Chapter 504 Where's My Brother?

Qingxuan looked at Lin Siran, both relieved and distressed.

"You are too sensible, and you are not like a child."

"Mother, I am no longer a child. I understand that the most important thing in life is never love. Love is very fragile. I have never experienced any tests with him. I just know that Lu Xiang does not approve of me in his heart, and even feels disgusted." , my self-esteem and pride no longer allow me to have illusions, if I want to persist in this relationship, I may face even more cruel tests in the future, I can't stand it!"

Lin Siran smiled wryly.

"Maybe my feelings for him are not deep enough."

Qingxuan nodded, and said: "It's rare for you to recognize this. Mother doesn't want you to be a person who is desperate for love. Women can also have their own world. You can't give up the whole world for a man."

Lin Siran nodded, smiled softly, and put a lot of sorrow into the bottom of her heart.

Qingxuan couldn't help but patted Lin Siran's head, and said, "My child, fate will always favor you, and it will!"

Lin Siran smiled and said, "Fate has favored me a long time ago!"

Isn't it a gift of fate to meet such a good family member in this life?
When the two of them said this, they heard Sui'er running outside in a hurry, forgot to knock on the door, and were out of breath.

"It's not good, Miss!" Sui'er burst into tears.

Lin Siran asked: "What's wrong?"

"Burn... burn..." Sui'er cried so much that she couldn't speak fluently.

"What burned? Tell me well." Qingxuan said.

Sui'er swallowed a breath before crying and chirping: "The morgue in Dali Temple is burned down, young master... young master..."

Before Sui'er could finish her words, Lin Siran had already run out.

Qingxuan hurriedly said: "Quick...follow up!"

Lin Siran stood at the door of the morgue in Dali Temple, seeing that the place had turned into scorched earth, and the smell of scorching was very pungent. She looked at all this in disbelief.

"Where's my brother? Where's my brother?" She grabbed a random person and asked eagerly.

The man threw her away, didn't know Lin Siran, and impatiently said: "Where did you come from, crazy girl, didn't you see that she was busy, go aside!"

Lin Siran shouted in dismay: "Where's my brother? Where's my brother?"

Su Wucheng probably just got the news, and came in a hurry with injuries on his face, but he calmed down when he saw Lin Siran.

"The county lord is here too? I was just about to send someone to notify you!" Su Wucheng was obviously suspected of gloating.

Lin Biran looked at him and asked, "Why is there a fire here? Is no one watching? This is a morgue. How did it catch fire? Isn't it full of ice?"

"You ask me, who do I ask? I'm not in charge of watching the morgue." Su Wucheng replied impatiently, "It's not just your brother's body that was burned!"

"You brought my brother here, you promised to keep his body well..." Lin Sizan roared.

"It has been turned into coke, but the position of the corpse must not be wrong. Anyway, it is already dead, and it will save trouble if it is burned to ashes!" Su Wucheng didn't care at all.

Lin Siran rushed forward, slapped him hard on the mouth, and then felt that it was not enough to relieve his anger, so he slapped him hard again.

"Su Wucheng, I will never let you go!"

Su Wucheng was stunned.

Qingxuan just arrived at this time, grabbed Lin Siran, protected her behind her, and said before Su Wucheng broke out: "Master Su, Ranran is impulsive, don't be as knowledgeable as her, she and Yan Shichu Brother and sister are deeply in love, and now that something like this happened, it's too exciting for her, you forgive me!"

Qingxuan was afraid that Su Wucheng would also be unfavorable to Lin Siran.

"She... she dared to hit me, she was so arrogant!" Su Wucheng was so angry that he was so angry, "I must read her a book in front of His Majesty!"

"You go, I want to go to your Majesty to read a book for you. As the highest official of Dali Temple, you even had the morgue burned down. There is no evidence at all, stop me from sending him back to his hometown to be buried in peace, and now his body is destroyed, you must be responsible!"

Lin Siran was really angry.

The elder brother had died for no apparent reason, and now he ordered people to burn his body. No matter how he looked at it, someone was deliberately trying to make things difficult for their brother and sister.

"It's not me who burned it. No one would have thought of an accident!" Su Wucheng was also angry, "Why do you do anything to me, no matter what I say, I am your elder!"

"Elder? What kind of elder are you? You only want to abuse your power to plot against me. I suspect that you sent someone to do this fire!" Lin Siran was overwhelmed by anger, wishing to tear Su Wucheng to pieces.

Fortunately, she was merciful last night, and she should have killed him earlier, leaving his corpse in the wilderness.

"Su Wucheng, if you really did this, I will definitely kill you with my own hands!" Lin Siran's eyes were full of killing intent.

Su Wucheng was actually frightened by this harsh killing intent.

It was the first time he had seen a soft and weak woman showing such a ferocious "face".

"You...don't threaten me, if something happens to me, you won't be able to escape!" Su Wucheng just walked away from the gate of hell last night, how can he not be afraid?

Lin Siran sneered, and asked, "Are you afraid? If you didn't do anything wrong, what are you afraid of? Don't you just want to avenge your sister, so you use my brother to deal with me, he is dead, what else? Ashes? How can people be so vicious?"

"I didn't!" Su Wucheng roared, "I don't know what happened, I didn't do it!"

"Who else is not you, tell me, who else would be so despicable?" Lin Siran also yelled at him.

Qingxuan held Lin Siran down and persuaded: "Ranran, calm down, this matter hasn't been investigated yet, don't be impulsive!"

"Mother... brother... my brother is gone, why should he be hurt like this? Even his body was spared, what did he do wrong?"

Lin Siran cried and asked, thinking of her brother's tragic death, and finally couldn't even keep the corpse, she felt that she was really useless, like a waste.

"I'm so useless, how should I explain to my father and mother? How can I be worthy of my brother?"

Qingxuan hugged her distressedly: "It's not your fault, it's not your fault... We will definitely find out, and we must make the person who killed Shichu pay the price!"

Lin Siran didn't know what else to do other than cry, she just wanted to vent all her anger on Su Wucheng.

Seeing Lin Siran like this, Su Wucheng was angry but at the same time couldn't help but feel a little bit of pleasure.

"Many acts of unrighteousness will result in one's own death, evil will be rewarded with evil!" Su Wucheng ridiculed.

"Evil comes with evil?" Lin Siran suddenly wiped his face and wiped away his tears, "Let me tell you what evil comes with evil!"

Lin Siran's eyes suddenly became cold.

Qingxuan was frightened, and wanted to stop her, but she gently pushed her away: "Mother, don't stop me, please!"

Su Wucheng backed away with some fear, and asked, "What are you going to do? This is Dali Temple, if you dare to act recklessly..."

(End of this chapter)

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