The first daughter is not bad, the prince does not love

Chapter 589 It will definitely not be exposed

Chapter 589 It will definitely not be exposed

"After I had a showdown with her, she told the truth and threatened us with my daughter's life and the lives of the whole family, and we were already in the capital at that time. If she is involved at all levels, she will definitely be slashed all over the house, so I kept hiding it and didn't dare to say it, so I could only cooperate with her."

"She took advantage of Xuan'er's status to force us to help the Fire Scythe Sect. Not only did she have to provide money, but she also provided cover. The last time the government got news of the Fire Scythe Sect's activities in the capital, she also learned about it through Lord Hou, and immediately The transfer was carried out. This made the government go blank."

Upon hearing this, Lin Sizan suddenly interrupted Mrs. Su, and asked, "Then... what happened to the so-called stronghold that was destroyed last time?"

"It's all fake. They killed a few people at random, pretending to be fighting among themselves. In fact, their own people have already escaped." Mrs. Su said.

"What about my brother?" Lin Bian stared at Mrs. Su, "He had nothing to do with the Fire Scythe Sect, why did he die there?"

"Then...then I don't know. My husband has always been puzzled by this matter. He said that someone might want to kill your brother and intentionally link his death with the Fire Scythe Sect, so that no one will pursue the cause of death and The murderer." Madam Su speculated.

Lin Siran took a breath.

She felt that there must be the shadow of the fake Su Xuan behind this incident.

Was the Su Xuan she met on the street the real Su Xuan or a fake Su Xuan?
"Does your daughter know my brother?" Lin Sizan asked, "Has she ever had a relationship with my brother?"

"No, she has been controlled by that woman and never appeared at all. If that woman hadn't escaped her shell for Jin Chan, she would definitely not have released my daughter." Mrs. Su said firmly.

"So from the beginning of the capital, there have been fakes by your side?" Lin Siran asked.

"That's true. My daughter was exchanged on the way to the capital." Madam Su said tearfully, "She must have suffered a lot, and now she is wronged for a crime she didn't commit, and she is squatting in a prison. accept torture."

"Xuan'er is so pitiful, she is innocent, she is just a little girl, she doesn't understand anything, why should she suffer so much?"

Mrs. Su felt it was unfair.

Lin Siran asked: "How can I confirm whether your words are true or false?"

"Didn't you go to the Su family's banquet? You've seen the fake Su Xuan. When you see my daughter, you can confirm that although the fake one looks similar, it's still different from my daughter."

"No matter how good that woman's disguise technique is, there is no way to cover up some details, such as her hands. My daughter suffered a lot because of being with us, washing and cooking, and supplementing the family. Her fingers are rough, injured and have calluses. But that A woman's hand has only held a sword, so only the palm has calluses."

When Lin Bianran heard this, she was almost sure that Mrs. Su was telling the truth.

If it was a lie made up temporarily, it would be impossible to have so many details.

"Also, my Xuan'er's voice is different from hers. She didn't talk to us very much at first. Even if she did, she pretended that she was sick, coughing, and had a bad throat to deceive us. Listen to my family Xuan'er's voice, you can tell that she and the fake are not the same person."

Lin Siran asked again: "Then do you know who the real leader of the Fire Scythe Sect is?"

Mrs. Su shook her head, and said: "Of course she can't tell us such a secret, but it should be in the capital, because that woman often goes out in the middle of the night, and it should be to meet her leader."

"There were several times when Lord Hou wanted to send someone to follow her, but she discovered them all and failed."

"The woman can't go back to the Su family now, but she still sent someone to control the Su family. I'm afraid that if this continues, she will kill our family."

Mrs. Su begged: "County Lord, please, please save us..."

Lin Siran narrowed his eyes and suddenly thought of an idea.

"When I'm sure what you said is true, I'll talk about the next thing. You go back first, and don't let people find out that you came to see me." Lin Siran said.

Mrs. Su asked with some anxiety: "You will definitely help us?"

"Whether I can help you or not depends on whether you can cooperate with me well. I want to catch that fake Su Xuan. If you can help, naturally she can't hurt your family anymore." Lin Sizan said.

Only then did Mrs. Su breathe a sigh of relief: "That's good, that's good... We must obey the county lord, no matter how you want us to cooperate, as long as we can save the lives of our family, we will obey."

"It's best like this. You should go back as soon as possible. Don't be found out. Then you will fall short and no one will be able to help you." Lin Siran urged.

Mrs. Su got busy: "Yes, yes... I'm leaving now. Don't worry, the county magistrate, I will definitely not expose myself."

After finishing speaking, Lin Sizan also asked Madam Su to be sent away through the back door.

She immediately asked someone to go to the East Palace and asked Li Xingxu to come over. For such an important matter, she couldn't make up her own mind and had to discuss it with Li Xingxu and Qingxuan.

Lin Siran first went to tell Qing Xuan what happened.

Qingxuan frowned and listened.

"So what are you going to do?" Qingxuan first asked Lin Siran.

"I have already sent someone to notify His Royal Highness, and I want to discuss it with everyone." Lin Sizan said, she can't make up her own mind about everything, lest she make a wrong decision and affect the overall situation.

Qingxuan said: "Well, do you believe Mrs. Su's words?"

"I can't believe it all, but I have already asked the people who are watching the Su residence. It is true that the atmosphere of the Su family is weird. Su Wucheng never even went out of the house."

"Besides, I also heard Master Zhu said before that Su Xuan's attitude towards Su Wucheng is very strange. It doesn't seem like a daughter's respect for her father, but rather like a subordinate."

"In this way, Madam Su's words are more credible."

Qingxuan nodded slightly after listening.

"But she said that the fake Su Xuan had replaced herself with the real Su Xuan and went to jail. She should have hidden herself." Lin Sizan said, "I want to find her out, I think she must know about my brother .”

"You still think Shichu's death has something to do with her?" Qingxuan asked.

"It must be related. I've seen her with my brother. If it's not the real Su Xuan, then she must be her, and it's probably because of her that my brother can get involved with the Fire Scythe Sect."

"I just can't figure it out, why did my brother know Su Xuan?"

"So I have to find her and ask her clearly."

Lin Siran made it clear that he only wanted to find out the truth about Yan Shichu's death.

"If there are any clues, it is natural to investigate. Mrs. Su will come to you for help in person, and it is probably because there is really no other way." Qingxuan analyzed, "This matter needs to be investigated again. Look at the Su family. The real situation now."

Lin Siran nodded, and said: "I think the same way, I can't be reckless, so I have to go to see Su Xuan, no matter if she is real Su Xuan or a fake, I will go to meet her."

"I've already asked. She seems to be unable to bear it. She has admitted that she is the real murderer of Mrs. Lin, and she also explained that the arson case in Dali Temple was also written by her."

"Based on these two things alone, she will surely die."

Lin Siran narrowed his eyes.

"I think that unless she was really tortured, with Su Xuan's cunning, she would definitely not be able to confess so quickly, and I originally wanted to use her to catch the people behind her, but I never waited. Thinking about it now, either her master has abandoned her, or she has already escaped."

(End of this chapter)

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