The first daughter is not bad, the prince does not love

Chapter 588 Your life and death have nothing to do with me

Chapter 588 Your life and death have nothing to do with me

"Then I'm even more powerless. This matter has nothing to do with me, and I have nothing to do with it." Lin Siran said he was helpless, "Before that, she even encouraged my younger brother to come to the Princess Mansion to make a big fuss, trying to make a big fuss out of him." The crime of killing the eldest lady was put on me, and I was splashed with dirty water, if I meddle in this matter again, wouldn't it be like setting myself on fire?"

The reason why Lin Siran was willing to meet Mrs. Su was naturally to understand her reason for coming, so as to find out who the black hand behind Su Xuan was.

"County Lord... I kowtow to you, so please show kindness and save my daughter!" Madam Su kowtowed her head.

Lin Siran was unmoved.

"Mrs. Su, why are you bothering? You are looking for the wrong person. If Mrs. Su has evidence to prove that someone pretended to be your daughter and did these bad things, you can ask Marquis Su to go to His Majesty to clarify. When the time comes It's not difficult to save your daughter."

Lin Siran didn't believe Mrs. Su's nonsense.

If someone really pretended to be her daughter, why didn't they say it sooner rather than later, when Su Xuan was about to be charged with murder?
It must be because she asked for help from Wuming, and the master behind Su Xuan also abandoned her, so she made up this nonsense in an attempt to evade it.

But this kind of words are just for children, how can Lin Siran believe it?

"I really didn't lie to you, I really didn't... We were already controlled by people before we came to the capital. This woman is so powerful. The Su family is full of her eyeliner. Master Hou and I must obey her." Otherwise, not only Xuan'er, but also Xuan'er's two younger brothers will die, and Master Hou and I will not survive."

"We have no choice but to listen to her arrangements."

Lin Siran's ears were ringing from her crying.

"Okay, Mrs. Su, you have nothing to prove. Even if I believe you, it's useless. Will the government believe this? Will my father believe it? Will Your Majesty believe it?"

Mrs. Su whimpered and said: "But the real culprit who caused you ran away, she will definitely come back to look for you, my daughter is dead, it is of no benefit to the county lord."

Lin Siran said: "If there is such a person, you can prove it to me, otherwise I won't believe it."

"The eyeliner of hers is still in our house, so I have to dress up like this and come out to find you." Madam Su said sadly, "Although everyone thinks that our Su family is a marquis, and the scenery is infinite, who knows? How difficult is it for us as human beings?"

Lin Siran asked Qian Layer to find a way to trap Su Wucheng, but it didn't seem to make Mrs. Su dare to go out in a fair manner.

"If the county magistrate refuses to help, not only Xuan'er will die, but our whole family will also die."

"County Lord, saving someone's life is better than building a seven-level pagoda! It is not a pity for us and my husband to die, but there are still a few children in the mansion, not only my two children, but also the children of the uncle's family."

"Uncle is dead, why don't his children live too?"

"County Lord, I know that you are a righteous person, and you will never die."

Mrs. Su didn't know where her heart came from, thinking that Lin Sizan would save their family.

"Is someone going to kill you?" Lin Siran asked, "If you want me to save you, at least tell me the truth, any lies will not help you."

"Say...what are you talking about? I'm telling the truth." Mrs. Su seemed to be still evading.

Lin Siran said: "You didn't tell the truth, you not only want me to save Su Xuan, you also want to protect other people."

"I..." Mrs. Su's eyes were a little panicked.

"You can choose not to tell and continue to hide it. Anyway, the life and death of your family has nothing to do with me, and I have no good intentions to spread to save everyone."

Lin Siran put on an indifferent face.

Mrs. Su, it seems that she is really desperate.

"County lord... I... I came to beg you because I had nowhere to go. If there is another way and someone else is willing to help you, I dare not come to you."

"I heard that Prime Minister Lu is close to your Su family, why don't you ask Prime Minister Lu for help?" Lin Siran was a little puzzled.

Mrs. Su didn't bother to ask how Lin Sizan knew that Lu Xiang had a close relationship with the Su family, she just said angrily: "Now that Lu Xiang has climbed up to Princess Huayang, he has long ignored our Su family. Well, my husband has worked hard for him without merit, but Lu Xiang turned his back on him and kicked our Su family away."

Lin Siran asked: "Could it be that Master Su offended him?"

"How dare we offend him? He just used it up and demolished the bridge." Mrs. Su was full of dissatisfaction, "Lu Xiang is a hypocrite with a good face!"

"But I heard that it was because of Prime Minister Lu that your Su family was re-appointed as Marquis. It is also thanks to Prime Minister Su that Mr. Su was able to serve in Dali Temple. This is not bad for you, right?" Lin Sian thought that Su Madame's words are biased.

Unexpectedly, Mrs. Su spat out.

"I'm sorry, county magistrate, I didn't mean it to you. It's...but that Lu Xiang is so hateful, I can't get angry!"

"What did he do to make you so angry?" Lin Siran became more and more curious.

It hasn't been long since the last time Su Wucheng was tied up. At that time, it seemed that Su Wucheng was still attached to Lu Xiang. Why did he turn his face so quickly?
"It's the incident at Dali Temple last time... Didn't the morgue in Dali Temple be set on fire? Xiang Lu didn't know where he got the news, saying that my daughter had tampered with behind her back and dragged our Lord Hou away. He was reprimanded, and then he was not allowed to intervene in the affairs of Dali Temple. Although he still holds the title of Minister of Dali Temple, he has no power."

"Oh? But according to Lin Qianyu's confession, it was indeed your daughter Su Xuan who instigated her to set fire to it, and even poured tung oil on the morgue beforehand." Lin Siran felt that this was the fault of the Su family.

"That's not what our family's Xuan'er did, it was the woman who pretended to be Xuan'er who did it, and she didn't know why she did it. It's useless to make the Lin family hate our Su family, we can't argue with it!"

Mrs. Su complained again.

Lin Siran found it incredible that she kept saying that someone was pretending to be Su Xuan.

"Since she has such a great ability, why does she pretend to be your daughter? Is it necessary?" Lin Siran asked puzzled.

"Pretending to be my daughter is of course beneficial. That woman...forget it, let me tell you the truth. She is a member of the Fire Scythe Sect, and her status is not low in the Fire Scythe Sect. She is the confidant of the leader."

Mrs. Su told another piece of news that shocked Lin Siran.

"The Huomian Sect? Your Su family is indeed involved with the Huo Scythe Sect? Didn't you become a Marquis by destroying the Huo Scythe Sect?" Lin Siran was shocked.

"That's true, and that was when we were in Qingzhou, but in fact, the group we exterminated in Qingzhou was just a cover, a sub-point of the Fire Scythe Sect, and the so-called leaders of the Fire Scythe Sect were just illusions created by the real leader. The purpose is to cover himself."

"We only found out later that when our Su family was about to leave for the capital, Xuan'er disappeared. When we came back, things changed a lot. At first I didn't notice any abnormalities. I thought she was just being arrested. Gone, freaked out, got sneaky."

"But after a long time, can I still not know whether it is my own daughter?"

(End of this chapter)

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