether it was out of love or moving.

"But... my brother said, Mr. Lu is very good... and Mr. Lu is indeed very good. He treats me very well and cares a lot." Lin Siran tried to say something to prove that he was right to do so.

She had already chosen Lu Jinnian, so she shouldn't hesitate any longer, it's not fair to anyone.

Qingxuan caressed her face lightly, and said: "There is no need to rush to decide now. Many things have to be thought through slowly, especially life-long events. You should be more cautious. In this era, women are not so There are many choices, if you have a choice, you must think thoroughly before choosing.”

"Mother doesn't like Mr. Lu?" Lin Siran asked.

Qingxuan shook his head and said: "Young master Lu is very nice, and my mother likes it very much, but the Lu family..."

A shadow suddenly appeared in Lin Siran's heart.

Lu Xiang didn't like her.

As the head of the four major families, the Lu family is fundamentally opposed to her position.

The aristocratic family wants to protect the interests of the aristocratic family, but she hopes to change the court and the country that are firmly controlled by the aristocratic family. What she will do in the future will inevitably affect the rights and interests of the Lu family.

If she really got together with Lu Jinnian and became part of the Lu family, how would she choose?Give up your position, give up your brother and her wish, and stand on the Lu family's side?

How would she get along with Lu Jinnian if she didn't stand on the Lu family's side?
It was only at this moment that Lin Siran realized that he seemed to be facing a huge contradiction between emotion and reason, but he had been deliberately avoiding this contradiction.

"However, if you really like Mr. Lu, and Mr. Lu is willing to give up the responsibility of being the eldest son of Lu for you, you may choose to stay away from these disputes and become a couple of gods and immortals, but the premise is... He has to be willing to do this, you understand? Between you and the Lu family, he has to make a choice."

Qingxuan held Lin Siran.

"Or... you make a choice between his position and your position, give up your position, give up your brother's ideals, and be a woman who doesn't care about world affairs, and focus on caring for her husband and raising her children."

Qingxuan still felt a pity when he thought of this possibility.

Because Lin Siran is such a unique girl, her mind and talent should not be wasted in the backyard of the inner house. She spends her whole life only around her husband and children. It is more meaningful and more meaningful not to do anything. great thing.

She always hoped that Lin Siran could realize Yan Shichu's ambition, do something for this country, and inherit her ideal and will.

But if Lin Sizan really wants to choose to live an ordinary and stable life and become a family wife, she will not stop her, she will respect her wishes and bless her.

"Ranran, no matter which choice you choose, Mother will support you and respect you. There is no distinction between good and bad, nor noble and despicable. All you have to do is follow your own heart."

Qingxuan couldn't help adding another sentence, fearing that Lin Siran would be psychologically burdened because of his words.

Lin Siran nodded and said: "Mother, I understand, I will... think about it carefully, but I am very clear about one thing, I will not give up my position and ideals, whether it is brother's death or life, I've always shared his desire to make this country a better place."

Qingxuan smiled gratifiedly, and said: "Mother is right, you are definitely not a girl who only cares about the love of her children."

Lin Siran nodded: "If I live this life, I can only be a husband and son, surrounded by boilers and stoves, and my parents are short-lived. It would be too wasteful. I don't discriminate against those virtuous women who are husbands and children. They I can also reap the happiness of life because of this, but I... hope to do something different, use what I have learned, and show my enthusiasm and brilliance."

"Didn't Mother say that, as a woman, she can be as wonderful as a man?"

Qing Xuan nodded.

"It's good that you can think clearly about this point. As for feelings... I would rather you find someone with the same goals. If Mr. Lu is willing to respect your wishes, that would be great."

Lin Siran said: "I have never talked with him about this, but maybe we can talk about it in the future. He is not a pedantic person, nor is he a selfish person. I think... maybe he will talk to his mother and Cui. Like my uncle, I don't only care about my own family's one-acre three-point land, but also want to change this rotten clan system."

Qingxuan didn't say anything, she didn't want to hit Lin Bianran.

Lu had high hopes for Lu Jinnian, and devoted himself to nurturing him to inherit his mantle and the Lu family. Will Lu Jinnian be able to disobey his father?

"Then... what about the prince? What do you think of him?" Qing Xuan was a little curious.

(End of this chapter)

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